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Tempest Rise (Treborel)

Page 24

by Alaina Stanford

  With that he turned and opened the door Andru had continued to pound on. Andru nearly fell as the door opened. He regained his composure and grabbed Lysette’s hand taking her back through the door, ignoring the Commander completely. Connor left the door ajar, locking the infirmary entrance behind him as he left.

  Lysette embraced Andru and held on tightly. “Thank you! How did you know I was in trouble?” She asked, pulling back from him shaking from the experience.

  “I can read your emotions pretty well. I felt the anger and fear, then something more. I guess Connor must have gotten really angry at you. What did you do? Slap his face after a nasty remark?”

  “Not exactly,” Lysette she took a deep breath to calm herself adding, “I think I’ve got a real problem with him.” She went over the check the babies and said, “He likes my . . . dominate personality.”

  “We’ve got to her out of here.” Andru whispered understanding her meaning all too well.

  “My experience with Connor has given me an idea, if you are willing to take a few risks.” She knew they didn’t have much time before Connor had her in a situation where Andru couldn’t rescue her. She also knew that she wouldn’t yield and probably die because of it.

  “I’ve been working on a few ideas of my own.” Andru smiled at her and they began to plan their escape.

  Katar’s mind spun with all the pain he had been forced to endure in the last week. He now had to face the very real possibility that Lysette was lost from him forever. The Kings entourage had vanished. The only possible hint of his escape had been a small helijet that had given an unusual clearance code and vanished before they could investigate. Now Cap was continually throwing Kendra’s wild story in his face. It was the most impossible of all to comprehend. Why would Connor have sought out and killed his father? He would have been a young man, barely twenty years old. Beyond that why would Hanlin and the others, his own mother, lie to him about his father’s death?

  If it was true and Commander Connor murdered his father, Katar wanted to know who gave the order? Katar couldn’t think of anyone at that time that his father’s death would have benefitted. No! It was an absurd tale that he refused to believe. Cap fought fiercely for Kendra insisting she was telling the truth. Katar decided that somehow at such a young age Kendra misunderstood or was confused about what happened. If she had been there, perhaps her little childhood mind warped the tale to remove the guilt of feeling responsible for the death of her Prince. More likely Connor had brain washed her, planting this story to confuse and torture him. Trying to keep him occupied, so they could relax in their haven.

  As much as Katar tried to convince himself that it was only a story a wild fabrication he could not remove the thought from his mind. Was it the fact that his father had deliberately given up his life for some child that gave Katar such an evil foreboding. Enough! He would confront Lord Wills and his mother and find out if there was any credence to this falsehood. Cap had returned Kendra and Joah to the instituted upon their arrival at Borel. Now was the time to confront them, in Caps absence he could make his own decision, without his friends influence.

  Having sent for Lord Wills Katar planed a direct confrontation. He would either deny the story or weep his confession. Lord Wills appeared in the doorway of the study pleased to see that Katar had returned home. Hanlin said, “Your Highness! I have been so concerned about your search for the missing Lady Lysette.” Hanlin began as he crossed the length of the room to where Katar stood by the bar pouring drinks.

  “Hanlin, I do not wish to discuss Lysette’s disappearance with you right now.” Katar glanced up at his approach adding, “I have something I must ask of you that cannot wait for one more second.”

  At the seriousness of his tone, Hanlin stopped before him deeply intrigued asking, “Whatever it is I am sure I can help.”

  “I have come across some information that leads me to believe that several of my closest advisors have lied to me regarding a most serious matter of state.” Katar handed Hanlin a drink and led the elderly gentleman over to the sofa at the far end of the room.

  “Your highness, I’m shocked! I have always believed that the Queens confidants were impeccable!” Hanlin gasped seating himself on the sofa beside Katar.

  “Even yourself?’ Katar spoke slowly watching the surprise rise on Hanlin’s face.

  “Katar, I have never lied to you.” Hanlin said will all seriousness.

