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Tempest Rise (Treborel)

Page 15

by Alaina Stanford

  Andru had his hands on Caps throat as they neared, glancing up he spoke to Katar. “I’ve stopped the bleeding but he has several fragments embedded in his neck and his larynx is crushed. The swelling is cutting off his air supply.”

  Katar would not leave Caps side. At Lysette’s insistence he was allowed to watch the surgery through a window to in the operating room door. As Katar watched, Kendra appeared by his side and began to examine him, healing his minor wounds. “Kendra? I thought you were at the institute?” He said distracted by the familiar face.

  “I was, but when the conflict began I came with the others to help.” She answered with a smile as she took hold of his bleeding arm and healed it with her touch.

  Glancing through the small window at Cap’s still form, Katar remembered Bosen and said, “How did Bosen weather the trip back to Borel?”

  “He complained the entire distance, but he’s fine. Tia is organizing a new empath group. You will never have to go on another hunt without a healer.” She winked at him, knowing his preference.

  “I should have known.” Katar smiled back at her.

  “Your arm seems to be the worst of your injuries, besides a few bruises. You’re lucky not to be in there with your co-pilot.” She said as she released his arm, peering through the small window.

  “Kendra that is not my co-pilot,” Katar studied her, and then added gently, “It’s Cap.”

  Kendra’s head snapped back to look at him. Trying to hide the fear that welled up inside, she gazed back through the window and calmly said, “Excuse me.” She pushed through the door and went to the operating table.

  Kendra was very fond of the tall lanky Commander. She’d wondered what had become of him during the conflict. She had casually checked every Treborelan officer who had been brought in, just in case he might come through. She had never really expected to see him. It took every ounce of her strength not to push Andru aside and heal Cap’s wounds herself. Instead she stood by and gazed at Cap's still form. Kendra's fists clenched at her side as she prayed Cap would live.

  The surgery took only a couple of hours due to Andru’s help. Lysette was pleased with the results. She moved to Katar and pulled him from the doorway saying, “He’s going to be alright.” She smiled softly at him. “Andru and Kendra are healing his incision now. He’ll be on his feet in a few days. His voice will probably sound a little scratchy from now on. He’s lucky to have one at all.” Lysette finished her statement and pulled her long oval medical probe she placed it on his chest. His vital signs were normal. “Did anyone check you?”

  “Kendra looked me over and pronounced that I’d live.” Katar smiled at her concern as she poked his ribs and added, “I do have a slight pain in my side.”

  “Which one?” Lysette frowned with concern moving her hands to his sides.

  “Both, it kind of radiates around to the center of my back.” He said, taking her hands and moving them to the small of his back, pulling her close. “Will I live doctor?” He whispered softly in her ear.

  Realizing his ruse, she whispered back, “Scoundrels never die; they just grow old and wither away to dust.” She teased, and then kissed him softly.

  When they separated she took him outside. The wind had died to a soft breeze, the smell of rain hung in the air. They walked the perimeter of the warehouse arm in arm. Lysette told him of the Prime Minister’s wife.

  “That seems to be Connors signature, an arrow through the head. He must have liked the Prime Minister. He usually cuts off the hands and feet as well. Sometimes . . .” Katar stopped himself realizing she probably witnessed more of the mangled soldiers than he. Ending that conversation he turned back to the Prime Minister’s wife. “How is Lady Malia doing now?”

  “She’s been returned to the palace in Nayr. I think it will take some time for her to recover from the emotional wounds. But she’ll survive.” Chelsa was so much help to her. They talked for hours, each time they had a session Malia was stronger and more confident. I wish I could do that.” Just touch someone . . .”

  “It’s not as simple as that.” Katar cautioned, “They have deep religious beliefs.”

