Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3)

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Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3) Page 12

by Maggie Mundy

  The door to the room opened, and Virgil walked in. Cameron didn’t have much faith in his second-in-command at the moment. If Virgil didn’t come with the goods now, he would be replacing him.

  “I have news. We’ve been going over the records of the people involved in the religious group. I thought I recognized one of the people when we were in the Flinders Ranges. They’d been to some of our parties.”

  Cameron laughed. “That doesn’t exactly fit in with the wholesome attitude of the church.”

  “We contacted him and offered another invite and money for some info. It seems Soren and the female are heading to Sydney. The name Edric came up as well.”

  “Shit,” Cameron spat out.

  “Someone you know?” Charles asked.

  “He’s an Angelic who runs an Enclave in Sydney. Been around a long time and has collected an alternative group around him. If he gets hold of them, it will be one hell of a battle to get them back.”

  “Then we need to find them first,” Sayell said.

  “Tickets are booked, and the car will be out the front in ten minutes to take a group of us to the airport.”

  Cameron allowed himself a smirk now that things were back on track. He would get Soren and go to Homeworld and kill the bastard who had slaughtered his wife. He didn’t care what the rest of them wanted. All of them could burn Earth to hell for all he cared.

  Chapter 12

  Mardi Gras

  Soren tried to control his emotions as they drove into Sydney. Adelaide was a small city, and in his seven years on Earth he rarely got out of a car when he drove around. Now he had driven halfway across Australia and was entering a city known for its cosmopolitan nature. He had a feeling he would not fit in. Then again, he had never fit in.

  Anne took his hand in hers and gripped it tight. He should be offering comfort and yet Anne was the strong one. He could offer protection, though, and would give his own life if someone tried to hurt her.

  “It’s so exciting. I’ve never been to Sydney. Once this is all sorted, we should do the sights.”

  He didn’t think sorting this all out was going to be so easy, but he would smile for Anne. He could sense the bonding connection growing every time he gazed at her. The thought she might turn against him when the bond broke would destroy him. He had wanted to die before but not now he knew her. The bond had to be broken though. She would die if he tried to convert her and he couldn’t do that. He would get this Edric to look after her and he would go back to Homeworld and die.

  Jeanette peered back from the front seat.

  “We’re almost there. My cousin lives in Bankstown. Said she would put us up for a few nights. She has a big old house and I’ve stayed with her before when having my treatment. I spoke to her earlier and she said with Mardi Gras on we would never have gotten a hotel anyway.”

  Anne wanted to go later and see the parade but Soren wasn’t sure it would be such a good idea. Another part of him would not deny her the chance to have some fun. Who knew if they would ever get back again?

  Barry pulled up outside a grand old stone house. It had seen better days and was in need of repairs and a large input of money. Maybe Barry might get him doing work here like he did on the chicken shed. The thought made Soren grin. He would be happy to do anything to help these people.

  A tall elderly lady came out to greet them and gave Jeanette a hug. She wore flowing clothes in bright colors and Soren reckoned he could do with sunglasses when he stared at her. He had seen pictures of the Mardi Gras on television and he thought Delia would fit right in.

  “Oh, it’s wonderful to see you all. Come on in. I’ve cooked some afternoon tea for you.”

  Jeanette did the introductions and Delia showed them their rooms. It would be good to have a moment alone with Anne as she shut the door. Anne must have thought the same as she rushed into his arms. He pulled her close, his lips finding hers and pressing down so she let him in. He could so easily get lost in her body every time they touched. It might not be appropriate with the others waiting for them to join them for tea though.

  When they came apart, Anne was breathing heavy and would have be aware of his erection as it pushed into her lower abdomen.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you and feel your body against mine for the last hour. I thought Barry might get a bit funny if we started pashing in the back seat of the car.”

  “I am more than happy to take any opportunity to get close to you. Unfortunately, I think we need to go down and talk with the others. Now we’re here we need to find Edric and fast.”

  “I’ll do some more research, but these Enclaves seem to keep themselves hidden unless they want you to find them.” Anne said as she grabbed her iPad out of her bag.

  Soren walked over to the window. “I should try and send a mental message out again. The problem would be Demonics might be able to pick it up as well. I think we’re getting desperate enough to take the risk.” He just hoped they would find Edric first or he would have a fight he would probably lose on his hands.

  Anne touched his arm. “Let’s go and see some of the parade and then we’ll try and make the connection. I have to be honest and say I don’t know if it will make any difference me trying to do it. I could connect with you and see things, but I don’t think anyone else got the message.”

  Soren knew she was right. He really didn’t have much of a plan.

  Anne flicked through pages on her computer. “We have to try and we can see if can find out more information. There has to be something on the Net in this day and age. Everyone has a phone and someone must have caught something on camera.”

  Scones, jam, and cream were waiting for them in the lounge. The meal seemed so formal and at odds with their situation.

  “So we will head out and see the parade later,” Delia said as she poured tea into delicate china cups. “It’s so much fun and incredibly rude sometimes, but I do love it.”

