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Her Devoted Vampire

Page 12

by Siobhan Muir

  “Me, too.”

  “You do know this means I intend to keep you here in my home, do you not?”

  “Oh yeah? What will I do to earn my keep? I did have a life and a job, you know.”

  “No, really?” he asked with heavy sarcasm. “And what did you do in that life and job?”

  “Oh, I was a project manager and financial advisor for the CEO of a big marketing company in Boston.” She yawned.

  Laughter bubbled up from his belly. “Well, it just so happens that I’m in need of such a person. I’m currently without a financial administrator, and I have an extensive business in coffee shops. I need someone to keep the books and make sure revenue continues.”

  “Okay, I can do that.” Then her breathing deepened as she slipped beneath the surface of sleep. He kissed the top of her head and fell with her.

  Chapter Ten

  Bridget sat comfortably ensconced in a fluffy armchair at Night Caps, her favorite coffee shop in Gloucester, reading a set of financial records on her laptop. She still wore her blue fleece hat and matching wool scarf, but her black leather coat with the faux fur collar and black leather gloves lay on the chair next to her.

  “Goddess, woman, could you make this any more complicated?”

  She sighed and put the laptop aside, rubbing her eyes. She didn’t really want to think about the financials anyway. It had been a difficult morning – well, afternoon for most people – and she needed a break.

  She reached out and picked up her mug, inhaling the steam rising off the hot chai. The scents of cinnamon and cardamom soothed a little of her frustrations over Szilvia’s calculations. Since Bridget had taken over Fredrick’s financial empire, she’d had to figure out how Szilvia had done things, so she could find her own way through them.

  Yeah, like that’s simple. At least Fredrick knew some of it.

  Thoughts of Fredrick sent shivers of pleasure straight to her loins, and she felt a dopey smile curve her lips.

  Ever since that first night together in his bed, he’d been the perfect combination of suitor, lover, and teacher. He made love to her like she’d become a cherished gift he didn’t want to use up, but couldn’t get enough of.

  Hell, I can’t get enough of him, either.

  She shivered with memories of their last lovemaking session, and her nipples hardened. Damn, the man was sexiness incarnate! Thank the Goddess they’d have the wedding soon. Then their exploits would be legal.

  She snorted. Well, maybe not in all states.

  Bridget opened her eyes and sipped more of her chai before she ran over her “wedding to-do” list in her mind.

  Just email or call everyone. Especially Kate.

  Her best friend Kate Blackamber would be thrilled, but Bridget was still hesitant to mention Fredrick’s dietary issues. How would Kate react to the idea of fairytale creatures living in the “real world” and Bridget marrying one?

  Bridget snorted again. Probably the same way I did. At least no one is holding her hostage when she finds out.

  Bridget had yet to tell her mother, but she refused to do that until she had most of the details of the wedding figured out. This was Bridget’s special day, and, though her mother meant well, Bridget worried about her reaction to the Goddess connection.

  Not to mention I’m marrying a vampire. Goddess, I hope Kate’s okay with it.

  Bridget set her mug down and picked up two samples of wedding invitation stationary she’d bought. She ran her fingers over the different paper selections as she tried to decide between traditional silver and white or the more artsy-fartsy look of dried flower petals within the paper.

  The touch of her fingers released the subtle scent of the imbedded petals and reminded her of Fredrick at his most sultry. A shiver of awareness worked its way up her spine as the door to the coffee shop opened and closed, allowing a cold gust of wind to slip through with a new patron. The breeze carried the scent of spiced apples and warm chocolate, and her heartbeat picked up with anticipatory joy. She scanned the customers around her, and an amused smile crept out, planting itself on her lips.

  Conversations stopped as the female clientele observed the man who walked up to the counter. He stood about six feet tall and wore a black leather trench coat. Dark hair fell down his back like a silk rope from beneath a fedora, and the leather tightened against his broad shoulders as he gestured for his order. A collective sigh echoed around the room when he turned and scanned the tables for a seat. The women all stared at him with hopeful, wistful glances, and the counter woman stared dreamily after him as he picked his way through the tables.

