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Tempest Rise (Treborel)

Page 4

by Alaina Stanford

  "It's good to know someone will have the chance to eat all that sraeb meat we put in the freezers." Cap smiled at Kendra's young face. "After three kills, the cold storage is full. Who knows when the next party will come along?" Seating himself across from Eades and Kendra, Cap helped himself to the large bowl of stew. Turning his attention to Kendra, he decided to find out how someone so young was able to convince the Empathic Elders to let her travel so deep into the mountains alone. "Kendra, it’s my understanding that healers usually reach their mid-twenties before completing their studies at the Institute."

  "If you include the apprentice program, yes." Kendra answered glancing up from her meal.

  "Oh, I see you’re an apprentice then." Cap answered slightly confused.

  "No, I completed my studies at the age of 13; my apprenticeship lasted only 18 months instead of 3 years. I've been healing for over 5 years."

  "You look much younger than 19 years old." Cap added not completely sure she was telling the truth.

  "Twenty, just this last week.” She announced proudly, meeting his eyes as the annoyance returned.

  "You must be a very intelligent girl to have gone through the instruction so quickly and at such a young age." Katar interrupted, unsure why Cap was interrogating the young girl.

  "My parents encouraged my inclination for healing, which appeared in my early school years." Kendra answered glaring at Cap, feeling as if the tall Commander was challenging her competency.

  "They should be commended for their wisdom.” Katar added frowning at the pair, catching Kendra’s attention as she turned to face him.

  "How did Tya know we were going to need you?" Cap continued, not ready to surrender his questioning.

  “Tya had a vision, in her sleep, that Bosen was killed by a sraeb. She is my cousin, came to me at the Institute to ask for my help. Having just traveled through this area myself and being family, I agreed to come." Kendra tore her eyes from Katar and turned back to the annoying Commander.

  "The sraebs are out early this year. Traveling as you were, you're lucky to have made it.” Cap scolded her, surprised by the feeling of protectiveness that suddenly rushed through him. His thoughts formed the beginning of a serious lecture on the dangers of mountain travel, which someone should have, long ago, taught to this innocent young lady.

  Kendra sensed the lecture and said, "Traveling alone in these mountains is not a new experience for me. The Northern colony is deep within the Alps. We have no barriers like the city walls of Borel to separate us from the forest creatures. I have learned to take care of myself."

  Once again Cap found Kendra's big brown eyes glaring at him. Smiling at her, he produced her dirk from his pocket and deposited it on the table before her saying, "So you've learned a lot about living in the mountains. Didn't anyone tell you a bow is the appropriate weapon for self-defense in Treborel?"

  "I wasn't going to use that on a Sraeb." Came Kendra’s threatening tone in response. In spite of his demeaning attitude she found that she was beginning to like this outspoken Commander.

  Katar and Eades exchanged questioning looks, each lost in the conversation, wondering what had happened when the two met on the trail.

  "Well you're not returning on your own," Cap ordered, smiling at her insinuation. "Eades is Captain of the Queen's Guard. He's sent for a small team of soldiers. They will escort you and Bosen back to The Institute. He should be ready to travel in a few days."

  "Perhaps," Kendra answered, not objecting to help escorting the injured man. "The rest of you are not returning?"

  "No, we're heading through the Chasm into Lon Tesse." Eades gruff voice answered as he rose from the table. Grabbing the empty bowls before him, he headed back to the galley.

  Cap rose and turned his attention to Katar. "Now that our travel plans have been established. I'd like a word with our future Sovereign. We have a new foreign policy to discuss.” Eades grunted from the kitchen at the remark. Rounding the table, Cap gestured toward the loft, over Bosen's sleeping form. "Your Grace?"

  Ignoring him, Katar smiled at Kendra and excused himself. Walking past Cap, he headed for the loft steps. "Why is it every time you say that phrase, it sounds like an insult?" Katar said over his shoulder.

  "I always say it with the utmost reverence, Your Greatness." Cap answered moving quickly ahead of him and bowing awkwardly at the base of the wooden steps.

  "You know, I wouldn't take that from anyone else." Katar growled, trying to hide his amusement.

  "I never knew you felt that way." Cap smiled and winked at Kendra before he turned to follow Katar up the steps.

