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The Sundering: A Clutch Mistress Book 5

Page 15

by Janelle Peel

  ‘We’re going to head up to the Stronghold soon. Lila will come. Be prepared and put everything breakable up high.’

  A moment later, her reply scrolled across the screen, ‘Great! Why the rush?’

  ‘Research, and you both need to be present when we contact Gazardiel. I don’t know how much time we have until the Demons break through.’

  Three dots appeared while she typed out her response. My thoughts rolled. Time…

  Grabbing the baby monitor, I took in the chubby cheeks of Lila. Napping with her thumb inside her mouth, a soft snore crackled through the speaker.

  Anxiety and anger fluttered through my gut. She was a child. I didn’t want any of this for her. What kind of God would put this bullshit on one so young?

  The All Mother’s voice whispered through my mind, ‘You will have answers soon, Daughter.’

  Irritation colored my answer, ‘There you are! This is fucking crazy! Haven’t we been through enough?’

  Thunder shook the walls of the rec room as discordant tone tolled, ‘Listen well, Chosen. I have no control over Fate, nor the realms of Demons and Angels. Until the Sundering has begun, you will feel what it is like to be in my position.’

  A sharp pain lanced my chest; dropping me from my perch on the bar stool. Vision blurring in agony, my body convulsed on the carpet. Liquid fire raced along my veins as I defensively curled into a ball.

  The torture continued for an eternity.

  It felt like my soul was being ripped from my body.

  Eventually, darkness came with a scream.

  “Sora?” Mason shouted worriedly. “Fuck. Julian!”

  I groaned. Goddess, it felt like someone had tried to carve my heart out with a dull knife.

  Soft hands gripped my chin followed by Julian’s voice, “What happened?”

  Loud footsteps thudded across the floor, “I don’t know. I heard thunder, so I called her. She didn’t answer. I found her thrashing on the carpet.”

  Struggling against the tide, my lids cracked open. Julian’s face came into to view. Instantly, his expression morphed from concern, to shock.

  Taking my hands, he gently pulled me up to sit. Nervously, he barked, “Get Justine, Mason. Hurry!”

  Mason zipped out of the room.

  “Water,” I croaked, trying to order my chaotic thoughts.

  Leaving my side, he rushed around the bar.

  Fingers trembling, I made a fist and pressed it to the lingering ache beneath my sternum. What the fuck happened?

  Julian lowered to a squat and passed me the glass.

  Sipping slowly, I desperately tried to remember what I’d been doing. Something with the Goddess…

  Justine ran in like the dogs of Hell were chasing her. Brow furrowing, she gave Julian an expectant look.

  Heaving a sigh, he shook his head.

  “Mommy?” Lila’s voice carried from the monitor.

  Tipping his chin, Julian stood, “I’ll attend Lila.” Shoes whispering across the carpet, he touched Justine’s shoulder, “Her eyes.”

  Confused, she inspected my face. Her mouth formed an O. Snapping it closed with a click, she plucked her cell from her pocket.

  Why did they keep looking at me like that? Exasperated, I growled, “What?”

  Hesitantly, she sat beside me. Touching the camera app, she nervously held up the phone, “Look.”

  The distorted image cleared to reveal my face glaring back from the screen. Shit, I didn’t look very good. The delicate skin below my lower lids was a dark purple. I snarked, “Yeah, so I’ve looked better.”

  Somberly, she mumbled, “Your irises.”

  Dark blue, they stared back at me. I froze. No. It wasn’t possible, was it? Clenching my lids closed, I searched for the silver spark inside.


  Frantically, I delved deeper. Where was it?

  A black hole, completely devoid of magic, gaped back.

  The memory broke lose with a sob. I’d angered Her, and She took my power.


  Buckling Kai into the van was problematic, but with Viv’s help, we managed.

  Excitement filled the air as we drove to the mansion. Everyone was happy to be home. Well, almost.

  Lillin seemed entirely overwhelmed. I thought she was going to shit her pants when some asshole honked at us on the freeway. Studying her profile, she actually looked kind of sick. A fine sheen of sweat glistened on her brow. Wringing her hands, her skin had taken on an even paler hue than normal.

