Tempest Rise (Treborel)

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Tempest Rise (Treborel) Page 11

by Alaina Stanford

  Taking her arm he pulled her from the stables and headed toward the main house. "Come on minx. Let's get you to the house before I forget I'm a guest of your Uncles.” Katar said, escorting her upstairs to her room and threatening to lock her inside if she didn't get some sleep. Closing the door behind him, he headed for Lord Nolan's office to make the call for an Empath." His thoughts were occupied by the dazed surgeon he reluctantly left behind.

  Lysette slept deeply through the night. The visual comm. by her bed woke her shortly after dawn. It was the Medical Center. Dr. Fields, the Senior Surgeon on Staff appeared before Lysette as she donned her robe, his expression was grim. "Dr. Nolan, I'm sorry to have awakened you so early. But I'm afraid the younger of the two Nayrian girls, Dalia, has developed pneumonia and is not responding to treatment.” He announced, scratching his short white beard in frustration.

  "I've got a few things in the works for her and her sister. I should be there within the hour." Lysette answered, remembering the conversation she had with Katar last night.

  "She's stable at the moment, but critically. I'll do what I can. Whatever you've got planned, you better do it quick." He answered with a sigh and disconnected.

  Not wanting to miss her Uncle's departure she quickly showered and dressed. Pulling her long damp hair back with a ribbon, she rushed downstairs to find her Uncle. As she descended the dark polished wood stairs as a blush crossed her face at the prospect of facing Katar again. After the way she threw herself at him the previous night, she had no idea of what to expect. Turning at the base of the stairs, Lysette entered the large dining room and found her Uncle deep in conversation with Lord Wills. Neither noticed her until she reached the end of the long dining table.

  "Lysette," Her Uncle Sean said, rising he offered her the seat adjacent to him. "Prince Katar told me how exhausted you were last night. I want you to you have a decent breakfast before you leave for the Center. The last thing I need while I'm hashing it out with William is to be worrying about you."

  Accepting the stack of hotcakes covered in berries the servant brought at Sean's insistence, Lysette spooned up a mouthful as her Uncle began to speak. "Darling, Lord Wills and I have been discussing the possibility of your visiting Treborel. You could see your Grandmother's old home in Borel and investigate a part of your heritage you've never known." Sean was being very diplomatically social especially at a time when he was usually inquisitive. Normally before any of his journeys out of Lon Tesse, he usually interrogated her about her plans for while he was away.

  The idea of a future vacation was completely absurd. She had just begun her first practice. There would be no vacations for at least a year or two. "That all sounds very nice, but I'm sure you realize I can't take any time away from my practice.” She answered, politely, wondering why he had initiated the sudden discussion about her Treborelan ancestry.

  "I was just thinking, since Lord Wills will be heading back home within the next few days. You could take a short leave of absence and accompany him. He'd be more than happy to act as your host." Sean kept his manner casual.

  "I'm not taking off at the spur of the moment. It would be unprofessional. It surprises me that you're even suggesting this." Lysette stared at him concerned. "Has something happened?”

  Chiding himself for ever trying to deceive her, Sean glanced at Lord Wills and conceded. "I would feel much better if I knew you were in Treborel. If Bantor declares war on the Continental Alliance, things could become chaotic."

  "If that happens you know that I would be needed here.” Lysette scolded him. “I've already contacted the Emergency Relief Corp., to volunteer as soon as necessary.”

  "That's exactly it, Lysette. If you can take a leave and volunteer at the Corp. why can’t you spend time in Treborel?” Sean answered.

  "It's not the same. I would be representing the Medical Center; I would not be taking a leave of absence. It's more like a temporary transfer, in the event of an emergency. That's how the Corp. was set up, to ensure that there would always be a sufficient number of Physician's available." Lysette could see the deep concern in his eyes. She touched his hand and smiled softly saying, "I know you're concerned for me, the last place you want me to be is a field hospital in the middle of a war. But you've got to understand, it's what I want. It's what I feel I must do. Just like your service in Intelligence."

