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Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3)

Page 6

by Maggie Mundy

  One minute the two of them were a tangle of limbs on the ground, and the next Virgil flew into the sky. Soren peered down. Both of them were at least a hundred feet off of the ground. Virgil spread his arms wide and let go. Soren managed to hold on to his opponent’s leg. Soren’s chest tightened as the air left his lungs as they toppled from the sky.

  He couldn’t remember actually hitting the ground. He opened one eye and squinted to see Anne staring down. Soren felt something lumpy and hard beneath and peered between his legs to see Virgil’s large frame. The Midworlder’s wings were no longer there. Virgil was out cold and must have broken the fall. The big ass was useful after all.

  “Are you okay?” Anne asked. “Hell, Soren. You weren’t lying. He had wings. Seeing it in a dream is one thing, but for real is insane.”

  She helped him up, and Soren turned to the sound of four-wheel-drives heading their way. It was too late. The others would be upon them. He could sense Cameron’s anger like a wave from an explosion rumbling across the landscape.

  Anne glanced in the direction of the noise. “It’s them, isn’t it?”

  Soren nodded. “I can’t fight them all.”

  “Well, we tried. It’s not your fault.”

  A thought niggled at the back of Soren’s mind. He had heard the Midworlders talk about bonding. No one could touch a partner if they were bonded. He had even memorized the words, hoping he might find someone someday. That was before all the pain and wanting to die. Then again, he wasn’t a normal Midworlder, so would it work anyway?

  “I heard once if I bind you to me, the Midworlders can’t touch a bonded person.”

  “What do you mean, bond?” Anne asked as she raised an eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest. “Are you suggesting some Froot-loop sexual crap when people are about to attack?”

  “No. Midworlders can choose human partners. They bond with them in a non-sexual way, and after a month, they try to convert them to be like them.”

  “Does it work?”

  “I don’t know, but it would give us time. If we find this Edric, he might be able to break the bond so you could be free and get some protection from the Angelics.”

  Anne bit her bottom lip. She peeked down at Virgil and then to the cars getting closer.

  “What the fuck. Go for it.”

  Soren moved closer so their bodies were only inches apart. He opened his shirt and took her hand and placed it on his chest. As always, her touch calmed him as if little ripples reached out through his body and slowed his heart rate and breathing. He wondered if she knew what effect she was having on him. Suddenly, Soren felt he was using her. This connection would benefit him more than her. It didn’t matter for now as it was their only choice.

  “I need to make contact with your skin as well. I need to place my hand between your breasts.”

  She pursed her lips and shook her head but then undid the buttons on her blouse. He placed his hand between her breasts. His arm started to glow.

  “What the hell?” Anne said as she peered at her glowing hand.

  Soren closed his eyes and spoke the words of bonding.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Virgil asked from behind them.

  A sense of calm and elation swept through Soren. The others could not touch Anne now. Soren just hoped they could find a way to get away.

  A few cars pulled up as Virgil stood. Soren did up the buttons on Anne’s top as she smiled weakly at him. She gave him a thumbs-up and shrugged her shoulders.

  “I don’t know what you just did but let’s hope we’re not completely stuffed because they all look really pissed off,” Anne whispered.

  Soren stood in front of Anne as Cameron approached. Soren balled a fist. He would not let them hurt her.

  “You fool,” Cameron said. “You bonded with her. Did you tell her it would be a death sentence? She would be better off with us than dying by having her body ripped apart. Denounce him and we can still take you to Pergor and get you a Guardian.”

  “I’d rather die than go anywhere with you,” Anne spat out.

  “Take them,” Cameron ordered.

  Virgil went to grab Anne’s arm. Soren bent Virgil’s arm at the wrist, hearing the satisfying crunch of bone as it snapped. He would not let any of them touch Anne. He would protect her at all costs. He hadn’t understood the bond would be so immediate, but he could already feel the link between them. A link he would die for to protect.

  Soren could hear singing. He peered beyond Cameron to see a group of people coming around the corner of the Bluff. Soren reckoned they were from the religious camp from the day before. Most of the people were young, but there was an older couple at the front of the group.

  “There they are,” the older man said as he pointed at Soren and Virgil. “The Lord did not lie. He has sent his angels to us. I saw them fly.”

  The people surrounded them.

  Soren put his arm around Anne’s waist and drew her close. Cameron and his men were already backing toward their cars. Virgil pushed some of the people away and followed Cameron.

  Soren wasn’t sure how this would play out, but he would take the safety that came from a large number of people. Even Cameron and his men could not wipe this many people’s minds. The older man stood before them.

  “I’m Gavin,” he said, “and this is my wife, Peta. We’re heading back home today. Will you come with us? I want to share the news of what we’ve witnessed.”

  “I don’t know what you think you saw,” Soren said, “but we’ll go with you.”

  “I’ve never been wrong before. You’re my vision come to life.”

  “We’d love to,” Anne said.

  Soren wasn’t so sure, but what choice did they have?

  “We can help you pack up your campsite and bring your van over to join us. We could put the bike in the back of our truck if you like.”

