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Kiss of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Book 19)

Page 6

by Julia Mills

  Shaking his head while downing his drink, the Guardsman then answered, “Nah, I’m good. I think I need a shower, some food, and a rest before we head down there.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Tabby agreed, throwing a towel at his head, standing, and heading toward the tree line.

  Jogging to catch up, Brannoc asked, “You ready to be my second?”

  “I wondered when you were gonna get around to asking me.” Tabitha gave him the side eye. “I mean I heard your proclamation but you never really asked.” She side-eyed him and then laughed out loud. “You’d have been shit outta luck if I’d made other plans.”

  “I guess so,” he snorted. “Is that a yes?”

  “Hell yeah, it’s a yes,” she walked sideways and threw her hand in the air for a high five. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to kick Noah’s ass?”

  Slapping her hand, he snickered. “Tell me.”

  “A helluva long time. So, even if you have to fake an injury, give me just five minutes to get a few good hits and I’ll love ya forever.”

  Waggling his eyebrows, in a sing-songy tone, the dragon teased, “You’re gonna love me forever anyway or Annie’ll kick your butt.”

  Rolling her eyes, the bear sighed, “You always gotta win, doncha?”

  “You know it,” Brannoc yelled over his shoulder as he sprinted to the cabin he’d been staying in since his banishment from the cave.

  Heading directly to the shower then throwing on an old T-shirt and sweats Jackson had sent over along with a bag of clothes for the dragon to use, the Guardsman went immediately to the fridge and pulled out the half a ham, green beans, and macaroni and cheese Tara had delivered early that morning. He thought about their conversation as he heated up and ate his food.

  “You’re going to have to kill Noah. You need to be prepared. If you don’t, he’ll just keep coming.”

  “I know that’s what you believe, but I have to try to defeat him in the fight and then reach an understanding of some sort before one of us is dead.” He handed her the cup of coffee he’d just brewed. “I’m just not programmed to kill without at least attempting to reach a compromise.”

  “I understand that, and I can feel how much this means to you, but bears are different. We’re more savage. Years of fighting to survive down here on the ground from not only wizards, hunters, and men, but also other predators, has made the males bloodthirsty when in the throes of battle. Noah isn’t only trying to claim Annalissa, who he’s had a crush on since they were cubs, he wants to rule the sloth, and somewhere in his deluded view of reality he thinks he’s going to be able to bully my daughter out of his way.”

  “Yeah,” Brannoc snorted. “Like that’s gonna happen. And besides, even if Noah did beat me,” he leveled his gaze at his mate’s mother, “which he will not, wouldn’t Jackson still have the role of leader?”

  Shaking her head then taking a drink of her coffee, Tara sighed, “Don’t I wish, but sadly, no. Noah will rise above his older brother in terms of leadership if he were to mate Annalissa.” She sat her cup on the table and laid her hands on Brannoc’s forearm. “And Noah is not a nice person. His heart is full of darkness, has been since he was born. He is mean and spiteful, full of himself, and a bully. If he were to hold a position of power, our sloth would be thrown back into the middle ages.” She paused and squeezed his arm for emphasis. “You have to win and you have to kill him. It’s as simple as that.”

  Not sure how to explain once again that he would not simply kill another living being for the sake of killing, Brannoc finally said, “I will do what needs to be done for all involved. Please know that I want what is best not only for the sloth as a whole, but most importantly for my Annie.” He patted Tara’s hands where they still sat on his arm. “The happiness and wellbeing of my mate is my number one concern and I plan to live a very, very long time by her side.”

  Finishing his dinner just as the light of the full February moon shone through the window, a sharp dagger of need and lust stabbed through the bond he shared with Annie. It felt as if a ball of fire had landed in the very center of his being. Both man and beast were immediately engulfed in those flames of desire. His heart beat with such raw force he feared it would jump from his chest and his breath came in short, harsh pants as he struggled to control the depth and power of Annie’s heat.

  It didn’t matter that Niamh had made them block their mental connection; they were still tethered together with their unbreakable mating bond for the almighty Universe. Annie’s bear was calling to not only Brannoc’s dragon, but also the man himself. She needed the blaze burning within her body and soul to be quenched.

