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Defying Dorian: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 10

by Sloan Storm

  “That’s exactly right, you don’t. I tell you what, I’ll make it real easy for you. Okay? The problem is that I can’t come and go as I please. I can’t live my life…”

  He interrupted me again. “It’s just temporary and…”

  “Just let me finish!”

  Looking into his eyes, I could sense the frustration, the anger rising in him. Sucking in a deep inhale, he nodded at me. “Go ahead.”

  “You told me it’s temporary a bunch of times. But how long is that exactly? It’s already been a week now.”

  Wrapping one hand around my hip, I extended my other arm, pointing in the direction of the door. “Hell, even my dad is suspicious.”

  “He is? About what?”

  I dropped my arm back to my side. “I’ve explained this to you. I haven’t missed a visit with him in almost three years. We are all each other have. Don’t tell me you’re surprised he’d be wondering about what’s happening with me.”

  For a split second, I almost mentioned my dad grilling me about Todd, asking where he was, but I thought better of it, deciding to keep it to myself.

  Dorian didn’t appear any the wiser. “Well, I’ve got something in the works for your dad.”

  In the works?

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Look, I know the reason your dad is in prison. I also know he shouldn’t be there. You have my word I’m going to do something about it.”

  I blinked, not sure I’d heard him correctly. “What?”

  “You heard me. There’s no reason for him to be in that fucking hellhole. I need some time but I’m going to make it happen.”

  I didn’t know what to say, how to respond. I didn’t understand any of it, but the simple fact was he had enough influence to get my dad to Vegas. Maybe he was telling me the truth.

  Dorian stepped closer to me. “For what it’s worth, I think your dad did the right thing. It’s what any man should do for the woman he loves.”

  When he stopped talking, he reached for me and wrapped his fingers around my upper arms. I didn’t realize how much I needed to feel his touch. He applied gentle pressure, squeezing me and looking into my eyes.

  “Thank you for saying that. I feel like I lost both of them at once. First mom dying and then, well…”

  Dorian nodded. “I know.”

  “What did you mean by ‘in the works’? Like, you think you can get him out early?”

  Dorian dropped his hands away from my shoulders. “I’m not sure about the timetable but, yes. There’s someone I need to talk to about it. Here’s the thing though… I can’t make any of this happen without your cooperation.”

  I frowned at him. “My cooperation?”

  “Yes. This little escapade of yours tonight was very time-consuming. If you want me to help you with your dad, I need you to promise me you won’t keep trying to run. It’s too distracting and too fucking dangerous. Promise me, Tempest.”

  The anger that swelled up inside of me earlier left my body in a rush. In its wake, confusion about how I should feel. The facts were that in spite of what I’d done, he’d brought my dad to see me, and now he’d offered to help get him released early.

  I hadn’t expected this kindness from him.

  At the same time, I wasn’t stupid. I knew if I accepted his bargain, I’d signed up for whatever it was he wanted to do with me. On the other hand, he hadn’t broken a single promise to me yet. He was a man of his word.

  “Promise me,” he said once more.

  “All right,” I said, looking into his eyes. “I promise.”

  We arrived back at Dorian’s estate. Before he even opened the door, I dreaded seeing Ainsley. After ditching her in line at the bathroom, there was little doubt in my mind she’d be pissed. I seriously didn’t have the energy to deal with her.

  Dorian closed the front door behind us. “Glad you decided to stay here for a little bit longer.”

  I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. “Dick. It’s not like you’re giving me much of a choice. Anyway, I think you like having me here. You just don’t want to admit it.”

  Without a word, Dorian stepped close to me. Slipping his arms around my waist, he tugged me close to him with a firm pull. “What I feel for you goes way beyond liking, woman.”

  Damn. I thought I’d convinced myself that I had control over the way my body reacted to him. But no sooner did he grind against me than liquid fire raged through my veins. Every inch of my body went hot, all my senses going into overdrive.

  Get it under control, Tempest. Jesus Christ.

  I never had the chance. Dorian lunged for my lips like a hungry predator. God, the feel of his satin mouth pressing hard against mine nearly brought me to my knees right there in the foyer. His tongue dipped inside, exploring and driving the need sweltering between my thighs to the point of no return.

  Everything that happened, all the craziness from earlier, receded from my mind like a gentle tide lapping at the shore. I felt myself slipping away into an uncontrollable fit of desire. Reaching between his legs, I grabbed for his huge cock.

  “Fuck…” Dorian moaned.

  “That’s right,” I whispered. “Fuck me. Right now.”

  In a flash, Dorian wrapped his hands around my waist, squeezing and lifting me in the air at the same time. Pressing my back against the wall, he held me off the ground and grabbing two fistfuls of my evening gown, started to tug it up my thighs.

  All the while, we grunted and kissed and moaned.

  I couldn’t wait to feel him inside of me again. The need overwhelmed me. He grabbed my thong, hooking his fingers inside of the band with aggression. My mind raced. Seconds separated my desire from the fulfillment I craved.

  “God dammit, fuck me,” I begged. “Fuck me!”

