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Painted Red

Page 4

by Lila Fox

  Clad in only a soft gray t-shirt and a pair of jeans, Dex and his colorful tattoos stood out against the backdrop of my plain blue couch. He leaned back, relaxing into the couch, looking at me with heavy eyes.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have any whiskey in that kitchen of yours, would you?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “No but I have a highly esteemed bottle of five dollar supermarket white wine and a few room temperature bottles of water. Take your pick.”

  “Please tell me you at least have ice…”

  Instead of replying, I quickly shuffled into the kitchen, extremely happy to have a few seconds to compose myself. I splashed a little bit of tap water onto my face and pinched my cheeks a bit, hoping like hell that I didn’t look as horrible as I felt.

  I sat as far away from Dex as I could on the small couch when I returned with a glass of ice and his bottled water. Secretly hoping to keep some space between us for the intense conversation I was sure we were about to have.

  Dex poured and took a healthy sip of his water before turning to look at me. “Are you going to tell me what that was all about or do I have to start guessing?”

  As much as I had come to trust him in the short time that I knew him, there was no way I was going to tell him my life story. It was too long, too depressing, and too exhausting to even get into.

  “I’m just really stressed out, Dex.” I lied through my teeth, hoping like hell that he wouldn’t notice. “Between the move and the new job, everything is a bit too much right now.”

  He took his full bottom lip into his mouth, biting down on it as he always did when he was deep in thought. “How about you take a couple days off work. No files, no phone calls, just take some time to enjoy yourself.”

  A part of me wanted to turn him down, I did desperately need the money, but I needed the time off way more.

  I nodded. “That actually sounds really nice, thanks, Dex.”

  Dex reached out towards me, gently coaxing me to move closer to him on the couch before wrapping a strong arm around my shoulders, causing me to unconsciously lean my head against him.

  “How about you come home with me. You can stay in my guest room and enjoy the pool…” he prompted, his voice more soothing than I had ever heard it. “My place is right on the beach. Tons of sunlight.”

  “Dex, that’s-”

  “Just think about it, Rosie. You don’t need to stay cooped up in this dark apartment.”

  “I don’t know…”

  He looked down at me, his beautiful eyes soft and imploring. “Say yes, sweetheart, come home with me.”

  I could do nothing but nod in agreement.

  Dex jumped up off of the couch, the grin on his face bright enough to rival the Miami skyline.

  “Let’s go pack your bags.” He started for my bedroom.

  “Uh-uh, nope.” I stood in front of him, placing my hands on his chest, pushing him backwards. “You’ve done enough, just give me a few minutes to get some things together and we’ll go.”

  “Don’t forget to pack a swimsuit!” He paused. “On second thought, maybe you should throw all your old ones away!”

  I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance.

  As I packed my overnight bag behind the closed door of my tiny bedroom, I couldn’t help but question my actions. Going home with Dex was reckless. He was my boss, my only source of normalcy, and one of the only things resembling a friend I had made in Miami. While his description of my stay was completely innocent, there was no doubt in my mind that the man had other, much less pure, activities on his mind when he invited me.

  Maybe I needed a little recklessness in my life; maybe it was time to embrace my feelings and try new, dangerous things. Wasn’t that why I had come here in the first place? To say goodbye to the old Rosaline and find out who I really was without my father’s pressure or expectations?

  It was time for me to be brave, even if it meant losing my job. Even if it meant losing Dex in the end.

  I wanted him and I was tired of denying it.



  I spent the entire ride to Dex’s house with his large, warm hand resting on my knee. From time to time his hand would clench, his strong fingers curling around the front of my leg in a semi-tight grip, then, almost before I could feel the pressure of it, his hand would go back to softly cupping me.

  I couldn’t tell if he did this because he was afraid I was going to change my mind and jump out of the moving car, or if he just felt the need to touch me. Maybe it was a combination of both. Either way, I didn’t mind at all. In fact, I loved the feel of his fingers against my skin. His touch was reassuring and arousing all at once. Making me feel comforted and causing my skin to burn underneath the weight of him.