  Before he realized he’d moved, Brannoc was across the room and out the door, standing on the porch of the cabin, staring at the mountain that separated the dragon from his mate. “Take it easy fella,” the Guardsman whispered under his breath. “Just a few more hours and we can cure what ails our mate.”

  His dragon roared, unhappy with Brannoc’s orders to stand down. The beast paced the confines of the Guardsman’s mind, pushing and growling, blowing plumes of smoke and threatening to spring forward with or without the human male’s permission.

  “I know, old man, I know. But our wait is almost over.”

  His internal conversation continued as he tore his eyes from the mountain, turned, and reentered the cabin. It took several minutes of pacing and an especially cold shower but Brannoc finally got both himself and his beast under control. Looking at the clock on the wall after getting dressed, the dragon was glad to see he had time to meditate and finished just has Tabitha knocked.

  Throwing open the door just as he hollered, “Come in,” Tabby grinned. “Ya’ ready, killer?”

  Standing and dusting off his jeans, the Guardsman winked. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” the bear chuckled as she turned and walked out onto the porch.

  Their walk through the forest was done in silence. Brannoc could hear Tabby’s thoughts as if she were speaking them aloud, but he worked hard not to listen. Instead, he focused on the bright white light that shone within his soul; the mating bond he shared with Annie. The promise from the Universe that his bear was his perfect match in every way.

  Pulling up his favorite image of her, the one where she was standing under the huge oak tree behind the clinic the day after she’d finally been able to transform into her bear after her many months of abuse at the hands of the O’Baoills, Brannoc’s heart filled to bursting with love. Her smile outshined the sun as its rays danced upon the golden highlights in her long dark hair. The twinkle in her deep brown eyes and the glow of her skin made it obvious she was happier than she’d been in ages, and the way she stood tall with her shoulders back, so filled with confidence, made it impossible for the Guardsman to stay away.

  He remembered how the light blush covered her cheeks and the scent of rain-kissed roses mixed with the freshness of the forest filled the air around them. At the first meeting of their lips, the couple sighed in unison at the absolute perfection of the moment. It was the beginning of Brannoc’s forever and no one was going to take it from him.

  Breaking free of the forest, the Guardsman and his second stopped at the edge of the Hallowed Circle and looked up into the risers at the Golden Bear Sloth Elders. Brannoc couldn’t help but mouth the words, “Is brae liom tú,” to Annie and smile when she returned the sentiment with, “Agus is breá liom tú.”

  The moment was short lived, however, when Noah and a rowdy bunch of male bears burst through the tree line opposite the Guardsman and Tabitha and Brannoc’s soon-to-be opponent yelled, “Tonight we’ll be eating dragon! I hear it tastes just like chicken!”

  Chapter Eight

  The air surrounding the Hallowed Circle was electrified as intense emotions flowed freely from all factions. Annie’s eyes burned from the bright sparks of magic flashing in the light of the full moon as the male bears continued their taunts and threats. Working hard to keep from
losing her temper, the soon-to-be Matriarch bit her tongue and stared at her mate. It wasn’t Brannoc’s skill that was in question; what had her nerves fraying and the butterflies in her stomach dancing the merengue was not knowing if the male bears were going to play by the rules.

  Reaching the end of her patience, Annie was just about to stand up when an eerie silence fell over the meadow and out walked Jackson Frazier, standing tall and glaring at his brother. For once in his life Noah had the sense to look repentant, even if he didn’t mean it, and shut up as his older brother and the leader of the male bears took his place in the center of the Hallowed Circle. With a genuine smile toward the Elders, he asked, “Niamh O’Bairne, will you please join me?”