  “It’s just so mystifying, why only certain Treborelans can call upon this gift.” Stopping at the summit of the forest, they gazed at the dark moving clouds as they passed over head. “Joah’s taught me so much about how they use their strength. He wants me to teach Andru some of the surgical techniques of reconstruction and invasive procedures. I’d be happy to do it but I think he’d be better off at the Medical Academy in Lavose. I tried to convince him to attend, but he says he’s just completed one long undertaking, he doesn’t want another.” She sighed in the sadness of his missed opportunity. “He could learn so much and the Academy could benefit from him as well.” Turning her attention back to Katar, Lysette overflowed with enthusiasm. “Andru told me of the Empathic Institute, I’d love to visit it. Perhaps one day when the conflict is over, we could establish a medical academy near there! The possibilities are endless. The research . . . can you imagine the advancements we could achieve?” She beamed with the excitement of forging in this new direction, merging the two sciences.

  For the first time Katar realized that there might be a way for the two of them to spend their lives together without one of them sacrificing everything they held so dear. Her acceptance of the Empathic way and the plans she’d made for combining the two medicines, could bring their two very different lives together. Katar knew then that he would do everything in his power to make her dreams come true. He knew he could, the mere idea filled Katar with such excitement and tenderness. Only then did Katar realize that he had fallen in love with Lysette.

  “I’m going to ask Joah and Andru to join me in a practice. We can show the entire planet that Empathic Healing and Medical science are stronger together.” Lysette rambled on with her plans completely unaware that Katar had taken her into his arms. “Did you know that Empaths are educated in Anatomy and Physiology for nearly three years before they are allowed to practice their art on the smallest of scratches?” She looked up into his eyes and smiled brightly.

  “Lysette,” Katar tried to interrupt, his voice soft and beckoning.

  “I’d love to visit the Institute. It’s near Borel somewhere in the mountains.” She hesitated trying to remember what Andru had told her; unaware that Katar had even spoken.

  “I love you.” He spoke softly, smiling down at her.

  Stopping her train of thought, Lysette stared at him.

  “I love you Lysette, more than you can even imagine.” Katar repeated his confession meeting her startled eyes. Not waiting for any words he kissed her deeply. Feeling all his emotions run wild as she responded to his kiss. She held him tightly and leaned against him, not wanting to stop. When they finally separated Lysette was breathless.

  She buried her head in his neck and said, “I love you so much it frightens me.” Then she pulled back, gazed into his deep blue eyes and whispered, “Stay with me tonight.”

  Still weak and disoriented Cap awoke with a start thinking himself still in the wreckage of his helijet. Memories of Katar’s voice came to him as he began to piece together what happened. He tried to search the darkness around him feeling a stab of pain as he raised his head. His hand went to the ache in his throat, finding it covered with bandages. He licked his lips and wished for a drink of water.

  A soft warm hand touched his forehead and the pain disappeared. Kendra’s face appeared before him as her voice soothed him. “You’re feeling the effects of a healing session. Let the sleep take you. You’ll feel better in the morning.” He opened his mouth to speak and she covered it with her fingertips. “Don’t talk, your throat was injured, let it heal.” A smile crossed her lips as she held a cup of fruit juice to his lips. “You’re going to be fine. Prince Katar brought you here. He’s fine as well and he’ll see you in the morning.” She lowered the cup and placed it on the small table beside his bed.

  He reached for her hand as she turn
ed back to him to feel his forehead for a fever. Not sure if he was dreaming Cap smiled and drifted off to sleep reveling in the comfort of her presence. As his dreams carried him away he felt the brief moist touch of her lips lightly caress his temple. Her soft soothing voice reassured him, “I will be here right by your side as long as you need me.”

  Katar never would have believed a night filled with such tender lovemaking could have been so passionate. He studied Lysette’s face as she slept in the small bed beside him. He traced his finger along her cheek and down the curve of her neck. Feeling the softness of her skin as his hand slid under the blanket and caressed her silky skin. Stirring, she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  “Good Morning,” Katar whispered into the hollow of her throat as he kissed Lysette gently pulling her against him. “I’m glad you’ve got this room to yourself. I don’t think I could get out of this bed without giving your roommate an anatomy lesson.” He smiled, kissing her on the tip of her nose.

