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Hurricane Watch - DK2

Page 52

by Melissa Good

  Soft, green eyes gazed at her trustingly.

  A sigh. ”You want a martial arts trophy.”

  Kerry nodded. ”Mm, I really do,” she assured her lover. ”And I’m going to get a t-shirt with your picture on it so I can cheer you on.”

  Dar made a noise somewhere between a cluck and a sneeze.

  ”Kerry!” she squeaked, truly alarmed.

  Kerry chuckled softly. ”Gotcha.” She gently nibbled Dar’s arm.

  ”Sorry, whenever you go on about how old you are I have this irresistible urge to pull your chain a little.”

  Dar scowled engagingly.

  ”Tch, that is such a cute look.” Kerry put a fingertip against the pouting lips. ”Seriously, Dar, Ken was totally impressed tonight. I heard him talking to that kid you usually work with.”

  ”Mm,” Dar grumbled. ”I just don't want to...” she hesitated, ”I guess I don’t want to get my own expectations up.” She played with the water a bit. ”The last time I did this, I was really good, Ker. I know I can’t match that now, and I’m trying to convince myself it doesn’t matter.”

  ”It doesn’t.” Kerry put her arms around her friend. ”But you’re really competitive, aren’t you?”

  A rueful nod.

  ”You’ll do fine, Dar. No one’s going to expect everything from you Hurricane Watch


  after all the time that’s gone by. Just have fun.” Kerry rubbed her belly comfortingly. ”I’m looking forward to being there.”

  ”Hmm.” Dar produced a smile. ”Yeah, you’re right. I guess I’m just being a little bit squirrelly tonight.”

  Kerry rested her head against Dar’s arm again. ”Mm.” She glanced up. ”You nervous about tomorrow?”

  ”No.” Dar brushed the thought off. ”Oh, well, a little nervous about getting all those people on the boat and out of Government Cut without ramming into Sovereign of the Seas, but other than that, no.” She nuzzled Kerry’s hair. ”They’re going to stock the galley with breakfast for everyone.”

  ”Mmm.” Kerry moved closer, sliding her arms around Dar’s body.

  ”Did you decide on what you wanted to say?”

  An unseen smile lit Dar’s face. ”Yes.”

  ”Ooo...gonna tell me?” Kerry coaxed, easing an adventurous finger under Dar’s bathing suit strap.

  ”Nope,” Dar responded. ”You’ll find out tomorrow.” She bent her head and nipped a line across the back of Kerry’s neck, feeling the soft rise of goose bumps on her skin. Playfully, she reached behind her and dipped a finger in the whipped cream, then put a blob on Kerry’s damp nose.The green eyes crossed slightly as Kerry tried to focus. ”Yah.”

  Dar leaned over and removed the blob, then moved down and kissed her, exchanging a bit of the sweet stuff while Kerry giggled.

  ”Like that?”

  Kerry went back for another taste, easing over and straddling her lover as she floated in the water. After a moment she paused. ”That answer your question?”

  A dark brow arched. ”Want some berries?”

  ”Later.” Kerry leaned forward and brought their bodies into contact, creating a gentle friction in the water. Dar’s hands slid across her back and increased the pressure, as their legs intertwined and she felt a touch wander down her hip and tickle her thigh.

  She slid a strap down on Dar’s suit, and heard a chuckle as her fingertips brushed against newly uncovered flesh. ”Hope no one’s got the binoculars out,” she breathed into a tanned ear.

  Dar got both Kerry’s straps off at once, and slid the sheer fabric down, exposing her body to the water’s currents, a sensual moment.

  ”They’ll just think it’s a full moon.” She tweaked Kerry’s behind with a twinkle in her eyes, then arched her back as Kerry worked her own suit off. ”Bite me.” Kerry ducked her head under the water and took a nibble, feeling Dar’s whole body jerk in reaction. The combination of subtle touches and the water’s stimulation was incredible, and she wanted more of it. Hands slid around her ribcage and pulled her up, and she found Dar’s lips waiting. Dar rocked back, and started a slow, 350

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  teasing expedition that Kerry enthusiastically joined in on.

  The stars chuckled overhead.

  ”YOU READY?” KERRY leaned on the kitchen counter, watching Dar suck a comforting glass of warm milk. The tall, dark haired woman was dressed in her overalls, and had her hair pulled loosely back into a knot outlining her angular profile. The dim light in the room caught her pale eyes, and Kerry could smell the clean scent of the soap Dar used, and a soft hint of sun dried cotton.

