Master Me

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  “Oh god, oh god,” Elaina whimpered

  “How’s it feel? How good is it to be stuffed front and back? To have your little body crammed so full of cock?”

  “It’s so good…I…I had no idea,” she panted.

  “It feels like sweet heaven inside you. So wet, so tight. Sweet mercy,” he whispered.

  Derrick tried to hold out. It wouldn’t do to lose control now. The velvet clasp of her body dragged across his engorged flesh, sending him spiraling closer and closer towards climax. Her lithe body twisted in the ties, as she pushed back into each thrust of his hips. He slung an arm under her waist and lifted her off the ground. With her body suspended, he manoeuvred her so he could get deeper. Pushing into her harder, he picked up momentum, sliding through her thick cream and spearing her sensitive tissues.

  Elaina’s body tightened around him further, heralding her impending climax, and Derrick thanked the gods because he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Her pussy spasmed around him, and the rippling vibrations sent him hurtling over the edge. He howled out in ecstasy and heard Elaina’s answering call as he filled the barrier that prevented him from truly claiming this amazing woman. It felt as though pleasure overflowed from every pore of his body. Unending waves consumed him as every nerve exploded.

  Derrick wrapped his arms around Elaina, holding her tight against him as they both tried to catch their breath. When he was sure his legs would hold him upright, he withdrew from her body and stepped around to her front. He released the cuffs on Elaina’s wrists, and her arms wrapped around his neck. Her body went lax with sleep. He carried her over to the platform bed and laid her gently on the soft surface. After disposing of the condom, he poured some water from the pitcher beside a washbasin onto a cloth and moved back to the bed. Gently, he bathed the sweat and juices from Elaina’s body. When he was finished, he reclined next to her and pulled the cord that would release the mosquito netting. The night sounds of the island surrounded them, and Derrick found himself being lulled to sleep by the sound of the surf in the distance and the warmth of Elaina’s body beside him.

  * * * *

  Elaina sat on one of the padded loungers that lined the beach, soaking up some rays. The sun was warm—but not blistering, having passed its zenith—and the heat soothed any aches left over from her and Derrick’s intense session the previous night. The amazing experience had answered at least one of her questions. There was definitely more to sexual bliss, and it appeared that Derrick knew just how to give it to her. After she’d woken from her pleasure-induced coma, Derrick had walked her back to her bungalow. He’d given her a sweet kiss on the lips and bid her goodnight. While she appreciated the tender care Derrick had provided after their session, Elaina was glad there hadn’t been any pressure to spend the entire night together. She needed a bit of time to decompress, and tended to think best when alone.

  So she’d showered, snuggled deep into the plush robe provided by the resort and had sat out on the verandah of her bungalow until the first muted colours of dawn crossed the horizon. When her eyes had finally become heavy with exhaustion, she’d climbed into her luxurious pillow-topped bed and let sleep claim her. Her dreams had been filled with more erotic images of her and Derrick in all manner of situations, and she wondered if any of them would come to fruition during the remainder of her stay.

  When she’d gone down to the café to grab some lunch, there’d been a note from Derrick waiting for her. He’d instructed her to wear non-restrictive clothes and to meet him on the path just beyond the pool at exactly four p.m. She had a little over an hour ‘til the appointed time, and already her blood began racing at the possibilities of what would happen.

  Her online research regarding BDSM activities had left her wide-eyed in shock more than once. Some of the images had made her wince thinking that couldn’t possibly be pleasurable, while others had left her aching and wet, seeking relief from her fingers. She was tempted to indulge before meeting Derrick, but the urge lessened when she remembered Derrick’s command not to touch herself without his express permission. Why an order like that pleased her, she wasn’t quite sure.

  She was a thirty-four-year-old woman and saw masturbation as a healthy outlet. However, the echo of Derrick’s deep voice, issuing the decree, resonated in her spirit, and some part of her wanted to please him more than finding a quick release. Elaina supposed that, coupled with her cataclysmic orgasms last night, it meant she did have submissive tendencies.

