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Master Me

Page 13

by Lisabet Sarai, Trina Lane, Elizabeth Coldwell, Charlotte Stein, Jane Davitt, Justine Elyot

  Chapter Five

  Elaina stood on the beach, gazing out at the turquoise water. The white sand along the shore sparkled so bright under the sun it hurt her eyes. The tide washed up over her toes and the sand beneath her feet was pulled away, drifting to unknown parts of the world until it landed at another person’s feet. Maybe somebody else like her. Somebody, who while searching for themselves, ended up losing their heart.

  Her time with Derrick had cemented her need for a Master. She no longer had any doubt, no longer wondered if there was more. Her only remaining problem was now that she’d found what she was searching for, she had to give it up. Her time in paradise had come to an end. Well, it would come to an end with the rising of the sun in approximately twelve hours.

  Her last day on the island and she hadn’t heard a word from Derrick all day. Her body still throbbed from the amazing experience he’d given her with Lucas the night before. After she passed out, Derrick had bathed her and tucked her into his massive sleigh bed. She’d woken later smelling like vanilla and wrapped in a pair of strong arms. Derrick’s slow breath had bathed the top of her head, and his body heat had kept her warm despite the cool air from the air conditioning. It was at that moment that she knew she was in love and wished upon every falling star she’d ever seen that Derrick could learn to love her too.

  His silence today, though, was an answer all its own. Well, if she couldn’t have his love, at least she could make the most of his domination. She smiled as a naughty thought flashed through her brain. Tonight was the one night a week where the open-air cantina turned into a raging dance club, filled with those looking to cut loose. With determination she spun around and headed back to her bungalow to prepare for the night’s festivities.

  * * * *

  The lights flashed overhead. The bass thumped and the beat pounded through her skin. Elaina tucked her body in closer to her dance partner. The man’s hands circled her waist, and his hips ground against her. The barely there dress hugged her body like second skin. She knew the teal colour set off her newly acquired tan and red hair to perfection. Her sky-high heels made her legs look endless. The entire effect was designed to draw in her prey, namely a six-foot-seven-inch tall Dom who owned her heart and had set her soul free.

  Another man joined their little dance party, effectively sandwiching her between the pair. Their bodies pressed so close together, it left Elaina with little doubt of the effect she was having on their anatomy. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied Lucas on the phone. His hands were waving furiously and while she couldn’t hear his voice over the music, his steely gaze zeroed in on her little section of the dance floor. She hoped he was calling Derrick because the man behind her was starting to get a little grabby.

  Derrick stood in the shadows of the club, watching Elaina dance song after song with man after man. Her body moved in beat to the music with the fluidity of a natural athlete, but there was no joy in her eyes. He noticed that she kept slyly pushing away the tentacles of her current partner when they tried to grab her ass. He’d had enough of this shit! Stalking across the dance floor, he caught Lucas’ gaze and nodded. It was thanks to his friend he knew where to find his wayward sub.

  He stepped up behind the octopus and tapped him on the shoulder. The man tried to brush Derrick off, until he turned around. Then, deferring to Derrick’s superiority, he slunk away without a comment passed between them. Derrick grabbed one of Elaina’s hands and spun her around. Their lips landed fractions of an inch apart, and her hands immediately clung to his chest. He wrapped an arm beneath her ass and lifted her.

  Elaina’s legs wrapped around his waist, and he turned away from the gawkers. His long legs carried them quickly across the courtyard to his home. The entire time Elaina’s arms were locked around his neck and her lips pressed against his temple. As good as it felt, he couldn’t allow her behaviour to go unanswered.

  “Stop, right now!”

  Her body tensed, but she didn’t let go. Once he entered his bungalow, he slammed the door shut and strode into the bedroom. He sat on the same bed he’d shared with Elaina the previous night. He stripped the miniscule dress from her body, and draped her over his knees. His hand landed heavy on the flesh of her ass, watching as the skin turned bright white then flush a beautiful shade of rose.