  Soren rode the bike over to the church campsite while Anne followed the other people down the track. It was drying out with the sun, but there were still the odd puddle and rut hole. Back at the campsite, everything was being packed up.

  Soren scanned the area around them for any sign of Cameron and the others. There was nothing obvious, but it didn’t mean they weren’t out there watching.

  Anne waved to him as he walked toward the van.

  Soren shook his head as she went in and out of focus. Heat wafted over him, and his legs felt like lead. By the time he made the van he all but fell into her arms.

  “What’s wrong?” Anne asked as she helped him into the van. He lay on the bed, but the world still spun. Anne stared at him, and he could see the worry on her face. He wanted to help and protect her but felt as weak as a kitten.

  A tear ran down her cheek. Soren wiped the tear away. No one cried for him.

  Anne leaned her face against his hand. “Don’t leave me.”

  He didn’t want to. At this moment, he wanted to wrap her up in his arms. Soren wasn’t sure if it was the bonding or something else. All he knew was that he was going to pass out and leave her alone.

  Chapter 6


  Anne shook Soren’s shoulders again, but there was no reaction. He was pale, but breathing and he still had a pulse so she would take it as a good sign. She grabbed a tissue from beside the bed and blew her nose and wiped away the tears. She didn’t have time for them now.

  This guy was getting under her skin, and she didn’t even know him. Maybe it was the weird bonding thing he did. Trust her not to be involved with anyone for years and now she had some pseudo engagement with this guy.

  The other trucks and the coach were starting up. She needed to get a grip, and hoped Soren would come around. She needed him fit and ready to fight if the other guys came back. When had she become so weak she
needed someone else to protect her? Probably the same time Virgil had walked into the house. And the other guy, Cameron, was even scarier.

  The convoy of trucks and cars rolled on.

  What did she know about Soren? He was like the other guys, Midworlders he called them, but he was different too. Anyone else might have thought the stories and what was happening to be too fantastic to believe. But it all made sense to her. Aunt Elise had warned her about the dark angels. Anne had just hoped she would never see one.

  Was Soren dark or light? She thought he would be light, but he lived with the Demonics, the bad guys. She needed to accept these aliens or creatures were real. Well, at least now she knew they did exist. Which also meant this bonding thing was real, and at present, she didn’t have a clue what it meant. The only person who could enlighten her was out for the count in the back of the van.

  Anne didn’t want to see the bad guys again. Being around these God Squad people helped, but she needed to work out how to get to Sydney. She didn’t want to do it with an unconscious Soren in the back. He was big and buff but not much help to her at the moment.

  Six hours later, she drove into Broken Hill.

  Gavin smiled as he strolled over when they stopped and asked if Soren felt okay. She told them Soren might be coming down with something. She wouldn’t be able to keep the pretense up for long, though.

  She followed the cars to Gavin and Peta’s property. The grand old farmhouse had a chapel built next to it with a big cross on the roof. Gavin told people to come to the service the following night to see the great reveal from the Lord he received in the outback.

  Anne glanced back at Soren, prostrate on the bed in the camper, unresponsive. He wouldn’t be revealing anything to anyone. She got in the back of the van, shook him, and called his name. Nothing, not even a flicker. She bent down and placed her head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. It still sounded strong. For a second, the warmth of his body against her cheek made her relax. His hand came up and flicked the hair back from her face. She lifted her head, gazed into his eyes, and couldn’t hold back the tears of relief.

  “I’m so sorry, Anne. I shouldn’t have left you unprotected. I fought it, but my body gave out.”

  She wanted to laugh, scream, and bawl her eyes out.

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re back now. We made it to Broken Hill, and I haven’t seen Cameron or his men. However, Gavin is planning some big event to tell the whole world you’re an angel, though. It will probably go up on online.”

  Soren laughed and even though she was well aware their situation appeared awful, she couldn’t help but chuckle too.

  Anne shook her head. “We must be a right pair of idiots. We could possibly get killed and we’re laughing.”

  Soren took her hand in his. “I promise I’ll do everything I can to protect you.”

  It would be mad to get involved with this man, alien, whatever. Common sense wasn’t in play as she leaned forward and touched his lips with hers. A surge of lust powered through her and she yearned to get closer to him.

  Soren’s hand came around her waist, pulling her close as his tongue coaxed her to open to him. She did. She couldn’t stop the passion from unleashing as they kissed. His tongue pushed between her lips, probing her and searching every corner of her mouth. It didn’t enter her head to stop him as he tugged her on top of him. His body felt hot beneath her hands. She wanted to rip his clothes off and revel in the sexual longing.

  Someone coughed, and they broke apart, both of them breathless. She didn’t know if it was lust or the bonding, and she didn’t care. She wanted more. From the wide-eyed expression on Soren, he seemed as surprised as her. A floodgate had been opened for both of them, and who knew where it would lead.

  “So glad to see you’re feeling better.”

  Anne turned and grinned at Gavin, pretending she hadn’t been caught kissing.

  “Peta has set up a room for you to stay. You said you didn’t have any family in Broken Hill, and it seemed the least we could do.”