  Dorian grumbled his approval and started to expose me when all of a sudden, the sound of someone clearing their throat riveted my attention. Dorian froze in place, turning his head in the direction of the sound as well.

  There, at the top of the stairs stood Ainsley.

  Of. Fucking. Course.

  “Shit,” Dorian whispered in my ear, lowering me to the floor.

  While he did, Ainsley sauntered down the stairs, clearly pleased with herself. I had no doubt this was only the beginning of my punishment.

  Dorian looked down at me. “We can finish this later. I think you two need to hash things out.”

  With no hesitation, I replied. “I don’t want to.”

  Dorian nodded at me. “I know, just try.”

  With that, he turned away from me and started to walk up the stairs, meeting Ainsley about halfway. He stopped and leaned into her, whispering something in her ear.

  “Whatever,” she replied, her tone snippy and full of frustration.

  While this was going on, I made my way towards the bottom of the stairwell. Dorian continued up, disappearing at the top. Eventually, Ainsley wound up on the final stair.

  “I just came down here to get something,” she began, flipping her hair away from her face. “I would say ‘‘welcome back’ but well, you know…”

  She stepped off the last stair and faced me, one hand on her hip and her lips pursed. “Dorian tells me you feel bad about what you did. Do you? Or do you just feel bad now that you’re back here after he tracked you down? There’s a difference, you know.”


  “What do you want me to say, Ainsley?”

  She scoffed at me. “Honestly? It doesn’t even matter. It’s not like we’re friends anyway.”

  No sooner did she finish that insult then she tried to walk past me bumping her shoulder against mine.

  “Hey! Watch it.”

  Ainsley turned around. “No, you need to watch it! Dorian may want you here, but I don’t. You’ve been treated incredibly well since you’ve been here – protected, cared for and how do you show your appreciation to my brother? You run out on him during a show, go to the police station and report to them you’ve been kidnapped and are b
eing held against your will!”

  This was it. She’d come out with all guns blazing.

  “Hey,” I snapped, interrupting her. “You may not like to hear it, but that’s the truth and…”

  Ainsley held her hand in front of my face. The gesture caught me by surprise.

  “Then,” she continued, her tone sharp. “My brother calls in a special favor to get your dad brought to the police station to see you. Yet, somehow, he’s still the dick in this scenario.”

  Wait. What?

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “How did you know about that?”

  A withering exhale sputtered from her lips. “How do you think? Dorian… He tells me everything.”

  I had to assume by everything that she meant everything. However, after the show he and I put on a few minutes earlier downstairs, it’s not like what was going on with us was some big secret. Still, hearing those words from her mouth embarrassed me, hell, made me angry. But before I could say anything, she kept right on going, stunning me with the next words out of her mouth.

  “I think…” she began, crossing her arms in front of her body, “you owe me an apology.”

  I almost laughed. Like literally, I almost laughed right in her face.

  “What! Why would I apologize to you?”

  She completely ignored me. It was pretty obvious she had an agenda, a score to settle with me after what happened that night.

  “And,” she continued, leaning towards me, “you also need to apologize to Dorian. I’ve never seen him act towards any other woman like he does with you. If you’re smart, you’d realize it and quit acting like you have been. He has a tremendous amount of patience, but only to a point. Don’t blow it. There’s no shortage of women who would kill to trade places with you.”

  Every square inch of my body went wild with heat. Only, it wasn’t the kind Dorian stirred in me. It was the kind of fire you need when it’s time to get violent. That wasn’t me, not under normal circumstances. But then again, I’d never met anyone like her before. Meanwhile, Ainsley just stood there, arms crossed at her chest, presumably waiting for her fucking apology.

  “Well?” she said, cocking her head to one side.

  I swear I started to sweat. It was that bad. “Well what?”

  “Uh, I’m waiting.”

  I scoffed at her. “So? You’re going to have to keep on waiting because I’m not apologizing to you. What happened tonight had nothing to do with you, so don’t try and make it about yourself.”

  Ainsley jerked her head backwards. I’m not sure if she was stunned or just pretending to be. “What?”

  Fed up, I took a step towards her. She backed away. “You heard me.”

  “Stay away from me, you…”

  Reaching towards her I straightened my index finger and poked it into her bony shoulder.

  “Every time I turn around, it’s like you want to remind me that you’re his sister. I get it. Okay? But he’s a big boy, and I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate you treating me like you have been. That is, assuming of course that he even knows you’ve been acting this way. Does he?”

  She didn’t say anything. A hard lump forced its way down her throat. It was all the proof I needed.

  “That’s what I thought,” I began, nodding. “I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, this time. I won’t be here much longer, and you may have a point. I might owe Dorian an apology, but that is between us. It doesn’t concern you. This is the last polite conversation I’ll have with you about this. If you don’t like it, then feel free to go and whine to Dorian. With any luck he’ll kick me out of here for arguing with you, which is all I want anyway. As a matter fact, why don’t you go tell him right now? Go ahead.”

  She didn’t say a word, just stood there looking at me, her mouth hanging open.

  “Well?” I said, mirroring the earlier question back to her. “I’m waiting…”

  In a huff, she turned and glared at me before moving towards the stairs and firing a final warning shot.