  “Never Hanlin?” Katar asked casually adding, “Then tell me once more of my father’s death.”

  The reaction that came over Hanlin was not what Katar had expected or wanted. He wanted Hanlin to relax and retell the horror and courage of his father’s demise. Instead Hanlin simply stared blankly at him, his mount slack.

  “How did my father die Lord Wills?” Katar growled at the stricken man, “What was the instrument of his death? Why was it that I was not allowed to see his lifeless body before he was laid deep into the ground?” Katar’s voice grew loud as his suspicions heightened.

  “Prince . . . Mickel . . .” Hanlin stammered.

  “Was killed by a sraeb as you had told me?” Katar grabbed the elder’s collar and pulled him close. “Tell me the truth old man or I’ll have your head!”

  “I cannot! I swore an oath to the Queen!” Hanlin gasped.

  Throwing his trusted advisor back onto the couch Katar rose and headed for his mother’s suite. The fury that filled him was unmatched by anything he had ever felt before. Calming himself as he reached his mothers offices, he walked past her assistants without acknowledgement and into the conference room where Queen Sari was holding a meeting with several of her heads of state.

  “Leave us!” Katar commanded loudly eyes locked on his mother’s surprised expression.

  “Katar, what is wrong?” She rose concerned at his anger.

  “Clear this room at once!” His voice rose and this time the men and women obeyed.

  Waiting for the room to empty Katar regained some of his composure as Lord Wills appeared behind him.

  ”Your Majesty . . . “Hanlin tried to warn her, at the sound of his voice Katar turned and slammed the door in his face.

  “Katar!” Sari gasped, “That is no way to treat Lord Wills.”

  “Sit down mother, we have something very important to discuss.” Katar crossed to where she stood and placed his hand firmly on her shoulder urging her back into her seat.

  “My darling, what is the matter? Is Cap alright? Has something happened? Have they found Lysette?” She turned to look up at him searching for the source of his extreme anger.

  “No, I have just had a very enlightening conversation with Lord Wills concerning my father’s death.” Katar stood looking down at her. “Why did you lie to me?” His anger vanished with the question replaced by pain and betrayal.

  “What has he told you?” Her face could not hide the shock and sadness his question caused to well up inside her.

  “Only that he was sworn to secrecy. I was told by the young girl that witnessed my father’s murder. He was killed by a crossbow bolt. “ Katar gnashed his teeth from the sheer hatred he felt for Connor.

  “And he could not deny it.” Sari finished.

  “Why did you keep it from me?”

  “Oh my darling, I wish there was a simple explanation.” Sara began as she pulled him down to sit in the chair beside her. “First, I must know who the girl was?”

  “Kendra, an Empath from the Northern Colony.”

  “Then we must send her a protector until she can give formal testimony.”

  “Connor can’t get to her now, she’s at the institute.” Katar explained.

  “Commander Connor? Why would he be after Kendra, an Empath?”

  “Connor was the man she saw kill my father.” Katar only then realized that Kendra had said she was taken away during the confusion and never spoke of the Prince's death again.

  “Commander Connor killed your father?” Sari spoke softly as tears came to her eyes. “I kn
ew there was something about him. When he was here something more . . .” Then Sari realized the rue danger. “Katar, you must find him! Quickly, there is much more to your father’s death than just an assassination.” She pulled her son forward holding tightly onto his hands. “Your father had loved a young girl back in Latria before he came over to Treborel and we fell in love. When he returned to announce our engagement he found the girl was carrying his child.” Sari squeezed his hand and continued hating to add to the pain he was already experiencing. “The girl vanished before the child was born, furious at Mikel for loving another. The war escalated shortly after that and all hope was lost of ever finding them. It grieved your father deeply to think of his first born child being lost to him. His only comfort was your birth nearly 8 years later.”