  “What was the meaning of your little show tonight?”

  “Nothing, Sir. I only wanted to have a good time,” she said, her head hanging to the floor.

  Another hit landed on the other ass cheek. “Don’t lie to me! You knew our deal. Why the blatant misbehaviour?”

  “I hadn’t heard from you all day. I thought you were through with me.”

  He smacked the underside of her ass, where her thighs met the lush cheeks. “I’ll tell you when we’re through, you understand me? You want to leave? You want to slink back to the mainland now that you’ve gotten your taste of what this lifestyle can do for you?”

  She didn’t respond. It was time for a change in tactics. He thrust two fingers up high inside her cunt, and a startled cry greeted him at the same time as his hand flooded with her cream. He gave her another smack.

  “Do you?” he growled.

  “No,” she choked out, then sniffled. Her hands wiped at her eyes.

  He finger fucked her, as her body told him everything her voice would not. “What do you want? Tell me. Tell me, now!”

  “You!” she cried out, pushing back into his hand. “I want you! I love you! I don’t want to leave! Please don’t make me leave, Sir.”

  Derrick lifted her upright and flung her onto her back on the bed. His body spread out over hers, and he took her mouth in a feverous kiss. “You’re mine. You understand me? Mine.”

  His clothes disappeared in record time and with no ceremony, his spread Elaina’s legs wide and plunged inside her. Their bodies rocked together as they climbed higher. Every thrust deep into her body tightened the seal of their bond. Elaina’s legs wrapped around his waist, her nails scratched down his back. The burn only pushed him higher. His hands cupped her ass and lifted her hips, so he could reach the deepest part of her core. Tiny spasms rippled along the length of his cock.

  Elaina was stunning with her head writhing on the pillow of his bed. Her red hair became silky flames on the white sheets. He surged in and out of her, claiming her with his cock as she’d claimed his heart with her exquisite need. Watching her blossom as a submissive the past week had been a privilege and magnificence he refused to share with another Dom. Oh, he might share her body from time to time with Lucas, but her submission, her love, and her soul belonged to him.

  She came with an intensity he’d never before experienced. Her cunt locked down on his cock so tight he groaned at the punishing grasp. When the muscles relaxed their death grip, he fucked her without mercy. He slammed his body into hers over and over, and just when he thought he would die with an angel in his arms, his cock exploded deep inside her, bathing her in his seed. The final element needed to truly mark her for all time.

  “I love you,” he gasped.

  They collapsed in each other’s arms, boneless and covered in their combined sweat. As their hearts and breath slowed, Derrick knew that in his Elaina’s arms, their pleasure would always mean paradise.

  About the Author

  If you look up the word conundrum in the dictionary, there should be a photo of Trina Lane

  . Her personality is so multifaceted that her friends have spent countless hours scratching their heads in wonder. A scientist with a passion for history, music and photography she loves to travel and experience new places but is terminally shy around people she doesn’t know.

  Trina has been devouring romance novels since her tender teenage years, although only began writing two and half years ago. When her debut novel was met with resounding success, she said “Hey I can do that again”. The rest as they say is history.

  Her choices in reading and writing material are as diverse as her iTunes library, which contains music fr
om Mozart to Metallica. Her one concession is all stories must have a happily ever after ending-did we mention she’s incurably romantic?

  She lives in Missouri with her loving and indulgent husband, and orange tabby cat–affectionately referred to as ‘Houdini’ for his stealthy escape attempts.


  Trina loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Trina Lane

  Perfect Love: The Perfect Union

  Perfect Love: His Perfect Partner

  Shield’s Submissive

  Taking the Chance


  Elizabeth Coldwell


  For Ivor

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Love Hearts: Swizzels Matiow Ltd.