  ”Yep. I called the ferry dock, and left the names,” Dar replied, licking a few droplets of milk off her lips. ”I told them to escort everyone down to the marina. I figured that was easier than meeting here, then trooping over. Besides, there’s parking there.” Dar put the glass into the sink and exhaled. ”Let’s go. I want to get the boat ready.”

  Kerry picked up a small rope bag, which held the crystals and the parchment, and slung it over her shoulder as she followed Dar out the door.Almost. ”Hey!”

  ”Yelp!” Chino’s head almost got caught in the door, and the puppy complained vigorously.

  ”C’mon, honey, you stay here, okay? I don’t think you’d like boats.” Kerry told the animal.

  ”No.” Dar put a hand on her shoulder. ”Let her come, she’s family.”

  Kerry gave her a surprised look, but opened the door and let the puppy out, watching as she scampered over to Dar’s feet and started chewing them. ”Okay, but remember you asked me to do this.”

  Dar scooped up the dog and tucked her under an arm as she got into the cart. She set the puppy down on the seat between them, and released the brake, starting off in the pre-dawn darkness.

  It was really quiet, Kerry mused, as they rolled along the road, the sound of their tires on the tarmac seeming very loud. To one side, she could hear the gentle hiss of the surf, and to the other, the rustle of sleeping birds that roosted in the ring of trees around the small, nine hole golf course in the center of the island.

  Dar steered around the curve that circled the beach club, and headed down the small path that led directly to the marina. The soft sound of clanking rigging got louder, and as they turned the last curve, Kerry could see the security lights of the harbor lighting the rows of boats. ”Beautiful morning.”

  ”Mm,” Dar agreed, steering down the dock until she was opposite their slip. The boat rocked gently in the water, and Dar hopped aboard with easy grace. ”The club people’ll be here shortly.” She eyed the front deck, tucking a life preserver away into its bin. ”You want to kick the batteries up, make sure we’ve got plenty of juice?”

  Hurricane Watch


  ”Sure.” Kerry ducked down into the cabin and stowed her bag, then checked the boat’s electrical system, which was hooked to a portal on the dock. ”Looks fine,” she yelled up, idly opening the small refrigerator.

  ”Hey.” She peered inside, spotting a small tray, with two splits of Dom Perignon champagne, and a dish of creamy looking truffles. A card rested there, and she plucked it up, peering at it. ”Awww... Hey, Dar!”

  ”Mm?” A voice sounded right in her ear, almost making her hit the overhead.

  ”Jesus, would you not do that?” Kerry yelped. ”You’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days, Dar.”

  ”You called me,” Dar complained. ”It’s not my fault I was right here.” She poked her head into the small galley. ”What’s that?”

  Kerry handed her the card, and retrieved the tray.

  Dar studied the writing, and felt a smile edge across her face. ”It’s from Dad. Wow.”

  ”Open wide.” Kerry offered her a truffle, which she obediently accepted. ”He’s such a sweetie.”

  ”Mmm...hf.” Dar nodded, chewing.

  ”Now I know where his daughter gets it from,” Kerry teased gently, catching Dar in mid chew as a faint blush colored her skin.

/>   ”Heh.”

  Dar sighed. ”My reputation’s in tatters.” She swallowed.

  ”Mmm…that’s good.” Her eyes brightened, and she sniffed after the tray. ”More?”

  Kerry poured the champagne, and handed her lover a glass, then produced another truffle, which disappeared immediately. ”Hey, chew it, okay?” She took a sip of the alcohol, and nibbled a sweet, enjoying the contrasting tastes. She looked down as a scrabbling of claws indicated Chino’s approach, and watched as the puppy stumbled down the stairs, and barked at her. ”Hello, honey.”

  ”Yawp!” Chino sniffed around Dar’s legs, then sat down on her foot. ”Urrr..”

  Dar chuckled. ”Thanks Chino. I needed a foot warmer.” She took a swallow of her drink, and let it trickle down her throat, then she nudged Kerry. ”You hoarding those?”

  Kerry put a truffle in her mouth, then bit down lightly, and raised her eyebrows. ”Srof?”