  A grin of defeat covered Katar's face as he shook his head at the top of the stairs. Taking a seat on one of the two single beds, Katar started the conversation before Cap had the chance to begin the rush of never-ending questions saying, “You want to know what happened in the ravine."

  "I just can't figure out how Bosen managed to survive, if a Sraeb had such a good grip on him. It did a lot of damage; there were teeth marks on the front and the back of his shoulder. The creature had him in its jaws. How did he get away?" Cap said as he sat on the end of the second bed across from Katar and pulled off his boots. "Did it happen like Connor said? It came out of nowhere?"

  "I'm not sure I was up on the ridge checking our position. I left them at the bottom, looking for tracks. When I returned, they were deeper into the trees. I followed their trail, but before I could reach them I heard Bosen scream. When I got there, Bosen was free and swinging a tree limb with all his might. The sraeb was a good 8 or 9 feet in length, with a bolt buried deep in its chest. Bosen must have been real close when he fired, but the shot was too low. I figured Connor was dead. There was no sign of him. So, I started shooting." Katar's expression turned to a scowl as he continued. "When it was over and I was working on Bosen, Connor appeared out of nowhere. That bastard had the nerve to compliment me on the kill. He just stood by and watched the whole thing, claiming that Bosen wanted to handle it himself."

  "Do you think Connor would have stepped in if you hadn't shown up?" Cap asked, already knowing the answer.

  "Connor didn't give a damn whether Bosen lived or died and he didn't try to hide it."

  "Do you think he was too scared after what happened last fall? “ Cap asked trying to make sense of it.

  "I don't know, maybe. It doesn't matter now." Katar answered deep in thought.

  Cap nodded and added, "We'll find out in a day or so, when Bosen's able to talk." He yawned, lay back onto the pillow and folded his arms behind his head.

  "If he lives, " Katar countered softly. “ On the way back here, holding him in my arms, all I could think about was Tya and the boys. She's badgered me from the day we met to bring a healer along on these hunts. If Bosen dies, I will be my fault entirely and she’ll know it."

  "His Royal Highness, Prince Katar, Heir to the throne of Treborel, is frightened by a chubby little Empath?" Cap teased as his eyes closed. Receiving no response, he raised his head, and glanced over at his somber friend. Seeing the pain in his eyes, Cap sat up, his hopeful mood subdued. "Bosen’s going to be alright, Katar. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known that Connor wasn't going to back up Bosen. And if it’s any consolation, I would have given him much worse than you did. Connor should have stepped in and helped him. He deserved a lot more than what you gave him." Staring off into the distance, Katar remained silent.

  Making one last effort, Cap decided to take a different approach. “Alright, if Tya comes looking for you, I promise I'll protect you. I'll slay the monstrous beast before she reaches you."

  Looking over at Cap with an amused yet annoyed expression, Katar answered. "You know Cap, I hate to admit it but I'm going to have to start taking your warnings more seriously.”

  "Meaning you’ll hang on my every word. “ Cap smiled.

  "Not exactly.” Katar answered, grinning at his friend. Rising from the bed, Katar picked up the folded blanket that lay across its foot and headed back down t
he stairs. Cap stared after him, concern filling his face. Intending to sleep on the long sofa not far from Bosen, Katar was surprised to find Kendra there, sound asleep. He wanted to be near his injured friend and to be the first to greet Commander Connor should he choose to return. Katar covered Kendra with his blanket and settled down in the high back chair before the fireplace. A short while later Cap woke to the sound of Kendra's voice coaxing Bosen to eat.

  He rose and went to her aid as Kendra implored Bosen, "Bosen, you have to eat. You have a fever from the infection I want to heal you, but you’re too weak, please take a bite.” Still Bosen refused, turning weakly away from her. Noticing Prince Katar as he reached her side, Kendra turned and offered him the bowl of herbal broth that Cap had prepared. "Perhaps you could convince him. He's still not out of danger. "

  Taking her seat on the edge of the bed, Katar spoke gently, “You have to eat, Bosen. I can't guarantee it won't taste like dung, because Cap made it. But you've got to try." The pale blacksmith shook his head weakly and turned away once more. "Think of Tya and the boys Bosen. What will they do without you?" Katar tried to convince him of how close to death he was. Still Bosen would not eat. Katar continued more forcefully. "Do you want to die? Because that's what you’re doing, killing yourself. If you don't regain your strength, Kendra can't cure the infection and you will die.”

