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Tempest Rise (Treborel)

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by Alaina Stanford

  Tempest Rise

  Treborel: Book One


  Alaina Stanford

  ©2012 Alaina Stanford

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the author.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  The End

  Other Books by Alaina Stanford


  Dedicated to my wonderful, spirited daughter Samantha.

  Life is nothing without dreams.

  I love you Smooshy!

  Chapter One

  The room shook with Prince Katars laughter. Enda’s large her blue eyes filled with delight as the tall mountain Prince winked at her. Turning his attention back to the Queen's Chief Advisor he asked mischievously, "An heir? Is that all that concerns you?" Katar’s shoulder length sun blonde hair shook as he moved across the library to the elderly gentleman. He placed his hand on Lord Wills boney shoulder, Katar continued, "Hanlin, old friend, I can give the crown an heir anytime you please, without the hindrance of marriage." His dark blue eyes sparkled behind the serious expression he displayed.

  Without turning from Lord Wills, Katar inquired of the beautiful blonde behind him. "What do you say Enda? Want to bear a Royal Heir for Treborel?"

  Noting the flash of warning in the Prince's expression, Lord Wills knew the arrogant Prince was completely capable of carrying out his threat. "Highness!” He gasped his nearly 70 years of life showing through the elegant exterior in which he prided himself. Lord Wills scrambled to his feet appalled at such an outlandish statement. He desperately tried to maintain his composure. Knowing it would only make matters worse if he let his anger rule the conversation. As Royal Advisor to her Majesty Queen Sari, it was his duty to make Prince Katar understand the Queen wished that he marry.

  "With all due respect to the Widow Waytals, she is not of royal birth, nor is she of Treborelan blood. She is also unable to maintain a respectable reputation at Court. To consider producing a child out of wedlock is bad enough without compounding the situation with mixed blood." Lord Wills tried to reason with the arrogant Prince.

  "Mixed blood?" Katar said with feigned shock. "Hanlin Wills, never in my life would I have labeled you a snob, until this very moment." Despite his taunting, Katar knew Hanlin was seriously concerned with the future of Treborel. Katar glanced over at Enda Waytals lounging seductively on the velvety comfort of the deep blue couch, he smiled wickedly. The plunging neckline of her deep green gown could not possibly be more revealing. It was true, she was all that Hanlin had described, as much as that mattered.

  Katar continued, "How can you soil the name of Lord Waytals with the mere informalities of his wife's birth? Burton Waytals was a dear friend of my fathers and he gave Enda the title legally." Katar turned and moved back to sit beside Enda.

  Finding his long legs and boisterous attitude too much to resist, Enda curled her long fingers around his arm and cooed softly at him. "I am at your service my Prince of Scoundrels. My womb is yours." Smiling wickedly at the now pale Lord Wills, she turned and innocently gazed into Katars eyes.

  Chuckling softly Katar took her hand and kissed it lightly. It was apparent to Enda why the Queen's Advisor had broached the subject of marriage. Although she hid her disdain, she was certain it held a great threat to her security. Prince Katar's twenty-sixth birthday was less than a year away and the Queen wished to retire when her son reached thirty. The Mountain Princes' days of bachelorhood were nearing an end. If he was forced to choose an appropriate bride, Enda would quickly disappear from his life.

  There were too many reasons why she needed to remain close to the young Prince, many of which he was completely unaware. Yet her need to stay close was not great enough for her to truly consent to a pregnancy. Fully knowing Katar used this threat of a bastard child only to caution his meddlesome advisor, she deeply enjoyed the conversation unconcerned. As carefree and adventurous as he appeared, Katar would never allow his freedom to be bound by the birth of a child. It was highly unlikely that the Queen would be blessed with a grandchild until she ceased her attempts at finding her son a bride. Prince Katar had successfully resisted every attempt at matchmaking that the elderly Lord Wills had made.

  "Perhaps it would be best if we continued this conversation in private." Hanlin announced coolly glaring at the smiling widow.

