Master Me

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  Stormy eyes rose to meet him, and he began to fuck the lips stretched tight over his width. He moved slowly at first, so not to overwhelm her, then picked up the pace when he knew she could handle it. Elaina’s pupils were blown wide open, her cheeks flushed.

  “I’m going to come,” he warned her hoarsely. “I’m going to fill you up, and you’re going to fly with me.” His hands speared through her hair as he shuttled his cock in and out in short rapid thrusts. Elaina’s hips squirmed in their web, and he knew the knot at her clit rubbed on the bundle of nerves. She moaned and her lids fluttered as her own need began to overtake her body.

  Derrick was almost there. Any second his cock would erupt in a torrent of semen. Elaina tightened on him, suckling harder, drawing him deeper until finally a savage growl tore from his throat and jets of cum spurt inside her mouth. Her scream of release vibrated his cock and fed his climax. When the last drop of cum had been wrung out of him, he slipped out of Elaina’s mouth. A little dribble escaped over the edge of her swollen lower lip and her head hung to ground as her strength left her.

  He dropped to his knees and lifted her chin. Taking her lips in a sweet kiss he tasted himself within her, and out of the depths of his soul, fierce pride roared. The most elemental part of himself was now within her body. It was a shocking but not unwelcome feeling. He’d never thought to claim another sub again. His trust in the establishment had been broken with Carolyn’s betrayal, but from the moment his and Elaina’s eyes had met when she’d stepped foot on the island, claiming her had been all he could think about.

  * * * *

  Elaina sighed as the bubbles from the Jacuzzi caressed her body. She leant back against Derrick as he massaged all her muscles. After Derrick had released her from the web of jute, they’d slowly strolled back to his bungalow hand in hand. He’d dressed in just his jeans and she in her cover-up. They’d taken a leisurely shower under the stars and Derrick had meticulously soaped away all traces of the soy-based wax from her body. Now her body was the consistency of a wet noodle, and she wanted nothing more than to curl up in Derrick’s arms and sleep.

  However, since she didn’t know if that sort of behaviour was welcome in their arrangement, she decided to soak up whatever luxurious treatment he was willing to provide. This post-sex aftercare was a revelation to her. She’d never been with a man who’d pampered her so much after they’d spent themselves. Was this part of the Dom/sub relationship, or was this just Derrick? Either way, she’d take it, and most likely beg for more.

  “What are you thinking about?” Derrick whispered in her ear.

  “Everything,” she giggled. “This is an amazing place. Your bungalow, I mean. It’s huge but homey and comfortable. This outdoor Jacuzzi is seriously something I could come to covet, and your view is amazing. I think I could see down to the tip of the island from here.”

  “Well, since I live here year round, this is my home. I put a lot of thought into how I wanted it designed. In fact, most of the bungalows are derivatives of what you find here. I saved a few perks just for me, though.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “I have his and hers bathrooms. Complete with a multi-jet steam shower and claw-foot tub, just waiting for a good soak. The vaulted ceilings don’t make me feel so closed in—as you can imagine with my size that can be a problem in some of the smaller units. And while I maintained the British colonial furnishings as with the rest of the resort, I did go with more overstuffed chairs and sofas for comfort, and I admit to hoarding the best view for myself.”

  “What’s it like to live here full time?”

  “Paradise. Don’t mistake me. I work hard to keep this place going and organised, but you can’t beat the view from my office or home.”

  Elaina settled deeper between Derrick’s legs, letting the water come up over her shoulders now that his massage was complete. “What about when the hurricanes come? And doesn’t living and working within the confines of the resort get cagey at times. What happens if there’s a medical emergency?”

  Derrick settled his arms around Elaina’s waist. “We have protocols in place should a storm come up. If I start to go stir crazy, I can always escape to one of the bigger islands for some R and R. We also have a seaplane and pilot on staff to fly to the medical centre in Key West if necessary.” He spun her around in the water so they were facing each other and their lips met in a lingering lover’s kiss. “Of course, since meeting you, I have an even greater reason to visit the big city more often.”

