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Lady Adalyn (The Saga Of Wolfbridge Manor Book 1)

Page 26

by Sahara Kelly

  “Of course,” she agreed.

  “It turns out that Mr. Fricklebottom had a personal relationship with the maid Margaret. Margaret Johnson, was her name.”

  “Was?” Daniel quietly asked.

  “I’m afraid so.” Giles sighed wearily. “They did leave Fivetrees together. They were headed south and told Margaret’s sister—who lives about ten miles from here—that they were going to head for the Colonies. They’d come into quite a sum of money, apparently.”

  Adalyn’s skin chilled and she shivered. “Oh no.”

  “I believe so, yes. Mr. Fricklebottom was a clever lad, I learned. Knew all about spices and herbs…and, I’m sure, things that might be poisonous. He had aspirations…hoping to become a cook.”

  Evan shook his head. “Yes, that all fits.” He stared at Giles. “It was a mushroom, then?”

  “Quite likely. As a footman—and one who may well have served at that fateful meal—it would have been easy for him to slip a poisonous one into the sauce intended for Fairhurst.”

  “And the motive was money?” Daniel looked disgusted.

  “I would be surprised to learn otherwise.”

  “Tell us the rest, Giles.” Adalyn watched his face. He sounded tired.

  “I followed their trail. Just past the sister’s house, I came upon a small crowd just off to one side of the road.” He took another sip of brandy. “They were surrounding two people on the ground. A local identified the woman as Margaret. The other was a young man, similar in appearance to our Mr. Fricklebottom. He was still breathing, but in terrible condition”

  “Attacked?” Jeremy asked.

  “Shot. And robbed, too, by the way.”

  Adalyn rose and walked to the fireplace, leaning against the mantel and staring into the flames. “And there goes our chance of getting Trick freed without having to go to Deepmere.”

  “Someone tried to kill both of them, Adalyn,” said Evan thoughtfully. “And this time it was a clear case of murder. Perhaps now we’ll be able to pick up a trail that might lead us to their killer. Odds are that he has to be the man who paid them to dispose of Sir Amery. If Fricklebottom survives, then perhaps we’ll know.”

  “But we’re still no closer to a motive, are we?” Adalyn looked over her shoulder at the assembled men.

  “I have faith,” said Daniel. “Secrets seldom remain that way when people start dying.”

  “We will not give up, Adalyn.” Jeremy rose and walked to her side. “None of us will give up.”

  She sighed. “No, we won’t. We can’t. We’re Wolfbridge, and we care for our own.”

  He nodded, picked up her hand and dropped a light kiss on the back.

  Something inside her stirred. She was tired, but her mind still raged over the issues surrounding her. The flood, the bridge, Trick, and now these killings… She was frustrated, helpless to accomplish her goals...she couldn't stop the rain...

  She needed…she needed…Jeremy.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Giles knew.

  Somehow he’d sensed the direction of her thoughts and as the evening wound down, she saw him catch Jeremy’s arm and whisper a few words in his ear.

  They’d discussed all the events of the day, in great detail, and come to a final conclusion that no more could be said at that moment, either about Trick’s situation or the danger of the Wolf river flooding. The brandy glasses were empty, the table cleared, and the fires banked for the night in the fireplaces. It was time to retire, and Adalyn did so with a glad heart.

  She was weary…the physical toll of moving people and things for a couple of hours had been strenuous, and the emotional toll of seeing Trick in his cell had added to the pressures of her day.

  Even though her shoulders ached, and her limbs felt heavy, her mind still persisted in going over and over everything. So she walked past her bed and stoked up the fire, listening to the rain as it fell outside on the tiles over her windows. The chair and a thick shawl were beckoning, a warm nest and bright flames to ease the body and the soul.

  After about twenty minutes there was a light knock on the door, and Jeremy peered around. “May I come in?”

  “Of course.” She turned back to the fire. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I hoped you would be.” He came to stand behind her. “It’s been a strange day, hasn’t it?” His hands found her shoulders and began to massage them.