  “Are you complaining about my hospitality?” Lysette teased with a wicked grin.

  “No, not at all. Frankly I’m surprised that one of us didn’t end up on the floor at some point during the night.” Katar grinned back at her. He was amazed at how beautiful she was so early in the morning.

  “I thought it was very cozy, the two of us snuggled together in this little bed.”

  “Well then from now on, we only make love in a twin bed.” He jumped up from the bed, yanking the sheets off Lysette as his feet hit the floor. A quick yelp and a flurry of movement came from Lysette as she jumped onto the floor next to him. She jerked the sheets out of his hands and wrapped them around her. Then glancing at the clock, she gasped, “I’ve only got an hour before I’m on duty again.” She turned back to him and frowned asking, “Are you leaving today?”

  “I’ve got you check on a transport, I’m sure they’ll need me back. There’s probably something in the area that I can hitch a ride on.” Katar answered quietly regretting the war more than ever before. “Why don’t you get dressed? I’ll run over to the command center and meet you for breakfast, as long as you don’t mind my scratchy face.”

  A deep kiss was his answer. He dressed as she pulled on a robe and headed for the showers, calling over her shoulder, “The stubble on your face is not a problem, but I’m not sure about the smell.”

  “Smell?” Katar frowned after her, then smiled and headed to take a quick shower.

  Chapter Nine

  The first available transport wasn’t scheduled to leave until late afternoon. Katar contacted the Southern Air Base to inform them of his whereabouts and Caps accident. They were quite eager to have their field commander back in action and a flight team was rerouted to his destination. They were less than thirty minutes north of the warehouse complex.

  Katar arrived at the small cafeteria as they began to clear the breakfast entrees away from the buffet. Fresh fruit and bread was all that was left for the two lovers to feast upon. Piling his plate high, he turned to find Lysette at his elbow, her plate equally full. Finding a table near the far wall they sat quietly, each regretting the loss of free time they so desperately wished for. As Katar studied Lysette’s clean glowing face he realized there couldn’t possibly be another woman more beautiful than she. Her damp blonde hair was pulled back to the nape of her neck, cascading down her back and curling around her shoulders. She had barely three hours of sleep yet looked as if she had spent the entire night in deep restful repose.

  Katar told her of the transport that was to arrive shortly and watched as disappointment filled her face. “I wish I could stay, even if it was for only one more day. But it’s just not possible.”

  Taking his hand in hers Lysette smiled softly, “I know, I’m going to be in surgery most of the day anyway. I just wish I knew when I was going to see you again.”

  “I wish I could tell you. The fact is I don’t know myself where I’m going to be from one day to the next.” Katar sighed and smiled at her adding, “But the war is coming to an end soon. Ergos can’t hold out much longer. They’re out of food and supplies. We cut off their water two days ago. Tor surrendered last night; Ergos is standing alone against an overwhelming force.”

  Realizing Lysette wasn’t encouraged by this, he leaned across the table. “Okay, It could be weeks, but it’s not going to last forever and now that I know you're so close . . .” They both knew they might not see each other until the conflict was over, it was best not to make promises. Yet Katar couldn’t help himself. “When this thing is over I want to take you to Treborel and the Empathic Institute. I want to introduce you to my home.”

  Finally a smile appeared on her face as she said, “I’d like that very much, Katar.”

  He wanted to ask her to stay with him in Borel, but the words wouldn’t form. They finished their meal and spent their last few minutes together checking on Cap’s progress. The recovery area was quietly full of movement. Cap was sequestered near the back of the long dark room. They found Kendra seated at Caps bedside trying to coax him into using his voice.

  “The raspy sound isn't’ going to fade until you start using your vocal cords again.” Kendra scolded the young officer, “Sooner or later you're going to have to speak. It really doesn’t sound that bad.” Flustered she looked up at Katar and Lysette then back to Cap with a determined look saying, “I never would have thought you were vain, Cap Taylor. I guess I’ll just have to sit here hour after hour talking to you until you answer me.”