  Derrick’s words caused Elaina’s heart to jump. Did he mean that she was more to him than a plaything, more than a diversion for the week? Elaina had straddled Derrick’s lap when he’d spun her around, and his cock nestled between her legs had thickened with their play. She wiggled her hips, and smiled when Derrick groaned before capturing her hips and grinding her pussy down on his filling length. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she gave into the impulse to kiss him again.

  Before now, all the kisses they’d shared had been part of a scene, bestowed upon her from her Master as a reward. This kiss was more. It felt like two lovers relishing in a moment together. She was so tempted to raise her hips and force his hard cock deep inside her. To unite their bodies and take each other to completion without the structure of play, but that would be her taking what she wanted. While she knew making love to Derrick would send her soaring, it seemed wrong. She didn’t come to the island to find a replacement lover for Mike. She came here to find herself. Derrick had offered to guide her on her quest. He hadn’t agreed to become her new boyfriend.

  Reluctantly she pulled back from their kiss. “I hate to spoil this moment, but I think I’m turning into a prune.”

  He chuckled. “We wouldn’t want that. I happen to enjoy every inch of your smooth, silky skin.” He lifted her off his lap, exited the Jacuzzi then held out his hand. “Come on. We’ll get you dried and lotioned up. I’ve already arranged to have dinner delivered.”

  For a moment she stared at his hard cock, standing tall against his stomach. She wanted it inside her again. The thick length had filled her mouth so perfectly, and caused spasms of pleasure to wrack her body when it was buried deep inside her pussy. He didn’t seem perturbed that she’d called a halt to their activities. Why was that? Was she wrong before? Was she merely a convenience? Frustrated by the mess of contradictions floating around in her head she accepted his hand and rose from the water with as much grace as possible.

  Derrick cradled Elaina’s left cheek in his hand. “You’re welcome to stay the night should you desire. You should know that you’ve submitted to me so beautifully, and I’ve enjoyed our time together. More than I ever thought I would, more than…” He swallowed and leant down to place a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  “Thank you, Sir. Do you want—” She pointed to his erection.

  He shook his head. “Not now. I enjoy the wait, the anticipation building inside me until I take you again. Oh, and Elaina…when we’re not in a scene, I’m simply Derrick.”

  Who is Derrick? My lover? My friend with benefits? My Master?

  “Thank you, Derrick. I’ve…You’ve made me…It sounds heavenly but—”

  “It’s okay. I know this arrangement is new to you. Tomorrow, before we do anything else, we’re going to talk about what you’ve experienced. So tonight, when you go back to your unit, I want you to think about what you’ve felt, how you’ve responded to the different scenes, and what more you want to experience before you leave.”

  Elaina nodded, and if the thought of her leaving caused a pain in her chest it was nobody’s business but hers.

  * * * *

  Derrick paced the length of his office. He’d come here to escape for a little while. He thought if he surrounded himself with the paraphernalia of his life, then the emotions running rampant through his body might disappear. Yesterday in the Jacuzzi, he’d wanted nothing more than to make love to Elaina. He’d been seconds away from pushing deep inside her, when she’d pulle
d back and made the excuse about pruning up. It’d been an excuse too, he could tell. What he couldn’t figure out was if Elaina was running from similar emotions, or if she didn’t feel anything at all?

  Was he simply a means to an end for her? A test dummy sacrificed to determine if the D/s lifestyle was what she wanted, or did she feel the deeper connection between them, too? Even if they shared a connection, he had to decide what, if anything, he would do about it. Was he really ready to try having a full-time sub again? Could he place his trust in Elaina after knowing her for such a short time? He and Carolyn had played together for years before they’d decided to make things permanent, and look how that had turned out. She’d mentally spat on their commitment to each other with the first guest in a pair of tight leather pants who’d crooked his finger at her. Of course, if he were being brutally honest, he would admit that asking Carolyn to be his had been a mistake from the beginning. He’d known deep down she didn’t want that type of relationship, but at the time, he’d wanted so badly to have someone belong to him, to belong to someone else. She’d enjoyed being someone’s submissive for the theatrics and attention, not because she wanted to pledge her heart, body and soul to her Master.