  "I can't, my stomach is too weak. It won’t stay down." Bosen weakly refused.

  "You've got no choice.” Cap's voice came from behind Katar, he added, “Kendra, get a mug from the kitchen.” Katar rose, letting Cap have a try at the Bosen. Seating himself, Cap bent low over Bosen, stopping mere inches from his face. "You’re stomachs upset because you are dehydrated. It will feel better once you get some fluid in you. I am the one who has to tell Tya if you die. I'm not going to tell her that you died because you wouldn't eat." Cap explained firmly.

  When Kendra returned with a large mug, Cap poured a small portion of the warm broth from the bowl into it and held it to Bosen's lips. "I’m not kidding Bosen. Drink this, now, or I'll force it down your throat. "

  "It won't stay," Bosen protested weakly.

  "Try." Cap answered softly, still holding the liquid to his lips.

  Bosen obeyed then turned to wretch over the side of the bed. "Once more," Cap encouraged, holding the cup to Bosen's quivering lips. Again he took in the broth and spewed its contents.

  Kendra stepped forward and lightly pressed her hand against Bosen’s stomach. "Try again.” She urged softly, nodding to Cap.

  This time the herbal broth stayed in his stomach. Encouraged, Cap coaxed him to take more. As Kendra cleaned the mess beside the bed, Bosen emptied the mug and fell quickly back asleep, exhausted. Returning to the galley, Kendra collected her small bag of herbs and examined it. Finding it lacking enough of the medicine to make another batch, she headed toward the door. "I shouldn't be gone long. If his fever worsens, holler for me, I won't be far." Kendra announced as she moved through the door. "I need more herbs to make another broth before he awakens.”

  Rising from Bosen's bedside Cap turned to Katar, concerned. "Do you think we should let her go out in the middle of the night alone?"

  "She travelled for nearly three days and nights alone just to reach us." Katar answered, wondering if Cap had become smitten by the young Empath without even realizing it.

  "Do you think I should go with her?" Cap's gaze went to the lodge's threshold.

  "Do you want to?" Katar said, grinning at his friend knowingly.

  Turning back puzzled, Cap stared at him. Then, as a smile broke out on his unshaven face, he turned to follow, grabbing his bow as he headed through the door. He glanced around in the darkness and caught a glimpse of Kendra as she disappeared around the side of the lodge. He quickly followed.

  A warm breeze touched the tree tops, sending the night's shadows dancing along the log wall of the lodge. Finding Kendra kneeling beside the front of the small bathhouse, Cap stopped beside her and said, “If you describe what plants you're looking for, maybe I can help.” He smiled down at her, watching the shadows caress her long, dark brown hair.

  Kendra glanced up, her expression softening. His ease with Bosen had impressed her, in spite of his overbearing attitude. He truly cared about the people around him. Pointing to the edge of the building she explained, "See that fern-like plant near the corner? I need its roots. "

  As Cap moved to dig up the plant, Kendra finished cutting the tips of the herb she had been working with. "I've got to find one other herb. It usually grows beneath the large evergreens." Kendra moved past him, glancing around the corner of the bathhouse. Having used his large hunting knife to dig up the plant, Cap rose and presented her with a handful of roots. Untying the small pouch from her belt, she gently placed them inside with the other cuttings.

  "There's a clearing near here surrounded by giant evergreens." Cap nodded toward the opposite side of the bath house, away from the lodge. “We should get some light.” He added.

  Heading back to the lodge, Cap collected a lantern while Kendra asked Katar to prepare a meat broth with the herbs she had already collected. As Katar headed into the kitchen the pair moved back out into the darkness of the woods, toward the clearing. As they moved deeper into the trees, Cap handed Kendra the light and allowed her to precede him. Cap smiled in admiration as he watched Kendra’s slender silhouette glide through the darkness. Cap stiffened, as she turned back to him with a look of alarm. Moving quickly to her side, he glanced around seeing nothing.

