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Living in Sin (The Escort Series)

Page 1

by Lucero, Isabel

  Copyright © 2013 Isabel Lucero

  Editing: Cynthia Boudreaux

  Cover Design: Robin Harper from Wicked by Design

  Formatting by: Angela McLaurin from Fictional Formats

  All rights reserved.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks are not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Letter to Readers


  About The Author

  I walk into the dimly lit restaurant and take a seat at the end of the bar, looking around the room to see if anybody catches my eye. Before I can look around the whole place I see the bartender heading my way.

  “Hey, man. What can I get for ya?” he asks.

  “I’ll take a Vodka and Tonic.”

  “Comin’ right up,” he says while reaching for the alcohol. “You’re awfully dressed up. Got a hot date?”

  I know I stand out in here because everybody else is dressed very casually, and I have a black three-piece suit on, but that’s alright.

  “I will soon enough,” I respond, and he smiles, shaking his head. I’m sure he thinks I’m being a cocky bastard, but it’s the truth.

  He puts my drink in front of me and I slide a twenty towards him, telling him to keep the change. He nods and walks away.

  I continue to let my eyes wander around the room when I see a lady sitting several seats down from me. She’s a pretty, light skinned black woman. She has curly hair that falls a little past her shoulders and she’s wearing a tight blue dress.

  When I get up from where I’m sitting and take my drink to a bar stool that’s two spaces from hers, she never takes her eyes off of me. I angle my body towards her, and notice she’s smiling at me with the straw from her drink in her mouth, giving me an obvious inspection. I raise an eyebrow at her and give her a small smile. She seems to be embarrassed, because she ducks her head, turns in her seat, and reaches for her phone.

  While she’s texting, I keep taking small glances at her, and I can see her eyes move in my direction without her moving her head. She’s trying to play hard to get, but I’m better at that game than she is.

  The bartender walks over to us, but before he can say anything, I speak up.

  “Another Vodka Tonic please,” I say, and then look at the woman sitting to my right. She looks up at me briefly, anticipating that I’ll buy her a drink, I’m sure. “Will you also send a couple of drinks to the two women sitting back there, please?” I say with a gesture towards the ladies sitting at a corner table. I spotted them almost as soon as I walked in. One is a blonde with her boobs pushed up and almost out of her red V-neck shirt; the other is a brunette who is wearing a white, lacey dress.

  The bartender gives me a funny look, and the lady at the bar looks back at the two women I was talking about. I smirk and down the rest of the drink that’s in front of me. I decide not to look in her direction again for a while.

  After a few minutes, I hear her order a couple of shots from the bartender. Something called a lemon drop, I think. When the bartender places them in front of her she takes them both and walks over to me. I don’t bother to turn in her direction, but when she puts one of the shots directly in front of me, I can’t help but take a glance. It’s then that I notice she has on some sky high heels that make her legs look amazing. With her standing up, I can see every curve of her body.

  “Will you take a shot with me?” she asks.

  I stand up, taking the shot glass into my hand. We’re only inches apart and even though she has those high ass heels on, I still tower over her. I guess that’s gonna happen when you’re 6’4.

  “Are we toasting to anything?” I ask.

  She bites her lip and looks down briefly. When she looks back up at me she has a killer smile plastered on her face.

  “How about to nights we’ll never forget?” she says.

  I smile at her and nod. “Okay then.”

  We take the shot and then put the glasses back onto the bar. I wait to see if she’s going to say anything else, but she doesn’t. I tilt my head, and then glance at the two women I sent drinks to. They’re both staring at me and giggling. I look back at the lady in the blue dress in front of me, and notice she’s looking at the two women as well. When she looks back at me, she still doesn’t say anything.

  “Well, time to get my night started, I guess,” I say.

  I step around her; looking at the two women in the back, and with a jerk of my head, let them know to come with me. They hurry out of the booth and head in my direction, giggling the whole way. When they reach me, I turn back towards the lady in the blue dress. “You comin’?”

  I wait a few seconds before walking away, and don’t bother to turn around. I make my way out of the small restaurant that’s on the first floor of a hotel, and towards the elevators that will take me to a room upstairs that’s already been reserved for tonight.

  The elevator dings and the doors open. I walk in and it’s then that I turn around for the first time since leaving the restaurant. I see three beautiful women. Leaning forward, I hit the button for the thirteenth floor while looking at all of them. I lean back against the wall in the elevator, putting my hands in my pockets, and crossing one foot over the other. I study all of them while they stare back at me. The blonde whispers something to the other two, and they all nod and smile.