  Derrick thought of all the times Lucas had asked him what he saw in Carolyn. There was a knock at his office door and he smiled when his best friend walked through.

  “You were right,” Derrick said.

  “Naturally…which impart of my genius are we discussing?”

  “Carolyn and I. It was wrong from the beginning.”

  Lucas rolled his eyes. “Well, duh. I’ve been trying to tell you that for two years, but what made you finally see the light?”


  Lucas nodded and smiled. “She is hot, and during the brief amount of time I’ve spent with her, she seemed intelligent and kind. If I thought she had what I needed, I wouldn’t hesitate to give you a run for your money.”

  Derrick growled. “Mine.”

  Lucas held up his hands. “Chill. I know that. Now what are you going to do about it?”

  Derrick returned to pacing. “That’s just it. I have no idea. I don’t even know if she would be willing to uproot the life she’s built in Miami. Hell, I don’t even know if she wants a D/s life.”

  “She seemed pretty comfortable that first night.”

  “You saw us?”

  Lucas nodded once. “Briefly, I wanted make sure everything was okay.”

  Lucas had been a good friend over the years. They’d shared women on more than one occasion, and it didn’t bother Derrick that Lucas had witnessed his and Elaina’s activities that first night.

  “I took her to the kinbaku hut the other night.”


  “She glowed in the ropes so beautifully. I wish you could—” Derrick stopped. He thought of the perfect way Lucas could help him. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “Having a few drinks, maybe see if I can find a couple willing to take on a third?”

  “You want to see how Elaina responds first hand?”

  Lucas arched his eyebrow. “Is she ready for that?”

  Derrick’s blood heated at the thought of Elaina submitting to both him and Lucas. He imagined the expression on her face when both of them fucked her simultaneously. His cock thickened at the notion of her body laid out as a feast for the two of them. It was merely a bonus that Lucas’ presence would provide Derrick with further insight.

  * * * *

  “Suck Lucas’ cock, Elaina.”

  She knelt on the floor of Derrick’s living room, face to cock with his resort manger. The proffered organ was thicker than anything she’d seen before. Lucas wasn’t as long as Derrick, but had him beat in the girth department. The other major difference was that Lucas was uncircumcised. She’d never given head to a man with foreskin before. Presumably the process was the same, but she didn’t want to do anything wrong. Elaina didn’t know if she could do Lucas’ cock justice but she’d give it her all to please her Master.


  Derrick’s deep voice held an edge she hadn’t heard before, probably due to her delay. She licked her lips and stretched her neck forward. The fat head of Lucas’ cock slid between her lips. His taste was different from Derrick’s, more salty.

  “Don’t be afraid of it, Elaina. Use your lips and tongue, play with the foreskin,” Lucas said, then hissed when she complied. “That’s it…good girl.”

  Derrick stood to the side of Lucas, his mountainous body bared to their eyes, his cock rapidly filling. She checked his expression as he watched her blow his best friend. The ownership, the pride was clearly evident, and the last of the tension in her body gave way to the experience.

  “She’s beautiful, Derrick. Fiery hair, smoky eyes. Has she been a good girl?” Lucas growled as he braced his feet apart and pushed his cock deeper into her mouth.

  Derrick walked over to stand behind her. His fingers feathered her cheek bulging with Lucas’ cock, and Elaina shivered with the caress.

  “Mostly, but there’s something to be said for being bad. Right, kitten? You’re not to make him come.”

  Derrick knelt behind her, and his hands cupped her swollen breasts. His lips landed on her shoulder at the same time his fingers pinched her tight nipples. The two opposing sensations made her groan. Derrick’s fingers continued to rub and squeeze her nipples, while his lips peppered sweet kisses along her neck. Lucas’ cock thrust slowly inside her mouth over and over. She was trapped and loving every second of it.

