Tempest Rise (Treborel)

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Tempest Rise (Treborel) Page 10

by Alaina Stanford

  Turning, they joined Ambassador's Airee and Long at the breakfast buffet. Helping themselves to the array of fruits, sweet breads and meats offered. Lord Nolan entered, following suit then seating himself next to Hannah Airee. Sean asked, "Has Ambassador Kreal been down yet?"

  As he spoke the Bantorian entered and head for the buffet. After filling a plate, he chose a seat near the far end of the long table. Without a word to the others he began eating, ignoring them completely. Lysette appeared in her traveling clothes. A loose fitting cream colored blouse and form fitting dark brown pants. Her long damp hair was tied back with a dark ribbon at the nape of her neck. Smiling in greeting she filled her plate with fruit and chose an empty seat next to Roth, across from Katar.

  "Lysette, my dear.” The Regent began, from the head of the long table, "You look as exhausted as the rest of us. Didn't you sleep well?"

  "I was up until nearly dawn myself, soliciting funds for the Emergency Relief." Lysette answered, smiling softly at the Regent's concern. "They are dangerously close to running out of food and medical supplies. They hadn't anticipated such a large disaster as this. Nearly twenty thousand refugees have crossed the border in the last twenty-four hours, they expect approximately a hundred thousand within the next few days."

  "I hope you were successful.” The Regent answered; impressed that Lysette had been so resourceful.

  "They have enough funds to keep the camps going for the next ten months, if necessary. We are trying to stay ahead of the demand."

  "I'd like to add some funding from the Ragal Relief Aid Society, Lysette." Hannah Airee added. "They have contacted me for more information. May I have the administrator contact you at your office later today?"

  "0f course Hannah that would be wonderful." Lysette said giving Hannah an affectionate smile.

  "I didn't realize you were involved in the Administrative sector of the Medical Corp., Lysette." Katar said, drawing her attention.

  "I wasn't until last night." Her heart leapt as she looked into his deep blue eyes.

  "Does this means you aren't going to travel with the Corp. to Southern Lon Tesse?" He asked, pleased at her appearance.

  "There is an overabundance of volunteers, at this point. I was of more use to them here, due to my political connections. Business owners tend to be more generous when they are solicited by someone who has high ranking political connections. When your Uncle has the Regents ear, people tend to go out of their way to impress you. “She glanced at her Uncle Sean, knowingly. “I've never taken advantage of that before now, this was an emergency.” Turning back to Katar, she added, "I was also informed that Treborel is sending several teams of Healers to the field hospitals.”

  Katar said, "I think it's time we joined forces as a continent." Katar then turned his attention on Roth. "The Empaths will help dispel some of the rumors surrounding Treborel. We aren't a backward nation without medical facilities."

  Lysette added, "I for one will be very interested to hear of their work." She was intrigued at the idea of actually witnessing a healer at work. I would be interesting to see if they could stand up to their reputation.

  Ambassador Kreal rose abruptly and left the room. The Regent glanced at Roth and he rose to follow. As they finished breakfast, a Lon Tesse Officer appeared and announced the arrival of the Regent's private Helijet. Within minutes the Alliance Members were on board and headed for Lon Tesse's capital city of Lavose, deep with inside the border of its country. The flight in from the retreat overflowed with Roth's apologies and regretful whispers. His desperate promises to rid himself of Lady Forrester were ignored by Lysette. He had somehow managed to sequester her near the rear of the large transport. She calmly, but firmly insisted that she no longer wished to see him.

  Katar was taking in the conversation with humor and delight. He was seated several feet across from the couple. Without a hint of the conversation, he had no doubt that Roth had overstepped his bounds once too often and Lysette was done with him. Ambassador Airee approached Katar with a request from Ragal's Prime Minister for additional security at the mouth of the River Ragal. Ragals main waterway led out from Ragal along Treborels Northern border to the Tempest Sea. After assuring her the precaution had already been taken, they relaxed and enjoyed the beauty of Lavose as it came into view through the large window beside them.