  She managed to avoid a groan of pleasure, but his fingers felt so wonderful. She just nodded and found her muscles relaxing into his touch. “That feels wonderful, Jeremy. Just wonderful.”

  His touch continued, his firm hands kneading and stroking, moving to the back of her neck and turning her head this way and that, and then over and around to her chin and neck, still working to ease the tautness that had locked her body in its grasp.

  “You are tense,” he whispered, leaning over to brush her ear.

  “You’re helping,” she whispered back, closing her eyes and tilting her head to one side, exposing her neck to his gaze.

  And his lips.

  She felt the kisses, delicate touches as his breath warmed her. Then his tongue followed, tracing the muscle from her ear to her shoulder.

  That brought a moan of pleasure. She couldn’t contain it, since his caresses were awakening all the pleasure centres within her body. His mouth opened against her skin where her neck and her shoulder joined, his teeth grazing the sensitive spot as his hands slid lower and found her breasts.

  She moved, the heat from his touch arousing her, the scrape of his teeth stimulating a response low in her belly.

  “Shh.” He held her in place. “Don’t move…”

  She felt his fingers untie her robe and then the front of her nightgown—baring her to the firelight and his gaze.

  “So beautiful, Adalyn. You are so beautiful. Like flames on porcelain…” His hands slid down again, but this time against naked flesh. Her breasts felt swollen as he cupped them, and when his fingertips caught her nipples and gently pinched them, she whimpered, lost to the sheer sensuality of such a daring and exquisite touch.

  “You like that,” he chuckled softly in her ear.

  “Yes, I do,” she mumbled, pushing forward ever so slightly into his hands. “Oh yes, I really do.”

  He played with her then, teasing, pinching, squeezing and kissing whatever part of her was near, until she was a writhing mess of need. “Stand up, Adalyn.” His touch vanished and she felt the cool air as he stood between her and the firelight. “Stand up.”

  She put her hands on the arms of the chair and pushed herself to her feet, her body weak and throbbing with urgency.

  “Good girl,” he praised her. Then he stripped her robe and gown off her in one simple move, leaving her standing nude in front of him.

  She gasped at the speed and efficiency of his hands, and her eyes widened as he disposed of his own clothing in the same way. Then he drew her into his arms, heedless of the two piles of nightwear around their feet.

  The heat of the fire toasted one side of her as they turned in each other’s arms, the hair on his chest abrading her already sensitive nipples. He lowered his head and kissed her, holding her tighter and tighter, and sliding his hands all over her, squeezing her buttocks, then slipping up her sides to caress her shoulders.

  He was hard against her and she parted her thighs, making room for him in between.

  This time the groan was his and he scooped her up in his arms. “I want you, Lady of Wolfbridge. And tonight I will have you.”

  She shivered at the command in his voice. “I want you too, Jeremy.”

  He carried her to the bed, but instead of dropping her on top of it as she’d expected, he turned and sat on the edge, standing her in front of him.

  “Jeremy?” She tilted her head to one side in puzzlement.

  “Hush.” He looked at her, his gaze running over her bare flesh appreciatively. “I want to look at you.”

  She fidgeted. “This is embarrassing. I�
�m naked…”

  “I noticed.” He reached out and touched one nipple with the tip of his finger. “See how hard they are?” He flicked the tender nub, and she flinched. “And how sensitive?”

  “Er, yes. They are very sensitive.”

  “Good.” His gaze wandered down over her belly and he ringed her navel with that same finger.

  She bit back a giggle.

  “And you’re ticklish. I must remember that.” He glanced up at her, his blue eyes filled with mischief.

  She had no doubt that he would indeed remember.

  Then, with a sudden move, he stood and picked her up, reversing their positions and tossing her onto the bed. But when she would have sat up, he pulled her down onto her back so that her legs hung over the edge. Without so much as a by-your-leave, he forced her thighs wide apart.

  Instinctively she tried to close them, but he would have none of it.

