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A Deadly Business

Page 9

by Desiree Holt

  “That was…” She blinked. “I don’t think I can find the right words.”

  He sprinkled kisses across her cheek, and then along her jawline. “And we’re just getting started.”

  She brushed her fingertips through his hair. “If that’s so, you’ll just have to take off your clothes. Why are you still dressed, anyway?”

  He pressed a kiss to the hollow of her throat again. “Because if I had gotten naked already I would have embarrassed myself like a sixteen-year-old boy.”

  Marissa slid her hands beneath his shirt, running her palms up and down his back. Just her touch against his skin was enough to make his balls ache. He pushed himself off the bed and stripped off his clothes with a long-ingrained efficiency. He watched her eyes widen as his thick, swollen cock popped free. When she ran the tip of her tongue over her lips he felt as if someone had thrust a hot poker through his body.

  Pausing only long enough to grab a string of three condoms from his shaving kit, he stretched out on the bed with her, shifting her so they were touching everywhere. He stroked her shoulders and her arms, the curve of her hip, and her very fine ass. When he let his fingers trail in that hot, dark crevice she sucked in a breath and pressed harder against him.


  He closed his eyes for a moment, imagining the feel of his cock sliding between those two firm cheeks, into that cleft and pressing against the dark opening, and it was all he could do not to come right then and there.

  Burying his face in her neck, he inhaled a deep breath, drunk on her scent, a mixture of wildflowers and woman. With her head cradled in his palms, he treated himself to another deep, drugging kiss. Her juices still thick on his tongue, he was overcome with a desire and a need to taste her everywhere at once. Moving slowly so he did not miss a spot, he proceeded to do just that.

  She moved beneath him as his mouth found that hollow of her throat again, her breasts, her tempting nipples, her tummy, her hips, and her thighs. She not only smelled incredible, her skin was like fine satin, smooth and soft. Like an animal in heat, he wanted to rub himself all over her. He was like a starving man at a banquet, not knowing which delicacy to enjoy first. He wanted to taste every single inch of her.

  But his cock was sending him an urgent message that he could no longer ignore. He sheathed himself with one of the condoms and positioned himself between her legs. She bent her knees, widening to open herself to him, and planted her feet on either side of him. He nudged her opening with the head of his shaft then pushed slowly into her hot, wet sheath.


  He sucked in a breath, and willed himself to maintain control enough to get them both to the finish line. It was going to be damned hard, though. She felt so good, her inner walls gripping him like a heated vise. He clenched his jaw and began to move, slow, dragging strokes in and out, making sure to hit her sweet spot each time. He never took his eyes from hers, watching the hunger in them, seeing them flare with each thrust forward.

  God! It was like going to heaven and being immersed in every sensual pleasure he could imagine. In, out, back, forth. His cock throbbed with need, and every muscle in his body strained as he fought to maintain control. At the moment he felt the muscles of his back tighten. He could not remember sex ever being this intense, this all-consuming. His mind was engaged as much as his body. Nothing existed outside, this room, this bed, except the two of them.

  Marissa wrapped her legs around him to pull him tighter into her body. Wrapped together, her heels digging into the base of his spine, he rode her to completion. His shaft pulsed as he emptied himself inside the thin latex, her very tight sex milking him and squeezing him.

  At last he collapsed forward, his body pressed to hers, his weight carried by his forearms. If sex could be a religious experience, he had just had one. His heart beat so hard it echoed in his ears, and he struggled to draw in a full breath. He looked down at Marissa’s face and saw the same things mirrored there. And something else. Uncertainty? From a woman who really had her shit together?

  Had she thought…

  “Marissa.” He managed to speak despite his choppy breathing.

  “Mmmm?” She looked at him with that question still in her eyes.


  She touched the tips of her fingers to his lips. “Ssh. You don’t have to say anything.”

  “But I do.” He brushed a kiss over her lips. “I have rules, and I never break them. One of them is no sex with a client.”

  She gave a short nod and tried to hide the sudden pain that flashed in her eyes. “I know—”

  “Nothing. Not at all what I’m going to say.” He treated himself to another kiss. “First, although you are a client, this is much more personal than just a business arrangement. Second, I wanted this from the minute I set eyes on you. Scratch that. I wanted you.” He shifted his weight a little. “But it was easy to see you weren’t interested in or ready for anything like this. Avery never shared your story with me until today, but I’ve been in this business a long time. I can tell when someone is hiding out from danger.”

  She frowned. “Was it that obvious?”

  He shook his head. “Not to most people, but then again, I’m not most people. This is a touchy situation we’re in. Despite all the precautions, I’ve learned things can go south in a hot minute. So just keep this in mind. I want you, and not for just one roll in the hay or a short interlude. I’m never letting my guard down, but I’m not going to pass up this chance, either, to let you know how I feel and hope you feel the same way.”

  She waited so long to answer, studying his eyes as if trying to read inside his head, that he began to wonder if he’d even like what she said.

  “I haven’t had a relationship of any kind in five years,” she began. “I was undercover for the CIA all that time and couldn’t risk it. Same thing when I landed in Arrowhead Bay.”