  Leaning toward her, I whispered, “Hey. Are you all right?”

  She startled. Recovering, she met my gaze, “Yeah. I’m fine, thanks.”

  I nodded. Weird. Her eyes were distinctly aqua before. Now they seemed black. Shrugging away the thought, I pushed Kai closer to the door. Poor guy, he kept flopping over.

  Driving through the gate, Blaze rumbled, “Almost there.”

  Viv snarked, “It’s about fucking time. I’m totally stealing your room, Blaze. That bathtub has my name on it.”

  I laughed. It was huge. Personally, I preferred their waterfall shower. Maybe once the craziness settled down, I could sweet talk Sora into getting one for me.

  Julian met us with a bow as we piled out of the vehicle. Taking Blaze aside, he whispered something too low for me to hear.

  In an instant, Blaze flashed inside the house.

  Figuring I’d find out what was going on soon enough, I hit Kai’s release, “Hey, Uncle? Could you drop off those bags in my room?”

  He glowered, “He’s not staying with you.”

  I tensed. The Hell he wasn’t.

  Rowe threw me a wink, “Who else is going to watch him? I’ll stay with her, too.”

  Frowning, he grumbled, “Fine.”

  Crisis averted, I began the arduous task of getting Kai out of the van.

  Throwing myself onto the wingback with a sigh, I lifted a brow at Rowe, “He’s sleeping. Why don’t you go get some food? I can hear your stomach growling.”

  Hooking a thumb at Kai on my bed, she laughed, “Trying to get rid of me, Bex?”

  Leaning forward, I stifled a yawn, “I’m exhausted. We both know you weren’t really going to stay anyway.”

  Lifting two fingers, she grinned, “Truth.” Her nose scrunched, “I want to find out what Julian said to Blaze. Want me to bring you back anything?”

  I shook my head, “I’m just going to sleep.”

  Tossing me a spare blanket, she nodded, “All right. Text if you need me.”

  Snuggling into the soft grey material, I mumbled, “Mmm hmm.”

  Chapter 16


  Sharp pains of hunger clawed at my gut as I tossed and turned. No, this couldn’t be happening!

  Throwing back the covers, I muffled my scream into a soft pillow.

  Mel was one room over, maybe I could pop in and sneak a touch?

  My feet carried me to the entryway before I even realized what I was doing. Screeching to a halt, my nails lengthened to sharp points. Clenching my fingers in anger, I pierced the tender flesh of both palms.

  Welcoming the distraction, I began to pace. What was I going to do? Sure, I’d gone without a feed for days, but Jackson had nearly drained me dry.

  The beast within lashed out; dropping me to the floor with a strangled yelp. Sweat dampened my brow as I struggled to tame the wild animal it had become.

  Battling it back inch by inch, I managed to sit up.

  “Lillin?” Mel’s deep bass carried through the closed door.

  “Go away!”

  The handle turned, “I smell blood. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Scrambling back on all fours to the other side of the bed, I screamed, “No! Don’t come in! It’s not safe!”

  A flapping sounded as he walked into the room. His strange shoes, my addled mind supplied. I was fucking losing it! Shimming beneath the frame, I whispered, “Please, go away.”

  “Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

/>   Sighing in defeat, I answered, “I need to feed.”

  He chuckled, “Is that all?”

  “What the hell do you mean, is that all?” I growled. “Jackson took too much, and now I can’t control it. I’m a ticking time bomb!”

  “Come out and talk to me. We can figure this out.”

  Another spear of agony ripped through me, drawing a whimper from my lips. Pressure on my ankle was the only warning I had before he tugged me from my hiding place. His brief contact with my skin opened the connection and allowed a trickle of his energy to sooth the raging monster.

  Alarmed, I jerked back, “No!” Lunging away, I threw my body into the bathroom, and slammed the flimsy barrier. Flicking the lock, I slid down its cool surface with tears spilling down my cheeks, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Let me in, Lillin. It’s fine, honest.”

  Biting my tongue, I refused to answer.


