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Shades of Truth: Path of the Wielders 2

Page 24

by Cleave Bourbon

  Sildariel - Stern matron, queen, and leader of the Sylvan elves of Endil.

  Solicanth - The joining of two celestial beings through time. They are either a force for great good or a source for great evil. They sometimes live in harmony, but more often than not, they clash. If they live in harmony, they are usually very integral to the peace and prosperity of the kingdoms.

  Steban - First dragon knight of Charna (one of King Amarantus’ sisters).

  Swordmaster Grint - Villager of Brookhaven who taught young village boys (and sometimes girls) the way of weapons. He was an infantry man and good friend of Lourn Adair.

  Sylvalora (SIL-va- lore-a) - The Silver Drake, sometimes traveling companion and mentor to Lady Shey.

  Symbor - Capital city of the kingdom of Symboria. This city was once called Paladine and is not to be confused with Old Symbor, which is now a ruin in the Sacred Land. Old Symbor is the original home of Shey and Seancey.

  Symboria - Oldest kingdom of men on the continent proper, home to the race of men known as Are’dune, descendants of the Amar from Lux Amarou.

  Tabac - The giant leaf of the tabac plant that is shredded, dried, and cured to fill a pipe.

  Aurelie – Former kitchen maiden in the Tiger’s Head Inn in Brookhaven, Symboria. Currently she is the first female dragon knight and the first dragon knight of Shadesilver the white dragon.

  Toborne - Member of the holy trine (First Trine) representing Demolean and the Scarovs. He tried to steal the Silver Drake but failed. (Favors cut-throat politics and ruling by fear.)

  Trendan - Half-elven friend of Kaxen from the realm of the woodland elves. He has lived in Brookhaven most of his life.

  Theosus Fiderea - A dragon hidden in Trigothia as an apothecary.

  The Archers of Endil - Elven archers from the city of Endil (Foreshome) who have built a reputation as the most feared archers ever known. They are of the Eridil (Sylvan elves) and have never known defeat.

  The Defenders - Similar to the Enforcers except that they only patrol the Sacred Land.

  The Enforcers - A band of men dedicated to enforcing the law against magic in Symboria and Trigoth the city. The Enforcers are dwindling in numbers and are not actively recruiting. They are considered abominations by those who are left that can wield essence because they are also essence wielders who chose to follow a very different path, which is unforgivable.

  The Great Sythian Forest - Huge forest stretching the whole length of the coast of Sythia from north to south. It is the home of the Eridil, among other creatures.

  The Isle of Doom - See Rugania.

  The Jagged Mountains - Huge mountain range that separates Scarovia and Abaddonia from the West. It is the home of dwarves, Dramyds, and Krullen Thul, among others.

  The Lost Army - The army of the North and West, lost near a city called Anisport, a whole continent away from where they should be.

  The Mountains of Madness - Mountain range in the northern part of Ishrak. Not only are these mountains infested with orcs and foul beasts but it is also home to the black city of Kragodor, city of the fallen (evil) dragons.

  The Sacred Land - Huge tract of land once belonging to Symboria that hosted the War of the Oracle and was devastated into a wasteland unable to support life or feed essence for wielders. It is guarded as a reminder of what magic can do to the land and is the reason magic use was outlawed in the southern kingdoms.

  The Sea Goddess - A wooden clipper ship captained by Felladane.

  The Silver Drake - A statuette made of pure silver inset with ruby eyes made by the First Trine to select the one man worthy of leading the kingdoms of the West as overlord or highlord. The gods themselves took up the Silver Drake and each bestowed into it their own gift. It is unknown what many of the gods’ gifts were, but the goddess of life, Loracia, gave the Silver Drake the gift of life. Fawlsbane Vex gave it a will and mind of its own.

  Tolennor Forest - Forest southwest of the Vale of Morgoran. It is haunted and cursed. The cursed village of Signal Hill was located in this forest.

  Tome of Enlightenment - Tome given to man by the god Fawlsbane Vex, laying down the guidelines and ability for man to do magic.

  Trigoth - Once the capital city of Trigothia, it was split into three sectors each belonging to the three Trigothian kingdoms of Adracoria, Ardenia, and Sythia.

  Trigothia - Ancient kingdom of the three major houses of Are’dune men. In the civil wars, the three families separated the kingdom into the three kingdoms of Ardenia (Arden family), Sythia (Arasyth family), and Adracoria (Adrac family).

  Tyre - City near Seabrey, Symboria. Last city before advancing to Mount Urieus.

  Vale of Morgoran - Vale with the Tower of Morgoran at its center. Once the tower stood there alone, but after Morgoran was cursed to see only the future, a small village cropped up at the tower’s base and expanded. People hoped that Morgoran could cure their loved ones or predict their future. Even though Morgoran is no longer cursed, the village still functions and remains.

  Venifyre (Ven-nee-fear) - Realm and home of the gods. In ancient dragon-speak first created by the gods, y is represented as an ea sound, so Venifyre is not pronounced Ven-nee-fire but Ven-nee-fear. So Genidyre would be pronounced Jin-nee-dear, not Jin-nee-dire.

  Veric Namear - An assassin and father of Lady Shey. He was forced against his will to abandon his family when Sheyna was still a toddler.

  Asrion - Orphaned cleric of Loracia from Brookhaven, Symboria, and close friend of Kaxen.

  Vetell Fex - Monastery located in Symboria, named after the brother of the god Vex. Vetell Fex simply means Fex’s home.

  War of the Oracle - A war started by Golvashala (the Oracle) to rid the land of magic so he could take over and rule. He was defeated and presumed dead. (This war created the Sacred Land.)

  Winterhaven - A festive winter holiday in the Trigothian kingdoms Symboria, Ishrak, Darovan, and Arillia. It is a popular date to get married in the Trigothian kingdoms.

  Wielding - The ability to magically draw essence from everything around that contains essence and wield it to accomplish higher functioning magical feats. Drawing too much essence from one area may devoid that area of its ability to replenish essence for a longer period of time. Unless one is a mindwielder, areas devoid of essence are therefore devoid of magic. Areas of devastation come back with greater amounts of essence.




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