  Vetiver: Parfums Carven

  Eurostar: Societe Nationale des Chemis de fer Fancais SNCF

  Tannoy: Tannoy Limited

  Bridal Chorus: Richard Wagner

  Lohengrin: Richard Wagner

  Chapter One

  The envelope was lying on the mat when Liz came home from work, addressed to her in handwriting she didn’t recognise. Ripping open the heavy cream stationery, she found an invitation inside. It read…

  Mary and Don Burney request the presence of Miss Elizabeth Webster and guest at the marriage of their daughter, Jillian, to James Anthony Steele, on Saturday November 6th at three p.m. at St. Michael’s Church, Greater Endover. Reception to follow at the Endover House Hotel. RSVP.

  She scanned the wording again, not quite able to believe it. James was getting married, less than eight months after the two of them had split up. She’d kept on friendly terms with him after they’d gone their separate ways, so she knew he was seeing some girl he had met at a conference, but he’d never given the impression the relationship was particularly serious. There had certainly never been any talk of engagement and wedding bells.

  He’d always told her he didn’t want to settle down. Now she realised he just hadn’t wanted to settle down with her. And while she’d been sure, deep down, that James would find happiness with someone else, she hadn’t expected it to happen quite so quickly. For a moment, she considered dashing off a reply to tell the Burneys she was sorry, but she wouldn’t be able to attend. Thinking about it a little longer, she had to admit she was actually curious to see the woman who had captured James’ heart in a way she’d never managed.

  Her eyes were drawn again to the word, “guest,” on the invitation. If only she had someone to accompany her. The truth was, she’d barely been on a date since her break-up with James. She had thrown herself into her demanding job as the press officer for a small charity, which helped London’s rough sleepers, telling herself that when the time was right she would start looking for love once more. Petty as it might be, she simply didn’t want James to feel he had succeeded in meeting someone else where she had failed.

  Liz propped the invitation on the mantelpiece, in a spot that had once been occupied by a photo of herself and James on the beach at Brighton. It had been her favourite snap of the two of them, taken not long after they’d started dating. How long ago that seemed now.

  She had a week before she needed to send a reply. If only a hot, available man could wander into her life before then, everything would be perfect.

  * * * *

  “So you see, Tina, I really need to find someone I can take along. Preferably someone cuter than James. I know it sounds childish, but I really don’t mind him being happy. I just wanted to be happy first.”

  Liz took a slurp of her orange and banana smoothie. She and Tina were sitting in the café they visited every lunchtime. Tina, as she always did, was eyeing the arse of the dark-eyed young man who took their orders and brought their food to the table.

  “Maybe I can help you there,” Tina replied. “How about Neil? He’s available.”

  Neil was Tina’s flatmate, and an old university friend of hers. Tina had mentioned him often, describing him as one of the sexiest men she knew.

  “Tina, if he really is as hot as you say, why isn’t he with anyone?” Liz asked sceptically. “More importantly, why isn’t he with you?”

  “If you must know, we got it together in the first couple of weeks after we met. We had fun, but it just never worked out. I think Neil’s looking for a very—specific type of woman.”

  Liz waited for Tina to elaborate, but her friend simply chewed a bite of her smoked salmon salad sandwich before continuing.

  “I’m sure he’d do it—as a favour to me, if nothing else. And it’ll get him out of the flat for the weekend so I can have Robbie over.” Robbie was Tina’s on-off boyfriend. At the moment, the relationship was very definitely on. “I couldn’t resist treating myself to a tub of chocolate body paint from the little gift shop by the tube station. We’re going to have a lot of fun with that.”

  Liz chipped in before Tina could lose herself completely in her fantasy. “Well, if you could give my e-mail address to Neil, perhaps I could arrange to meet him in the next couple of days and see if he’s willing to go up to Derbyshire with me. Otherwise, it looks like I’ll be going on my own. And taking the train by myself, and booking a single room, isn’t going to be much fun.”

  “Okay, leave it with me. And don’t worry. You’re really going to like him.”