  Her soft sniffles carried to his ears.

  His Wolf snapped his teeth at her pain.

  Pushing feelings of calm, his thoughts rolled. They needed help.

  Poking his head into the hallway, he called, “Jackson? Viv? You guys in your room?”

  A tuft of pink hair preceded Viv’s face as she opened her door, “You need something, Mel?”

  Catching her emerald flecked orbs, he nodded, “Both of you get in here.” Without waiting for a reply, he moved back to his sentry outside the bathroom.

  Viv zipped to his side with Jackson hot on her heels.

  Dressed in a green satin robe, she gave him a queer look, “I smell her blood. What did you do?”

  Jackson loomed at her shoulder in a pair of sweats. The hard muscles of his chest flexed as he crossed his arms expectantly.

  Factually, he answered, “Nothing. She needs to feed. Since she saved your Mate’s life, and he almost took hers, you have to help me.”

  Nose scrunching in confusion, she questioned, “How the hell do we do that?”

  He shook his head, “To be honest, I’m not sure. I want us all to touch her at once. I think the pull of energy will be equally distributed that way.”

  Jackson frowned, “You think?”

  “It’s all I’ve got, asshole,” he snarled. “I’m open to suggestions.”

  Placing one large hand on Viv’s shoulder, he pushed her aside, “No. I’ll not have Viv put in harm’s way. You and I will do this, then we’ll need to find a better solution.”

  Relief filtered through him, “Deal.” Turning away, he tapped on the door, “You get all that, Lillin? You need to open up.”

  “I don’t w-want to-o,” she hiccuped.

  Viv made a shooing motion with her hands.

  Backing up, he watched her face take on an expression of intense concentration. Touching one finger to the handle, the catch flipped with a snick.

  Jackson jerked her back in a move too quick to follow. Gripping the knob, he pulled it open, and spilled Lillin on the carpet.

  In tandem, they both reached toward her.

  Her hazel eyes widened in fear as she drew back, “No!”

  His hand closed around her wrist. The first sensation was a powerful feeling of wellbeing. Love followed for a brief moment before settling on lust. His fingers trailed along her silky skin. He needed to be inside her. Wanted, only her. His thick member lengthened inside his pants. Goddess, so soft…

  Rolling onto his back inside their shared mind, his Wolf purred.

  The feeling cut off abruptly; leaving him hornier than he’d ever been in his entire life.

  Cheeks heating, Lillin hid behind her ebony and scarlet hair, “I’m so sorry.” Crawling to the tub, she climbed inside and shut the curtain.

  Viv stepped into the room. Lifting a brow at both erections tenting his and Jackson’s pants, she laughed, “Holy shit! That was fucking awesome!” Gripping the plastic material, she pulled it aside and held out her hand, “Take some of mine! I want to try it, too!”

  Dumbstruck, he could only watch as Lillin tentatively gave Viv her fingers. His Wolf grumbled in disapproval.

  Viv’s nipples hardened to firm peaks as she swayed to the side. The scent of her arousal filled the air; drawing Jackson to her like a moth to a flame. Gently, he broke their connection.

  Giggling, she met his gaze, “Our room, NOW!”

  Jackson lifted her into his arms and flashed over the threshold before Mel could blink.

  Adjusting his engorged member, he hesitated, “So…”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  His chest pinched, “Stop saying that. You are what you are.”

  A loud banging thudded through the walls. Shaking his head at what the Mated pair were obviously doing, he padded to the toilet and sat on the lid.

  Pure aqua, her vulnerable orbs found his.

  She thought she was a monster. The realization slammed his Wolf the front of their mind. Instead of fighting for control, their words tumbled together in unison, “You are perfect, Lillin There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Slowly, she smiled.

  Appeased by her reaction, his Wolf retreated to let the man lead. It was the first time in a long while they were both at peace inside their body. Elated, he grinned, “You going to stay in there all day, or do you want to get some food?”


  Consciousness came back in stages. First, he noted the scent of fresh spring water.

  Ice blue eyes flashed in his mind’s eye, bringing him fully awake.

  Had Bex made it out?