  Astonished, Katar could only watch the depth of love that washed across his mothers face as she spoke of his father. She said, “Years later before the massacre your father received several communication from a man claiming to be the young girls son. The message consisted of a blank screen as a man repeated the story of the woman and her lost son. It was only a few weeks afterward when the massacre occurred and your father was killed.” Sari looked at her son for understanding, “When I was told of the stranger I feared it was Mikels missing son, seeking revenge. The day after his funeral I received another message from this same man. It confirmed my suspicions; the faceless voice vowed his revenge was not complete.”

  Katar closed his eyes overwhelmed by the meaning of his words. This could not be true. Commander Connor had not only murdered his father, just as Kendra described and kidnapped Lysette, but this psychopath was his elder brother!

  “Katar, I was horrified!” Sari pulled his thoughts back to her saying, “I saw the anger on your face and the determination to make every sraeb pay for your father's death. Can you imagine what would have happened if I had told you a man was responsible? A man we could not find? You were 14 years old, you would have left in search of him and I would have lost you both.”

  He rose and took his mother’s hand realizing she was right. He would have set out to kill the man who had taken his father away. If he had actually managed to find Connor, he surely would have been killed.

  “He’s taking his revenge out on Lysette.” Katar said quietly as hope threatened to leave him.

  “You mustn’t allow it. You must find him, Katar.” Sari rose to embrace him. “I fear that his childhood was a horror that left him insane. He must be stopped.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  ”No! I won't allow it!” Andru blurted out losing his temper.

  “What make you think that you have the power to order me about?” Lysette snapped back equally short tempered. They had argued the same point for the last two hours and had not progressed.

  “We’ve been over this a hundred times Lysette and the answer is still no! It’s too dangerous, if anything went wrong you’d be alone and at his mercy.” Andru was determined not to give in.

  “Just calm down and hear me out.” Lysette took a deep breath and calmed herself. Yelling at each other wasn’t going to get them anywhere. “We’ve got to get a look outside. You said one look at an open patch in the sky and your’ have a fair idea of where we are.”

  “That’s right I have to get a look at the sky, not you.”

  “So teach me what to look for, this is the only way we're going to get out of here alive.”

  “Offering yourself to Connor isn’t what I had in mind!” Andru tried to quell his growing anger, saying, “Going into his quarters alone is insane!”

  “I'm not going to get him to take me outside unless I offer him something he wants in return.”

  “Ok, but do you have to be that something?”

  “We’ve got to get a look at the guards, where they’re located and how they are armed. I don’t want to get killed trying to escape. And there's a big difference between being shot at by a laser rifle or a crossbow when you're dashing around in the dark!”

  “It goes on as scheduled. I should still be able to tell you how many guards there are outside.”

  “Please, Lysette. There’s got to be another way.” Andru’s voice softened as he took her hand trying to calmly reason with her.

  “Don’t worry; I’m not going to let that bastard near me. He won’t even know what happened.” Lysette and we're allowing him to pull her over to the small table and chairs set in the corner of the nursery. “We haven’t been able to come up with another idea. Do you realize how long captive?”

  “Well since the sraeb attack they’ve left us pretty much alone.” Andru stopped to consider how long ago that was. “I guess it’s been nearly almost 5 weeks.”

  “You don’t seem too concerned?” Lysette looked at him curiously.

  “In spite of the constant threat of death I guess I’ve been enjoying myself.” He smiled sheepishly at her. “How else could I have ever spent this much time alone with you?”

  “Will you never give up?” She smiled back at him.

  “I guess not, “He answered resisting the urge to touch her.

  “Well I for one would rather freeze to death out there than be tortured to death by Connors and that’s what is going to happen, sooner or later. He’s going to get tired of us.”

  There was a sound at the door and it opened to reveal King William. It was the first time since their arrival at the lodge since he had come to the nursery. His eyes were glazed, his face pale as he tried to speak as he opened and closed his mouth silently. Andru rushed over and touched his palm to the Kings temple gently.