  * * * *

  Forty-five minutes later she checked her mirror one last time before leaving her bungalow. She’d showered and dressed in a white cotton cover-up, feeling a bit risqué that she remained nude beneath the flowing, blousy design. The plunging neckline provided peeks of the flesh beneath when she moved, and one quick draw of the strings at her elbows and waist would allow the material to pool at her feet. The crocheted detail along the neckline, sleeves and hip gave the garment a touch of elegance that she thought fit in quite well with their island setting. She decided on simple sandals to protect her feet from the crushed shell pathway.

  She didn’t exactly have pockets to put her key in, so she laced it through a rubber band and put it around her wrist. On the way out the door, she felt a combination of serenity and eagerness enshroud her. Her feet verily flew down the path through the lush foliage. She stopped for a moment to inhale the scent of tropical flowers in bloom around her, and to savour the quiet breeze as it lifted her hair away from her neck. Remembering Derrick’s order to be on time, she hightailed it to the pool. She turned the last corner and stopped at the vision before her. There he stood, a towering wall of human perfection.

  “Elaina.” Derrick nodded his head. “I’m glad you followed my instructions.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, breathlessly.

  Elaina closed the distance between them and resisted the urge to go up on her toes for a kiss. Derrick’s eyes were riveted to the deep V-neck of her cover-up, and his eyes flared when the material gaped enough for him to get a view down the opening.

  “Are you naked under that thing?” he growled.

  “Yes, Sir. I thought it would please you.”

  “It does please me. I believe I shall give you a reward before the night is through.”

  Elaina smiled. “May I ask where we’re going?”

  “You already have, but I believe I shall wait to show you.” He held out his hand. “Come with me.”

  They took a left at a fork on the path, away from the main building and restaurant. She was simply enjoying her walk when they stopped beneath a towering wooden structure that looked vaguely Japanese in style. It appeared to symbolise the entrance to the garden in front of them. As they passed through the arch, Elaina’s heart accelerated. She had a feeling they’d reached their destination, but was still unsure what to expect. A few more steps into the garden, and she had a partial answer. A cabana with a three-tiered thatched roof stood in the centre of a small glade. Derrick led her inside and stopped.

  “Last night I gave you a preview of how it felt to give up control, to relinquish command of your body. With you secured to the ties I could have moved you, touched you, done anything to you I wanted, and beyond using your safe word, you effectively became my prisoner to passion. Have you ever heard of Kinbaku?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “It’s more popularly known as Shibari.” Derrick watched Elaina’s head shake negatively. “Kinbaku is a Japanese form of bondage. You’ll be my canvas and the jute is my medium. Your body will be imprisoned with a series of intricate knots, and I’ll hang you from the ceiling of this hut like a beautiful creation. Do you trust me?”

  Derrick’s description was both poetic and exhilarating. Adrenaline pumped through her system. She would truly be at his mercy, her only way out a simple word. He was right. It all boiled down to trust. Did she trust Derrick to keep her safe, to know what he was doing? She’d known him one day, and yet given her body to him without qualm, only to have the most erotic experi
ence of her life.

  Derrick gripped her chin and raised her gaze to his. “Elaina? I expect an answer when I question you.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Yes, Sir what?”

  “Yes, Sir…I trust you.”

  Elaina closed her eyes when Derrick placed a soft kiss on her lips in praise. Their bodies only connected by the brief touch, but it was probably the most important kiss of her life. The ties at her elbows came loose, followed by the one at her waist and instantly her body was once again bare for Derrick’s inspection. She stood still in the centre of the hut, her hands at her side. Derrick slowly walked around her, his eyes caressing every inch of her skin.

  “I see a glow on your skin that wasn’t there yesterday. Did you spend time on the beach?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Did you use protection? The rays can be brutal down here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m glad. The only redness I want to see should be the blush on your ass after a good spanking.”