  "I can't argue about the deep sense of duty you feel. I felt the same way." Sean admitted, reluctantly, "Just promise me you'll think this through. Field Hospitals aren't immune to Cannon blasts."

  "I promise." She answered, squeezing his hand with a smile.

  "Then I won't say another word about it." His smile returned as he rose and offered her his arm. "If I'm not mistaken, that's the Regent's helijet I hear approaching. I've got a briefing at the palace. Would you like a ride into the city?"

  "Absolutely," She rose, smiling, back at him. "Will Prince Katar be joining us?"

  "He's already gone. He took the Tram in, shortly after dawn." Sean answered, as they moved through the dining room toward the front door, followed by Lord Wills. The flight in took only a few minutes in the smaller of the Regent's two military Transports. The Regent, Prince Katar and Prince Roth were waiting on the Palace lawn to greet them. Joining the Regent and her son for one last briefing, Sean left Lysette with the two Treborelans.

  "You look much more alert this morning.” Katar grinned as her cheeks filled with color in the gray morning light. Turning to Hanlin he added, "I'm heading for the Air Base, late tonight. I've sent for a Treborelan transport. You know how to reach me?"

  "Of course.” Hanlin replied, nodding.

  Turning back to Lysette, Katar continued, "The Empaths arrived about an hour ago. I've just come from the hospital. The Administrator seemed to be a bit surprised at their arrival." Realizing she had intended to go directly there once they arrived, she gasped, "Oh Katar! I'm so sorry. I'll get right over there and straighten things out." Glancing past him, she saw her Uncle approaching with the Regent.

  Accepting the Regent's wishes for success, Sean turned to Lysette to say his good-byes.

  "Remember your promise, think about Borel, and don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Lysette frowned at his comments, but held her tongue. Giving him a quick hug she hurried off to the Medical Complex.

  Turning to Hanlin, Sean continued, "I wish I could have gotten a firm answer from her this morning, but ultimately it is her decision. I've never ordered her to do anything; she wouldn't listen if I did." Hanlin nodded and wished him well. Turning to Prince Katar, Sean added, "I'll send for you if things get too rough. You know where to find me."

  "I'll be there.” Was Katar's only answer, he had grown concerned at the last conversation Sean had with Lysette and HanIin.

  As Sean disappeared inside the helijet, Katar stared thoughtfully after it as it disappeared across the cloudy horizon. Was it possible they could have been discussing his betrothal to Lysette, without his knowledge, or consent? Pulling the elderly statesman aside, he planned to find out. "Are you up to your old tricks again, Hanlin?" He asked.

  “I'm at a loss . . ." Hanlin faced him with confusion.

  "I heard what Lord Nolan said, you've approached him about a betrothal without my permission.” The more he thought of Hanlin breaking his word, the angrier he became. "Was that why he invited us to the Ranch? To confirm an engagement?"

  Caught off guard by Katars angry outburst Hanlin stammered an answer. "Your Highness I was only speaking with Lord Nolan about Lysette . . .”

  "No Hanlin, I don't want any excuses. It's enough that you broke your word to me." Turning he paced a few feet away from Hanlin, trying to control his anger. "I should have known she was too sweet, too vulnerable one minute, a seductress the next." Stopping before Hanlin he continued, "I won’t allow you or anyone else to manipulate my life or my romances! From now on Lord Wills, you will stay out of my personal life at all costs or by the Holy One, I'll see you're sent into retirement." Katar stormed
off, leaving Hanlin confused and shocked.

  As the force of his anger consumed him, Katar recalled how he had fought against his feelings for Lysette from the very beginning. Still she had managed to capture his attention. She was the only woman that had ever broken down his barriers and moved him in ways he never thought anyone could. Now to find that she was merely a part of a conspiracy was nearly overwhelming. He would make certain she never had a chance to work her wiles on him again.

  The Burn Unit was in a state of confusion when Lysette arrived. There were four Empathic Healers of various ages, dressed in long gray robes each very quietly and calmly arguing with the Hospital Administrator, Dr. Ambrost. Lysette stepped in quickly and insisted the Empaths examine her patients. Furious that Lysette hadn't cleared something as unusual as this with him first, Dr. Ambrost was very reluctant to allow the Healers anywhere near the little girls. Yet seeing Lysette's confidence in the Empaths, he allowed them supervised access to the two children.