  Most of the drive was spent in a comfortable silence. Neither of us really knew how to address the slight change of tension that hung around us in a cloying fog. So we said nothing choosing instead to turn our gazes to the glittering sun of the mid-afternoon Miami sky.

  It wasn’t long before we pulled up to Dex’s place, a beautiful single story Mediterranean style home fronted by towering trees and bright, colorful plants. In the background I could hear the soft swells of the ocean and smell the fresh, fleeting scent of saltwater in the air. There were no fast cars, no loud music, nothing but the sound of swaying trees and nature at work. It was a far cry from my new apartment, but it somehow reminded me of home. My original home. Only stripped of the pretense, biting words, and fake smiles. I already loved it.

  “It’s so beautiful, Dex!” I couldn’t help but gush out of appreciation for his home.

  “You like it?” Dex reached into the trunk of his Porsche, pulling out my overnight bag before coming around the car and swinging a heavy arm around my shoulders, keeping me rooted in my place, standing before the gorgeous house. “Humphrey Bogart bought it for Lauren Bacall in the ‘40s.”

  I looked up at him wide-eyed. “Oh my God, seriously?”

  “Yeah, he was filming a movie here, came across it and bought it on the spot.”

  “That’s so romantic!” The thought of sleeping in the same place that used to house silver-screen royalty almost had me bouncing where I stood, even more excited to get inside.

  Dex tilted his head, a small smile on his face. “I don’t know about that, sweetheart.” He fished his keys out of his pocket, walking along the short path towards the door. “Rumor has it, they used to have some pretty wild orgies out by the pool.”

  He let out a loud laugh as he made his way inside, leaving the door open for me to follow.

  I paused.

  “Dex, you asshole!”

  Much like the exterior, the inside of Dex’s place was beautiful. All dark wooden floors and newly-renovated interiors. Much like his studio, it was full of large windows and beautiful artwork. The place was by no means a mansion, but it was definitely no hovel either. I could tell Dex took great pride in his home. It felt like an extension of him, the same way the warehouse and his car did. He seemed to have a way of making everything he touched his own. An observation that I couldn’t help but extend to myself as well.

  “Have you eaten today?” Dex inquired after we shoved my things into the white-walled guest room.


  “We could cook something?” He turned the statement into a question.

  I suddenly felt embarrassed. “Uh… I’m not a great cook.”

  I could make basic things, of course, if you counted toast, salads, and frozen meals as basic. I had recently been branching out, trying my hand at things like spaghetti and baked chicken to no avail. Growing up in a wealthy family, we had a housekeeper to prepare all of our meals. I wasn’t even sure if my father or stepmother had ever touched a stove. I sure hadn’t, not before I moved to Miami.

  “Yeah, my specialties begin and end with burgers.” He laughed a bit. “I don’t guess you feel like firing up the grill?” He pointed out of the back window at the large, chrome monstrosity sitting out by the
pool. I didn’t even want to think of going near that thing.

  I shook my head.

  “Alright then, we’ll order a pizza.”

  An hour later, Dex and I were lounging in his living room completely stuffed. Me sitting comfortably on the couch and him parked on the floor, leaning back against the seat, flipping through channels on the television.

  I stayed mostly silent, letting Dex make odd comments about the shows he saw and chuckling a bit when he said something funny, which he did often. Since I came to the realization that I was tired of staying away from him, I became unsure about how to broach the topic.

  I knew he wanted me, that much was clear. I could see it in his beautiful green eyes when he looked at me and I could feel it in the way his soft hands touched my skin as much as he could get away with. But I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.

  The only boyfriend I ever had, Daniel, was also the only man I had ever slept with. His generically handsome face never inspired the sort of burning, all-consuming desire that Dex elicited out of me. I, and more importantly, my father, had found him harmless enough. I spent a year letting him drill into me senselessly in my dorm room two nights a week when my roommate had her salsa lessons. There had never been any foreplay, any creativity, any passion. Only visions of his puffy red face panting above me and the feel of his too-soft hands clutching my breasts.