  She swallowed, and a tingle ran up and down her body imagining how it would feel to have Derrick’s palm land on her ass cheeks repeatedly. Or would he use a paddle? She could hear the smack in her mind, feel the flare of pain, the heat that would build until her normal pale complexion turned rose.

  Derrick lifted one of her arms, and bent it to rest in the middle of her back. He repeated the movement with the other arm so that the tips of her fingers rested on her forearms. It was then that she felt the first lash of the jute. Her arms were now secured, and the support of the rope relieved any stress from holding the position. She closed her eyes and willed her body to mould in Derrick’s magical hands.

  The rope passed over and under her breasts several times, further pinning her arms to the side of her body. Derrick weaved and knotted a new length of jute in the centre of her back. With gentle hands he brought the double strand across her shoulder, the tips of his fingers caressing her skin from collarbone to breast. He tucked the rope into the strands beneath her breasts, and lifted it up to the opposite side. Her first jolt came when he pulled the rope. Her chest arched out, and a gasp escaped. Her mind cleared and tranquility permeated her being. Her breathing slowed to a hypnotic rhythm. It was at that moment that she truly gave herself over to Derrick’s ministrations.

  Elaina stood still as a statue, her eyes closed, savouring the strength of the silky golden strands wrapped around her naked body. Derrick stood behind her and knotted another long length of jute into the conglomeration at her back. Where would this piece go?

  Derrick wrapped his arms around her. Her body swayed in the ropes, now attached to the hook hanging from the ceiling.

  “Give yourself over to the bindings. Let your body swing, feel the blood pulsing through your veins from the constrictions,” he whispered in her ear.

  One of his hands covered her eyes, and the other supported her stomach. She allowed her muscles to go lax, and leant back against him. The ropes held her securely, and her body moved as if it were a pendulum. The warmth of Derrick’s body made her feel secure. And the rope twisting and knotting around her made her aware of every inch of her body.

  “Good girl. Now keep your eyes closed.”

  The next thing she knew a band of silk covered her eyes. Her other senses opened and flooded, feeding her clues about what was happening around her. Derrick’s spicy scent moved in front of her. His hands slid around her waist, and another length of rope enclosed the circumference. She could tell he was twisting the rope around itself, tying knots along the way. The small balls put pressure where they laid on her skin.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Warm air from Derrick’s breath landed on her pussy. She moaned and tried to move closer, only to be reminded of the anchor high above her head.

  “Your earthy scent is intoxicating. Just wait, sweetheart, things are only going to get better.”

  Elaina gasped as Derrick’s thumbs spread her pussy lips, and slid the rope between her labia. One of those delicious knots rested against her engorged clit. Another moan escaped and she arched, testing out the rope’s stimulation. Derrick slid around to her backside, tucking the rope between her legs and threading it between the cheeks of her derriere. He secured it to the pattern decorating her back.

  The next several lengths passed around her stomach, hips and thighs. Then all of a sudden she left the ground, her body fell forward and the world as she knew it spun away.

  Chapter Four

  Elaina was well and truly trapped in Derrick’s web of desire. Her body was completely suspended and swayed gently in the island breeze. The bindings rubbed on her sensitised skin, and she couldn’t prevent the little moans and gasps when the knot on her clit shifted. Sometimes gravity or her own movement forced her body to press into the silky cords a little tighter, causing little sparks to shoot up and down her nerve endings. Heat radiated onto her skin from a source other than the tropical air. She inhaled deeper and picked up the tantalising scent of mango. He must have lit some candles nearby.

  “You look so stunning. Your skin is flushed with passion. Your nipples are hard, reaching out for my touch. And your sweet little cunt is dripping with desire. I can see how much you enjoy this. You’re thrilled to be secured in my web.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Derrick’s fingers traced the edges of the rope decorating her body, over her shoulders and down the curve of her back. She tried to arch into his touch, but each wiggle forced some of the lengths to tighten, most notably the ones surrounding her breasts. Derrick’s web was a cocoon filled with warm energy surrounding her.