  “Ladies, I don’t think it’s nice to whisper about me. I may have to punish you for that.”

  The blonde lets out a small moan and shifts her body, Blue Dress bites down on her lip, and the brunette’s face turns red.

  The elevator reaches the thirteenth floor, and I allow t
he ladies to get out first. They stand in the middle of the hall, waiting for me to lead them to the room. Luckily, it’s not too far from the elevator. I slide the key into the slot, push the door open, and gesture for the women to go in. I’m sure to check out each of their bodies as they pass. I sure did get lucky tonight.

  Once we’re all inside, the girls all sit on the bed, and I make my way to the small bar in the room.

  “Would you ladies care for a drink?” I ask.

  “No thank you, we’ve had enough,” the blonde says while playing with her hair.

  I pour myself a shot and throw it back real quick. I excuse myself to the bathroom just to give them time to talk, because I’m sure they’re going to want to discuss a few things. While I’m in the bathroom I hear them whispering and laughing. I give them another minute before I head back into the room.

  As soon as I get near the bed, the blonde stands up and saunters towards me. She unbuttons the one button on my jacket, and the top three buttons of my white shirt that’s underneath. She notices the tattoo that’s on my chest and starts tracing it with her fingers. When she’s done doing that she finishes unbuttoning my shirt before sliding both the jacket and shirt off, and lets them drop to the floor.

  With my shirt off I’m sure I look strikingly different than the man in a suit. I have a tattoo that stretches across my chest and down part of my left arm. I also have one down my ribs, and if she were to turn me around, she’d see black wings that spread across my shoulder blades.

  After the three women stare at me for a minute, the blond puts her fingers in the waistband of my pants, and pulls me towards the bed with a devilish smile on her face. The other two seem a little shyer than their friend, so I figure I’ll need to make them feel comfortable.

  I give the blonde a small kiss on the side of her mouth before turning my attention to the other two. As I get closer to them, they scoot further back onto the bed which works perfect for me. I climb onto the bed and give the brunette my attention first. I crawl slowly over to her, never letting my eyes leave hers. She’s looking at me like she’s afraid I’m about to pounce and have her for dinner, and she’d be right. Once I’m close enough, I place my right hand on her leg and run it up the outside of her thigh and under her dress until I reach her hip. I pull her down a little bit, which causes her to fall flat on her back. She’s got her legs slightly spread apart, and her black high heels planted on the mattress. I make my way through her legs until my face is above her own. My hand moves the hair that covers the side of her neck, and I bury my face there and inhale her sweet scent. While I’m there, I slowly let my tongue graze her soft skin. She takes a deep breath and angles her neck to give me better access. I run my tongue up her neck until I reach her ear, and then give her a little nibble on her earlobe. It’s then that she lets out a moan.

  “You’re so sexy,” I whisper in her ear. Women love to be complimented, and since I know she’s feeling shy, I figure it can help her open up a little more, and feel more confident.

  I pull away and look at her; she smiles while her cheeks flush.

  When I push myself up and am on my knees between her legs, I feel hands running up my back, to my shoulders. I turn my head and see blond hair falling over my shoulder, grazing my chest. She puts her face by my neck and starts doing her own licking and sucking. While she’s doing that, I run my hand up the dress of the brunette until I reach her panties. I let my fingers caress her through the thin material, feeling her wetness already. I start rubbing on her clit and she throws her head back, arches her back, and grabs onto the covers.

  The blonde moves her arms down to my belt and starts undoing it, fumbling with the button on my pants. I reach down with my free hand to help her out.

  Getting up from the bed, I take off my shoes and pull my pants off. I look over at the lady in the blue dress and see that’s she just watching all of this like it’s her own live porno show.

  “Hey, beautiful. Do you wanna help me with something?” I ask her.

  She looks around at the other girls first and then back at me. “Okay,” she says meekly.

  Once she’s standing in front of me, I grab her ass and pull her body to mine. I make sure she’s close enough to feel my dick pressing against her stomach. When she looks at me with wide eyes, I give her a smile.

  “I think my friend needs help getting out,” I say to her. She smiles and looks down. For a minute I don’t think she’s going to do anything. Finally, her hand rubs up and down my hard cock that’s still trapped inside my boxer briefs.

  “This friend?” she asks playfully.

  I smile at her again, happy that she’s coming around. “Yeah, he wants to have some fun.”