  With a flash of anger Enda excused herself and headed toward the tall double doors that led to the wide corridor outside. Katar watched, amused as her full figure swayed across the room. Her long golden hair curled perfectly around her slender shoulders bouncing as she walked. She was definitely the most exciting woman in Treborel, possibly the most beautiful as well. Leaving the door slightly ajar, Enda moved in front of the large mirror hanging beside the entrance to the library. Leaning close, she pretended to primp as a Queen's Guard moved past her. Leaning closer as he disappeared around the distant corner of the hall, she peered into the room, listening.

  "All right, the golden she-devil has gone Hanlin. Speak your mind." Katar’s smile turned to a slight frown as he turned back to face Lord Wills.

  "Lady Waytals has too much influence on you, Your Highness. She is a fortune seeker, who lusts after the Royal Treasury. You realize that her husband’s estate is close to being sold at auction? She has squandered her entire inheritance trying to keep herself clad in those disgracefully revealing gowns. She's your only mistress and she hints to anyone the least bit interested that she's your fiancée." Sighing Hanlin collapsed onto the sofa next to Katar, relieved to have the matter out in the open.

  Quietly Katar considered all that Hanlin said then he answered in a quiet tone. "Enda knows exactly where she stands with me. She's merely playing games with the women who irritate her, when she speaks of an engagement. At this point in time I have no intentions of marrying her or anyone else. She is fully aware of that." Placing his arm on the back of the sofa Katar looked soberly at Hanlin's concerned face. "As for her financial concerns, I had no idea she was in such difficulties. She should have come to me; I won’t let her lose her home. I'm not as selfish and bull headed as you might think. I wouldn't let anyone fall into poverty, if I could help it. I suppose she would be better off chasing someone who could offer her a future. Commander Taylor has always had a fondness for her. Perhaps I should steer her toward him. He's well off and stubborn enough to keep her from ruling over him. "

  Rising suddenly Katar crossed to the elaborate mahogany bar near the large high windows overlooking the Queen's gardens. "Cap's been pretty busy lately, since his promotion to Commander in the Air Forces. If he were to marry . . . that could put an end to our hunting expeditions. Another poor soul sacrificed to the jaws of matrimony." This last statement was said with more anger than regret. Moving around the long cabinet to the arrangement of wines and brandies displayed, Katar filled two glasses with golden ale. "What is it about marriage Hanlin that causes a man to give up the things he enjoys most in life?"

  ''I've never been married myself, Your Highness. However, I suspect that one’s priorities change and therefore a man will only relinquish what he feels necessary. “Hanlin answered confused by Katar
's statement.

  "Our hunting expeditions were our only escape from the hazards of repetitive duty. They were exciting adventures that lasted for weeks at a time. Now Eades describes them as dangerous. Thomas Rung, who has a new son, complains that they're too long. Neither of them has been on a hunt in over 2 years. Then you have Bosen May, married for ten years, shows up every time. If I even mention a hunt, he comes running, taking more risks than anyone else does. “Leaning across the bar Katar smiled knowingly, "He was never that way before all those years of marriage.”

  "Katar . . . “Hanlin began but was cut off by Katar’s loud laughter.

  "Cap says Bosen's got a death wish. I say send his controlling little wife along with us next time and his worries are over."

  Realizing that Katar was venting his anger, Hanlin dismissed the horrendous statement. Katar was truly very fond of the blacksmith's wife, Tya May. He was simply trying to take the conversation away from the subject of matrimony. "Very well, Your Highness. I can see you are not in a receptive mood. I would ask only one favor of you before I leave you to your thoughts. Assuming you were serious about ending your relationship with Lady Waytals. I have been in communication with Lord Sean Nolan of Lon Tesse. His niece Lady Lysette Nolan is the granddaughter of Lady Alyssa Moore of Treborel. “Hanlin’s eyes grew distant, as a light smile appeared on his face. “ I knew Lady Moore; she was a graceful beautiful woman."

