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The Dark

Page 30

by Cheyenne McCray

  “Talk about a mood killer.” Jake squeezed Cassia tight, his arm still around her shoulders. With his free hand he reached for the tube hovering a foot away from him. He pocketed it then brought Cassia completely into his arms. “So the old—the Guardian has been spying on us.”

  Cassia rested her head against his muscular chest. “I think it was more like you projecting your feelings for me. You want to be with me, but the possibility of being killed by sex is no doubt a little daunting.”

  The thought about what might lie in her future made Cassia’s throat tighten. Would the potion really get Jake through the transition? What consequences would she face?

  Jake sighed and rubbed his palm in a circular motion on her back. His warm hand caused a tingling sensation where he touched her through her T-shirt. “After all of that, I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I want to be with you.” Cassia swallowed. “I need this. I need you.”

  “We don’t have to have sex, honey.” Jake kissed the top of her head. “I just don’t want any other man to have you in any way. I love you too much.”

  “Someone has to take me through the transition.” She looked up at him and felt the sting of tears behind her eyelids. “Terrible things will happen if I don’t go through it. I choose you, Jake. I will only be with you.”

  He released her and rubbed his temples with his thumb and forefinger. “Maybe I should let Daire do it, but I can’t.”

  When she took his free hand in hers, he moved his fingers away from his temples and caught her other hand in his.

  “Even when I was right there,” Cassia said softly, “when I was supposed to go through the transition with Daire, I don’t know that I could have. The only man I could think about was you.”

  Jake let out a harsh breath. “I can’t do anything that will hurt you. The consequences—what the hell could they be?”

  “It doesn’t matter, Jake.” Cassia held his eyes with hers as she added softly, “If I don’t go through the transition within the next couple of days, I die.”

  He jerked his head up, an expression of shock on his face as he looked at her, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

  “So no matter my choice,” she said, trying to continue as she faced the stark reality, “there will be a consequence.”

  Hours later, Jake still tried to come to terms with this whole mate or die thing, and anger had burned continually in his gut. The heat only strengthened as he stood outside of Daire’s home, his back to the door, not quite able to make himself face it and knock.

  Jake and Cassia had spent the rest of the day holding hands and walking along a lot of the paths cutting through the City of the Light Elves.

  Even as Cassia showed him her home city, he remained almost blind to it. All he could think about was Cassia and what the Elves had done to her. Taken away her choices, giving her no options. What right did they have to do this to her?

  When it was late afternoon, Jake and Cassia had arrived at Daire’s front door. Cassia kissed Jake, and he swore electricity traveled to every nerve ending in his body. He’d heard a crackle and the smell of something burning before she drew away.

  He half expected the trees around them to be on fire, but it was only a spot on the grass that she rubbed out with one shoe. A tendril of smoke rose up from the place.

  Now, even after she’d walked away, his lips tingled as if he still felt her mouth against his.

  Despite the lack of any sound indicating Daire’s door had opened behind Jake, he felt the other man’s presence, Jake turned to see Daire, who gave a slight nod. He held his arm toward the doorway, indicating Jake should go into the home.

  It was a nice place, Jake had to give Daire that. Vaulted ceilings, high arched windows, rich furnishings with blue-cushioned chairs and couches. Jake couldn’t help but compare it to his own sadly neglected bachelor pad, which he’d never had a chance to take Cassia to. He wondered what she’d think of it.

  Jake folded his arms across his chest and faced Daire. “Would you like to fill me in on a few things?” Jake asked, his whole body tense.

  The door closed behind Daire with no sound and without Daire even touching it. He followed Jake into the room. When they came to a stop in the middle of the large space, Daire studied him almost long enough to piss Jake off.

  “Regardless who the male is,” Daire finally said, “Cassia must be taken through the transition or the force of her own powers will kill her.”

  Jake rubbed his temples before dropping his hand to his side. “You just said ‘regardless who the male is.’ Are you telling me it never had to be a full-blooded Elvin guy?”

  “That was the Guardian’s choosing.” Daire’s expression remained placid. “But the one who takes her through the transition must be a male who can survive the full power of Cassiandra’s magic. As a human, you do not have that ability.”

  Jake dug into his pocket and pulled out the tube with the crap in it that looked like sludge. “Except with this.”

  Daire studied the tube for a long moment. “Interesting that the Guardian is allowing this mating.” Jake re-pocketed the tube as Daire continued. “I have never known her to change her decisions once made.”

  Jake didn’t bother sharing the fact that the Great Guardian’s own mother apparently had had something to do with it. “Maybe she likes my winning personality,” he said instead.

  “Perhaps that is it.” Daire gave a hint of a smile. “Although I find it most unlikely.”

  “No kidding.” Jake sat on one of the hard-backed chairs that Daire motioned to. “Let’s cut the bull,” Jake said as Daire reclined in a nearby chair. “What kind of consequences are we dealing with after Cassia goes through this transition?”

  “I do not know, now that the Great Guardian is displeased.” Daire shook his head. “I have never seen her angry in all of my centuries.”