  Chapter Five

  The capital of Lon Tesse was situated at the base of a large fresh water lake, The Lake of Dreams. The rivers it fed spread across the main continent, emptying into the Nayrian canal system and the Southern Lon Tesse Swamps. Just North of Lon Tesse laid the small country of Ragal. A rich land filled with Agricultural research centers and large farms. The grains that Ragal provided in abundance kept the Treborelan Cattle fed through the harsh winters. Ragal had no naval forces, save their small Harbor Guard that kept busy chasing the small bands of River Pirates. Which constantly pursued the Ragalian and Treborelan barges carrying solar gems to the Ragalian processing centers? A century and a half of peace had left them with a false sense of security and a dwindling army. They devoted the majority of their national securities to the research of the Dead Zone, hoping to escalate the recovery of the soil and turn the barren land into productive soil once more.

  Ragal also maintained the only cooperative international industry on the continent. Lon Tesse shipped the helijet bodies upstream from the Lake of Dreams to Ragal. That is where they installed the Solar Gem System due to Treborels laws of Ecological Conservation prohibiting the destruction of the mountain forest and necessary to build such a plant. Ragal's northern shoreline was rocky and difficult to farm. It was perfect for an industrial operation. Lon Tesse had long since been a heavy producer of solid fuel powered helijets, the bodies they provided where impeccable. Yet the solid fuel was difficult to process and highly expensive.

  Needing the lightweight synthetic metal Lon Tesse produced, Queen Sari had been eager to come to an agreement. The Regent had encouraged a cease of production of the outdated aircraft. Anxious to enter the Solar Market Lon Tesse business owners quickly converted to making frames for the Treborelan craft; allowing all three countries to benefit from the new technology.

  As the party disembarked, Roth stormed off brooding over his loss of Lysette. Sean Nolan's secretary Val arrived with a message requesting Lysette headed directly to the Medical Center. They had received several dozen burn victims from Ragal. A laser cannon attack on protesting civilians had left over two hundred people dead and nearly half were severely burned. Taking her leave quickly, Lysette rushed for the Center and was sent directly into the pediatric burn unit. The next thirty-six hours passed swiftly as the medical staff fought to save the Nayrian children that had been injured. The filthy conditions the Bantorian army had supplied for the injured had caused several of the younger children to become infected. After hearing of the death of nearly half of the adults that had been sent to them, Lysette spent every available moment with the Nayrian children. Two very small little girls were feared to be the next loss. At the ages of two and three years their small bodies had sustained burns over seventy percent of their skin. Nearly 10 percent were deep enough to affect the muscle and bone. The children heavily sedated and cleansed, antibacterial suave applied and large doses of antibiotics administered intravenously then the waiting began.

  Having had only a few hours of sleep in the last three days and knowing there was nothing more she could do for the two little girls she headed home for some rest. Still in her surgical garb Lysette boarded the tram and headed toward her Uncle's ranch. The closest tram station was about a 10 blocks away from the entrance of the estate. As she walked the distance, her vision became clouded with that of the two small children she had left behind. So helpless and in such pain, Lysette could only order them kept under heavy sedation.

  Exhausted, yet too full of tension to relax, she decided to head toward the stables and check on Doc, her stallion. Lysette hoped to cleanse her mind of the weight of her profession. Reaching
the stables as the sun set behind the clouds and rolling hills of the twenty-four hundred acre ranch, she heard Doc nicker at the scent of his master. The aroma of horse and hay met her in the doorway of the large wooden stables. The Stable Master had always managed to keep it as clean smelling and as rodent free as humanly possible.

  Opening the stall, she allowed Doc access to the main area. The speckled gray nudged her in greeting as she hugged his neck. "It's been almost two weeks, did you miss me?" She whispered, softly, sighing as a portion of the tension disappeared. Impulsively she saddled the stallion, mounted and headed toward her favorite trail in the forest behind the stables as the sky began to darken. Urging Doc into a full gallop they cleared the trees and entered the clearing at the center of the woods. Eyeing the jump in the growing darkness, Lysette could just make out its silhouette as the moon teased her, dancing briefly from behind the dense layer of clouds floating over head, "It is a full moon, Doc. If it appears again, we'll try it,” She moved him into position, feeling the adrenaline begin to flow.

