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Hawk (Fallen Gliders MC Book 2)

Page 11

by Lynn Burke

  “The fuck…” My words stalled out as they crossed the road. As one, they paused on the sidewalk.

  “Janie!” Taylor called. “You all right?”

  She pressed up against me, and I pulled her close as thoughts crashed around in my brain.

  The Silent Demons’ president drew himself up and glared at me when Janie didn’t answer him. “Get your fucking hands off my daughter.”

  Goddamn, motherfucking shit. My suspicions were right. “Janie.”

  “I’m sorry, Hawk,” she said, her voice tear-filled as she clung to me, but I didn’t take my eyes off the line of men. “I should have told you the truth from the start. I shouldn’t have—”

  “Your father is the leader of the fucking Demons.” Tension hung between Taylor’s men and me. A car horn honked in the distance. The club door squeaked open behind me, letting out the blasting music and laughter, and slammed shut again.

  “I’m so sorry.” Janie started to move away, but I held her against me. “You lied to me.”


  “You knew what would happen once the truth came out,” I said without looking at her, keeping my voice low while the battle of the stares between her father and I went on.

  “I got a call that you’d kidnapped my daughter.”

  I jerked toward Taylor. “Who the fuck called you?”

  He glanced at the club behind me, and a shiver rippled down my spine. Someone inside? Demon under cover? Traitorous Glider? My blood fucking simmered, clenching my fists.

  “I’m not looking for trouble,” Taylor said, although his and the Demons’ body language stated otherwise. At least they kept their hands where I could see them.

  “He didn’t take me, Dad,” Janie said, her voice high-pitched and shaky. “I went with him willingly when he asked me to, just like I told you a few weeks ago. I swear to God, he didn’t know who I was until just now.”

  The club door opened again, but no music blared.

  A few of the Demons on the sidewalk shifted as footsteps sounded behind me.

  Jonny pulled up on my left, Digger on my right, and dozens of other Gliders fanned out alongside us. If the Demons had shown up the previous week, the number of brothers standing beside me would have been outnumbered by our rivals. We wouldn’t have stood a chance.

  “We don’t want trouble, Jonny, not here, not now,” Taylor said, his gaze moving to my best friend. “I’m just here to get my daughter.”

  “Daughter.” I felt Jonny’s gaze slide over me and land on Janie. “Fuck,” he whispered harshly in the heavy quiet.

  Even worse, someone had contacted Taylor and had lied about the situation. A problem for another time…

  “I’m so sorry.” Janie started to pull away again, and although every cell in my body screamed to keep her close, I let her loose. “I shouldn’t have kept the truth from you. Both of you.” Tears laced her words. “I’m sorry, Jonny, but even knowing Hawk was a rival club member, I couldn’t stay away from him. Couldn’t—can’t—control my need for him.”

  Her father stared at me rather than her. While I hated the fact she’d lied to me, I couldn’t let her leave.

  “You don’t have to go,” I told her before Jonny could reply, tearing my attention from Janie’s father and his men.

  Tears pooled in her eyes and her lips trembled. She wrapped her arms around herself as though wanting to sink into the ground and disappear. “We were doomed from the start, Hawk.”


  She nodded as the tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Modern day Romeo and Juliet,” Digger muttered under his breath.

  “A Demon’s daughter and a Glider,” Janie added, her voice small.

  “She’s got problems,” Taylor said, his voice loud and clear, pulling my attention back to him.

  I grit my teeth, fingernails digging into my palms. “Everyone has problems, Taylor. Your daughter has found a way to live with hers. She’s strong. Resilient. I’ve never met a more life-filled, joyous woman in my life.”

  A sob sounded, breaking my fucking heart.

  “You haven’t seen her depressive episode I’m guessing.”

  “She crashed less than a week after we met.”

  Taylor glanced at Janie, and she nodded, still hugging herself tight less than two strides away from me. It felt like a mile.

  “I love her, Taylor,” I told her father, unclenching and fisting my hands again. “She belongs with me, and I’ll stop anyone who tries to take her away from me.”

