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Tempest Rise (Treborel)

Page 18

by Alaina Stanford

  “Like hunting sraebs?” Lysette asked regaining her composure.

  “I kill them because it’s necessary. I’m not going to allow another massacre to happen. I admit I enjoy being out there sleeping under the giant trees. I admit I take pride in a good kill. It’s important to me. But even if there were no sraebs or elk to hunt I’d still find a reason to travel deep into the mountains.”

  “What is killing then wasn’t the only recourse?” Lysette offered cautiously.

  “Perhaps someday, I may find another way.” Katar kissed her forehead then brushed his lips lightly against hers. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Lysette. Watching our children grow, finding our way through the madness of the world together. One day I’ll be King of Treborel. Don’t make me rule alone. There is no other woman that I would have at my side. Marry me and we will rule together.” His last words were whispered so softly, Lysette hardly heard them. They filled her with more joy than she could hold inside. Her answer burst from her lips before she was even aware.

  “I want nothing more than to be your wife.”

  His kiss consumed her as he pulled her down onto the soft carpet of grass beneath them.

  When they returned to Lysette’s quarters they fell asleep quickly, exhausted. It seemed only a few seconds before the light shone through her small window. Katar gazed out the window at the orange sky then looked down at the sleeping form huddled against him. He kissed the tip of her nose and said, “Lysette darling, the transport will be here soon. I have to go.”

  The sleeping form moved slightly as Lysette pulled him back down next to her and said, “I love you.” The huskiness of her voice told him, he would be late for his transport if he didn’t disentangle himself from her quickly.

  Springing from the bed he turned to the now wide open eyes of his love and smiled. “I’d like nothing more than to stay and taste your charms once more but I’ve got to get back to my men before they become too self sufficient. Plus, I haven’t spoken to Cap since I left here 2 weeks ago. I don’t want him to think I’ve forgotten him.”

  Lysette rose, pulling the blankets over her and smiling seductively. “Don’t forget about me after you have gone.”

  Nearly dressed, Katar leapt back onto the bed and snatched the blankets from her. “I would never forget you, minx. Tell me that a large chapel wedding isn’t in your mind. Let’s get married as soon as I return. The unit Priest is good enough for me.”

  “I’m not sure the Queen of Treborel would be pleased if her only son married an unknown woman, in the middle of a war zone.”

  “Well I can’t argue that.” Katar smiled, wickedly and said, “How about we marry here in a quiet ceremony and then again in Treborel for everyone to see. No one but you and I will ever know.”

  “How can I refuse?” Lysette smiled back at his unexpected delight.

  “Good! Now go back to sleep and I’ll contact you as soon as I can.” He kissed her quickly and headed for the door, just as the sound of an approaching transport shook the building. “I love you.” Lysette whispered as her smile faded with his absence. She lay back upon her pillow and stared at the ceiling until sleep took her.

  Nearly three weeks after Katar’s departure, Roth surprised Lysette with a visit. Refusing to see him, she spent every available moment in the hospital. Still, he managed to catch her late on his third night as she returned to her room.

  “You’ve got to give me a chance, Lysette.” Roth pleaded through her door. “I have something very important I must discuss with you. Something I don’t think you should have to hear over the Communications network.”

  His statement concerned her; she opened the door and faced him thinking that something had happened to her uncle. “What is it Roth?” She would give him ten seconds then slam the door in his face, if he was not to the point.

  “Enda is pregnant.” The statement was simple enough. Lysette slammed the door in his face.

  She called through the door, “Congratulations, Roth. I hope you and she will be very happy together.”

  “Open the door Lysette.” Roth commanded. “You know very well that the child isn’t mine.”

  Lysette knew if she opened the door she would regret it the rest of her life. She said, “You are very good at spreading lies about people who aren’t present to defend themselves.”

  “Do you honestly know what Katar does with his time, when he is not here with you?” Roth began, trying to reason with her calmly. “He doesn’t spend all of his time flying around in his helijet searching for targets.”