  “Just watch yourself.” She snarled, turning and stomping up the stairs.

  “Good night,” I called out, waving to her. “Let’s talk again soon.”

  With that confrontation behind me, I headed to my room to get ready for bed. I wasn’t in there long when I thought I heard the sound of Dorian’s door closing down the hall.

  I could still taste him on my lips. I wanted more.

  Walking across the room towards the bedroom door, I expected him to come through it any second. My skin tingled, my pulse quickened. Every drop of blood flowing through my veins burned with the heat of need.

  I stared at the door, never blinking. His footsteps grew louder.

  Any second he’d open it. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to control myself. Licking my lips, I ran my fingers through my hair, readying myself to finish what we’d started.

  However, just when the sound of his steps grew their loudest, nothing happened. What I mean is, Dorian didn’t stop, didn’t open the door, and in fact, continued to walk right past my room.

  Confused, I hurried towards the door and opened it a fraction, peering out of it. I only caught a glimpse of him making his way down the stairs. Before long, I heard the sound of a door downstairs opening and closing. I snapped my head in the direction of my bedroom window. The lights of the grounds flickered on.

  What the hell?

  I headed over towards it, seeing Dorian walking in the direction of the observatory. I couldn’t figure out why he didn’t stop. God, we practically fucked in the foyer and now this? He disappeared from view.

  Chewing my lip, I tried to decide whether or not I wanted to go down there and follow him. I mean, if he’d wanted to stop at my room he would have.

  Screw it.

  Within seconds, I’d left my bedroom, made my way down the stairs, and opened the door leading out to the path and further down, the observatory. I hadn’t gotten far when all the lights on the grounds went dark.

  “Shit,” I muttered, stopping dead and blinking several times.

  After giving my eyes a chance to adjust, I continued walking until the observatory came into view. The lights were on inside while I walked up the path, flickering off just before I arrived. I’d come this far. I wasn’t turning back. Swallowing hard, I grabbed the door handle and opened it.

  Dorian sat there, shirtless, looking through the telescope with his back towards me. The hard bumps and ridges of his muscles glistened in the moonlight shining down into the room. I closed the door and took a couple of steps before he spoke.

  “You disappointed me tonight. Running away…”

  I froze in place, the reason he didn’t stop in my room now obvious. He was still pissed.

  “I know I did. It’s not what I meant to do. I’m sorry.”

  When I finished speaking the telescope made a whirring sound while he repositioned it.

  “Would you like to leave? Tonight?”


  I hadn’t expected to hear that from him. The question caught me off guard. I didn’t know what to say.

  “Dorian,” I began, shuffling a bit closer towards him. “I…”

  He didn’t let me finish. “Here’s the deal. I’m not a man who requires a lot of discussion. It’s a simple question. Do you want to leave my estate tonight?”

  A chill ran across me. I reached up and rubbed my arms, trying to warm them. How was he sitting here shirtless?

  “Well? Is it yes or no?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not that I want to leave. It’s just I feel that being here isn’t a choice I’m making on my own. I’ve already explained that to you. Nothing’s changed about that.”

  Dorian didn’t respond. Instead, he moved his head away from the telescope’s eyepiece. With a slow spin, he turned the oversized chair in my direction. Our eyes met.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I do understand it, and that’s why I’m giving you the choice. Right now.”

  I don’t think I’d ever been m
ore drawn to him than I was in that instant. Looking at him in the shadows, I felt mesmerized. My attraction to him was getting to the point of being overpowering. All I wanted when I went down there was to put an end to the need between my thighs. In spite of what’d he’d said, the urge still consumed me. Refocusing, I did my best to answer his question.

  “I’m confused. Everything you said about the case, about me staying safe until it gets returned. None of that’s happened yet. Why would you…”

  While I spoke, he stood from the chair and walked in my direction. With every step he took, glowing pale fingers of stardust clung to his torso, tracing the dangerous lines of his tattoos.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you. I almost lost you once. There won’t be a second time. Now, whether you stay with me or not, I will not leave you alone. My men will watch you, follow you around-the-clock until I tell them it’s safe, but I won’t keep you here against your will any longer. I can’t stand to see the sadness in your face, not even one more second.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was he really letting me go?

  “My only motive is that I want you with me, Tempest. I want to be with you, inside of you, until I get my fill, over and again. My desire for you is deep and fucking vast, just like all those goddamn stars overhead. I don’t know how many more ways I can say it.”

  “Then stop saying it,” I replied, interrupting him. “I don’t want to go anywhere tonight. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than here with you. Neither one of us can predict the future and say where things might wind up but…”

  “No,” he cut me off in return. “You either go tonight or stay for good. If you leave, I won’t be angry, I won’t hold it against you, but if you stay, just know my eyes will never stray, my lips will never taste another, and my cock will never be satisfied.”

  I swallowed hard. Listening to him just about wiped out the last bit of logical thinking ability I had left. Still, I had to know if my decision would have an impact on the only thing I relied on him for, the promise he made.

  “And my father?”

  “You have my word. I will help you. It doesn’t matter what you decide. This is about us.”


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