  “Guess Mom’s not too happy with her daughter going for the guy across the tracks,” Jake said. Daire raised his eyebrows, but Jake chose to continue his questions about the transition. “Just tell me if the Guardian is going to hurt Cassia in any way if we go through with this.”

  “Harm, no.” Daire sighed. “Difficult choices, yes.”

  “What—” Jake started, but Daire held up his hand to stop him.

  “It matters not any longer,” Daire said. “I must instruct you in helping the Princess through her transition.”

  Jake leaned forward, his forearms braced on his thighs. “I’m listening.”

  “Sexual relations are among the most powerful of magics,” Daire said. “When Cassiandra is aroused in any fashion, her magic will be almost uncontrollable until her sexual energy is leashed and takes her to the next level of her abilities.”

  He continued, “When a man enters her, it will amplify the strength of her ascending powers. They will reach the same pinnacle, where they would have eventually taken over her mind and body. But with the right male to guide her through the transition, the magic can be harnessed and redirected.”

  Hair prickled at the nape of Jake’s neck. “What you’re getting at is, by taking care of this during sex she’ll have the control she needs over that power instead of it taking control of her.”

  “That is so,” Daire said with a slow nod.

  Jake felt the pressure of the vial like a lead weight against his leg through his jeans pocket. “What do I have to do?”

  “Begin slowly.” Daire’s eyes remained fixed on Jake. “The contents of the vial will allow you to absorb the flux of power that Cassiandra will radiate. You must hold that power within you and not allow it to flow into her until you both reach completion.”

  After everything Jake had been through over the last months, this was the strangest moment of his life. Completely surreal. “So this happens when she climaxes.”

  “You must reach orgasm at the same time. As your seed spills into her, so will her power. You will be feeding it back to her and she will be able to control i
t fully.”

  “Can she get pregnant?” Jake asked as the thought occurred to him.

  Daire shook his head. “Only if she chooses to, but not during her transition. There is far too much of an exchange of magic to allow conception.”

  Jake scrubbed his hand over his face, thinking about the unreality of it all. Definitely something he’d never dreamed he’d ever go through. “Any words of wisdom?”

  “You will need your strength, so eat well,” Daire said. “Drink the contents of the vial when you are finished.

  His expression grew more intense. “Whatever happens, do not lose consciousness. “If her magic remains within you, you both will die.”

  Cassia’s heart pounded as she paced the length of her chamber. What was Daire telling Jake? What would he have to go through? Would it be painful for him, or pleasurable?

  She prayed that whatever happened would not involve any kind of pain on his part.

  Beneath one of the arched windows, the handmaidens had finished spreading out a small feast, along with a flagon of wine and two gold goblets.

  Despite rich smells of baked breads straight from the ovens, along with the delicious aromas of vegetables, puddings, and fresh fruits, she wasn’t hungry. The thought of eating added to the churning in her stomach that increased more and more as she paced.

  Jake should be here by now. Her white robes caressed her bare skin and swirled around her feet as she turned to walk back toward the door—

  And there he was.

  Cassia came to a complete stop and couldn’t move as she met his blue eyes. She caught her breath as she took in all of him. From his short dark hair to his broad shoulders, to the perfection of the rest of his muscular body that a snug Elvin tunic and breeches accentuated. His hair was damp as if he had just bathed, and he was barefoot, too.

  Jake’s throat worked as he visibly swallowed. “Hey, Princess.”

  “Jake!” So much joy burst through every cell of Cassia’s body that golden light filled her bedchamber. She ran to him and flung her arms around his neck.

  He caught her by her waist and held her tight against him. A sensual smile curved his lips, and he brushed his mouth over hers in a soft, sweet kiss.

  “I can hardly believe you’re here.” She drew away, and already sparks snapped in the air around them. “I love you so much.”

  He placed his forehead against hers. “You already know how I feel about you.”

  “Say it.” Her entire body sizzled with magic just by being close to him. “I want to hear it again and again.”

  “I love you.” He kissed her and murmured against her lips, “Damn but I love you.”

  Cassia pressed her face against the soft fabric of his tunic and smiled as his warm, spicy male scent seemed to fill her every pore.

  Jake gave a low laugh that she felt rumble in his chest. She tilted her head to look up at him. “I didn’t think I could perform on demand.” He moved his hands up her sides and caressed her upper arms. “But just being with you—God, you make me forget about everything but you.”

  “I know what you mean.” Magic glowed around them, continuing to crackle like logs in a fire. “I don’t care about anything but you.” She sobered. “As long as you don’t get hurt.”

  He tweaked a lock of her hair. “Your mother may not approve of me, but I don’t think she’d kill me.”

  “You’re right.” Her smile turned into a wry grimace. “Although I had my doubts when we had our little talk with her.”

  Cassia shook her head. “I thought my mother would fry you after a couple of your comments, especially the one about her playing some kind of game.”

  Jake winced. “Guess I got a little carried away.”

  “Uh-huh.” Cassia glanced at the table laden with food. “Kellyn was sent to tell me that you needed to eat to build up your strength.”

  “Daire said the same thing.” He studied the table. “I don’t suppose there’s a chance any of the food is poisoned?”