  Tina must have fired off an e-mail to Neil as soon as she got back in the office, because within fifteen minutes of sitting down at her desk, Liz saw a message from him pop up in her in-box.

  “Elizabeth,” it began.

  She smiled at the formality. No one called her Elizabeth these days apart from her mother.

  “I would be honoured to meet you to discuss your proposition. Be at the Candy Bar at eight o’clock tomorrow evening. Wear a white blouse and a pinstripe skirt so I’ll recognise you. Do not be late.”

  The message wasn’t quite what she had been expecting. It sounded more like a request from a stern headmaster than a friendly note from a potential—albeit temporary—partner, and she hadn’t dreamed Neil would be so specific about the time, the place and her manner of dress. Still, something about his tone intrigued her. And with the deadline for replying to the wedding invitation steadily creeping up on her, she really couldn’t afford to turn him down.

  She sent back an e-mail saying simply, “Sounds great, Neil, I’ll see you there.”

  First came the small matter of finding a pinstripe skirt. Of all the items he could have asked her to wear, he had to choose one she didn’t already own. She didn’t have much time to shop—there was a press release she had to redraft before she could leave the office—but fortunately, in the same parade of shops where Tina had bought the chocolate body paint was a small boutique. It was on the point of closing for the night when Liz entered, and the manageress seemed anxious to lock up and leave. Liz quickly rifled through the rails of clothing. Right at the back of the shop, among a number of sale items, she found a skirt with a fine grey pinstripe. It was the only one in her size, which she took as some kind of omen. She didn’t bother to try it on. She simply handed over the cash while the manageress stuffed the skirt into a bag for her.

  When she got home, the first thing she did was take the skirt up to the bedroom to see how it fit. She hadn’t taken the time to study it in the shop and was a little surprised to discover it was cut in a pencil style, skimming tightly over the slight swell of her stomach and her gently rounded hips. It forced her to take smaller steps than usual, adding a definite wiggle to her walk. Hopefully Neil would like the way it looked.

  The skirt certainly attracted plenty of male attention when she walked into the office the following morning. She’d teamed it with a crisp white blouse and a black velvet choker around her neck and had twisted her honey-blonde hair into a
French pleat, giving her a sexily severe appearance. Though no comments were made out loud, she was aware of eyes glued to the curve of her arse where the skirt was stretched across it.

  Tina was away on a day-long training course, so Liz didn’t get the chance to pump her for more information about Neil. She knew, though, that her friend would want all the juicy details on how the evening had gone when she was back in the office.

  The Candy Bar was a trendy new venue in Spitalfields, ten minutes’ walk from Liz’s office building. Its gimmick was that all the cocktails it served had the names of sweet treats, and its interior was painted in the pastel pinks, greens and purples of a packet of Love Hearts, with slogans like, ’BE MINE’ and ‘KISS ME’, outlined in heart shapes on the walls. Even on a midweek night, it was still surprisingly busy when Liz walked in, five minutes before the arranged time of eight o’clock.

  She had no idea what Neil looked like, apart from Tina’s vague description of him as being tall and dark, and for all she knew, he could be here already, watching her from a shadowy corner. Studying the cocktail list, she ordered a Raspberry Tart, which was a mixture of raspberry liqueur, lime juice and vanilla ice cream, muddled with fresh raspberries. She’d just taken her first sip, and was casting around the room in the vain hope of finding a free seat.

  At that moment, a voice behind her said, “Elizabeth?”

  It had to be him. No one else would use her full name. Turning round, she found herself looking into a pair of inquiring brown eyes. Tina hadn’t been lying when she had described Neil as hot. Liz felt something inside her melt just meeting his gaze. The cut of his dark brown hair almost compelled her to run her fingers through it, and his full lips quirked upwards in a knowing smile. His chin was lightly stubbled and he was dressed in a dark suit that flattered his well-built six-foot frame. If she turned up at the wedding with Neil in tow, she would have all the female guests staring at her in envy. But first, she had to get him to agree to go with her.


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