  Intrigued Katar wondered if Lady Moore was a past love of the steel faced gentleman. It hadn't occurred to him before, but Hanlin surely must have had romantic intentions at one time. Yet, he hardly ever left the palace and had never kept the company of a lady for more than a short time. Regaining his composure, Hanlin began again. "Lady Nolan is therefore a Treborelan by birth, even though she has lived her entire life in Lon Tesse. Her uncle, as you well know, is the Regent Dana's Foreign Advisor. Lady Nolan is a Pediatric Surgeon. She will be taking a short vacation with her Uncle and the Lon Tesse Royal family before beginning her practice in the capital city of Lavose. They will both be at the Regent's mountain retreat during the Continental Alliance Summit, which you are to attend."

  "Treborel has no need for Physicians, Hanlin. She would feel out of place and inferior to our Empathic Healers." Katar stated, bored at the idea of another introduction to an appropriate prospective bride.

  The cultured young women of the court to which Katar had been introduced had been vain and ambitious. Each were determined to bed him in an attempt to achieve the title of Queen of Treborel. Their constant primping and idle conversation bored him. Although Enda was also extremely vain she expressed no wish to become Queen. Neither did she try to engage him in the latest court gossip. Instead, she was a sensual ornament he could display, that had the capacity to bring laughter to his eyes at the most inappropriate moments.

  Hanlin’s voice broke into his thoughts, "All I ask is that you meet with her and consider her seriously as a prospective bride. If there is a problem with her career I'm sure we could work something out, however impractical and unnecessary the position may seem. As you recall your father gave up the crown of Latria for your mother. The Queen has dedicated her life to fulfilling your father’s dreams of establishing permanent ties with the rest of the planet. She would be in favor of such an endeavor as creating a bond with Treborel, through marriage.” Katar crossed to Hanlin and handed him the small glass of ale. Taking a sip, Hanlin added one last thought, "If Lady Nolan is half as beautiful and intelligent as her grandmother, and I think you will be quite pleased."

  A dozen reasons came to mind why the undertaking would not succeed. Every nation on the planet considered the Empaths to be an archaic fantasy. Katar fully expected the young Surgeon to insult the ancient art of healing by touch, condemning it before even attempting to understand the practice. Holding back his thoughts, Katar knew there was no sense in agitating Hanlin further. Katar’s father had taken Hanlin on as his advisor when Katar was a young boy. The elderly statesman became Katar's confident and friend upon his father's death slightly over 10 years ago.

  "Alright, Hanlin. If I find no fault in her and if she finds me acceptable, I promise I will consider a betrothal." Katar agreed reluctantly.

  Furious, Enda glared through the small opening in the door. She clenched her fists and wished Hanlin a horrible death. The solution to her financial situation was far overshadowed by the way Katar had cast her aside so easily. For three years she had primped and thrown herself at this arrogant Prince's feet, hanging on his every word. She would not let him slip through her fingers, not now. As Hanlin rose from his seat, Enda turned and hurried down the long hall.

  For the first time since Hanlin arrived in the study, Katar saw him smile. With considerable pride, the Advisor took his leave. Katars stern gaze followed him, his thoughts full. Katar would keep his word but he planned to make very sure Lady Lysette Nolan would not find him acceptable. Hanlin went out the study door and headed down the carpeted hall, catching a glimpse of Enda's dark green dress as she rounded the far corner. Considering that she might be the only element that could spoil his plans for the prince, he hurried to catch her.

  "Hanlin!” Katar's booming voice came from behind him, delaying his lecture to the promiscuous widow. "I completely forgot to tell you that Commander Connor is arriving this evening from Bantor. I invited King William on a sraeb hunt. He declined; it seems the mere idea of leaving the palace sends him into severe paranoia. He's sending Commander Connor in his stead, to build relations between our two governments. If we can strike up an agreement, perhaps our transportation link through Bantor can become a trade route as well."

  "Perhaps you could convince him to approach King William about changing over to our Solar Gem system.” Hanlin suggested, Enda forgotten as he turned and followed Katar back to the study.