  Blinking in the low light, a stark white ceiling slowly came into view. Silver veined paper adorned the walls, and he was on… a bed?

  Flexing his fingers, he gripped the soft grey duvet tucked carefully in around him.

  Where was he?

  Rustling sounded, drawing his attention to a shape sprawled on a leather chair. His heart beat faster as his gaze traced the tip of one pointed ear.

  Mumbling in her sleep, the corners of her full pink lips lifted into a small smile.

  A dull ache smarted beneath his sternum.

  The last thing he recalled was the wound, and his father’s threat. Rage lit his blood at the thought of any harm coming to Bex. Flames broke out along his skin; instantly igniting material around him.

  “You should probably put that out. You’re going to set off the smoke alarms.”

  He froze.

  Smirking mischievously, frost crept from her outstretched palm. It met the charred blanket with a hiss of steam.

  His fire retreated before its cool kiss could touch his skin. Brow furrowing, he rumbled, “Where are we?”

  Small ripples formed inside her irises like a stone skipping across a placid lake, “You’re currently in my bed.”

  His member twitched against his thigh as an image of her lips formed within his mind. Focus! Clearing his throat, he clarified, “San Diego?”

  She nodded, “Yes.”


  Rising in one smooth motion, she answered over her shoulder, “I came back for you.”

  He gasped. She could have been killed! Tone hardening, he bit out, “That was incredibly stupid.”

  Straightening her spine, she plucked her blanket from the arm of the chair. Snapping it in agitation, she began squaring the corners, “Maybe.”

  Anger coursed through him, “It was irresponsible. If anything had happened to you, I…”

  Cocking one hip, she glared, “What, Kai? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

  The truth of her words slapped him in the face. He would, and she knew it.

  Turning away, she strode through a mahogany door. The squeak of a handle turned as the roar of rushing water met his ears, “You need a shower, and I want some food. I’ll bring something back for you.”

  Sitting up, he began unbuttoning the hideous Hawaiian shirt someone had dressed him in. Ick. Dropping it to the floor, he stood.

  Walking over the threshold, she continued, “Don
’t leave the room for any reason…” She paused as her cheeks heated. Dropping her chin, she muttered, “Don’t leave the room. I’ll be back soon.”

  He chuckled as she beat a hasty retreat.


  “I still don’t understand. What do you mean, She took your magic? Why would the Goddess do such a thing at a time like this?”

  Bouncing Lila on one hip, she shrugged, “I guess because I was being an ungrateful jerk.”

  Reaching toward him, Lila grinned, “Daddy!”

  His frustration evaporated. It was impossible to be anything other than happy while in her presence. Kissing her fingers, he twirled her around in a circle.

  She squealed in delight, “Again!”

  Sora smiled fondly as he repeated the motion, “What’s done is done. There’s nothing we can do about it until the Sundering. Whenever that is.”

  The swinging door opened as Bex rushed into the kitchen. Waving a hand in greeting, she grabbed a plate of blueberry muffins from the counter.

  “Bex,” Sora called. “Forgetting something?”

  Confusion flashed across her face as Sora opened her arms.

  Dropping the dish, Bex moved into her embrace.

  Running her fingers through the white length of her hair, Sora sighed, “It’s good to have you home.”

  Lila patted his shoulder. The stars within her sapphire eyes spun as she gave him an expectant look. Taking her cue, he wrapped his opposite arm around Sora and squished Bex between them.

  Giggling, Lila begged, “Guppy?”

  Releasing Sora, he laughed, “Not right now, Princess. We need to have a discussion. Maybe Rowe or Justine can watch Bubble Guppies with you.”

  Her small hand slapped his cheek, “Yay!”

  He didn’t know why she loved that show so much. She’d seen every episode, and would watch it constantly if she could. Their high pitched voices put him on edge.

  “Bex,” he rumbled. “I assume Kai has awoken. Bring him to the boardroom while I drop off Lila. Sora, get the others. We’ll meet in ten.”

  Silence rent the air over an hour later after everyone was filled in.

  Bracing his palms on the table, he leaned forward, “What is your intent, Kai?”


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