  The smaller of the two children named Dalia had grown very pale; her eyes were dark and sunken. As a group of Physicians and nurses gathered around the eldest male Empath, a tall stocky man with a full head of white curly hair touched the top of the child's head, where she had sustained the least amount of burns. The younger of the two females was a pretty, tall and had chestnut hair. She placed her hand lightly on the child's chest. The child's complexion brightened as her breathing became less labored. Dalia’s eyes opened and she smiled up at the older Empath, her face free of pain.

  The amazement of the surrounding Physicians was evident in their blank expressions. As they looked on the child’s swollen face slowly lessened and the burns disappeared. The younger man and the middle aged woman went to the second child named Tauna and repeated the process as the elder male came to Lysette and explained. "I am Joah, an Empathic Elder. The children are free of pain and their lungs are cleared of fluid. But the worst of their wounds must be healed slowly and in short sessions throughout the day in order to keep them from becoming too exhausted and weak. The youngest child, Dalia, will need intensive physical therapy when we are finished. We can heal the injured muscles and the patches of burns that have gone deep into the bone. But she needs help bringing the muscles and bones back to their original strength."

  The medical staff took turns watching the sessions in awe. They considered the children's healing to be a true miracle. Since the children's parents had died in the original assault the grandparents were called in to see the growing improvement their two granddaughters. Before her shift was over Lysette had been approached by several other Physicians asking for permission to enlist the aid of the healers for their own patients. Between the Lectures and her patients, Lysette had difficulty finding time to check the News Network for information. Finally in the late afternoon, she tried to reach Katar at the Palace to inform him of the Empaths progress and check for news of her Uncle. He had not been available, nor had he returned her call by the end of her shift.

  As Lysette prepared to head home, she received a summons from Dr. Ambrost. Expecting a stern reprimand she knocked on his door. She entered an office decorated completely in white painted wood and a light wood floor. When she was seated in front of his desk, she was surprised that he had already forgiven her indiscretion and begun plans for a research program. "Dr Nolan, I must give you credit for your resourcefulness in this matter. You have gone beyond your calling in asking for the assistance of these Empathic Healers." Dr. Ambrost began. "In checking your records, I see that you have had extensive experience in Laboratory Research. Therefore, I believe there is no one better suited for the position of Head Researcher for the Empathic Project."

  Stunned by the new development, Lysette simply stared as he continued. "I want you to try to assemble a basic format within the next few days. I'm going to address the Medical Board in the morning. I think we can achieve great strides in medicine by combining the two sciences."

  Lysette agreed to the initial research program, looking into the strengths and weakness of the Empathic Art and finding ways the two medicines can benefit each other. Heading home, she managed to formulate a plan of action before the tram reached her destination. She couldn't wait to tell Katar about how successful the Healers were and her new assignment. Wanting to make sure her Uncle had not left any messages; Lysette skipped her daily ride on Doc and went directly to the main house. Finding the house empty and no messages left on the Comm she rushed upstairs to dress for her dinner date.

  After a shower, she piled her long blonde hair on top of her head and dressed in her amber evening gown. The off the shoulder gown hugged her slender figure, showing off her round hips and tiny waist. Noting through her bedroom window, that the sun had set and the unusually calm evening sky. She headed down the hall to the guest rooms and knocked on Katar's door. There was no sign that the Mountain Prince had returned. Realizing that her Uncle had been gone for nearly 12 hours, she was certain that there must have been some news by now.

  Perhaps Katar had been delayed by some mishap involving her Uncle Sean. Going into his office, she placed a call on the Comm. display to the Palace. The security officer’s image that appeared before her, confirmed that Prince Katar had left l the Palace early that morning and never returned. After disconnecting, she tried the Treborelan Embassy. She thought perhaps he was waiting there for news from his Intelligence Network. They would have a direct line to Treborel.