  “I’ve always wanted to see it,” Anne said.

  “Jeanette has told me what happened and I believe her. I’ve always believed in the paranormal so it sounds plausible to me. Now who is this person you’re looking for?”

  “Edric Carrington but we can find no information on him anywhere on the Net,” Soren said as Anne shoved some scone in her mouth. “We don’t even know what he looks like. The people at the Enclave I came from said he might be pretty old and came out on the First Fleet.” Soren laughed and Delia spat out her tea.

  “I’m so sorry. I thought by my age I would not be surprised by anything, but I guess I was wrong. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “From what Soren’s says you’ll all get your minds cleared even if you do get to meet them,” Anne said.

  “Well, why don’t you all go wash and freshen up and we can go down and see the Mardi Gras? We can get the train in and walk the rest of the way as you’ll never get a car park.”

  As they got off the train and joined the crowds, Soren considered this a big mistake. He could not see how he could protect Anne if something went wrong. He had lived in a house with so few people and now he was walking along with thousands of members of the public around him. The sheer energy of the people almost overwhelmed him. He had work to block out some of their voices.

  “You okay? You’ve gone really pale,” Anne asked as she gripped his hand.

  “There are just so many people.”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to see this so much I forgot you pick up on peoples’ thoughts and emotions. This must be crazy for you. I’m being selfish. We should get a taxi and go back to Delia’s house.”

  “I sense happiness and joy more than anything. It’s an enjoyable feeling, just a bit overwhelming.”

  As the sun went down, their little group found a vantage point and started to watch the show. Floats of every description manne
d with people in amazing costumes passed by. Soren saw the smile on Anne’s face. It had been the right decision to let her have some fun. The future ahead would more than likely be unpleasant so a few hours respite was a pleasant break.

  He rubbed his temple as a sharp stabbing pain made him squint. It wasn’t a human thought trying to enter his brain, but a Demonic one. He scanned the crowd of spectators to see if he could see anyone from the Enclave. There were too many people. Anne squeezed his hand even tighter. Could she sense it as well?

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Someone’s here. I can’t see anyone but I can feel them, like tentacles reaching out and trying to find us, and it’s not the good ones.” Then he spotted Virgil. The big bear of a man always stood out. Anne gasped and he knew she saw him too.

  “He won’t touch us with all these people around, will he?” she asked.

  Soren wanted to believe that, but he knew Cameron would have made Virgil pay for losing him. Virgil needed to get back in the good books and would probably risk anything. Anne squeezed his hand tighter as she jerked her head toward her side.

  Soren glanced down and could see a slender knife tip touching Anne’s lower back. He felt a sharp prick of pain and knew there would be another knife at his own waist. He had been so preoccupied with Virgil he missed these two guys creeping up on them.

  “I think you should both come with us,” one of the men said. “We all missed having you both around and Cameron can’t wait to see you.”

  Soren knew them both from the Enclave. These two were minor foot soldiers, but they could still hurt them both. The guys were ambitious and would want to take Virgil’s place if they could.

  “Now just tell your friends you’re going for a drink.”

  Soren approached Barry, whose gaze remained fixed on the parade, and tapped him on the shoulder. “Anne wants a drink. We’ll be back soon.”

  As Soren walked away, a sinking feeling swept over him. He wasn’t sure he would ever see his newfound friend again. It seemed his good luck had come to an end. He tried to not let the panic overwhelm him, but his mind kept racing.

  As the two men pushed him and Anne through the crowds, Soren could still feel the point of the knife against his skin. The goons then guided them down an alley to the back of a restaurant.

  The place had seen better times. There were large overflowing food bins and the smell of rotting garbage made him want to puke. Soren turned to see Virgil walking down the lane to join them. The noise from the parade outside made screaming for help pointless. Soren stood before Anne to shield her from the big oaf. Virgil increased his pace then slapped him across the face. Soren could feel the blood trickle down his chin from his cut lip.

  “Soren. You’ve been a bad boy and I intend to make you pay for it. I’ve sent a message to Cameron. He should be here soon. He’s keen to take you back to Pergor. Me, I think you need to be taught a lesson first. Don’t think about fighting back or your little lady here might get hurt, among other things that I’d like to do to her.”

  Soren didn’t care what happened to him but if they dared to touch Anne, he would find a way to kill them all.

  One of the guys grabbed Soren’s arms and wrenched them back as Virgil aimed a blow at his gut. Then Virgil’s other fist came up and punched him in the jaw. The pain reverberated through Soren’s skull as if his brain was jelly wobbling on a plate.

  “No,” Anne screamed as she fought the Demonic holding her. Her screams increased as the man sliced the knife into her side. Horrified, Soren watched blood soak into the front of her T-shirt. His body shook as the anger built. He wanted to help her, but knew he would have a problem containing the rage building within him. He would risk hurting everyone if he lost control. The world before him became red, as if it were coated in blood. He felt the burn in his back and knew for the second time in his life his wings were about to erupt.