  More shifting on both sides. Tension thickened over the streetlight-lit parking lot, sending another rush of adrenaline through my blood.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes,” I said, unmoving and ready to roll if need be.

  Taylor held his own, I’ll give him that. A staring match for the books between protective father and lover, our brothers standing beside us, ready for violence.

  “Whatever it takes?” Taylor finally echoed my words.

  I dipped my head in a single nod.

  “If you love her, she comes first.”

  Without hesitation, I pulled off my vest and tossed it to the ground. “Always.”

  Digger swore beside me.

  “Don’t do this, Hawk,” Jonny said, low enough his voice wouldn’t travel.

  “Gotta. Janie means everything to me.” I met her gaze, the love pouring from her wet eyes slamming me in the chest. “Everything.”

  She swiped at the tears on her cheeks, retrieved my colors, and handed them to me. “Put it back on. Now,” she said, her voice steadying. I hesitated, and she slapped the vest to my chest, all trace of sorrow gone from her beautiful face. “Now, Hawk.” Fire glinted in her eyes, same as when she’d told off the club whore, Shelly.

  Biting back a smirk, I took my vest from her, and she spun toward her father, hands on her hips. “How dare you ask that of him?” she all but spit the words out. “This man has been nothing but kind to me. Loving. He’s helped keep me grounded over the past couple of weeks, and I’ve never experienced such a normal before.”

  “He only took you to get back at the Demons for—”

  “Oh, give me a break, Dad. Someone fed you that kidnapping lie, plain and simple.”


  “If you pursue any type of charges against him, I’ll spill it all, Dad. Everything you keep in that bottom drawer of your desk. Every dirty little secret.”

  He stilled, eyes narrowing as he studied her face. By the set of her shoulders, I expected he found determination in her eyes. Not a threat, but a promise as her voice had indicated. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh, I would. All the sick shit you’re into? You deserve to be in jail, along with the rest of your brothers.” She glanced back at me, the smile I’d heard in her voice lifting her lips. “Put the vest back on, Hawk.” Once more, she turned toward her father while I did as she’d said. “If you love me, you’ll let me go. I’m more than able to make my own choices. Allow me to be an adult finally. Let him love me.”

  Still, her father hesitated.

  “If you’re going to force his hand,” Janie continued, “force me to choose, it’ll be Hawk, Dad. Every day for the rest of my life, I want him. Even if it means sending every last Demon to jail.”

  I stepped forward and grasped her hand before Taylor could think to react, hoping like hell Jonny realized what Janie’s words meant to our club.

  She turned into me, pressing her face against my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. My fucking eyes burned. “She’s mine,” I said, glaring at her father again. “Mine to hold. Mine to protect.” Even though I wanted to plant my fist into his nose, I hoped he heard the promise behind my words.

  Silence hovered, the threat of violence still heavy in the air. “And to cherish?” her father finally asked, his shoulders lowering the slightest bit.

  “Every fucking day.” I didn’t hesitate to answer.

  Taylor lifted his chin as though trying to stare me down over his no
se. “I hear a whisper of you mistreating her, I’ll come back here and burn you all down.”

  I wanted to snort, tell him I’d love to see him try—especially with whatever Janie held over him—but for her sake, I nodded.

  Lips pursed, he, too, nodded and turned. “Let’s go, boys.”

  A handful of them grumbled.

  “The fuck, Taylor?” one of the men threw his way.

  “Shut the fuck up and let’s go!” Taylor shouted back, sweeping his arm toward the vehicles behind them.

  “Fuck,” Digger muttered from beside me, cracking his knuckles. “I was hoping to lay a few of those fuckers flat.”

  “They ever show up here again to try to take Janie,” I said, keeping my voice low, “lay them all flat.”



  I glanced over at Jonny. “We’ve got some shit to discuss, but not tonight.”

  “Tomorrow,” Jonny said. “First thing.” He turned his gaze on Janie and dipped his head, his acknowledgement of her letting me know he, too, recognized her loyalty to the club.

