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Tempest Rise (Treborel)

Page 12

by Alaina Stanford

  The air grew still and silence filled the room as King William turned to answer Sean’s threats. The same calm emotionless voice Sean had listened to all evening reach out and chilled him, “I don’t like ultimatums Sean.” His smile was empty; Sean followed his gaze as William turned to watch Commander Connor as he stood in the entranceway watching them. The Commander spoke softly, his face hard as he came to stand by the King, “Bantor is not Withdrawing from Nayr. Tell your Continental Alliance the William will consider any embargo an act of War.” Pausing he signaled for the guards to enter and added, “We will respond accordingly.”

  William appeared to be completely unaware of the Commanders threat as he smiled at Sean and added, “Give your niece my best.” Realizing that the man he once knew was lost in insanity Sean turned to leave. “Sean,” William called to him as he reached the door. “You brought Elisabeth back to me . . . you should leave tonight.” Pausing for his works, Sean’s chest grew heavy as he looked back into Williams lost eyes.

  Due to the location of the Southern Air Base, deep within the mountains, Katar was forced to abandon the tram from Lavose at the base of the Treborelan Mountains. He purchased a young stallion from a local farmer and headed deep into the hills. As the sun sank into the violet and burgundy sky the night creatures began to call softly to one another. The mountains filled with the cries of the large beasts searching to satisfy their cravings. Ignoring the cries of life and death about him Katar urged his horse on.

  After hours of struggling over rugged terrain he reached the hidden base. He approached an outcropping of rock and touched his palm to the smooth surface of a small boulder. A dense patch of brush sank back into the darkness as a huge black hole appeared in the side of the mountain. It was large enough for Katar to urge the horse through causing the young stallion to stamp and snort nervously. Once inside Katar touched an illuminated panel and the door slid closed. He was left in the darkness for only a moment as a larger door opened at the back of the small cave exposing a huge cavern. The cavern was filled with small military helijets. Cap appeared as another soldier relieved Katar of his horse and took to down a long broad corridor.

  “Katar!” Cap called smiling at the stern expression on Katar’s face. “You gave us a great chance to test the night tracking system. We had you from the moment you entered the base of the mountains.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t take a shot at me. Just to keep me on my toes.” Katar growled at him.

  “Well I would have, but I got a good look at that scowl on your face. I was afraid you might shoot back.” Cap kept smiling, unaffected by Katar’s angry glare. He motioned toward the officers' quarters and added, “You look awful, hit the showers Your Grace, we’ll talk later.”

  “Have you heard from Lord Wills or Regent Dana?” Katar asked as they entered the officers' rec area.

  “Lord Nolan’s audience began several hours ago. We should hear something soon.”

  Reaching Katar’s quarters they entered the small room, equipped with only a twin bed and a small wooden dresser. Cap left Katar to himself with a promise to send for him if they received any news. Stepping into the shower Katar yearned for the spacious hot springs at the Regents retreat. His mind wondered to Lysette and how she had looked that first day. Smiling he recalled how frightened she had been. Yet she still managed to double him over with a first to his stomach. Then Lord Nolan’s words came back to him. Grinding his teeth he forced her from his mind, rinsed the soap from his hair and turned off the water.

  After dressing in his dark blue uniform, he headed for Central Control. He arrived to find Cap on the Holographic Comm. with the Regent saying, “He just arrived only a few minutes ago your Grace . . .” Cap glanced up and then moved aside as Katar approached allowing him to take the seat in front of the display.

  The Regent waited for him to be seated then began saying, “I’ll be brief Prince Katar, for I fear Lord Nolan’s safety is at risk. His mission was a failure; he requests that you attend him at once.” Her face looked worn and tired as if she hadn’t slept at all in the last few days.

  “I understand I’ll have him back in Lavose just after dawn.” Katar answered quickly, motioning for Capt to get moving. “Can you tell me anything more?”

  “Our greatest fears are realized.” She said as she shook her head sadly.

  “Very well.” Katar answered grimly.