  “That’s right, Roth. At this very moment he is searching for King William in the Southern Mountains. This is where he has been for the last three weeks.”

  “What about before that? Do you know where he was the night Enda and I were here or the nights following that unfortunate scene in my quarters?” Roth waited for a response, knowing she had none. “Well I do. He was with Enda.”

  “You lie!” Lysette flung the door open and glared at him.

  “Listen to me, Lysette.” Roth gently grabbed her arm, holding on as she fought to free herself. “Don’t throw your life away on this worthless mountain man. He was with Enda that very next night. She found him at the Sondral Command Center.”

  “Get out or I’ll call security!” Lysette spoke loudly hoping someone would hear.

  Releasing her, Roth sighed heavily. “I admit I brought Enda here intentionally. But this time, she contacted me.” Receiving only silence, he added, “You know how to reach me. I’ll always be here for you Lysette.” His calm reassuring voice felt like he had hit her with his fist. She heard the pity and remorse in his voice.

  Quietly she shut the door and locked it. Moving toward her small shower she turned on the stream of hot water and undressed. Letting the steaming liquid run over her tired body she tried to block out Roth’s words. She promised Katar she wouldn’t listen to unfounded rumors. That she would never doubt him again. He loved her, she was sure of that. He wanted to marry her, there was no doubt. Enda met nothing to him, she was his past. He denied the engagement; he denied asking Enda to marry him.

  He had denied everything except asking Enda to have his child. He had let that statement pass without comment. Could he have loved another woman the night after they have been together for the first time? Could he have returned to her arms a mere day or two after being loved my Enda?

  No! Her mind screamed the only answer she could accept. Yet a voice inside of her reasoned how well did she truly know him? Could she really trust him blindly? She wasn’t sure. Regardless, she would have to discuss it with him. Until then, no plans would be made about their future. Until then she would trust him. She would give him a chance to explain before weighing his words and making a decision. She only hoped that he would return soon.

  The next week was torture for Lysette. She couldn’t rest for one moment without seeing Katar’s smiling face before her. When the emergency call came in from Tor, asking for a Pediatric Surgeon she volunteered for the assignment hoping to keep her mind off Katar. As the medical team prepared for departure news arrived of an explosion at a children’s home. There were fatalities and at least 25 children were severely injured.

  Joah, Andru and Kendra were among the Empaths that volunteered to accompany Lysette and the senior surgeon on call that night. The sun rose behind the clouds just as their transport lifted from the landing area and headed directly for Tor. The pilot informed them of an additional pick up to be made just outside the city and there scheduled arrival would be in two hours. As the large lumbering transport approached their second destination Lysette could see a small farmhouse near the clearing where they were landing. There were no signs of any medical facilities or personnel as the transport touched down. A lone soldier caught her eye as he emerged from the decaying shack. The side doors were opened and he stepped in asking the others to remain seated while he spoke to the pilot.

  Lysette glanced back out the window and saw a group of men
dressed in white surgeons uniforms emerge from the structure and head toward the jet. As they boarded the craft they produced laser weapons and pointed them at the surprised medical team. Shots rang out in the cockpit; shortly afterward the bodies of the pilot and co-pilot were dragged over to the opening and tossed out. Two of the five men disappeared into the cockpit and the jet lifted slowly off the ground.

  The transport swung off in the opposite direction of Tor. They headed southwest toward the river. The hijackers searched each of them taking anything that could be considered a weapon. When the navigator demanded to know what was going on she was thrown from the transport without a word. The medical team was separated into three groups; surgeons, Empaths and military personnel. Kendra could only stare unbelievingly at the commanding officer, her face filled with horror.

  The two remaining soldiers who had been acting as the medical teams escort were questioned briefly and determined to be of no use. Each one was shot in the head and thrown from the craft so quickly that no one had time to react. This left only the medical team. Lysette was horrified, were they simply to be used as entertainment while these mercenaries escaped? She had not known the two young soldiers well, but they deserved a better fate. They had done nothing to deserve the death they received.

