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Lady Adalyn (The Saga Of Wolfbridge Manor Book 1)

Page 28

by Sahara Kelly

  Let me tell you, dear Diary, that a flood is a terrible thing; the inexorable progress of water as it encroaches on the gentle land around it…well it is terrifying.

  But it is this very event that forced me into the realisation that I am in love with Daniel. For we nearly lost him to that self-same flood.

  Need I go into detail about the run off gate we found and opened? I don’t think so. The physical evidence will be there for many years now, since I asked Giles to find some local builders who could recreate the first gate on a more modern foundation. And as soon as the river subsides, work will begin on that project, to the benefit of everyone involved.

  Wolfbridge lands will not flood to any great extent, tenant cottages will be much safer, and the farmers of Holymere, who rely on their lake for irrigation, will benefit from the excess water of the Wolf River when that gate is raised to allow the swelled river another course. It was a challenging and frightening journey to reach this point, but Wolfbridge Manor lands are safer today than they were yesterday, and for that I think we can all be proud of what we’ve accomplished, even though my part in all of it was minor.

  I have been Lady of Wolfbridge for going on half a year, amazing as it sounds.

  Six months or a lifetime. Both might be true.

  Many would say a short time, but to me it has been an eon. I scarce recall my previous life; the day Giles found me is a blur. It is as if I was reborn when I crossed the threshold of the Manor. And now I am the Lady, and I can finally say I believe I can accomplish the task and willingly shoulder the burdens.

  There have been discoveries, tragedies and moments of blinding enlightenment.

  Most of these have involved my four gentlemen - those living here in Wolfbridge and dedicated to my needs.

  I have loved them all in different ways, both emotionally and physically.

  They, I believe, love me. They give of themselves freely and without inhibition, and from them I have learned that pleasure - when shared with love - is a wonderful blessing. Heaven is to be found in the arms of someone who puts your welfare before their own. But now, everything is starting to change.

  I stood on that bank and watched as Daniel was swept away by the river.

  My very soul screamed out in horror at that moment. It was as if something inside me was ripped away, leaving me bloody and helpless, reaching out my arms in a futile effort to reverse the inevitable.

  The following minutes - which I still can recall as feeling like years - tore at me as I ran down to the riverbank, desperate to learn if Daniel had avoided the turbulent waters.

  I couldn’t see him…and the agony of that statement is still making the tears flow over my cheeks.

  When I finally heard his cry and saw him, clinging desperately to a piece of wood and then trying to reach a branch - my mind was in turmoil, for I was neither strong enough nor adept enough to assist him. All I could do was wait, long minutes of unadulterated terror, keeping his dear face in sight and telling him to hold on…begging him to keep clasping the slender branch that was all that kept him from vanishing into the river.

  When at last the others got a rope secured and drew him back to dry land - my arms were there, desperately awaiting his.

  And something told me at that moment that I would never feel that way for anyone else.

  He said he loved me. Hanging in the water, a breath from eternity, he looked at me and mouthed the words.

  My heart knew the truth of it, dear Diary.

  Daniel has become the one to whom I can truly pledge my life without a question or a doubt.

  Do I still love Jeremy, Evan and Trick?

  Of course. I shall always have a warm place in my heart for my gentlemen, no matter where or when or how we are together. They are essential to my well-being, and their willingness to cater to my happiness is returned in full by my humble self.

  But I cannot now imagine them lying with me, sharing my bed.

  Jeremy was a pleasure - a man skilled in loving, as are they all.

  I have relished Evan’s caresses and Trick’s arousing touches. They awakened something inside me that has burst into bloom here at Wolfbridge.

  And the result? I have learned to love with all that I am.

  Daniel came to me with love, and brought me to the full realisation of my own capacity to return that love. His person is all that I could desire, his wit is delightful and he treats me not only as a woman grown, but as a woman with a mind. I feel respected, as well as loved, cared for in a way that elevates me and has helped me learn to be who I now am.

  What does this all mean for the future, you might well ask, dear Diary.

  The answer to that is - I cannot say.

  There is still work to be done here…I wish to begin the Wolfbridge market, I wish to have Trick returned home, and I would like to ensure the harvest is better than last year’s, although the weather is still not cooperating as much as it should. We have yet to find out about our plan for Judith’s guardianship, even though she is now safe in London with the Sydenhams, thanks to Giles.

  And I have not forgotten Jeremy and Miss Brockford, although we have heard nothing from her as of this writing. I shall merely trust that that situation remains the same. Then there is Evan. So quiet, yet so much a part of my life here. Have I neglected him? I worry that he might feel slighted, since his attentions have been as thorough and as affectionate as anyone, but the love I feel for him never deepened, the way it has for Daniel.

  Even though it would appear that my heart has settled on one gentlemen, I still have more than enough love to encompass the others, and I must make sure to let them know of it.

  I have not foregone the notion of buying Fivetrees, although it is not as important as other matters.

  I would love to celebrate the holiday season here, surrounded by those I love.

  Much of this depends on Giles and how he responds when I tell him of my deep and abiding love for Daniel.

  And of course Daniel must also play an important role.