  Katar arrived at the immense cavern hangar as Cap assembled the 3 small quads that were to accompany them into Bantor. Cap and Katar took their 3 man teams and boarded the first two helijets as the third team headed for their craft One by one the small helijets were maneuvered through the open doors by a small conveyor out into the night air. Each in turn rose vertically and hovered a safe distance away to wait for the others.

  The solar gem systems encompassing the jets were fully charged, making it possible to remain airborne 12 hours without the need to sustain the system. Moving quickly over the mountains flying as low as possible the dark helijets ran as silent as the wind. The partially flattened oval shape allowed the helijets which one fourth the size of the larger transports. The gems refractive powers were able to turn the twinkling lights from the small cities and town below into enough energy for the systems to maintain a high power level. These clear sparkling crystals gave the jets an almost invisible appearance in the night sky.

  Entering Bantor as the sleek crafts cleared the mountains, they turned directly for Ergos, near the southern border. The only hint of their passing was a slight vibration in the windows of the home they flew silently over. The journey of more than 2000 kilometers took slightly more than an hour. Bantors low rolling hills passed silently beneath them in the darkness as they prepared themselves for the quick evacuation of the embassy deep inside the quiet city.

  Separating fifty kilometers outside the city each craft entered from a different direction. Caps team flew in from the west heading for the Treborelan and Ragalian Embassy’s. Katar flew toward the Lon Tesse Embassy from the North as the third team entered from the Ease heading for the Nayrian Embassy. Each Embassy was located in a different part of the city; the Nayrian was only a few blocks from the palace.

  The city was completely shrouded in darkness. The three crafts landed simultaneously on the roves of the Embassy buildings. A small group of Lon Tesseans quickly boarded Katar’s craft. Cap confirmed a successful evacuation of the Treborelan personnel. There was no response as the third team landed on the Ragalian Embassy. Katar waited for them to investigate as Lord Nolan appeared and rushed to the front of the craft.

  Sean jumped in the open door on the side of the craft and asked, “Is something wrong?” At Katars slow withdraw.

  Before Katar could answer the third team’s co-pilots voice came over the communication system. “Everyone is dead, no hostiles.” The co-pilots voice was urgent.

  Cap broke in, “I’m over the Ragal building.”

  “Watch yourself.” Katar ordered, clenching his jaw and he lifted the craft off the building. “Team three, head for rendezvous. I’m heading for team two, we’ll meet you there.”

  A small group of soldiers dressed in dark gray uniforms appeared out of the shadows as Katar swung the craft toward the western horizon. His instruments registered their presence and the computer identified them as Williams Elite Guard. The tall muscular form of Commander Connors watched the helijet disappear over the city. His dark eyes narrowed as he swore silently. He would make Lord Nolan pay for unveiling King Williams’s madness to the world, in the worst possible way. Barking an order to his lieutenant he turned and reentered the embassy making note of the Treborelan emblem on the escaping helijet.

  Bracing himself against the opening into the cockpit Sean spoke with relief. “I sure am glad to see you.” He began, and then noticed the infrared screen frozen on the five figures from the rooftop and added, “The Elite Guard.”

  “With Connor at the helm.” Katar answered, his teeth set, “They appeared as we lifted off. I thi
nk they were going to make the rounds tonight, visiting the Embassy personnel.”

  “Did they . . .”

  “They Nayrian Embassy was taken first. Tucker just reported there were no survivors.” Katars fury boiled, he should have killed Connor in the mountains.

  “And the others?” Sean asked, gripping the side of the helijet.

  “Lon Tesse was untouched and all personnel have boarded. Cap is headed to the Ragalian Embassy now, we are right behind him.

  Cap’s voice came over the Comm., “Team two, successful, and no hostiles. We’ll make rendezvous as scheduled, eyes open.”

  “Copy, team one and two heading out.” Katar answered and the radio went silent as they cleared the city limits watchful in pursuit.

  Heading sharply east toward Lon Tesse Katar asked quietly, “What happened back there?”