  Dr. Spencer was the only military medical officer aboard the craft. As a result he was strapped to the navigator’s seat and interrogated. As the commander approached Dr Spencer, Lysette caught a sight of the small crossbow strapped to his back. Terror filled her as she realized that all the fears she had felt for Katar were now happening to her and her friends. They had been captured by the Kings Elite Guard. Commander Connor was about to torture them for information.

  As Dr. Spencer’s fingers were removed one at a time, his screams spurred Seriana the elderly female Empath to move slightly forward. Closing her eyes she reached out to Dr. Spencer and blocked as much of his pain as she dared. When he fell unconscious Commander Connor turned to glare at the courageous healer. He pulled out the knife that hung at his waist, stepped toward her and drove it deep into the hollow of her throat.

  Lysette screamed and lunged forward trying to reach her. Connor moved with the grace and speed of a large cat and backhanded Lysette in the side of the head. Everything went black as the butt of the knife cracked her skull and sent her reeling backward. Andru was instantly at her side. Pulling her back and healing the damaged tissue before it could swell and kill her. It took all of his strength to stop the blood flow and heal the swelling tissue as Lysette began to convulse. Pulling her back into the shadows Andru refused to leave her forcing himself to maintain intense level of healing she so desperately needed. As the effort of keeping her alive became apparent in Andru’s face, Joah took his place. Kendra stared up at the psychotic commander as he watched them work. She was shocked that he allowed them to touch Lysette, much less heal her.

  It took several hours before Lysette regained consciousness. As her eyes opened her thoughts went to the murdered Empath and Dr Spencer. She stared blankly up into Andrus face. He was talking to her, as Andru’s voice became clear she heard him say, “They killed him. They nearly killed you too.” He warned in a hushed tone urging her to stay still. “It was just as well you were unconscious. They tortured Spencer for quite some time before he died.”

  Lysette whispered through a splitting headache, “its Connor and the Elite Guard.”

  “I realized that when he put a bolt through Spencer’s forehead.” Andru concurred with disgust. “I still can’t figure out why they stopped killing everyone. What could they want with us?” Andru looked down to find Lysette unconscious again. Kendra who had been sitting beside Andru overheard their conversation and gasped as she realized the man that had haunted her dreams since childhood was Commander Connor.

  They spent the next three hours in silence. Andru and Joah traded places twice trying to force Lysette’s healing as best they could. Knowing that whatever they faced would require all the strength she possessed. The River Ny disappeared beneath them as they turned and headed for the coast. Their destination was Ergos, a city under siege. As they approached the city boundaries the laser cannon fire ceased. It was clear that the offensive troops were expecting them. As the large craft landed on the Ergos hospital complex roof Lysette regained consciousness once more, she was weak but out of danger.

  Connor approached them saying, “One work or even a loud sigh and I’ll kill every one of you.” His voice seethed with disgust at the weakness and fears his captive’s eyes held. Andru carried Lysette down the series of stairs that lead to the alley behind the complex where an urban caravan was waiting for them. The inside was pitch black; the windows had been painted to hide its contents. The vehicle began to move taking several turns but never stopping. After several minutes they arrived at their destination and were ordered to exit. The broad stone building stretched out to cover an entire city block. The caravan pulled around to the back entrance of the structure stopping in an alley of some sort between the large building and several smaller structures. As they entered the series of stairs that led deep into the belly of the structure Andru noticed that the entrance was covered by an ancient script noting the death of a martyr.

  The winding staircase they descended began to broaden as they reached its base opening into a spacious living area deep underground. The soldiers shoved the prisoners toward the center of the richly decorated room. The large chandlers that hung from the ceilings glittered and sparkled as they neared. The Empaths were told to be seated on the lush satin sofa as Commander Connor pulled Lysette from Andru’s arms.