  "A Sraeb.” She whispered, as a shadow flittered across her eyes. She pointed off to the right. A few meters distant he could see the large, sleeping creature, nestled in the tall grass of the small clearing they had been looking for.

  "Did you bring your knife?" Cap asked quickly, reaching for the crossbow on his back.

  "What?" Kendra stared at him in disbelief.

  He smiled mischievously and said, "I thought you might like to show me how well you can defend yourself."

  "Alright, Woodsman. If you're so skilled with these creatures, then how about fetching me the herbs it's sleeping so comfortably on." She answered, insulted by his smart reply.

  Following her gaze, Cap squinted in the windy blackness. Spying the patch of herbs, he berated himself for his foolish teasing and headed for the clearing.

  "No, wait!" Kendra whispered urgently. She had not really expected him to obey her command. Kendra fought back the vision of what would happen if the sraeb awoke. Not allowing the growing fear to rise any further, she bit her lip and watched.

  Glancing back, Cap motioned for her to stay still. Moving around the edge of the clearing to where the sraeb slept under a large evergreen, he pulled his laser pistol from his belt and stepped forward. Gazing across the clearing to Kendra's shadowed form, he flashed a wicked smile. Cursing him under her breath, she prayed that the fool didn't get himself killed. Kneeling down on one knee, his pistol ready, Cap snatched a handful of the leafy herb and stuffed it inside the front of his shirt. Not sure of how much Kendra needed, he repeated the process several times. As he started to rise he noticed a small thin object protruding from the back of the beast's shoulder, a crossbow bolt.

  Realizing that an injured sraeb was ten times more likely to attack a slow moving human over the quick Elk it normally ate, he leveled the pistol at the creature's skull. At this distance, the beast would die instantly. As his finger squeezed on the trigger, Cap noticed a slight movement. Jumping back quickly, expecting the massive animal to rise, Cap waited. When the animal remained still, he realized the movement had come from three small forms nestled against the sraeb. Cubs!

  If he killed their mother, they would starve or fall prey to another sraeb. Hesitating, Cap knew there was no possibility of raising the cubs in captivity. Sraebs grew crazed in the first few hours; even in specialized surroundings they would throw themselves against the walls of the confinement over and over again choosing death over imprisonment. The answer was clear. He woul
d have to kill them all. He cursed the idiot that had attacked the female and with a crossbow no less. Only a fool would shoot a large female at this time of the year before checking for offspring.

  Glancing over the sraeb to where Kendra nervously waited, he hated to do this in front of her. She would most probably hate him for it. Then it occurred to him, perhaps she could help. Motioning for her to come forward he waited silently as she approached. One glance at the wounded sraeb and Kendra motioned for him to move back. Unsure whether he had made the right decision; Cap slowly did as she asked his weapon ready. Bending over the large creature, Kendra gently dug her fingers into the thick, dark, gray fur at the base of its neck.

  Then she slowly placed her other hand lightly on the top of the beast's head. The animal reared instantly, roaring with alarm. Cap shouted for Kendra to run as he desperately tried to locate her in the darkness. The cubs screamed in fear and disappeared into the turbulent forest. Holding on with all her might, Kendra called upon her 'strength' to calm the animal. In one swift movement, the creature fell silently at Cap's feet. Climbing off the beast, Kendra sighed with relief.

  Cap appeared next to her, and asked urgently, “Are you alright?"

  "Yes, I'm fine." Kendra answered, casually turning to examine the beast.

  "Did you know that was going to happen?" Cap demanded, grabbing her arm and spinning her around to face him.

  “I wasn't sure . . ." Kendra started to explain.

  "Why didn't you warn me? I nearly blew the sraeb out from under you." Cap snapped at her. The incident had frightened him more than he cared to admit.

  "It's alright." She smiled up at him and reached for her boot. “I brought my knife." She waved the weapon in his face as her laughter filled the silent clearing. Turning back to the sraeb she pulled the bolt from its shoulder and handed it to Cap ignoring his angry scowl. "The wound is pretty deep, she must have tried to get it out herself and drove it in until it struck bone.” Kendra explained, still smiling as she placed a healing touch on the wound. "She'll sleep until morning. The cubs should be back by then." Turning back to Cap, her amusement disappeared as she noticed how pale he had become. "Are you alright?"


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