  "You read my mind, their plasma energy experiments aren't going well. It could become a clean efficient system. But I'm afraid the technology that's necessary to contain such a potentially lethal power source may never come to life. If they don't shut down soon, we could see another catastrophic event." Katar said.

  "The plasma wave is merely a mass of free floating electrons. Surely someday they will find a field strong enough to contain it." Hanlin defended the new technology, knowing it would do little injury to the Solar Gem System. Since the gems were engineered for the conservation of energy, it might be possible to combine the two systems. If they could find a way to safely contain it.”

  "That's the problem. William has too much confidence in his advisors. They are not scientists. If they do find an energy field that will hold it, providing it can be built on a small enough scale to be feasible, just one mistake on anyone's part could vaporize an entire region. Exactly the way it happened before. It’s the recreation of the nucleus of a star, about 20 million degrees. Even on a microscopic scale, it could balloon out of control, just like last time. There has been no explanation why the fire storm stopped at the edge of the Ragal River. It should have destroyed the entire planet. I don’t think we should risk that again."

  "That was over a hundred years ago, Katar.” Hanlin explained, "The deep chasm beneath the River Ragal has been credited with the extinguishing of the wall of fire."

  "That is mere speculation. The northern continent is still a barren desert, in all that time not a single form of life has yet to grab hold. I informed King William personally of Queen Sari's and my disapproval. After all the destruction that the last attempt created, the plasma wave should be left alone.”

  "Modern technology has improved tenfold since then." Hanlin said.

  "Hanlin, we don’t need the technology. Three million people died because of that modern technology. The solar gem system is safe, clean and has no environmental effects. I am not interested in another form of energy until our scientists figure out exactly why the fire storm stopped at the River Ry and how it can be safely contained. Treborel faces the desert to our north across the river. It’s understandable that the sea h
alted its progress, but the River Ry is not wide enough. No matter how deep the chasm, it couldn't have provided enough water necessary to extinguish such a large wave of fire. It should have jumped right over the river and destroyed the entire eastern continent. The Empaths believe our mystical heritage saved Treborel that day, for once I'm likely to agree. It's a grave reminder of what greed and carelessness can aspire to."

  "This conversation is best left to the Continental Alliance." Hanlin answered taking a seat on the sofa.

  "I look forward to it. I'm told Commander Connor is a very effective debater." Katar smiled refilling Hanlin’s glass with ale.

  "The Summit is only three weeks away. Are you sure you can effectively show the Commander a proper hunting excursion in only two weeks?" Hanlin cautioned not wanting the Prince to disappear into the mountains at such a crucial time.

  "You take the Queen's helijet transport when the time arrives. I will take the hunting party through the Western Chasm. I will meet you at the Regent's Retreat a few days before the Summit."

  "Regent Dana will be expecting a Prince, not a barbarian wearing the skins of dead animals." Hanlin reproached, reminding Katar of Lon Tesse’s protests against the annual slaughter of the giant sraebs of Treborel.

  "I promise, no presents oozing with blood." Katars smile broadened as he went back to the bar to return the decanter of ale. Glancing out the long windows that covered the wall, he studied the new blossoms that had begun to appear, blanketing the giant trees in vibrant pink and violet hues. The warmth of the sun pushed its way through the dense layer of clouds and touched his face as the fountains began to flow.

  "My mother must be bullying the gardener again. He's turned on the fountains." A fleeting image of his father appeared before him as his eyes focused on a large white blossom. The gardens were overflowing with the orchids and wild flowers Prince Mikel had brought his wife from Latria upon his return from across the Tempest Sea and the Eastern Peace Summits. It always seemed to pacify Katars mother during those absences. Spending her time contemplating what the new addition to her growing garden would be and where it would be placed. "If it freezes tonight, she'll get an earful in the morning, I’ll wager." Katar smiled at the thought of his mother having to face the angry gardener amidst the cracked and frozen fountains.


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