  Dar tilted her head down, and took the proffered half, brushing her lips against Kerry’s teasingly. ”This is starting out to be a great day already.”

  Kerry grinned happily, then she turned as she heard voices outside.

  ”Well, I think we’re about to get things going...awp.”

  Dar put her glass down, and laced her fingers through Kerry’s hair, drawing her closer and into a heartfelt, passionate kiss. They separated after a long stretch of heartbeats and looked at each other. Dar put a 352

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  warm hand on Kerry’s cheek. ”I love you,” she said, simply.

  ”I love you too,” Kerry answered, her voice a little hoarse. ”Thank you for doing this, Dar. It means a lot to me.”

  Dar smiled, and rubbed her thumb against Kerry’s soft cheek. ”I know.” Her eyes shifted to the door. ”Guess we’d better get going. I think I hear Duks.”

  Kerry hugged her for a moment, then released her, and followed her up the steps to the deck.

  Sure enough, familiar figures were lining the dock, weirdly shadowed in the ochre security lights. ”Morning.” Dar lifted a hand, stifling a grin as Duks put his hands on his hips and glared at her.

  ”You know, Dar, it’s a very good thing I am a forgiving sort.” He shook his head. ”You could not have had a sunset affair, eh?”

  ”Wrong ocean for that.” Dar put a bridge down and tugged the lines taut as their guests came aboard. ”Go on up into the front. We need to take some supplies on board.” She gave the waiting staff, carrying insulated coolers a nod. ”Thanks for coming. Hello, Maria.”

  ”Buenos Dias, Dar, Kerrisita.” Maria gave her vermillion headscarf a tug, and handed Kerry a small box. ”I know you are telling me not to get any gifts, but you take this anyhow.”

  “Thanks, Maria.” Kerry took the box, then gave the secretary a hug.

  ”Thanks for coming, We really appreciate it.”

  ”Thank you for asking me.” Maria smiled. ”My family, they think I am having a, how you say, an affair, to be sneaking away so early.”

  Kerry walked with her to the bow to join Duks and Mari, who were seated on the cushion, whispering to each other. ”They don’t really, do they?” Kerry asked, a little embarrassed. ”I mean, we didn’t think about how annoying it would be for everyone else to drag their butts out here before dawn. It’s about the time we usually get up.”

  ”Oh it figures. ” Mari laughed. ”You know, I should have realized if my overachieving, typical type of a friend Dar there found a match, it’d have to be someone who was as much into self-torture as she was.”

  ”What do you do so early in the morning?” Maria asked, curiously, as she seated herself on a cushion.

  ”Well.” Kerry glanced over as Duks and Mari started sniggering.

  ”Actually, we go out running.” She stuck her tongue out a little at them.

  They both groaned. Maria hid a laugh behind a small hand.

  DAR WATCHED THE island staff stow the food, and waited for the two Hispanic waiters to leave before she investigated the contents, snagging a corn muffin and some butter, gaining an instantly attentive Labrador puppy glued to her foot. She split the muffin, then cracked open the hot, insulated dish, and scooped out a bit of the scrambled eggs it contained, and put some on each half. Then she settled down for a moment’s peace, glad to let Kerry do the social honors for the time being.

  Hurricane Watch


  The rocking of the boat soothed her as she chewed, allowing her nerves to settle. It wasn’t the ceremony that was bothering her, she realized. It was that she was about to expose a very personal side of herself to someone other than Kerry.

  Ugh. Dar sighed. Well, get a grip rugrat, after this whole thing, they suspected you had a marshmallow center anyway. She shared her muffin with Chino, then took a breath and went back up on deck, carrying a thermal carafe of coffee and a stack of purple Styrofoam cups.

  Purple Styrofoam. Where in the hell did these people get stuff like that? She’d asked for plain foam, and gotten a face from Clemente as though she’d asked for paper frigging plates. He’d wanted to provide a china service for the coffee. So this was his compromise, she supposed, shaking her head.

  ”Hey, Dar.”

  A voice called from the docks. She turned to see Colleen, dressed in neatly pressed tan walking shorts and a crisp white polo with a tall, heavyset man in a sweatshirt and cutoffs who she guessed was the pastor. ”Morning.” She waited for them to cross the gangplank, and gave them a reserved smile. ”If you want to bring this up front, Colleen, I’ll get the engines started.” She glanced at the pastor. ”Welcome aboard.”