  His dark gaze found Bridget’s, and the corners of his mouth turned up at her grin of lusty welcome. Giddy excitement filled her heart as he stopped beside her chair and laid a gentle, but insistent kiss upon her lips. His tongue parted her lips and stroked hers quickly, then was gone. She wished he’d give her more, but reined in her inner bar wench.

  When he pulled away, his satisfied smile told her his kiss was just a sample of what was to come when they were alone again.

  “Hi.” Bridget greeted him with her own promising smile.

  “Good evening.” He removed his hat and coat and sat down next to her.

  “Have you eaten?” she asked as she stacked the stationary in front of her.

  He nodded and smiled a wolfish smile. “Now, I’m ready for dessert.”

  “Oh?” she said innocently. “Is there something in particular you’re craving?”

  The wolfish smile increased. “Yes.” Then the smile mellowed again. “What are you working on?”

  “Wedding invites,” she said with a sigh.

  He raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make you happy? We can always forego the usual rigmarole and marry tomorrow.”

  She gave him a dark look. “Nice try. You still have to wait until the end of December. No, I just don’t want to tell my mother, but if I tell anyone else, she’ll find out.”

  “Yet another reason to just have a simple ceremony in Wales with a Priestess of the Goddess and have a party for everyone else later.”

  Bridget considered the idea for while the counter woman delivered Fredrick’s drink, giggling like a teenager when he thanked her with a warm smile. Bridget watched several women walk past the table to get to their own, their gazes locked on her fiancé with hunger. She empathized. Fredrick’s aura of power and sex appeal made them divert their routes to come close to him.

  Bridget sighed again and said, “I can’t. Kate would kill me for not inviting her, and my mother would never speak to me again.” She paused and smiled wanly. “That might be a good thing. I can’t really tell her you’re a vampire. She won’t even want to hear about the Goddess.”

  “Bridget, I’ll bow to your wishes, but one thing I will not compromise on,” Fredrick said as he leaned forward, setting his cup down. “The ceremony must be done by a Priest or Priestess of the Goddess. Otherwise we will insult Her, and given your bloodline and my blessing, we cannot turn a blind eye to that. If your mother has repudiated the Goddess, perhaps it isn’t a good idea for her to be present at the ceremony.”

  “I know, I know.”

  She grimaced and crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up on purpose. Fredrick’s expression didn’t change, but his scent sharpened with his increased interest. She couldn’t hide the smug smile.

  “All right. Here’s my compromise. Let me get in touch with my best friend and find out if she can come here around the Winter Solstice. Then we can have a small ceremony with the Wolfwrights, Kate, and a representative of the Goddess. Is that agreeable?”

  He leaned over and wrapped his hand around the back of her head, pulling her lips to his in a possessive kiss. This time, she was ready for him and pushed her tongue into his mouth to caress his canines. His breath caught in his throat, and she heard the crunch of the wooden armrest under his other hand.

  “More than agreeable, my Lady Bridget,” he growled when he released her.

sp; The scents of spiced apples and cloves filled the air between them as his arousal rose. Wistful sighs echoed around them, but Bridget only grinned wider.

  He’s mine, ladies. You can look, but don’t touch.

  “Are you ready to go home?”

  Fredrick’s eyes promised more than just walls and doors. He promised love, protection, joy, and some of the best sex she’d ever experienced. Her excitement spiked, and his nostrils flared as he caught her scent. She winked and gathered her things for departure, reveling in her power over the sexiest man she’d ever met. So he was a vampire. He’d agreed not to feed off her. As long as he held her sacred, she didn’t have a problem with his liquid diet.

  “I love you, Fredrick.”

  “And I you, Lady Bridget. Forever.”

  That would do.

  The End

  Evernight Publishing




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