  Arm around Janie, I strode toward my truck without another word, adrenaline flooding my bloodstream. My hand shook as I opened the passenger door and pulled it open for her. “Get in.”

  She scurried into the cab, and I slammed the door, stalking around the front of my truck, gaze on the Demons as they climbed into theirs.

  A slew of emotions pulsed through me. Anger. Pride. Lust. I turned the key, my truck roaring to life. We pulled away first, and I kept her dad’s entourage in my rearview as they disappeared in the opposite direction. “When we get home, we’re going to have one long fucking talk,” I said, barely able to keep my voice in check. “After I redden your ass for the danger you put us all in.”

  “I’m so sorry, Hawk.”

  “Sorry isn’t what I need to hear right now, little butterfly.”

  Silence fell over the cab for the next ten minutes as I mulled over the fact someone had called Taylor. Lied. That bothered me more than the fact Janie had been keeping the truth from me. She hadn’t trusted me to stick by her side.

  Jonny needed to know about the snitch. Tomorrow, I reminded myself, glancing over at Janie. She chewed on her inner lip, arms around her waist, staring out the window.

  I pulled into the driveway, cut the engine, and returned my hand to the steering wheel in a death grip. “I’m going to sit here for a few minutes to calm the fuck down. I want you kneeling over the bed, butt naked when I come in.”

  Janie’s breath caught, and she didn’t waste time hurrying out of the truck.

  Every curse word I knew flew from my lips. While I didn’t take well to someone lying to me—it’d given dozens of men a close-up meeting with my fists over the years—I understood why Janie had done it. But even if I had known she was Don Taylor’s daughter, I still would have gone after her in Sturgis. Would have insisted she come home with me. Would have given up my colors in order to keep her.

  She fucking belonged to me, but she needed to learn lies came with consequences. We’d gotten off damn easy. No bloodshed, no lives lost, when it could have been a fucking disaster in the club’s parking lot.

  One wrong word, one unexpected move could have brought hell crashing down.

  I blew a long, slow breath between my lips and finally released my grip on the steering wheel. Damn lucky we got away so easy.

  Handing in my colors wouldn’t have hurt half as much as Janie thinking she couldn’t trust me with the truth. We could have figured it out together.

  Goddamn you, little butterfly.

  The need to unleash my pent-up energy, the thought of her backside bared and waiting for my hand…

  I climbed out of the truck and adjusted my swelling cock. Time to dish out Janie’s punishment and teach her a lesson or two.


  Goosebumps raised my skin. Every inch of me trembled. Tension twisted my insides, and I chewed on my lower lip, squeaking as the front door opened and shut. The deadbolt clicked. Keys landed on the table. Heavy footsteps sounded back the hallway, speeding my heartbeat.

  I closed my eyes, every hair on my body standing on end as Hawk’s presence filled the bedroom. I’d done as told and knelt with my back to him, naked and pressed against the side of the bed.

  He still loves me, I told myself as my ears strained for every move he made. But… “Will you ever trust me again?” I whispered, eyes clenched shut, my heart slamming in my chest.

  “After tonight, you won’t ever lie to me again.” The confidence in his voice tightened every muscle in my body and sent a shiver of goosebumps over my skin.

  Boots thumped on the floor. Clothing rustled. He’ll guard my heart, but that doesn’t mean he won’t hurt me with those big, fucking palms of his.

  He sat beside me on the edge of the bed. “Over my lap,” he said, his tone broking no argument. “Head on one side, legs on the other.”

  My ass tingled, readying for the swats he was about to dish out. Unable to look at his face, I did as told, my eyes still tightly shut.

  Without a word, he let loose, his palm smacking my ass cheek, jolting me forward, and drawing a shriek from my lungs. He swatted the other before I could catch my breath.

  Tears coursed down my cheeks. I sobbed. He continued to tan my hide, and I didn’t try to escape. I deserved the punishment. I’d lied. Put so many lives in danger.

  Hawk soothed a hand over my ass which had to be beet red. The sting of his caress settled in my pussy, and I lifted toward his touch. He swatted again, and I gave over to the pain that radiated into stinging pleasure.