  Sean sighed and said, “William warned me to leave tonight. I had no idea he was going to declare war on the Embassies.”

  “How bad is it?” Katar asked quietly.

  “Right now I’d say King William is on the edge of insanity. I’m not sure if someone is trying to help him stay there or forcing him over the edge. Commander Conner is constantly at his side, conferring with him about every move he makes. I don’t think he’d take a shit if he didn’t clear it with Connor first.” Sean growled. “I wish I knew what was going on between those two.”

  “You think Conner is taking advantage of Williams’s paranoia?” Katar asked staring out into the darkness.

  “William was king for the last seven years. In that time he’s never left Ergos, perhaps not even the Palace. His father’s assignation left him shaken. He depends solely on the Elite Guard to protect him and keep him informed.” They reached the rendezvous to find the other two helijets waiting for them. Closing formation, they increased speed over the dark countryside.

  Katar quickly changed gears and announced to Sean, We will be across the border in about a thirty minutes hour, then another forty-five minutes to Lavose providing the weather stays clear.” He still had not forgotten the plans Sean and Hanlin made behind his back.

  Sean disappeared into the back of the crowded craft to inform the other passenger of the Marine tragedy and their arrival plans. They arrived at the palace just before Dawn and unloaded their passengers. Katar accompanied Sean to the Regents main office where Sean related his discoveries to the Continental Alliance.

  Hannah Airee was visibly relieved to see Sean. After hearing his report she as well as the others were deeply concerned about the influence Commander Connor had over King William. Lord Wills then produced a dossier he had complied on the Commander and read its contents to the Alliance.

  “Commander Allen Connor is not a natural born Bantorian. He came over from the Western Continent, presumably Latria or the Northern Latrian Providence of Ventil approximately 7 years ago. Not much is known of him except that he was the son of a mercenary named Red Jackal. Following in his father’s footsteps Connor is believed to have led a small band of experienced soldiers for hire. The Commander is an expert in interrogation and exceptionally lethal with hand weapons. The only recreation he has any interest in has been hunting for Sraeb in the Treborelan Mountains. He has been known to hunt by snare.” Hanlin paused and glanced at Katar’s hardened face.

  “Snare?” Sean inquired, “What kind of a challenge is that?”

  “None at all.” Katar answered with a sneer.

  “How does this snare procedure work?” Hannah asked confused.

  “It’s very simple, Ambassador. You simply set up a net of snares in a particular area, move to a bluff or into a tree overlooking them and wait.” Katar answered with disgust. “Then when one or more sraebs are caught and begin to strangle in the netting you more than likely don’t reach them until they’ve died.”

  “I barbaric, I’d hardly call that a sport.” She answered, shocked.

  “It would be if you were the kind of man who liked to see how much punishment a sraeb could take before it died.” The sheer fury of his words silenced the room. “Commander Connor didn’t attend the Alliance Summit because we had a falling out in the mountains. I was trying to establish a better rapport with King William through him. Since William refused to leave Bantor, he sent Commander Connor in his place. We were to speak the entire three weeks hunting from my lodge near the northern colony. Connors wanted to be further into the mountains so we left the lodge and made camp. One day as I was scouting our position, he stood by and watched as one of my men was attacked and nearly killed by a sraeb. Later I found out that Connor was asking special questions about Treborelan border security. After my man challenged his motives, the attack occurred.” Katar turned to the Regent and continued. “Connor has a presence about him. He’s over confident and highly intelligent. If he’s got his fingers on the Bantorian crown, you can bet he’s not going to let go easily.”

  The Regent rose and made a motion in support of enforcing the ultimatum. There were no objections. As the meeting convened Katar pulled Sean aside and asked if they could speak in private. Katar admired Lord Nolan for the courage he had shown in volunteering for the mission to Bantor. Even so, he would not allow him to continue to plot with Hanlin about a betrothal to Lysette.