  He was afraid she was about to tell him this could never work, his punishment for all the times he’d used that line. He searched for the right words to say to her.

  “But,” she went on, “I’m not stupid. There’s something going on here besides sex. But…what if it just lasts while we’re tucked away here in this vacation from reality?”

  “Don’t you want to find out? I know I do.”

  “I just don’t want to screw it up.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “Or end up putting either of us at risk because of it.”

  He brushed a few strands of hair back from her damp cheek. “That’s not going to happen. You know why? Because we’re both smart people. Let’s just give this a chance, okay?”

  For a long moment he was afraid she’d say no. Then she nodded. “Yes. I want to.”

  “Good.” He let out the breath he’d been holding and eased himself from her body, being careful to hold the condom in place. “Don’t move. We’re just getting started here.”

  He couldn’t believe the huge sense of relief he felt. He’d protect her with his life, and somehow, in all of this, make sure she knew they could have something real. The last thing he wanted was for her to get scared and walk away when this was all over.

  He took the time to double-check the alarm system and the locks on all the doors. He wished the villa had external cameras. Tomorrow he’d figure out how to set his own booby traps. But tonight? That belonged to him and to Marissa.

  And one thing he knew for sure. Their relationship had changed, and he didn’t plan to let it change back.

  Chapter 6

  Stefan Maes hiked the sleeve of his custom tailored Brioni shirt and checked the time on his Patek Philippe Nautilus watch. The labels were important to him, emblems of his wealth and status, even if those had diminished for the moment.

  “Val?” Where was that man? “Valentin?”

  “I’m here.” The man in question entered the study. “You need to relax, or you’ll have a stroke before we
even get to Rosewood.”

  “I have an important dinner meeting this evening, as you know. I cannot be late.”

  “Are you ever?” Desmet lifted an eyebrow. “The car has been ordered. You will arrive at the restaurant in plenty of time.”

  Tonight was a key part of his plan, as was the rest of the week. He had to appear to be conducting business as usual. But lately he’d had the feeling someone was watching him, something more than the usual eyes on him. He couldn’t pinpoint anything specific. It was just an uncomfortable feeling. It had just begun this week, and he had to convince himself it had nothing to do with his quickly put together plans. How could it? No one outside his immediate circle knew about them and they all knew they were dead if they leaked anything.

  Nevertheless, he wasn’t taking any chances. He would not deviate from his routine one single bit. Not do anything to put anyone on alert. And Saturday he had made arrangements to camouflage everything when they went to the airport. This close to the culmination of his plan, he was not going to let anything, or anyone stop him.

  “Any word from Joubert’s house?” he asked.

  Desmet nodded. “Everything is in place. The men will remain until you give the word.”

  “And Raca?”

  “As I said, just waiting for your signal. He has the men and equipment all set.” Dag Raca was the lead man in the group of twelve who did his dirty work and wet work for him. They had all grown up on the streets of Zagreb together, learning how effective the worst atrocities could be in protecting themselves and getting their way. They had been his support and his enforcers, the bedrock on which he’d built his empire. They had stuck with him when it all went to hell and were richly rewarded for their loyalty.

  “And you cleared everything for the plane and the helicopter?”

  Maes had demanded the use of Joubert’s equipment., a Gulfstream 650 that could fly seven thousand miles nonstop, and a Sikorsky S-92 helicopter that had great maneuverability. In his ever-growing vanity, Joubert had painted the name of his conglomerate on the fuselage of each so there was no question about the ownership.

  “Joubert made arrangements for both.”

  “Excellent.” Maes rubbed his hands together then checked his watch again. “Drive time to the airport is roughly an hour. We should be wheels up at eight o’clock Saturday morning.”

  Desmet nodded. “Flight time from London to Nassau is about ten hours. Add another at the Nassau airport and the short trip to Princessa Key. Dinner begins at seven and we arrive at seven thirty.”

  “Perfect.” Maes nodded. “Allow them time for their predinner drinks and their appetizers, time to relax and look forward to the evening.”

  “Stefan, you will give yourself a coronary if you don’t ease up. You won’t even be alive to enjoy the fruits of your labor.”

  “You don’t worry about me,” Maes snapped. “I will be plenty alive to enjoy every single moment of misery I inflict on those bastards. Every. Single. Minute.”

  They could have helped him when the shit hit the fan. Instead they’d turned on him, those animals. Buried their connections with the Grupa. Acted as if he was diseased. Rolled up their carpets and ran like scared children, afraid they would lose their own fortunes and operations as the CIA and Interpol systematically destroyed his Grupa Industrijska—Industrial Group.

  He knew the disaster with the Swiss banks was due to pressure they applied. He’d even had to move all the accounts for his legitimate business. But now. Now! He would have his revenge and in a most spectacular way.


  He looked up at the sound of Val’s voice.


  “How about a drink to start the evening?”

  “Good idea. I think that single-malt scotch you like so much. Let’s drink a toast to our success.”