  “That may be just want he wants Kendra.” Katar warned with a sly smile, looking down at his friend.

  “In that case, I should go,” Kendra rose, Cap scowled at Katar showing his displeasure at being betrayed. “When you’re ready to talk just ask for me.” With that, she was gone.

  Lysette placed her medical probe on Cap’s chest, pleased at his vital signs. “You’re doing well Commander. You’ll be out of here in a few days.” She smiled softly, then stood and kissed Katar deeply and said, “I’m going to report in, I’m sure you two have things to discuss. Find me before you leave; I’ll walk you to the landing area.”

  Cap managed a weak smile, surprised that his friend was kissing the one woman he had sworn to do hate him. Taking a slow deep breath, Cap spoke his voice was rough and dry, “Katar, I think I must have been hurt worse than I . . . thought. You told me you weren’t interested in her.”

  “I can’t help it Cap. She’s got a hold on me I can’t break.” Katar turned back to him with a wink. “And I’m tired of resisting.”

  “What about . . . Enda?” Cap let himself relax into the pillows, his throat ached.

  “I’ve told you before Cap, if you interested in Enda, I have no ties to her. She knew I never intended our relationship to go beyond anything more than it was.” Katar said defensively.

  “Do I detect . . . guilt?” Cap croaked, despite his growing fatigue.

  Katar stared at his injured friend and wondered how Cap could always see inside his head and said, “You know as well as I do, that I never worried how my . . . romances turned out. The direction they went in was left to chance. I really didn’t care. But now, with Lysette, I want to guide it.” Katar sat down in Kendra’s vacant chair and continued, “I’m in love with her Cap. I’ll be damned if I know how it happened.” Katars voice changed to a solemn tone. “Now it's very important to make sure Enda understands that it's over between us. I don’t want anyone or anything to come between Lysette and myself. I’ve never known anyone like her, Cap. She’s more than just beautiful and intelligent. Lysette cares deeply about the things she’s involved with and she’s not afraid of the future. She's not afraid to face all the changes that threaten the entire continent. She is exactly what I want, what I need.”

  Glancing over at Cap Katar saw that his friend was tiring. “I’ve talked enough, you need some rest.” Katar rose glancing around for Kendra. “It was quite a surprise seeing Kendra here. Why don’t you let her help you?” He turned back to Cap smiling brightly. �
��Some women think a deep raspy voice is sexy.”

  That solicited a smile from Cap and he reached up to tug on Katars uniform. “I can always count on you to get right to the point.” Then his smile faded as his eyes closed. Forcing them open he added weakly, “I owe you my life . . .”

  The fear and concern that he had felt the night before returned to Katar in a rush of emotion Looking into the tired face of the man who had been his friend and confidant since childhood the arrogant Prince realized how deeply he cared for Cap and how much his loss would have hurt. Katar cleared his tightening throat as Cap added, “Just make sure you don’t find yourself in the same situation. I won’t be there to help for a while.”

  Katar grinned as Cap’s face relaxed into sleep and said, “I think I can manage to survive for a few days without you.”

  The sky darkened as one of the many early summer storms formed above the palace. It was almost as if Prince Roth brought the storm with him into Sean Nolan’s office, waiting for the thunder to launch its echoes across the sky. Sean appeared through the door as Roth was inquiring with Val about his availability.

  Sean was in no mood for Roth, he said, “Roth, I didn’t realize you were back in Lavose?”

  “I’m just in for the day, I decided to take a short break and see how mother was holding up.” Roth answered glancing past Sean to his closed office door.

  Nodding at his remarks Sean addressed Val, “Do you have the information I requested?”

  “Yes sir intelligence confirms Lady Waytals story. But has no information on her engagement.” Val sorted through her papers and handed him a document with a portrait attached. “They sent this over, it looks like her.”


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