  “No. Stay there. Just as you are.” He stared at her, a flush rising in his cheeks. “I want to see you, the you that I’m going to take very soon. The you I want to taste. Right now.”

  He fell to his knees, which put him at the exact height for what he needed to do.

  Which was to bury his face between her legs.

  Adalyn gasped aloud, then squawked as she felt his tongue probe her sensitive folds. It was every bit as wonderful as the first time she’d experienced his skill—perhaps even better, since they were now alone and she had a better idea of what to expect.

  She let Jeremy feast as he willed, knowing that with every lap, every teasing swipe, she was growing wetter and hotter and on the first steps of a climb that lead to ecstasy.

  He murmured against her, a sensation that was half tickle and half erotic caress. He delved into her body, made her clench her hands on the quilt and she forgot herself enough to wrap her thighs around his ears, holding him against her.

  He laughed…she felt his lips against her sex and his breath on her wet flesh…and she laughed with him, a sense of joy threading through her lascivious thoughts.

  “Yes, Adalyn, oh yes…” One final long sucking lick and he moved away. “Up with you. I can’t wait a moment longer…”

  She found herself pushed into the centre of the bed, and Jeremy was on her before she could find a pillow or even discover which way she was pointing.

  None of that mattered, since Jeremy was poised above her, touching her intimately, probing and nuzzling his way into the fiery shadows between her thighs.

  She raised her parted knees a little, shameless, needing him to find her, fill her and send her soaring.

  And in response to her invitation, Jeremy did just that, sinking into her with a groan of pleasure, filling her and stretching her in that familiar but new way. This was different to being with Daniel.

  The thought flashed through her mind, although there was nothing to base such an opinion upon. She was as involved with the sensation, as lost in the touches of their bodies…as deeply lost in Jeremy’s loving as she could ever be.

  He moved, wasting no time, but rubbing against flesh that had already awoken to the talented touches of his mouth and tongue. Her mind whirled as he thrust, her back arching in welcome, meeting him stroke for stroke. Her breaths burst from her, her neck stretched backwards and she heard whimpering cries that must have come from her throat…

  “Adalyn,” he groaned, “let go. Come with me…”

  She had no choice but to obey. Within moments she felt the violent shudders grip her spine at the base and the exquisite moment was upon her.

  Everything froze for long seconds, and then Jeremy let out a muted roar, pumping into her, his body clashing into her aroused flesh and the savage pulses within stimulating her own release.

  She shuddered and shook as the spasms racked her body, milking his, and locking them together in a violent storm of unspeakable pleasure.

  Whimpers filled the air, and Adalyn realised she was making the sound, a tiny cry of joyous madness, forced out of her by her voyage through the maelstrom.

  Jeremy collapsed on her as she finally pulled the bits of her body back together again.

  “Adalyn,” he whispered.

  “I know, Jeremy,” she managed to lift a hand to his shoulder. “I know.”

  With what little strength she had left, she worked her way to the pillows and settle beneath the covers. Jeremy rose and blew out the last candle, leaving the room in firelight as he too settled himself in bed beside her.

  “You are everything anyone could ever want, Adalyn love,” he whispered. “I knew it would be thus.”

  She settled herself against him. “You underestimate the power of your touch, Jeremy.”

  The only answer was a muffled snore.

  Expecting to fall asleep quickly, she was not best pleased to find herself staring at the shadows cast by the fire on the walls. Her mind drifted, but instead of the problems and worries, she thought about her gentlemen, one of whom snored contentedly beside her.

  Jeremy had pleasured her, given her the most wonderful physical satisfaction. And she had, shamelessly, enjoyed every minute of it.

  Did this mean that each of the gentlemen would be as adept? Would Evan thrill her, take her to the heights with his talented caresses? And would Trick, with his humour and his passion…how would it be with him?

  For the first time, Adalyn experienced a little whisper of doubt as to the wisdom of allowing all of them into her bed. She loved them all, without reservation. She loved their kisses and their touches, and experiencing the deepest of intimacies with Daniel and Jeremy…well, both occasions had been above magnificent.