  After being told Prince Katar was not at the Embassy, she was put through to Lord Wills. Any further delay and she would have called the Regent herself for information. When Lord Wills appeared on the screen, he greeted her cheerfully, "Lady Nolan, how wonderful to hear from you. We were all wondering how the Empaths got on at the Medical Complex. "

  "It was an amazing sight, Lord Wills. There was some resistance to using them at first, but as soon as they touched the girls . . ." Her enthusiasm began to overflow; it had been such an eventful day. Holding back her excitement, she turned the conversation toward her Uncle and what had become of Katar.

  "We are going to study them further and perhaps one day find a way to use the two medicines together. I would like to discuss this with you in more detail, unfortunately I haven't the time. I'm trying to locate Prince Katar. He promised to keep me informed of my Uncle's progress in Ergos."

  "Oh . . . well, My Lady . . . Prince Katar has gone back to Treborel." Hanlin paused, looking down at the papers on the desk before him.

  "He left in a bit of a hurry. I'm sure he intends to send word, if he receives any news. He always keeps his promises." His unnerved reaction frightened Lysette. She was certain something had happened to her Uncle. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she said, "Lord Wills, if there is a problem with my Uncle, I would be greatly distressed if you are keeping it from me."

  "Uh no! My Lady! I assure you there has been no difficulties with your Uncle what so ever. We've just received word that he has been given an audience with King William; they have been in conference for the last two hours.” His hesitation disappeared as the diplomat was restored.

  "I see," Lysette answered, relieved, yet at the same time perplexed at Katars quick departure. "I suppose Prince Katar must have forgotten about our dinner date this evening. I'm sure I'll hear from him soon."

  “I’m sorry, my Lady." Hanlin sighed, "It's been very difficult for him, for all of us these last few days. I'm sure it just slipped his mind.”

  "Of course, thank you. I'm sorry to have troubled you." She quickly disconnected, trying to convince herself that being forgotten wasn't an insult. Leading back upstairs to undress, she prepared herself for a long night of waiting for word about her Uncle.

  Chapter Six

  The dark silence that covered Ergos was a quiet sentinel to the paranoia that its king was experiencing. Sean Was surprised at how extensively Williams palace was secured, heavily armed guards were located in every hall and entrance way. Security enforced a search of everyone who entered or left the building. Thi
s along with the prohibition of any form of communications within the city limits; even the officer themselves were not exempt from such close scrutiny.

  Williams trust went only to his elite guard. They were the only people allowed to enter the Kings Private Chambers. As Sean’s tired eyes found the king he was shocked at how he had aged far beyond his years so quickly since the last time they had met. Looking like a man in his late seventies instead of the fifty years he truly was. His hair had gone completely white. His pale face and withered body gave the impression that he had suffered a serious illness and had not yet fully recovered.

  He spoke calmly, with the rational his position required. What bothered Sean immensely was the lack of emotion he found in the King. William would calmly explain his reasons for attacking Nayr. Excepting no objections and refusing any attempt at negotiation for withdrawing. He would allow no mention the embargo once, before the subject was also forbidden. Several times King William repeated his explanations for the attack, using the same statements over and over again.

  During the entire conference William seemed distracted and unable to answer any direct questions about Nayr unless Commander Connor was present, conferring with him constantly. When asked about the Prime Minister and his wife, Commander Connor denied any knowledge of their whereabouts. After a whispered word from the Commander William declared the conference had come to an end. The Commander was called away. As he departed William invited Sean to join him in a cordial. Musicians were brought in to play the Kings favorite pieces. When the Director of the Art History Museum was brought in to describe the motivations of one of Williams favorite sculptors, Sean could stand no more.

  His anger thrust him from his seat as he said, “William, I will stand for no more delays. You are under a deadline, as of midnight tomorrow night. “ Sean stared at eh docile King who calmly glanced up at his outburst. Sean moved around the small table of food set before them and approached the King. “Do you understand William? In twenty four hours the Treborelan Navy will begin a blockade of the Bantorian and Nayrian Coastlines. Lon Tesse and Ragal will complete the Embargo by closing the border bridges into Bantor.


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