  The sitcoms I watched growing up told me this was normal, that women just didn’t enjoy sex the same way men did. But there was something about Dex and the almost animalistic way I felt when he looked at me that let me know it wasn’t. Sex with Dex Quinn wouldn’t be boring or uninspiring. I was sure it would be so damn good that I would have a hard time giving it up when whatever relationship we had came to its inevitable end.

  “What do you think of this?” Dex’s voice abruptly brought me out of my thoughts as he paused his channel surfing, the television stopped on some new HBO show.

  “I’m not really in the mood to watch T.V. right now.”

  Dex swiftly turned off the tube and sat the remote down on the coffee table in front of him before leaning slightly closer to my legs. “Well, what are you in the mood for.”

  “We could go swimming.” His fingers began to graze my bare ankles. The touch was so soft that I wasn’t sure I would even have been able to feel it if it weren’t for how hyperaware I was of his presence.

  “That’s a no-go, baby.” His fingers continued their descent upwards, those thumbs drawing circles in the insides of my calves. “I think the chlorine levels are off right now.” He lied obviously.

  I pouted. “But you promised…”

  “Don’t worry, Rosie, you’re about to get plenty wet.”

  I giggled at his cheesy line, any pretense of uncertainty melting away the further he got up my legs. “And what if I already am?”

  Dex groaned, spitting out a curse word before moving to sit on his knees directly in front of me, his soft lips immediately pressing against the inside of my knee directly below my yellow sundress.

  I knew, in theory, what was about to happen, and while I hadn’t had any firsthand experience with anyone going down on me, my body seemed to know exactly what to do. My clit throbbed in anticipation, causing the rest of my pussy to slicken, my cream soaking my underwear and the insides of my thighs.

  My heart pounded the same way it had the first time I saw him: painful and unrelenting.

  His hands tightened their grip on my knees, spreading my legs further apart before wandering upwards, making gooseflesh arise on the inside of my thighs. His head quickly followed, as he shoved himself between my between my knees.

  “You smell so fucking good here.” His voice was a growl as he pressed his nose against the seat of my black cotton panties, making my swollen pussy ache even more. “I’ve been waiting to taste this sweet pussy since I met you.” Dex brought his hand up, gently running his index finger along my covered center, stopping to put pressure on my clit through the material.

  My back arched up off of the couch and a hoarse cry fell from my throat. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so swept up in pleasure. Probably never.

  Dex spoke again before his tongue took the place of his fingers, the hot, wet appendage rendering me speechless. “Can I, baby?” His teeth gently nipped at me. “Can I eat this pussy?”

  Again, I said nothing, too overwhelmed by the sensations of feeling him so close to me.

  “I need you to say it, Rosie. I need you to answer me. Tell me I can taste you.” Dex paused his ministrations, leaning back to look at me.

  I whined.

  “Dex, please…” I couldn’t even form any coherent thoughts, let alone words.

  He said nothing, only leaned down to take a bite out of the supple flesh of my inner thigh, so close to where I really wanted him to be.

  “Fuck, yes!” I was getting increasingly worked up, desperate for his mouth, for any touch at all. “Please, Dex, I need you!”

  He immediately dove in, shimmying my panties off in one quick motion before spreading me wide. My legs bent and splayed across the couch and my wet, swollen cunt completely open for his viewing.

  At the first touch of his tongue against me I could do nothing but gasp. Warm and firm, the muscle explored my folds in a frenzy of pleasure and wetness. Tasting me, consuming me in a way I could hardly believe. He ignored my throbbing clit in favor of gliding one thick finger into me, filling me beautifully and keeping me wanting more at the same time.

  Before long, he latched onto my clit, coaxing the little button out of its hood, his lips and tongue surrounding it with light sucking motions. The pleasure of it caused me to gush, my juices running out of me and coating Dex’s fingers. The sound of him fucking in and out of my wet pussy was so loud that it would have been embarrassing if it hadn’t been so fucking hot.