  "I don't think that's such a good idea.” Katar's voice came out of the night, startling her.

  "Katar?” She jumped slightly in the saddle as Doc pranced around agitated by the hidden voice. "What are you doing here?" She called to him in the darkness, her eyes searching the night. Moving from the shadows at the far end of the clearing, he appeared on a black mare. "Your Uncle offered me his horse and the guest room for a few nights. I'm afraid the confinement of the palace was overwhelming.” His dazzling smile broke through the darkness as he appeared before her still in his Air Force uniform. “I was surprised, your uncle was aware of my discomfort. When he offered me the chance to get some fresh air and exercise I wasn't about to refuse. I hope you don't mind the intrusion." He spoke softly, as he urged the horse slowly toward her.

  "No, of course not, you just startled me . . ." She stammered, unnerved by his appearance.

  "As I was saying, the jump, I wouldn't try it. There's a large mud hole of the other side, you might break both your necks." Pulling up next to her, his smile softened as he noticed how beautiful her features were in the dim light of the clearing. The wind blew softly through her hair as she returned his smile. The rustle of the tall fruit trees that surrounded them softened the howl of the growing wind. The last of the light faded in the distant sky as the two silently faced each other in the darkness.

  "How have the negotiations been progressing?" Lysette asked, breaking the silence nervously. “I’ve been so busy at the Medical Center; I don't have any idea about what's been happening?"

  His smile faded as the weight of Nayr's plight returned. "William is still refusing to see Ambassador Soms.”

  "How long can he continue to refuse?" Lysette shook her head in disbelief.

  "He's the King; he can do whatever he wants. Unfortunately we'll have to force him to face the ultimatum. The only reason we haven't taken action already, is because the killing has stopped." Katar frowned in frustration. "The Alliance is trying to be patient, too patient."

  "What does that mean?" She asked feeling the anger in his eyes.

  "Tomorrow morning your Uncle will be leaving for Ergos. He is going to deliver the ultimatum, whether William wants it or not. If he refuses to see Lord Nolan, The Alliance will begin the Embargo we should have instigated as soon as Nayr was taken. "

  "Why is my Uncle going? He isn't a diplomat." Lysette said, moving forward, urging her horse as closer to Katar.

  "Wouldn't Prince Roth or perhaps you be a more appropriate choice for such a confrontation?”

  "Lysette, your uncle is head of Foreign Affairs, this is his job. But Lord Nolan has been acquainted with King William for many years. They developed a friendship through Queen Elsebeth. Lord Nolan saved her life years ago, when he was in the Lon Tesse Intelligence Service. That incident has not formed a close relationship, but it does give your Uncle a bit of an advantage." Katar looked into her eyes, deciding to tell the worst of it. "There have been rumors that William has become . . . unstable."

  A sudden chill ran through her. She wanted desperately to ask Katar to convince the Regent to send someone else. Lysette held her tongue realizing she would only sound foolish. Instead she decided to ask a favor of him. "Katar, the idea of Uncle Sean confronting a mentally incompetent King who has ordered the murder of over a thousand defenseless people . . .” Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she tried to clear her head of the burdens swimming around inside. "I need to know that if something happens I will be informed immediately. I can't rely on Prince Roth; the fool shelters me from any type of distressing information." Looking directly into his eyes she asked, "Would you contact me if things don't go as expected? I know I don't have any right to ask this of you. But you will be kept informed and I trust you to tell me the truth."

  Touched by her faith in him and the deep concern she felt far her Uncle, he found himself answering, with a deep sense of conviction, "You have my word." Swinging his horse around Katar followed Lysette back to the stable, as the wind grew stronger. Bringing with it one of the many storms that fed The Lake of Dreams.