  Anne grabbed a bag with some clothes and they walked up to the house. For now, both she and Soren needed a shower and some rest. She thought of him naked in the shower and went hot between her legs. She didn’t think they would be able to keep their hands off each other. Her body still tingled from the onslaught of Soren’s kiss and she wanted the feeling back again. Anne shook her head to focus on their situation instead.

  She assumed Cameron would have somebody watching them, waiting for a moment when she and Soren were alone. Soren took her hand as they walked to the house. It seemed such a personal thing to do, but she didn’t want to let go. She wanted him to scoop her up, find a haystack, and have his wicked way with her. Don’t look at him and focus, she told herself.

  Peta came over and welcomed them with a hug. Anne stuggled with their kindness. These people were so accepting. No one had ever helped her before. Then again, they thought Soren was an angel. Anne wondered if they thought she might sprout wings as some point too.

  “I’ve a room prepared for you both. I’m going to be lazy and order in some pizza, if it’s all right with you two. I’m tired from the drive back.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Anne said. “Thank you so much.”

  “It’s nothing. We both want to find out more about you. I know you must think Gavin a bit wild, but his visions have never been wrong before.”

  Peta showed them to a room with a bathroom attached. The idea of having a shower was wonderful, but Anne could not take her eyes off the bed. Kissing Soren was one thing, but did she want to share a bed with a stranger?

  He took a sideways glance at her. “I can sleep on the floor if you wish.”

  “Don’t be silly. We’re grownups and can share the bed. I’m sure you won’t do anything unless I ask you to.” The last comment brought a grin to Soren’s face. She liked seeing him smile. She was pretty damn sure she would ask him to.

  “I’ll respect your wishes completely. You’ve honored me already with your trust when you kissed me.”

  The way he said it made Anne’s stomach do a little flip. What the hell? She couldn’t stop thinking about having sex with him. They were on the run from strange killers and it was hardly the most opportune moment. It didn’t matter. She just wanted to grab a chance of being close to someone. Plus, Soren was definitely easy on the eye, and since the bonding, she couldn’t stop lusting after him.

  “I’ll go and shower.” Maybe a cold one would ease the ache between her legs. “We need to work out what we’re going to say to Gavin and Peta. I don’t want them to get hurt for taking us in.”

  Anne grabbed her bag and went to shower. The water pelted her skin and for a few minutes she could forget about everything. She would have been happy for Soren to come in right now. She had been too long without a man. She got out and dried herself off. There was a tap on the door. Anne grabbed a dressing gown from the back of the door and shoved it on.

  “I’m sorry,” were the only words Soren managed to get out before he headed to the toilet and vomited. He hadn’t eaten all day and just retched up bile. Anne rubbed his back until he stopped. He eventually sat back against the shower cubicle. So much for her thoughts of them being intimate. Soren was obviously sick. She rinsed out a washer and wiped his face.

  “You okay now?”

  He nodded, but his skin still appeared pale. “We have a problem, Anne. I usually to go to Pergor, the contact post between our worlds I told you about. Cameron would take me there to get fixed up. It’s been every couple of weeks recently, but I think the bonding thing I did has speeded things up.”

  “Before you even suggest it, I’m not going on to Sydney alone. And you can’t go back to them.” The sudden thought he would leave made her chest tighten as panic took over her.

  Soren smiled at her wea
kly. “I understand. I feel it too. I read that the bonding makes it difficult for us to be apart. I just fear I may be more of a hindrance than a help to you.”

  Ann shook her head at him. “I’d be on my way to Pergor now having some horrible thing attached to me if you hadn’t come along, so I don’t want to hear any more of that. You need to shower, and we will sort out later what to do. If we get to Sydney, this Edric can fix us both up.” Anne helped Soren up and then left. “Call out if you feel bad again.”

  Ten minutes later, she was dressed in clean jeans and a jumper when he walked out of the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and reached down to pick up his bag. Anne couldn’t stop the gasp escaping her lips. He turned toward her.

  “Soren, you’ve beautiful wing tattoos on your back.” The wings tattoos were a deep maroon color that started on his shoulders and covered his whole back, disappearing into the top of his towel at his waist.

  “That’s not possible,” Soren replied as he shook his head.

  “Look for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

  Soren moved to stand in front of the wardrobe mirror. He shifted his towel so that his back was revealed.

  The tattoos flowed down over his butt to his knees. They were so intricate she wanted to trail her hands over them.

  Anne couldn’t help but admire the beautiful body beneath the skin markings, too. Soren’s defined musculature on his back and legs took her breath away. Plus, she couldn’t take her eyes off his butt.

  After a few minutes, Soren wrapped the towel back around him and sat on the bed.

  “It seems Gavin and his visions are more accurate than you think,” Anne said, unable to keep the grin from her face.

  “I may have the tattoos, but it doesn’t mean I have the wings.”

  “I think things are changing by the minute. I also reckon we need to get to Sydney sooner than you think. As tempting as this bed is with you in it, I think that if you’re up to it, we should go and eat and make a getaway in the night.”


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