  Waiting patiently until the room was empty, Katar asked Sean to be seated before he began. “Lord Nolan, I’m afraid Lord Wills has made a dreadful error where you and your niece are concerned.” Katar sat down across the light wood table from him. “He did not have my permission to approach you with such an important decision as a marriage between myself and Lysette.”

  “Marriage?” Sean asked confused, “I had no idea the two of you were that deeply involved. You’ve been discussing marriage?”

  ‘No! No, Lord Nolan, I have not discussed this with Lysette.”

  “Well she is the one you should be asking . . .” Sean answered smiling at Katar’s reaction.

  “We are not involved seriously, nor have I made any plans to become so.” Katar said trying to clarify the situation.

  “But you want to arrange a marriage?” Sean asked.

  “No! I have no intention of . . .” Katar began to wonder if he had been mistaken about the conversation he had overheard. “I just want to clarify the mistake Lord Wills has made. He had no authorization to approach you.”

  “Approach me about . . .” Sean urged.

  “A betrothal between myself and Lysette.” Katar said trying not to lose his temper as he stared at the confused man.

  “I see.” Sean finally understood. “Lord Wills has said nothing to me about an engagement or marriage regarding you or Lysette.”

  Katar stared at him, unable to speak.

  Sean continued, “Was he suppose to?” Sean smiled, he like the young man standing before him. He wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of a union between the two if Lysette and Katar truly had feelings for each other.

  Katar apologized awkwardly, “I’m terribly sorry Lord Nolan. I’m afraid there's been a terrible misunderstanding. Would you mind telling me what your last conversation with Lord Wills was about regarding the decision Lysette was suppose to make?”

  Still smiling Sean rose as he answered, “We were trying to convince Lysette to travel to Borel, if a conflict began with Bantor.”

  Katar felt like a fool. He had given Hanlin no chance to explain and he owed Lysette an explanation for missing dinner. “I think you could very easily put me in the same category with William. I’m afraid I owe Lord Wills an apology for a reprimand he didn’t deserve.”

  “I’m sure he’ll understand.” Sean held out his hand and added; “Now if you’ll excuse me I have a beautiful woman waiting to have breakfast with me.” They shook hands and headed for the door “I also have to call Lysette and let her know I made it back in one piece.”

  “If you don’t mind I’d like to make that call for you Lord Nolan.” Katar interrupted sheepishly, “I’m afraid I owe her an apology as well. Perhaps the news of your safe return will help
me make up for my overactive imagination.”

  “On one condition,” Sean stopped, turning to face him. “I’d prefer you call me Sean.” He finished with a smile.

  “Agreed, and call me Katar.”

  No longer able to keep her eyes open, Lysette went upstairs to bed. She was physically and emotionally exhausted and fell asleep immediately. Her dreams were filled with her grandmother’s soft voice and the magical beings she spoke of so often.

  She watched from a distance as their magic sparkled and created mountains full of trees and beautiful waterfalls as Treborel was born. Approaching one of the larger falls, she felt the ground tremble for its force. A strange ringing sounded in the distance, it grew louder. .

  Lysette awoke startled by the sound of the front bell. Jumping up from her bed she grabbed her robe and rushed downstairs. She prayed it was news of her uncle, yet was frightened that a personal visit could mean bad news. She flew open the door and stood panting as her eyes filled with Katar’s large form. Behind him on the lawn was a small helijet, its blade still turning. The anger and frustration she had suppressed all night rose inside her as she stared up at him and said, “You’re about 10 hours late for dinner.”

  “I’m truly sorry, Lysette.” Katar walked past her into the house, “There’s no excuse for what I did.” He turned to face her as she shut the door. “I had a misunderstanding with Lord Wills and I foolishly thought you were involved. I now know I was wrong. Can you forgive me?” He waited for an answer that did not come. “I promise it will not happen again.” Reaching into his jacket he pulled out a clear box containing a blossoming ‘My Beloved’. “I’ve come bearing gifts, and news?” He smiled softly as her stern expression that quickly changed to surprise.


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