  Standing, the Matriarch gave a stern look to the crowd of males, who by their mere presence were breaking the Law of the Ancients, then turned toward Jackson, gave a single nod and a smile, and walked down the stairs and onto the dirt pitch that had been readied for the Fight for Dominance. With her shoulders back and her head held high, Niamh began. “Let us pray.” She looked up to the sky. “Dear Mother Ursa who gave us life, blessed Universe who gave us a world in which to live, Goddess of All from whom every living thing springs forth, and the Heavens where we hope to spend eternity with our loved ones who have gone before us, we gather here on this night, under the full of the moon, to witness a test of true champions. Please bless these men, Noah Frazier of the Golden Bear Sloth and Brannoc Deóireach, Guardsman of the Blue Thunder Clan of Dragons, as they put forth the best they have to offer to win the right to sit beside your chosen Matriarch and Keeper of the Magic of the Ancients, Annalissa Olivia O’Bairne. Together, not only will the Matriarch with the victor lead the great Bear Nation, but he will be responsible for its wellbeing, its growth, and its prosperity. Protect and guide us all. It is with the utmost reverence and praise we call upon you this evening and give thanks for your divine guidance.”

  There was a long moment of silence. Annie could feel the respect and admiration everyone in attendance had for not only the deities, but also for her grandmother. Tiny tendrils of trepidation tickled up and down the young bear’s spine. Worry that she wouldn’t be able to lead as well as her ancestors had. Fear of abject failure in the face of those who put their lives in her hands. Anxiety that she would somehow disgrace the O’Bairne name. And finally, dread that in some stroke of dumb luck, Noah would win the Fight for Dominance and she would spend eternity strapped to an egomaniacal, misogynistic, Neanderthal.

  Jackson’s low, clear voice pulled Annie from her thoughts. “In the times of old, we were hunted just as our animal brothers and sisters. Our numbers dwindled. Royal bloodlines disappeared and the Mother Ursa saw fit to begin creating the perfect mate for our Matriarchs to ensure our continued existence.”

  “With the help of the Universe, he was given the strength of Hercules, the wisdom of Socrates, the love of Aphrodite, and the patience of Job. They created the perfect complement for the woman who would lead the great bear shifters. As time passed, some among our numbers felt the need to challenge the decision of our beloved Mother and thus the Fight for Dominance was instituted.”

  “It is a brutal test of cunning, skill, and brute strength. Only the one fit to be the mate of our Matriarch will survive. It is a fight to the death, winner take all, hand-to-hand combat, but it must be fought fairly and by the rules set forth by the Ancients. This is the one and only time we, as a race, sanction this type of bloodshed. I, as the leader of the male contingent, along with Niamh, the Matriarch of the Golden Bear Sloth, call for a fair fight. You will fight as men. There will be no use of magic, neither animal nor human, and there will be no weapons.”

  He paused and looked to his brother, who was hopping from side-to-side and jabbing the air then turned to Brannoc, who was standing quietly, feet shoulder length apart, hands clasped in front of him. With a single nod to the Guardsman, Jackson instructed, “Noah Frazier and Brannoc Deóireach, will you each, along with your seconds, please take your places here, in the center of the Hallowed Circle?”

  Annie watched as Brannoc took off his T-shirt and slipped off his boots then strode toward Jackson and her grandmother with his head held high and an air of confidence that she found absolutely mesmerizing. She could feel the raw energy snapping and crackling through his body via their mating bond. It was energizing and incredibly erotic the way his strength infused with hers as they became joined in yet another exciting way.

  Needing to distract herself before she jumped out of her seat and dragged her mate into the woods the rules be damned, Annie checked on the dragon who was also her mate, only to find him sullen and pouting at being left out of the fight. For just a very quick second, she let the bear within her soul reach out to Brannoc’s beast. The reassure and acceptance she felt was overwhelming and well worth the risk.

  Looking back to the Circle, she listened as Jackson once again warned both men against any unfair fighting or the use of magic. Then, taking Niamh’s hand, he led the Matriarch to the edge of the bleachers before turning and in a stern tone, commanding, “Gentlemen, shake hands and walk your seconds back to the outside of the Hallowed Circle.”

  Annie was tapping her feet and rubbing her hands up and down the denim covering her thighs as she watched Brannoc take Tabby back where they had started, say something, then turn and step back into the Circle. She wanted more than anything to tell him everything was going to be all right, that she had more faith in him than she’d ever had in anyone else, and that there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he would win the battle, but she couldn’t. She wasn’t allowed. It was against the rules.

  “Screw the blasted rules,” Annie murmured under her breath just as her grandmother’s hand closed over her own where it laid on her leg, and in a low, warning grumble that sounded like more bear than woman, Niamh ordered, “Do not do it. Do not dishonor yourself or your mate by breaking the Law of the Ancients.”