  For every swat, he caressed my entire backside until I squirmed in his hold, my tears gone, lips parted on pants and moans.

  He cupped my pussy. “You’re wet.”

  I made a noise of agreement and wiggled on his lap, trying to ease the ache in my clit.

  He slid two fingers deep inside of my pussy. “Goddamn, your cunt is perfect.” His fingers made a squishing noise as he pulled them out of my body. The sound of him licking them clean had me squirming for more.

  In one fluid motion, he lifted and tossed me onto the bed.

  “On your knees. Ass up.”

  I kissed the fucking mattress, offering my sopping pussy and aching backside. My body trembled for him. I needed to come, release the pent-up tension. Needed to feel him inside of me. Owning me. Forgiving me.

  The bed dipped, and he grasped my hips. “No coming until I say so.” He lined up and shoved into my swollen folds, burying himself balls deep.

  “Oh, God!” I grasped at the sheets as he plowed into me over and over, sliding me along the mattress until my head pressed against the headboard. The frame banged against the wall as he slammed into me. Every grunt, every groan on his lips brought me closer, and I bit my lip to ground myself, keep my climax on hold.

  “Fuck, Janie,” Hawk growled, his cock swelled, and hot cum shot into me. Incoherent words came from his lips as he emptied into me, sporadic thrusts and growls enough I panted with need.

  Hawk finished and pulled out, leaving me gaping. Unfulfilled. Hot and fucking bothered. I deserved ten times worse.

  I stretched out my legs as he walked to the bathroom, his cum dripping from my pussy. More tears slid down my cheeks. If ever there had been a time for a depressive episode to swallow me whole, that should have been it.


  Hawk had handed in his colors for me. For me. Fucked up in the head Janie Taylor. The woman who had lied to him. Put the lives of him and his brothers in danger. I never would have expected him to do such a thing. His loyalty—love—ran deeper than I could have imagined.

  Hawk wiped his cum from between my thighs with a warm, wet cloth and sat against the headboard.

  I finally rolled to my side and looked at his face while curling into a fetal position, still nervous of what I would see on his face.

  “You don’t trust me,” he said, his eyes blank, lips flat-lined.

sp; “I do.”

  “If you did, you would have told me.”

  “I was afraid you would toss me on a bus and send me back to New York.”

  “I told you that you belonged to me. I told you I loved you.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. Such declarations should have wiped away every doubt, every fear, but I’d been programed to believe the worst from the dozen or so guys who’d high-tailed it once seeing the true me.

  “Thank fuck things didn’t get out of hand tonight.” Hawk rubbed a hand down over his face and beard.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered yet again.

  “Come here.” He reached for me, and I crawled onto his lap, sitting sideways, my ass stinging as it rested against his thigh. He pressed my cheek to his hard chest, right atop the butterfly Digger had inked over his heart. “Do you believe me when I say that I love you?”

  Unable to speak, I nodded.

  “Do you believe me when I say that you’re mine to hold and protect?”

  Again, I nodded.

  “I’m never letting you go, Janie. Never.”

  “You would have handed in your colors for me.”

  “If that’s what it would have taken to protect you and my brothers, yes.” He paused a moment as I again considered the lengths he’d have gone to keep me. “And you would have spilled your father’s secrets to stay.”

  “Without a second thought,” I whispered. Hawk loved me, same as I loved him, transcending brotherhood—and blood. More damn tears slid down and onto his heated skin.

  Hawk angled me to face him, grasping my cheeks in his calloused palms. “Look at me.”

  I lifted my eyes and bit my lip against the sobs wanting to rise.

  “I’d do anything for you, little butterfly. Anything to keep you by my side. Safe. Happy. And knowing you’d do the same for me…” He kissed me, gentle and slow, and I soaked in the love of every caress of his lips, every slide of his tongue.

  My need flared to life again, and I weaseled my way to straddle his lap, hands between us, desperate to harden his cock again. He groaned into my mouth, his hold on my face tightening as I stroked him.

  “I need you, Hawk,” I whispered against his lips, coaxing him to swell in my hand.


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