  “His mind is gone.” Andru answered grimly, “It's almost completely destroyed. He has almost nothing but random thoughts. Stopping suddenly Andru gasped and jerked his hand away staggering back as Lysette rose to catch him. He leaned against her for support as two soldiers appeared with Commander Connor. Taking a hold of the Kings shoulders Connor shoved him roughly at the two men and they disappeared around the corner. Turning back to Lysette Connor demanded, “How long was he in here?”

  “Just a few seconds.” Lysette answered quietly, “What did you do to him?”

  “Nothing he didn’t deserve.” Connor answered casually, turning to leave. Stopping he turned back to her. “Oh doctor I thought you might like to know, your bachelor Prince has finally married. I hear he’s expecting a child.” He smiled at her then turned and left.

  Nothing could have hurt Lysette more than the thought that Katar had married Enda. Andru was still shaken but had comprehended the statement. Lysette tried to force Katar from her mind and concentrate on Andru but it was impossible.

  “Can you get me to a chair? He asked softly, she complied taking him to a cot. He added, “Don’t listen to Connor; we have to concentrate on getting out of here tonight.” Andru rose feeling his strength return. “The King came here to warn us. They’ve decided to kill Arbus. Connor must have made the mistake of letting the King overhear the orders. He slipped away to try to warn us, but his mind was so far gone he couldn’t form the words.”

  “Why would they kill Arbus?” Lysette sat down beside him.

  “Royal twins could cause a division among the masses; if each vied for the crown it could destroy a country. So eliminate one now and enter it never happens.” Andru spoke grimly looking down at the sleeping child, “Consequently Lysette, I would imagine that they would want to slim down their food intake for the winter in the process.”

  Meaning what?’

  “With only one baby to care for they don’t need both of us.” Andru turned to her, saying, “Remember what Joah had said about Arbus being an Empath?”

  “Yes, that’s why she recovered so quickly.”

  “It's more than that. Arbus has an exceptionally strong life force. Stronger even than any elder Empath that I have even known. Joah told me that he must be kept safe at all cost.” Andru took her by the shoulders and added, “There is a reason why he is here. We have got to get him out before they come for him.”

p; “What are you trying to tell me Andru?” Lysette frowned at him, “Are you saying that Arbus has some spectacular destiny in store for him? She couldn’t help but smile.

  “Look, I don’t care if you believe me or not. We just have to leave here tonight and take Arbus with us.”

  “Ok, so then we put my plan into action. I’ll approach Connor.”

  “If it gets us out of here as soon as possible, I’ll go along with anything.”

  “A Bantorian helijet is not equipped with solar gems; one of such small proportions could only stay in the air under such severe winds that night for about 4 or 5 hours. After that its energy system would have been exhausted.” Cap informed the Treborelan commanders gathered around the holographic display of the western coast of the continent. “That means they either headed north to Treborel or South around the Nayrian peninsula to the swamps of Southern Lon Tesse.”

  “With two small infants the swamps would be a death trip.” Sean interjected from the far end of the long table.

  “They could have met a ship out at sea and sailed for the western continent." Eades added from where he sat next to Katar and the Queen.

  “William is running away from one war, terrified he’s going to be murdered.” Sean countered “Latria’s borders are at constant strain. I think he would avoid crossing the sea.”

  “What about landing and powering up overnight?” Queen Sari asked.

  “We would have spotted them the moment they lifted off.” Katar shook his head. There is no way they moved from where ever they have hidden themselves since that first night.”

  “The Lon Tesse swamps are too difficult to hide in where an air search is concerned. Our heat sensors would have picked up such a large party by now.” Sean added, “They have to be somewhere in Treborel.”

  “Cap, you said the Connor was hunting in the northern territory when his men were killed during frenzy?” Katar turned to him.

  “Right, but I’m not sure where.” Cap answered, “I just assumed that it was the same area that Lord Rung had taken him into before.”


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