  She looks back at the other girls before dropping to her knees in front of me. The other two begin to walk towards us. As I’m watching them make their way closer, I feel the tug of my underwear coming down, and her warm mouth around the tip of my dick. She swirls her tongue around it and grips the shaft with one of her hands. My hand instantly goes towards the back of her head, willing her to take me all the way into her mouth. A lot of women can’t take me fully, so I don’t expect her to, but a man can dream.

  The blonde walks up and licks my lips before thrusting her tongue into my mouth. With one hand on the back of the head of the girl on her knees, my other hand goes around the back of the neck of the blonde. After kissing her for another minute, she pulls away and walks towards the brunette. I’m now watching my dick go in and out of the mouth of a beautiful woman. Her full lips are wrapped around me and she’s able to take most of my length to the back of her throat. She pulls my cock out of her mouth and licks around my head before she bares her teeth, and grazes them across the sensitive skin. I throw my head back and let out a hissing noise.

  I hear her giggle a little bit and then feel her wrap both hands around my shaft and begin stroking me. I look for the other two girls and notice that they’ve made their way to the bed, and are mostly undressed, playing with each other. God, I love my life.

  I coax the girl up from her knees and give her a kiss on the mouth before guiding her to the bed. I watch the blonde straddle the brunette and take her nipple in her mouth. The brunette bites down on her lip and closes her eyes. I make my way to her other nipple and suck it into my mouth. I hear her gasp and her head flies up off the bed, her eyes watching my mouth. I gently bite down on the hardened bud, and she lets out a moan that makes my cock jump.

  The blonde situates herself next to the brunette and watches me. I feel the bed dip behind me, and know that the other woman has made her way to the party.

  “Hey, Sweetheart. How about you come up here?” I ask her with a smile.

  She’s completely naked and crawls up to me. I swiftly pick her up and place her above the brunette’s pillows, making sure her legs are straddling her friend’s face. She lets out a squeal at first, but then when she realizes what I’ve done, she gives me a smile.

  “Why don’t you be nice to your friend here,” I say to the brunette. She doesn’t say anything, only scoots up a little more and then I see her tongue slowly make its way to the bare pussy that’s sitting above her.

  The brunette licks her slowly, starting from her entrance, ending at her clit and then back down. Blue Dress, as she’s now named, lets out a moan and that seems to get the brunette all riled up. She pulls down on her friend’s thighs, bringing her pussy closer to her mouth. She sucks and licks on, in, and around that beautiful pussy and clit, and I can’t wait to bury myself deep inside of it.

  I get myself to stop watching and pull the brunette’s panties off. I can see her wetness glistening around her entrance. I instantly rub my fingers through her juices before thrusting them inside, causing her to moan louder. I suck on her sensitive clit before lifting my head and making eye contact with the blonde. She’s rubbing her own clit while she watches. I crook my finger at her, motioning her to come over, and she happily makes her way to me. I drop my hand to her pussy, and push two finge
rs in through her wet folds.

  After eliciting a few moans from her, I remove my fingers, grab her by her waist and position her on top of her brunette friend. I guide her face to the bare pussy that’s being licked and she joins in. Getting up, I make my way back to my pants to grab some condoms, and then take my position behind the blonde’s ass and the brunette’s pussy. They are grinding their pussies together, and the sight of the three beautiful women together makes my cock swell some more.

  I guide the condom on and begin rubbing it along the blonde’s pussy. She moans with appreciation, and starts pushing her ass into me. I place my hand on her lower back, pushing her up a little so I can position myself at her entrance. Teasing her, I put the head in and slowly pull out. She groans in frustration. I can’t deny myself any longer, and in one quick thrust, I am buried deep in her warm, tight pussy. She yells out in surprise. I don’t move, giving her time to adjust to the size. Slowly she begins to grind on my dick, so I pull out slightly and push into her again. She’s no longer licking her friend’s pussy, unable to concentrate on anything else.

  I grab her hips and slam my cock deep inside of her, over and over. She’s moaning, grunting, and gripping the covers. I move my hands down and caress her ass before spanking her right cheek.

  She lets out a surprised yelp before saying, “Oh God, yes!”

  Deciding it’s time to show somebody else some attention, I pull out of her and slide into the brunette. She had no idea that she was about to be filled with a thick, nine inch dick.

  “Oh fuck!” she yells out, slightly muffled since her friend’s pussy is still in her face.

  I can’t help but grin. I maintain my hard thrusts into her sweet pussy. My movements are making the blonde’s ass jiggle in front of me, and I can’t help but spank her again.

  “Ooh yeah!” she squeals.

  I gently move her off of her friend and lie her down on her back. While still fucking the brunette, I slip my fingers inside the blond and find her G-spot.


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