  "How are the burn victims?" He asked, quietly wanting to move away from the subject of King William.

  The tension flowed back into Lysette as the vision of the two small girls returned, bringing with it a heavy exhaustion.

  "We lost several shortly after their arrival. The Bantorian Army had not tended to their wounds; they had been set aside and forgotten. Many of the adults had forsaken themselves and tried to care for the children. They were the ones who became so severely infected we couldn't save them. What strength it must have taken to ignore such great anguish. They were sacrificing their own lives. They did manage to save most of the children from infection. Except . . ." Her throat began to tighten, despite her efforts at control. Forcing the words, she continued, "Except two very small girls." Turning away from him she tried to hide the pain and helplessness she felt. "They are showing signs of infection and their lungs are irritated from the smoke and noxious vapors. Their little bodies are dehydrated . . ."

  Riding slowly in the dark, she wrestled with her feelings. She should have better control by now. She should be able to distance herself from her patients. How would she ever be able to survive the pressures of the Medical Profession if she couldn't control involvement?

  Suddenly an idea came to her, turning to Katar as a glimmer of hope sparkled in her eyes, she asked, "Your Empathic Healers who are headed for the Field Hospitals, have they ever dealt with something like this? Have they ever worked with burn victims?"

  "I'm sure they are as skilled in healing burns as they are in any other type of healing.” He replied, pleased she had put aside the rumors of quackery associated with the healers.

  Hesitating, Lysette considered the hospital's reaction to bringing in what they would consider untrained personnel. Still if they could save these two small children, it would be worth the disruption and possible repercussions they could cause. "Would it be possible to send for one of them?" She asked, quietly.

  "I can arrange it, tonight. I'll have them here by morning. If you'll promise to have dinner with me tomorrow night and tell me how it goes." He smiled softly at her, noticing for the first time the dark circles under help eyes and the paleness of her complexion.

  "Thank you." Her words came as a whisper as the relief and exhaustion took the last of her strength, pulling down her barriers. "Have you ever been burned, Katar?"

  "No." He answered, watching her sway slightly in the saddle with the horse's movements.

  "I have," She tried to straighten and shake off the urgent need for sleep that overwhelmed her. "My hands and arms were burned in an explosion at a University Lab where I had been working. "The pain was unbearable. Burns are not anything like cuts or bruises. There is a point where your sense of touch is heightened, making recovery torture. The pain is constant and doesn't lessen for what seems like an eternity." As the tears appeared in her eyes, she glanced away
, looking into the blackness of the swirling forest that surrounded them. "I was lucky. My burns were actually very minor compared to these new patients. It just makes it a little harder to look at someone suffering. When you know exactly how badly it hurts. I’m not sure I'd have the courage to keep on living if I were burned as badly as those two little girls. They're just babies.” Finally, she turned back to him, tears streaming down her pale face. She began to sway further, nearly falling from the saddle.

  Reaching out Katar caught her. Dismounting he pulled her from the saddle and gently placing her on the ground before him. "When was the last time you got some sleep?" He asked, frowning down at her.

  Gazing up into his face as he steadied her, Lysette sighed answering casually, "I don't remember." Captivated by his dark blue eyes she leaned against him for support.

  Katar said, "You better walk the rest of the way back to the stables. I don't think I can trust you to stay on your horse." Katar shook his head as she stumbled beside while they moved out of the trees. "You get much worse and I'll have to carry you.”

  Smiling sheepishly, Lysette tried to walk straight. Reaching the stables, Katar handed Doc over to the Stable Master and unsaddled his horse. Turning around, he found Lysette leaned against a support beam, her eyes closed. Grinning, he approached her. "I didn't think it was possible for someone to actually fall asleep standing up." He whispered softly in her ear.

  "I'm not asleep.” She whispered back, opening her eyes to find a pair of dark blue orbs staring back at her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him deeply. Surprised, Katar hesitated, and then returned the kiss with enthusiasm pulling back after a moment, he knew she was vulnerable.


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