  So those matters must lie ahead of us; while for now I shall continue the work I have begun, not only for the Manor estate, but for my life in the future.

  Yes, thoughts of marriage have crossed my mind, for I would very much like a family of my own, where my children are loved and educated and raised to be proud and happy. The exact opposite of my own childhood, I suppose.

  However, marriage would mean both Daniel and I must leave Wolfbridge, and that would be a wrenching blow. If I could remain for the rest of the year - if Daniel feels the same and we can allow our love to bloom over those months, then I would be content to wed and leave for a new life in the new year.

  These are idle suppositions, dear Diary, for this is all new and once again I am sailing across unknown waters. But I am confident that now I shall be at the helm of my own ship, not at the mercy of unfamiliar winds.

  I must laugh at the nautical theme of those words, since my recent experiences with water have made me disinclined to go near any in the future, unless it is to bathe.

  But the fact remains.

  I am in love with Daniel. Deeply, passionately in love.

  And I am surrounded by others who love me as well, in every way that matters.

  Being Lady of Wolfbridge has brought me so much joy, some tears and anguish, and some burdens that were difficult to accept. But it has also brought me Daniel.

  And a chance at future I never could have expected in my wildest dreams.


  in The Dowager Countess - The Saga of Wolfbridge Manor - Book Two


  From Sahara:

  The book you have just read is the first in a saga—a word that boasts the delightful definition:

  “A long story of heroic achievement, especially a medieval prose narrative in Old Norse or Old Icelandic.”

  Gives you goosepimples just reading that, doesn’t it?

  As you will have noticed, this isn’t in Old Norse, or Old Icelan
dic, for which I apologise to Old Vikings and Old Icelanders.

  It is, however a long story, with some heroics. And it has been quite a challenge to write. It is open-ended, as you’ll have discovered, so I can assure you right here that yes, there is more to come and this story has yet to reach its conclusion.

  Here’s a quick peek into Book Two, titled The Dowager Countess, and on the release schedule for some time in the early summer of 2019.

  The Dowager Countess – The Saga of Wolfbridge Manor Book Two


  A festive air drifted over Wolfbridge Manor on the warm breeze of a late autumn afternoon. For once the weather had obliged and the harvest festival planned by Lady Wilkerson and her household had taken place beneath blue skies that showed nary a hint of the appalling rains that drowned the past spring, or the bitter cold of the previous winter.

  Adalyn Wilkerson was thrilled to bits, and by the end of the day guessed she must have walked a distance at least equal to the entire perimeter of her estate.

  As the Lady of Wolfbridge, it was Adalyn’s place to mastermind such events, and though it had taken her a while to become accustomed to such matters, today had been a splendid success and she was exhausted but proud that all had gone so well.

  “Yer did a marvel here, m’Lady,” said Mrs. Barnsley, a local lady of much prestige. “I knew yer would, but ’tis good to see it happen.”

  “I’m so happy as well, Mrs. B.” Adalyn rested in a chair next to the older woman. “Everyone seems to have had a lovely time.”

  “Bit o’ dancin’ later, they tell me?”

  “I heard that too,” she grinned. “But to be honest, I doubt I’ll be kicking up my heels. I just want to put up my feet.”

  “And yerself so young…?” Mrs. Barnsley chuckled. “I’d thought yon Daniel would have yer out there whirlin’ with the best of ‘em.”

  Adalyn gazed across the lawn to where a tall man was talking earnestly with another tall man. “He has me in a whirl all the time, you know.”

  “Ah, that’s the way it is when yer find the right one.”

  “It wasn’t easy.” Another man joined Daniel. “I love them all so much.”

  “If I were only twenty years younger,” sighed Mrs. Barnsley.

  Adalyn laughed. “You would have every man languishing, I have no doubt.”

  “I’d have every man tired out, lass, that I would.” She laughed aloud, then blinked. “Just between us, of course. Wouldn’t want Mr. B. hearin’ that.”

  “I quite understand.”

  “Yer gonna wed the lad then?”

  “Yes, I am.” Adalyn’s heart sped up at the thought. “There are matters I have to take care of first, though. Because once wed, I must leave Wolfbridge.”

  “Aye. I heard somethin’ about that,” Mrs. Barnsley replied sadly. “We’ll miss yer.”

  “As will I.” She sighed. “We’re hoping to be able to live somewhere nearby, but as I said, there are other things that must come first.”

  “Yer’ll be talkin’ of young Trick, then?”

  Adalyn swallowed roughly. “He’s confined, Mrs. B. I cannot think about leaving until he is free.”

  “Jane said he’s still hopeful…”

  “I am so glad for Jane. She’s been a constant support to Trick—and myself—since this mess started.” Adalyn sought out the gold head and the tall slender body of Mrs. Barnsley’s daughter, finding her chatting with some young mothers. “And she’s made many friends.”

  “She has,” nodded her mother proudly. “With those scars, it’s a good thing, since she’s standin’ taller now. Not hiding so much.”

  The unfortunate incident that had resulted in boiling water scarring half of Jane’s face had been put to rest by the friendship and respect she now enjoyed. At least Adalyn hoped so.