  “She’s still injured!” Andru protested loudly, fearing for Lysette’s safety and was punched in the face by Connor for his effort then shoved onto the sofa by the soldiers that surrounded them.

  Forcing Lysette to stand Connor ordered, “Stand bitch!” Connor leaned close to Lysette and whispered softly in her ear, “Or I’ll show your empathic protector the point of my blade.”

  Lysette struggled to push him away, her head pounded as she swam in dizziness. Feeling Connors iron grip on her arm, he dragged her toward a set of double doors near the back of the room. Once inside the dim light was a relief to Lysette’s eyes. As she adjusted to the darkness Lysette could see the room was as equally large as the last. There was only a small area that was being put to use. Near the center of the room was a large canopied bed, dressed in the same dark amber satin as the previous room.

  In the bed was the still form of a sleeping woman. Beside her hunched over in a high back chair was a man. He stirred and rose at their approach, seeing only Lysette as she neared. Lysette recognized the man as soon as he turned to face her. Memories of her childhood visits to Bantor flashed through her mind. Yet this man had looked much different then. King William had been a man of impeccable taste and composure. He now stood before her withered and worn. He looked as if he had suffered some terrible illness that had eaten away at him for many years. Meeting his tired lost gaze frightened Lysette deeply. What had happened to this man to cause him to become so lost to himself?

  Stopping before her William studied her for a moment then simply stated the facts, “You have been brought here because you are a Pediatric Specialist. The Queen gave birth to my sons last night. They are dying. You will save them.” Turning he moved toward another set of doors taking Lysette deeper into the structure. As they entered Lysette found herself in a small medical center. Blinking against the harsh lights Lysette didn’t notice the oversized incubator in the center of the room until she was standing before it.

  Staring down at the two infants before her, Lysette’s mind cleared instantly as she feared she could be of no help to the dying babies. The two pale bodies lay still in their shelter, joined together by the Holy One from their temple to the base of their throats.

  The efficiency of the new sensor equipment installed around the southern air base had cut the search for King William nearly in half. There was no way in which anyone could have
entered the eastern sector of the Treborelan Mountains without being detected.

  With the Gem mines carefully mapped and inspected there was little cover that William could use to hide that the sensors wouldn’t pick up life forms. The search had yielded nothing, just as Katar had expected. With the war drawing to a close Katar decided to make a brief stop in Borel before heading back to Ergos and the final battle that was to take place in three days. He wanted to inform his mother of his intent to marry Lysette. Afterward he intended to have a brief visit with Enda to give her the news in person and make certain she understood their relationship was over.

  The Queen was overjoyed at his announcement asking him to bring Lysette to her as soon as possible. It was as much as Katar expected. Enda’s response on the other hand was quite a surprise. As he entered her home she had been quite excited to see him. She nearly ripped the clothes from his body until he intervened. Taking her hands in his he briefly explained his relationship with Lysette and told her they could never be together again.

  Enda’s voice was filled with disappointment as she said, “Katar, this is totally unexpected. I never really thought you would give into your mother’s wishes and marry. It won’t be a pleasant experience for you unless you’ve found a woman who is as meek and selfless as you are bold and stouthearted.”

  Katar recognized the familiar purr in her voice as she once again tried to seduce him, running the back of her fingers along his cheek. He brushed her hand away and said, “Lysette is neither meek nor excessively selfless. She is the woman I love and will not betray.” Katar’s conviction was clear. Enda stepped back with a smile.

  She said, “I am here if you ever decide a change is needed in your life.” Enda took his arm and led him to the door. “My door will never be closed to you.”

  During the three hour journey on horseback it took to get to the Borel Harbor Katar considered Enda’s words. He had no doubt about his love for Lysette and their ability to make each other happy. Even so, something about their conversation bothered him. Was it the fact that Enda gave him up without a struggle? Perhaps, his ego had wanted tears and pleading even thought he knew it was best she accepted it easily. He had never promised her anymore than the brief romance that they had enjoyed. It was clear that she had completely understood, knowing that someday it had to end.


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