  Val filled two crystal tumblers with ice from the small refrigerator set beneath the bar against one wall. Then he selected the bottle of Dalmore and poured a precise two fingers into each glass. He handed one to Maes, then touched his glass to the other man’s in a toast.

  “To Saturday,” he said.

  “To success,” Maes corrected.

  As they each sipped the aged liquor, Maes hoped they would be truly celebrating come Saturday night.

  * * * *

  Marissa floated in the water, the warm breeze blowing bubbles in the water on her skin, the scent of hibiscus and plumeria thick in the air. They were surrounded on all sides, a strong metal fence extending out from the house and concealed by the thick shrubbery but there nevertheless. In addition, Justin had set the alarm system and double-checked the entire area around the house.


  She could relax.

  And lazing in the pool was one of the best ways to do it.

  For the most part, she and Justin had basically stayed within the grounds of Orchid House. Once a day they took a stroll along the main beach, but most of the time they kept to themselves. At least once a day they heard the sound of a helicopter arriving, either bringing new guests or ferrying others away. And one day they saw two of the runabouts taking people out to one of the yachts at anchor.

  Still, she was glad for Justin’s obsession with security.

  “I know this place is secure,” Justin told her over and over, “and we have no reason to believe Maes knows where you are, but let’s not take unnecessary chances.”

  “Just keep in mind that man can find a flea at the ends of the earth. I’m not sure any place is really safe where he’s concerned.”

  He tugged her toward him and wound his arms around her. “With me. That’s the safest place for you.”

  “I believe you.”

  And she did, even if every once in a while, a shiver raced down her spine. These people did not now Maes like she did. She had a deep down feeling she’d only be safe if he was dead.

  Meanwhile she was more than happy to spend the time alone with Justin. It wasn’t the private island or the secluded villa. It was the man himself. If she could feel secure with anyone, it was Justin Kelly. She’d closed herself off emotionally for five years. With Maes’s price still on her head, she hadn’t been sure she’d ever be able to relate to a man again. Not to mention the fact that sex had been the last thing on her mind in what seemed forever.

  Until Justin.

  Here she was, all her senses awakened along with emotions she’d kept in mothballs. It was way more than the stupendous off-the-charts sex. It was the way they connected on every other level. In odd moments she wondered what would happen when they returned to Arrowhead Bay. If she could ever get out from under this cloud over her…

  This morning they’d lingered over a very late breakfast, delivered in perfect condition by a very efficient room service waiter. Now they were in the heated pool in their very private yard, enjoying the sun and the water. She was in the shallow end, leaning against the wall of the pool, head tilted back, eyes closed.

  “You look like some heavy thoughts are chasing around in your brain.”

  Her eyes popped open when she felt hands sliding along her arms and a very aroused male body pressing against her.

  “Somebody likes being in the water,” she teased. And who would have thought she’d be in a teasing, playful mood ever again?

  “No kidding.”

  He moved his hands around to her back, nimble fingers untying her bikini top and tossing it up on the tiles. In the next second he cupped her breasts in his palms, thumbs brushing softly over her nipples. Back and forth, just the barest of touches but enough to wake up every nerve ending. At once heat streaked to her sex, a flutter set up in the muscles of her inner walls, and just that quick she wanted him.

  He lowered his head, touching his mouth to hers with a light brush before tracing the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue. His thumbs and forefingers were b
usy squeezing and abrading her sensitive nipples. Her entire body felt as if electricity sizzled through it. She wanted to tell him to pinch the taut buds, to scrape them with his nails, the way he’d done before, setting off a waterfall of sensations in her body. But then he gave his attention to her mouth, drugging her senses.

  She clutched his arms to steady herself and opened her mouth to welcome his intrusion. He invaded her, that was the only word for it, licking every inner surface, sliding his tongue over hers, coaxing her to do the same. When he scraped the surface with his teeth she had to squeeze her thighs together to contain the intense throbbing.

  “Mmmm.” She hardly realized she was moaning until she heard Justin’s low, rough laugh vibrating against her flesh.

  “I think I created a monster here.” His voice was husky with need.

  In a way she had to agree with him. After that first night it seemed they couldn’t get enough of each other. For Marissa it was like a feast after a long period of starvation. Only the offering was so much better than anything in her life before this.

  In the days when sex had been a part of her life—and wasn’t that just a long time ago—for whatever reason she had never been an adventurous lover. But with Justin, she wanted to explore everything, try everything. Feel everything. She scraped her teeth along his tongue again and sucked hard on it. He groaned and tightened his fingers around her breasts, gave them a gentle squeeze. Desire streaked through her body.

  The magic of his hands and his tongue sent delicious sensations cascading through her. Eyes closed, she gave herself over to them, until it wasn’t enough. She wanted to touch him, feel him, curl her fingers around the thickness of his shaft.

  Wriggling her hand through the water, she reached into his bathing shorts and wrapped her fingers around his cock. It pulsed in her hand, and her inner walls clenched in an answering spasm. She squeezed her thighs together as she stroked up and down the thick shaft in her hand.


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