  She let her head follow gravity’s command and sighed as Derrick’s large hand caressed the back of her neck. Her hair became a curtain surrounding her head. A few strands caught by the breeze tickled her face, and Elaina resisted the urge to blow them away. Then Derrick’s soothing touch was gone. Where did he go? What would he do now? Elaina’s pulse began to race, faster than it had since the whole process started. Anticipation and excitement built inside her, pooling in a pulsating beat centred right on her clit. Her juices seeped from her core, soaking the rope threaded between her legs.

  The sensations built to nearly unbearable levels, and she was about to call out for Derrick to help ease the tension when a shocking heat seared her, radiating from a point in the small of her back. A cry ripped from her body, and before she caught her breath another splash landed on the swell of her buttocks. It was the candles! Derrick was dripping wax onto her from the candles he must have lit. Each drip brought a sweet flare of agony and heat, but no real pain. Splashes landed at random intervals always on a new part of her body. Derrick decorated her from the base of her neck to the soles of her feet. She moaned and whimpered as fathomless pleasure radiated through her body. When a drop landed directly behind her knee, she almost came right then and there.

  Time was forgotten as she slid deeper and deeper under Derrick’s masterful spell. Her mind floated in a haze of ecstasy. Whereas before she’d been desperate for a climax, now the ebb and flow of sensations were a release all their own.

  Derrick stepped back to admire the amazing view before him. The multitude of lit candles in the cabana created a glow, which enhanced Elaina’s skin shimmering behind the golden sleek cords embracing her gorgeous body. The rainbow colours of wax decorating her body refracted the light, creating an aura around her. His only regret was that her deep mahogany hair draped over her head, obscuring her face. The soft whimpers and slow deep breaths expanding her chest let him know that she’d given herself over to the pleasure.

  The hardness of his cock had reached agonising proportions. As silently as possible he moved in front of Elaina’s head. He’d purposely raised the ropes to place her directly at the level of his hips earlier. He flicked the button on his jeans open, then tugged the tab of his zipper down. He smiled as Elaina’s head tilted with the sound. Derrick lifted one side of her hair, and smoothed it over the opposite shoulder. He fished out his co
ck and stroked the staff a few times. The caress felt so good, he nearly groaned. He smeared the essence leaking from the tip around Elaina’s lips.

  “Open wide, Elaina.”

  Her pink tongue flicked out and licked at the slit of his cock with unerring accuracy. Derrick hissed at the fiery caress, but jerked away from the touch.

  “I said open, not lick,” he growled.

  He held the base of his cock and aimed for the open portal. The hunger to feel her sweet lips closing over his skin churned within him. Fire exploded in his body as the head of his dick slipped inside. Inch by inch he fed her hunger. And she was hungry. A moan rose from her chest and the vibrations skipped across his cock, causing a similar response.

  “Sweet heaven.”

  His entire body ached for release. The last hour had slowly built his arousal. Each twist of the rope, each splash of wax on Elaina’s body had him climbing higher. She’d responded so beautifully both last night and now, her submission a purely natural instinct. Her lips closed over him, her tongue stroking his steel-hard flesh.

  “That’s it. Good girl,” he rasped. His teeth snapped when her tongue wriggled against the ultra-soft fold just beneath the head. His thighs tightened, his stomach muscles convulsed. “Suck me deeper. Take as much as you can.” His thumbs massaged her opened jaw in slow circles. “Loosen up and relax. I know you can, baby. You look so beautiful with my cock filling you up.”

  Elaina’s jaw went slack and Derrick slid home, deeper than he ever truly thought possible. “Oh fucking hell…yes…” His cock flexed and Derrick wanted to see her eyes. He held her head stable with one hand and jerked the silk blindfold off with the other. “Look at me,” he ordered.


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