  I loved it. I wanted him to hear how turned on I was for him, how every sexual experience I ever had paled in comparison to the simple, but decadent feel of him devouring me from the inside out.

  “That feels so fucking good, baby.” My voice came out in a gasp. “Please give me more. I need more!”

  Dex’s tongue went back to laving at my pussy lips, gently drawing me away from my impending orgasm.

  “I could feel your pretty little pussy tightening around my fingers.” His voice was a deep growl, soft but thunderous. “I don’t want you to come yet. Not until I tell you to.”

  I creamed again, his commanding tone sending shivers through my body. I loved his commands, but my obedience felt truly selfish. I would do whatever it took to keep the pleasure alive for as long as he allowed it.

  And so the game went, minute after torturous minute of Dex teasing me with the rough glide of his slick fingers and his unrelenting tongue. I basked in the pleasure of his touch and the pain of not being able to orgasm. My pussy dripping so profusely that I was afraid I ruined his couch forever.

  “Now!” Dex gasped into my wet flesh, the vibrations from his voice making me groan. “Come all over my face, baby.”

  My orgasm hit quickly, coming over me with a suddenness that left me gasping for air and clutching at anything within reach. My insides clenched and pulsed, overwhelmed at the feelings of pleasure wracking through my body.

  Dex coaxed me through my orgasm with gentle fingertips and light touches of his tongue running over my oversensitive pussy, cleaning me up and causing my flesh to twitch.

  “Fuck…” Again, I was at a loss for words.

  The man between my legs stopped, obviously satisfied that he had done a fantastic job. He looked up at me through his dark lashes, his cheeks dimpling in a cocky grin.

  “Yeah…” He licked his lips, “Tastiest midday dessert I’ve ever had.”

  I chuckled, not even having it in me to blush at the dirty comment.

  Suddenly, a realization popped into my head, causing me to sit up, my dress falling back down my thighs. “Oh my God!”

  “What?” Dex looked alarmed.

sp; “We haven’t even had our first kiss yet!”



  My mouth was on hers in an instant, the kiss surprisingly tentative for what we just did. Rosie’s plush lips were soft and delicious, just as I knew they would be. Her hesitant tongue glided with mine, tasting slightly of the pizza we had just eaten.

  The kiss was hot, only made hotter by the fact that I knew she could taste herself on my lips. I let her take the lead, tasting and exploring at her leisure, giving my mouth up to her pleasure and excitement before she slowly pulled away. Those beautiful lips red and swollen, glistening with the evidence of our kiss.

  Much like my face between her thick thighs, it was over sooner than I liked. If I had my way, Rosie would always be attached to me, to my mouth, to my cock, rooted firmly into every aspect of my damned life.

  “You satisfied?” I looked over at her, her big brown eyes shining brightly, happier than I’d ever seen her.

  I lived for it, I wanted nothing more than to see her smiling up at me. Her smile was genuine and not at all like the ones she gave me when she thought I expected them from her. Here, so close to me, with her cheeks slightly pink and her expression open, I knew this was the Rosie I wanted to see always. Real, true, and happy.

  I wasn’t confident these were things she had ever been allowed to be. The thought made me angry.

  Rosie grinned, her beautiful face transformed by the joy her pleasure gave her. She nodded.

  I smirked. “You’d better be.”

  Her dainty little foot shot out, striking my head with enough force to slightly knock me off balance. “Shut up, Dex-ter.” she emphasized the second syllable of my name, giggling the entire time.

  I grabbed her foot, pulling slightly, to prompt her off of the couch and onto my lap. Her plush body lined up perfectly with mine, my hands grasping at the roundness of her fleshy hips, making their way around to grab at her ass as her lips descended on mine again.

  “You’re just asking for trouble, now, sweetheart.”

  “You know, I just realized… We don’t really know anything about each other,” I said as Rosie floated next to me in the cool waters of my swimming pool, her curvy body encased in a pink, high-waisted bikini.


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