  “And we might be close to finding out who was responsible for Sir Amery’s death,” mused Adalyn, more to herself than to her companion.

  “That’ll be a good thing. I don’t like Fivetrees just sittin’ there. Next yer know it’ll be fallin’ down in pieces.” She glanced at Adalyn. “Young Miss Fairhurst doing all right then, is she?”

  “From what I hear, yes,” answered Adalyn. “She is making new friends in London thanks to Sir Laurence and Lady Sydenham. And something called the Wednesday Club, although I’m not sure what that is.”

  “As long as she’s safe,” said the woman who mothered half the county. “And here comes yer young man.”

  Daniel walked across the grass, his gaze on Adalyn.

  Seeing him draw near sent a pleasurable shimmer of recognition up her spine as her body responded to the man she had chosen as her lifetime mate.

  Nobody seemed surprised when she announced that she and Daniel were going to become more than mistress and estate manager, although there was a moment of silence as her butler, her footman and her chef absorbed the information.

  But within seconds, Giles had smiled and nodded, giving his implicit approval.

  Then Jeremy and Evan had gathered around and hugged them both.

  And now it was accepted; everyone knew that the Mistress of Wolfbridge had found her chosen gentleman, and—like other Ladies of Wolfbridge had done before her—would tie the knot soon.

  Adalyn rose and held out her hands, knowing Daniel would take them in his.

  “How is everyone doing?” She asked the words as he neared, waiting for the warmth of his palms to caress her fingers.

  “They have had a wonderful afternoon, my dear, and ask that I convey their thanks.” He touched her then, a firm grasp and a tiny tickle of his little finger beneath her overturned palm.

  She sucked in a breath and smiled at him. “I’m glad. How much longer should I stay?”

  “Yer both should leave now.” Mrs. B. hauled herself to her feet and gazed at them. “Yer’ve worked hard this day so others can rest. Now it’s yer turn. Go on with yer now.” And she shooed them away as if they were chickens.

  Daniel nodded. “I couldn’t agree more, Mrs. B. The Lady of Wolfbridge should now leave the field to the dancers and musicians. We can watch and hear from indoors while you unwind.” He tucked Adalyn’s arm within his and led her toward the house.

  Once they were alone, and any other guests were out of earshot, Daniel leaned in and whispered. “I want you naked, my love. I want to see the sunset shining on your skin…”

  “Daniel,” she whispered, as things liquified low in her belly. “Hush.” Then she looked up at him. “I want that too.”

  “And after I’ve made you scream…”

  “Yes?” Her gaze held his.

  “Then my love, we have to talk. There are things you need to know.”

  Watch for THE DOWAGER COUNTESS, coming in 2019 from Sahara Kelly

  About the Author

  British born and bred, Sahara Kelly has enjoyed writing and reading Regency romances for many decades, beginning in her childhood with books by Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer and Barbara Cartland.

  Arriving in America with her almost-complete collection of Leslie Charteris’ Saint novels, all the original James Bond paperbacks, and a passion for Monty Python, Sahara’s new life eventually expanded to include a husband, offspring, citizenship, and a certain amount of acclimation to her new surroundings.

  She never quite managed to attain a level of comfort with the American way of spelling, however, and creating a Regency novel offers challenges in that regard. So you’ll see words that British readers will recognize, but American readers might perhaps find unusual. It’s a choice… should one write an English romance using English spelling? Sahara has come around to that belief. She can now enjoy the extra “u” which has always seemed so colourful…

  After more than two decades of writing for the digital market as well as for print, Sahara is now enjoying the greater freedom offered to authors by the rapidly expanding self-publishing scene, and looking forward to many more such experiences.

  Being freed of external contr
olling restraints has opened doors—for Sahara and many other writers. There are now no impediments; no obstructions barring the path from writer to reader. Which is, in many ways, exactly as originally intended when that first storyteller sat on a rock outside her cave, tugged her bearskin around her shoulders and smiled at her kids across the open fire with the words “Once upon a time...” (or however it sounded several million years ago.)

  To find out more about Sahara Kelly and her writing, please drop by her website and visit her at:

  Sahara Kelly’s website

  This is where Sahara shares none of the intimate details of her life, but will present you with a list of books she'd like you to buy so that she can go do research on a beach in Aruba and be pampered with massages accompanied by drinks with umbrellas in them. She’ll send you a postcard. Thank you.

  When not dreaming of lazing on tropical beaches, Sahara has a modestly active social presence on the Internet. Take a look:

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  Get lots of her news from Amazon

  Also By Sahara Kelly

  (*- co-written with S.L. Carpenter)

  The Landlocked Baron

  Book 1 in the Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington series

  St. Simon’s Sin

  Book 2 in the Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington series

  Word of a Lady

  Book 3 in the Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington series

  The Mistress Wager

  Book 4 in the Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington series

  Blackmail and the Bride

  Book 5 in the Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington series

  Mistletoe Masquerade

  A Ridlington Christmas Novella

  Music and Mistletoe

  A Ridlington Christmas Novella


  The Mistletoe Marquess


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