  “But, I just, I need to talk to him.”

  Still looking forward but squeezing her hand and leg so strongly Annie thought she might have a few broken bones, Niamh snapped, “No, you do not and you will not.”

  They sat in silence watching Brannoc and Noah approach one another. Niamh loosened her grip but did not let go as the men circled first to the right then to the left, slowly creeping closer to one another. The tension was so thick Annie was sure she could cut it with a knife.

  Her dragon was focused, his light green eyes like lasers trained on Noah’s every move. His body was relaxed. He moved with a grace that seemed almost unnatural for someone his size. Brannoc was letting the fight come to him. His experience in battle was shining through as he waited to see the bear’s attack as a way to gauge his opponent’s fighting style.

  The smirk on Noah’s face and the way he hopped from one foot to the other, periodically throwing his fist out and then barked a laugh when Brannoc didn’t react, was comical. The male bear was trying to play it cool but was too hopped up on his own hype, his own adrenalin, to appear as anything more than a rank amateur about to lose the fight of his life to the champion.

  Grumbling and shouts of “Hit the dumbass dragon!” “Take him out, Noah!” “Come on, don’t be a wuss!” came from the male bears who were not supposed to be in attendance but whom Jackson and Niamh had allowed to stay. They had come to see a fight. Wanted to witness bloodshed. Wanted to watch one of their own take down one of the most revered warriors of the shifter world.

  The space separating the dragon and the bear was now just over the length of their arms. Although Brannoc stood at least three or four inches taller than Noah, the bear was thicker, broader, not more muscular but more compact, and with a shorter reach. It was obvious the male bear hadn’t taken that distance into account as he took his first real swing and instead of connecting with the Guardsman’s jaw, grazed Brannoc’s shoulder. Not that it mattered. The opening salvo had been thrown; the fight was well and truly on.

  Annie brushed her grandm
other’s hand off her leg then scooted to the edge of her seat at the same time Brannoc ducked Noah’s right cross and instead, ended up with a surprise upper cut to his chin. Unfazed, her dragon took a step back then to the right as Noah jumped into the air and kicked out, aiming for Brannoc’s chest.

  The male bears roared when Noah’s feet hit the ground immediately going on the offensive, punching and jabbing, missing more than he hit but nonetheless driving Brannoc toward the edge of the Hallowed Circle. Annie could see her mate’s concentration; watched the movement of his eyes and the way his fists barely moved but were still quite effective in deflecting Noah’s punches. It was then she realized her dragon was analyzing, learning the male bear’s style, and preparing to turn the tables on the bastard who had dared challenge him.

  The heel of Brannoc’s right foot touched the boundary of the Hallowed Circle. Tabby screamed for him to be careful, but from the look on the Guardsman’s face it was obvious everything was going as he’d planned. Opening his hand just as Noah threw an especially vicious overhand right, the dragon grabbed the male bear’s hand and held tight as he drew back and in quick succession, landed at least twenty jabs to Noah’s unprotected right side.

  The female bears were on their feet cheering. Annie was screaming Brannoc’s name and jumping up and down as he stopped punching, delivered a sweeping kick with his right leg, and at the same time used the hold he had on Noah’s fist to drive the bear to his knees. Her dragon said something Annie couldn’t hear but that had Noah roaring and pushing with a vibrating strength to stand up.

  She saw the muscles in Brannoc’s arms bulge. His bare skin glistened with perspiration from the power it took to keep Noah down. The male bear bellowed, “Now!” and in less than a heartbeat the air filled with the pungent odor of sulfur and black magic.

  Annie attempted to move, to run to her mate, but she was held captive in her own skin, unable to even turn her head from side-to-side. Looking out the corners of her eyes, she could see her mother, grandmother, and all her other relatives were suffering the same effects. She could only assume everyone in the stands was caught in whatever fresh hell had befallen them. It was then she heard it. The unmistakable sound of chanting. Shifting her gaze to the front, she watched helpless and in horror as the perimeter of the Hallowed Circle was suddenly surrounded by black-cloaked figures carrying candles and murmuring, “bheith a bheith ciúim fós,” over and over in a low monotone.


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