  The man stuck a hand out, which Dar was now free to grasp since Colleen had helpfully snatched the coffee and cups from her. ”Hello, you must be Dar.”

  Dar inclined her head, favorably impressed with his friendly face and firm handshake. ”That’s right, is it Pastor Robert?”

  He laughed. ”Sure, it’s better than Pappy Bob, which is what my nephews call me.” He cleared his throat a little. ”It’s a pleasure to meet you. From the way Kerry talks about you, I had a feeling she’d found someone special.” He smiled a little at Dar's discomfited look. I’ve known Kerry since she was a little girl.”

  A hint of warmth crept into Dar’s eyes. ”I bet you know some stories, then.” She eased the subject away from herself. ”Was she a scamp?”

  ”Ooohhh, yes, a” He started laughing. ”And yes, she certainly was, especially when she was in my Sunday school classes.”

  ”Mm... We should talk.” Dar bestowed a grin on him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. ”G’wan up front. I’m going to take us out.” She paused. ”Thanks for making it out here. I can’t tell you how much this means to Kerry,” she hesitated, ”and me.”

  He beamed. ”It’s my pleasure, and I’m an early riser anyway. The thought of doing this as the sun came up out on the beautiful Atlantic under God’s own canopy, it’s perfect.”

  Oh, Dar decided instantly. I like him. ”Great.” She walked over and 354

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  untied the lines, setting the ship free of the dock. Then she walked to the bridge, and started the two diesel engines, trimming them expertly and backing the vessel out of its pylon lined slip. She heard a laugh from the bow, and glanced over to see Kerry hugging her former pastor, a look of thinly veiled delight on her face.

  Dar smiled to herself as she guided the boat slowly out of the marina, and headed it towards the Cut. The freshening breeze blew her hair back, and she took a breath of the salty air, remembering all the times she’d faced the dawn just like this.

  Except, of course, the boat had been a whole lot smaller.

  And she’d been the only one on it.

  A solid warmth settled onto her foot, and she glanced down to see Chino curled up there.

  Definitely different

  Duks wound his way over to her and leaned against the railing.

  ”So, my friend, how are things?”

  Dar glanced at hi
m, then looked back at her gauges. ”Weather’s great, water’s calm, couldn’t ask for better. Why?”

  Duks scratched his jaw, and regarded the faintly gray horizon. ”Is it hard for you, Dar?” he asked, regarding her. ”Letting all of us into a private part of your life like this?”

  Dar adjusted the throttles, using that as an excuse to delay her answer. Finally she sighed. ”Does it matter?”

  The accountant snorted softly. ”That’s answer enough,” he advised her. ”If it’s any consolation, I think it’s been good for you.”

  Pale blue eyes flicked to his face, then went to the water, scanning it. ”It’s taken some getting used to,” she admitted quietly. ”I’ve had to change the way I think about a lot of things.”

  He nodded. ”I gathered.” A gentle peal of laughter rose from the bow, and he looked over to see Kerry hopping up and down a little, shaking a finger at Mariana. He looked back and caught Dar watching Kerry, an unconscious smile tugging at her lips. He chuckled softly and shook his head.

  ”All right, so where are we going?” Colleen asked, spreading her arms out against the railing and regarding Kerry. ”The Bahamas?”

  ”No, at least, I hope not.” Kerry smiled, as she regarded the horizon. ”Dar wouldn’t say, or, to be more specific, she gave me a GPS

  coordinate, which meant to me somewhere in the Florida Straits.” She leaned on the railing. ”She did say it wasn’t that far out, just far enough to lose the city.”

  They were out of the cut now, and heading across the water, the powerful roar of the boat’s engines at full throttle as Dar pushed them through the soft graying light. The ocean was calm, just a faint ruffle moving the dark surface, and the occasional splash as a fish poked their nose up into the dawn, as the horizon went from black to lavender, spreading out a band of faint color across the rim of the world.

  Hurricane Watch


  After about twenty minutes, the roar lessened, and Kerry moved to the railing, leaning over and spotting a small bit of land in the growing light. ”I guess we’re here,” she announced with a grin. ”It’s an island.”

  They all clustered around her and peered out, gazing at the cluster of trees outlined in the dusky light. A tiny ridge of coral, it seemed, with just enough dirt to allow a cluster of sea grapes and mangroves, with a sand edge which sloped up out of the water.


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