  Cassia slipped her arms from around his neck, took one of his hands, and squeezed it. “She would have killed you already if she wanted you dead.”

  “That’s reassuring.”

  She couldn’t help smiling as she led him to where the handmaidens had positioned the chairs across the table from each other. Jake held out one of the chairs and assisted her. Rather than sitting on the other side of the table, he dragged his chair away, the chair’s feet scraping the wood floor. He moved it near her and seated himself so that they were at the same corner, close enough to touch.

  She could almost swear Jake’s hand trembled a little as he poured wine from the flagon into her goblet, and then his, before he set the flagon back on the table. Her own hands definitely shook.

  He raised his goblet and she did the same. Words neither of them spoke hung in the air as they touched their goblets together before they each took a drink of the wine. The berry-flavored sweetness flowed over her tongue and warmth traveled straight to her stomach.

  After they set their goblets on the table, Jake picked up a piece of blue melon and brought it to her lips. His eyes held hers as she took the fruit into her mouth.

  After she swallowed the melon she couldn’t help a teasing grin. “I never pegged you, Jake Macgregor, as a romantic.”

  “Saw it in a movie once.” He grinned back. “Some chick-flick.”

  She laughed. “Glad to see you’re such a quick study.”

  “You have no idea.” He fed her a blackberry this time, its tart sweetness even better because he slipped his forefinger into her mouth with it.

  She sucked, but then he replaced his finger with his lips and tongue, sharing the taste of the blackberry.

  Cassia found her appetite as she and Jake ate their meal. A constant swirl of golden magic surrounded them as her arousal magnified. It felt like many of the sparks traveled from her navel downward. Her nipples tightened and her breasts felt heavy and ached. Her skin glowed as if fire raced along her arms.

  When he finished eating, he wiped his fingers on a napkin. “You have always been beautiful to me.” He set the napkin on the table as he kept his gaze on her. “But now—you look like an angel. No, more like a goddess.” He gave her a teasing smile. “Which you are, apparently, since Anu is your grandmother.”

  Heat flushed throughout Cassia’s body, only making the swirl of magic around them more intense. It grew almost cloudy, and she could barely see the room through it anymore.

  She lifted an eyebrow. “You thought I was beautiful even when I played the bumbling witch?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded, but his expression remained serious. “From the time we first met, I felt there was something different about you. I knew you had secrets and I was the one who was meant to find out exactly what they were.”

  Jake’s words sent a spiraling sensation through her. He wasn’t even touching her at this moment, and still the magic swelled and threatened to take her over.

  For a moment she was puzzled when he reached into a pocket of his breeches. Then her stomach twisted as he brought out the glass vial the Great Guardian had given him. With an expression of distrust, he uncorked it.

  Immediately the thick black substance absorbed the magic in the air. What had looked like sludge shimmered and turned into smooth, golden liquid. Jake met her gaze as he raised the vial to his lips, closed his eyes, and drained the contents.

  Cassia’s heart pounded in her throat as she watched him remain still for several seconds. When he finally opened his eyes he smiled at her. “It tasted like your scent, your perfume, as if your essence had been captured when I uncorked the vial.”

  “You are the romantic.” A jittery sensation prickled her body even as she teased him. “Do you feel all right?” she asked as he set the vial on the table.

  “Nothing’s changed.” His voice came out in a low rumble. “I want you as much as I ever have.”

  He stood, the legs of his chair scraping the floor again, only this time the chair almost to
ppled over. He caught it, then came around behind her and helped her move her chair back. Before she could stand, he held out his hand.

  Her whole body vibrated as the gold light filled with snapping sparks obscured her entire bedchamber from sight. Something rattled and hit the floor with a loud crash.

  So what?

  She didn’t care if they destroyed the entire room. The whole palace for that matter.

  “Forget what your mother said.” Jake gripped both of her hands. “Get us out of here where it’s just you and me.”

  Cassia smiled. She knew exactly where to take them.

  She squeezed his fingers and they entered the transference.


  Shifting sand beneath his bare feet was the first thing Jake felt, followed by a cool wind off the Pacific Ocean that stirred Cassia’s hair around her face.

  From where they stood, he had a clear view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the lights glowing across the bay in the dark night.

  Jake didn’t feel the usual aftereffects of the transference, and the cold, salty air didn’t bother him. Cassia’s golden magic whirled around them, probably blocking out most of the chill.

  For a moment they stood, their gazes locked, still gripping each other’s hands. The glow of her magic made it easy to see her stunning beauty and the turquoise blue of her eyes. His body was so tight, so ready for her. He’d waited so long to be with her.

  “I don’t recognize this beach,” Jake said over the sound of waves slapping the shore. “And I know this city backward and forward.”

  “This is a place sacred to the D’Anu.” Cassia released one of his hands to reach up and trail her fingers along his jawline. Her touch tingled against his skin. “The D’Anu discovered it and used powerful magic to hide it from human sight long before the first settlers arrived.”

  Jake didn’t care about hidden beaches, witches, Elves, or any other beings at that moment. All of his focus narrowed in on Cassia.

  He caught her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to hers. The sweetness of her lips and her taste had nothing to do with the fruit or wine they’d had earlier.


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