  A hot little flare of pain shot from her nipple, and she reached for the mounds only to have her progress halted.

  Lucas imprisoned Elaina’s hands in his grasp. “Uh-uh. The clamps will heighten your pleasure, and when we remove them you’ll feel the most delicious pain as the blood rushes back into the tips.”

  She was so focused on the clamps pinching her nipples and the lust burning in Lucas’ eyes that when a shock of cold lubricant hit her anus she cried out around the thick cock stretching her mouth. One of Derrick’s fingers breached her back channel. The tight muscle pinched when the second quickly followed, but it only took a moment before the two digits were moving with ease. She stared up at Lucas, her eyes begging for more. His response was to increase the momentum of his thrusts. Her tongue thrashed against his cock as she hollowed her cheeks with each withdrawal. Both her wrists were shackled in his grasp above her head.

  “Holy fuck, Derrick. You’d better hurry or I’m going to blow.”

  Another of Derrick’s fingers worked up her back entrance. His dark voice murmuring encouragement as her body opened to him.

  “That’s enough, Lucas,” Derrick ordered.

  When Lucas pulled out, she whimpered. He quickly sheathed his cock and reclined on a wide chaise lounge.

  “Lucas is going to fuck your pussy, and I’m going to fill your ass, sweetheart. You’re going to scream so beautifully for us, aren’t you?”

  Elaina knew she’d be lucky if she didn’t pass out, but all that she managed to squeak out was, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Climb on top of Lucas. Straddle him. Take his cock deep inside you, baby.”

  She did and the moment Lucas’ wide cock pierced her vagina, she went wild. Lucas stabilised her hips and snarled with pleasure as he arched, plunging deep into her core.

  “Sir!” she cried out while Lucas simultaneously yelled—

  “Holy god!”

  Lucas pulled her into his chest with one arm and stilled her gyrations by clamping the other hand on her hip. Her fingers dug into Lucas’ shoulders when she felt Derrick press against her back. The head of his cock nudged her stretched opening.

  “Relax against Lucas, Elaina. Open for me, and we’ll make you feel so good.”

  He entered her slowly. Inching his way inside. It felt so different from the plug they’d used the first night together. His hard flesh flexed as it tunneled through the tightness of her body, and she fought to adjust to the impalement.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Derrick soothed her.

  “Jesus, Derrick… I’ve never had a heat like hers surround me. She’s creaming all over my balls.”

  Hunger tore through her body. Incredible sensations of both pain and pleasure ricocheted inside her so quickly, she couldn’t cling to either one. Derrick had her pinned against Lucas’ broad chest. She couldn’t move as he gave a solid thrust and entered her completely.

  “Yes,” she screamed.

  “That’s it,” Derrick whispered. “We’re all the way inside you. Now the real fun begins.”

  She lay between them, her body held in suspension as they fucked her in a practiced rhythm. Derrick’s cock dragging through the newly awakened nerve ending of her ass while Lucas’ hips flexed, drawing his cock in and out of her pussy in a spellbinding motion. Whimpers and cries sang from her throat as her body went up in flames.

  With silent communication the pace of both men’s thrusts increased in perfect synchronisation. Their groans mingled with her cries. Four hands caressed her body, two mouths latched onto her neck and shoulders. The three of them writhed in complete abandon. She pleaded for more and they gave it to her. Heated whispers of praise floated over her skin.

  It felt as though every cell in her body tightened with her approaching orgasm. Her cunt milked Lucas’ cock and her ass clung to Derrick.

  “Come for me, Elaina! Come now!” Derrick yelled.

  Lucas released the nipple clamps, and fire engulfed her entire being. The wave of sensations rampaging through her body crested and she tumbled over the precipice. Her womb contracted, and an unearthly wail echoed in the room.

  “Fuck!” Lucas cried, savagely, moments before he tensed and his body shook with the force of his orgasm.

  Derrick’s mouth latched onto the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder and bit the muscle. The claiming mark caused another climax, stronger than the first, to rip through her and as her world went black she felt his cock throb in release.


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