  But what of the future?

  Being Lady of Wolfbridge came with responsibilities, many of which she was now finding in her lap. And she enjoyed the knowledge that she was doing good, being active and making decisions that felt right.

  She’d never had that kind of power before, and accepted that she had grown into the ability to understand it and use it during her sojourn at the Manor.

  But the men.

  They were her life, her loves, her friends—her family.

  A shock ran through her as she let that thought bloom within her mind. She loved them with a deep and abiding warmth, all of them. Adding the sensual caresses to the mix, they created a situation that fulfilled every single need Adalyn had ever had.

  She had become a woman in so many unexpected ways. She was allowed to think for herself; she could accept that some decisions were hard to make, but that didn’t stop her from making them.

  Nobody told her no, nor did they ignore her as if she was a mere cypher.

  She was not only loved, they respected her in a way she’d never anticipated. And that was an astounding revelation.

  It did not help her untangle the knot presented by the gentlemen, but it did give her pause.

  And as sleep finally claimed her, she drifted on a question…could she choose just one of her gentlemen to be hers forever?

  No answers came to her during the night, but even if they did, she probably would have forgotten them since it was barely dawn when the door to her room crashed open and Giles rushed in.

  “Get up, Adalyn. The river has flooded…”

  She gasped, blinked—and realised she was alone. She never heard Jeremy leave, but at this moment she was glad he had. “I’ll be with you in ten minutes, Giles.” She pulled the quilt up over her nakedness. “We must go to the bridge?”

  “No, there’s another chance…come to the parlour when you’re ready and I’ll tell you.”

  She nodded and he left the room.

  Knowing this might be a physically challenging day, she chose a thick riding skirt, along with a heavy shirt and jacket. Stout boots completed her outfit and she arrived in the parlour barely five minutes over the time she’d promised Giles.

  “Tell me,” she said, walking in to find them all there.

  “Tea. Eat.” Evan put a plate, a cup and saucer and food in front of her.

eat something Adalyn. I can tell you while you break your fast.”

  As if they’d awaited her, they all sat, and Jeremy took one more piece of toast, while Daniel and Evan refilled their cups.

  “I remembered something last night,” said Daniel. “When I first arrived here at Wolfbridge, I was meeting the tenants and the farmers. Much like yourself. But at that time there was a small holding quite a way up river. It was on the border of the Manor estate, and only one man lived there.”

  “I remember him,” nodded Evan. “Nice fellow.”

  “Sadly he passed away,” continued Daniel. “And the land was so far away from here that nobody cared to take it on. It was merely a shack and a small pasture.”

  “There has to be a ‘but’ coming…” She looked at the intense faces surrounding her.

  “There is,” replied Giles. “I remember Old Harry well. A once brilliant man who had turned his back on his world and enjoyed the tranquillity of the country for his remaining years.”

  “All right. But what does this have to do with our flood?”

  “Giles mentioned he was brilliant? Well, he was. The river was very near his property, and of course during rainy times like these, the water rose. So Old Harry dug himself a run-off channel.” Daniel sipped tea. “It took a few years, but he was in no hurry, I suppose, and whether he used it or not, none of us can recall.”

  Giles concurred. “I wish I could. But I know it’s there, so we should definitely see if there’s the tiniest chance it could help, before the water rises any more.”

  Adalyn approved. “Any possibilities must be considered.” She drank her tea, knowing it might be the only cup she would enjoy for most of the day. “It rains still?”

  Jeremy nodded. “Not as heavy as yesterday, but it has not stopped.”

  “And the flooding? Giles, you said the river has flooded?”

  “Yes. One of the tenants brought me the news before dawn. The bridge is holding for now, but the water is washing over the surface, so I know it’s at the foundations in the bank.”

  “Close the road,” declared Adalyn. “We cannot wait until the bridge either starts to crumble or fails completely.”

  “Agreed,” said Giles. “It’s first on our list.”


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