  Virgil kept up his blows. Within seconds, Soren screamed in agony as his wings broke free. The Demonic behind him was pushed away with such force he hit the side of the building. Soren peered sideways to see the man on the ground out cold.

  “What the fuck?” Virgil stopped swinging and stared at him. “You grew some wings.”

  Virgil’s wings appeared as did the other Demonic with him. Soren ran forward to attack Virgil. Striking his chest straight on was like hitting a brick wall and every part of Soren’s body shook with pain.

  “You really don’t want to piss me off,” Virgil said as he kicked Soren in the abdomen.

  The other Demonic on the ground had come around and Soren got another blow to the back. It pushed him forward so he landed face down in filth. Soren’s world grew hazy as he fought with every part of his mind to not black out. He would not leave Anne to these guys. He would rip them apart with his bare hands if need be.

  “You don’t wanna piss us off either, you big buffoon,” someone with an American accent said.

  Soren lifted his head and wiped the grime of the alley from his cheek. The man with long hair plucked back in a ponytail had another four people with him. Soren didn’t know these people but could only hope they were Angelic Midworlders. If they couldn’t save him, then at least they could get Anne away.

  “You should have stayed with those fools in Adelaide,” Virgil said. “Cameron won’t like you interfering. These two are ours. He’s not an Angelic and she has nothing attached to her. Clear out.”

  The American stood his ground. “This is my brother and his bonded partner. So far as I’m concerned, you leave now, or this is about to get nasty.”

  Soren didn’t like running from a fight, but he wanted Anne safe and this guy was paving the way.

  “We will be watching.” Virgil motioned to his men to move back down the alleyway. This didn’t seem right. Soren knew Virgil, and there was no way he would be giving up so easily.

  The American with the long hair reached down to help Soren up. Trust wasn’t something that came easily to Soren and this guy was coming out with one hell of a story. Anne ran over and feeling her arms around him made Soren relax for one moment. Then he glanced down at the blood at her waist.

  “Are you all right? I’m so sorry. I should’ve done something.”

  “It’s just a scratch.”

  He tugged her into his arms and kissed her. He didn’t care if the others were watching. Finally, someone coughed. It was the American.

  The man grinned as he watched them pull apart. “My name’s Ridge. I think we should get outta here. Edric’s waitin’ for us.”

  This was all too insane to believe. How could he not have known he had family?

  “Is it true? Are you really my brother?”

  “It would seem so. I’ve only known myself for a short while. We need to get outta here and talk. Can you reabsorb your wings?”

  It was a good question, because Soren didn’t have a fucking idea. “This is only the second time they’ve appeared. They went back in the last time with Anne helping me with her energy.”

  “We can’t stay here while you find out. Edric is waiting at the end of the parade with a van to take us to his Enclave.”

  Soren watched as Ridge closed his eyes and his wings appeared. That settled one thing. The Demonics’ wings were white with silver threads running through them and the Angelics’, it would seem, were white with gold threads. Where the hell did his red wings fit in this puzzle?

  The others Midworlders accompanying Ridge all had wings within seconds. Were these guys really going to do what Soren thought?

  Ridge laughed. “Can’t believe I’d have done this a while back. Looks like we will be walking through the parade. Let’s get going.”

  A woman with Ridge who had been dressed in a blue leather suit had taken her jacket off and handed it to Anne.

  “I’m Sara.
Tie this around your waist so it covers the blood. We don’t want to attract the attention of the police. I’ve been with Ridge a long time. We’ll get you out of here.”

  Soren grabbed Anne’s hand as they made their way back down the alleyway. These people were offering help, but Anne was his connection. If he lost her, everything else meant nothing. These people and Ridge seemed liked the good guys. Ridge had saved them from Virgil and Cameron, but he didn’t know them. For all he knew, Angelics were just as bad as Demonics despite their more positive name.

  Soren followed Ridge out of the alleyway. A policeman stood at the barricade before them. Believing their wings were costumes, he motioned for them to go through. Soren felt a tinge of unease churn in his gut as they joined the parade. This seemed to be happening too easily.

  Soren stared at Ridge, thinking he must have controlled the policeman’s mind. “Did you do that?

  “Yes. I’ll teach you how. It’s useful.”

  People in the crowds were cheering around them. Everyone seemed to think the wings were just one of the amazing costumes of Mardi Gras.

  Soren’s heart raced as he kept scanning the area. There was a float not too far in front of them with a person with enormous golden wings spread out behind him. The wings were obviously fake, but looked good.

  Ridge motioned for the float’s group to join in as if this was the most normal thing in the world to do. Smart move. They stood a better chance at blending in.

  Anne’s hand gripped his, as Soren led the pack in front with Ridge and another dark-haired man. The crowds cheered as their group made its way down the street. The people of Sydney had no idea what they were seeing right before their eyes.

  Soren spotted Jeanette and the others. Barry waved frantically at him with a big smile on his face. Soren gave him a thumbs-up to show they were okay.


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