Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3)

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Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3) Page 13

by Maggie Mundy

  Ridge leaned over to him. “Don’t you go reabsorbin’ those wings now or the course of history’s about to change. I think we have enough shit goin’ down right now.”

  “I won’t.” Without warning, Soren felt his legs start to shake and his knees turn to jelly. Anne’s hand slipped from his and two sets of arms went around his waist as Ridge and one of his people supported him.

  Damn. He was getting weaker. He should have seen Liliath days ago to stop his body going feral. He just hoped he would make it to the end of the parade. If he could do that, then Ridge could look after Anne.

  Barely hanging on, Soren blew out a sigh of relief as the parade came to an end. He glanced back at Anne and could see the worried look on her face. His wings felt like they were burning. What a great finale to the parade if he went up in flames and everyone thought it a special effect.

  Ridge and Sara guided Soren to the curb as a big black van pulled up. The door on the side opened and Soren recoiled, expecting a beating from whoever or whatever was within.

  Someone pushed him inside and he collapsed on the floor. Anne was soon beside him as the door slammed shut. He tried to hold back the scream erupting form his mouth as his wings were absorbed into his body. He could already feel the warmth of the blood flowing over his back as the wings ripped through his skin.

  “Don’t worry, little brother. Take my hand and some of my power to heal.”

  Soren grabbed Ridge’s hand and calm washed over him. If he doubted before this man was here to protect him, he doubted no longer.

  “Rest, Soren. I give you my word we’ll look after Anne for you. We’ll fight to the death to protect you both.”

  Soren wanted to stop the pain from overwhelming him, but the agony was too much. His body heated up as the unrelenting torment washed over him. He could only hope these people were true to their word as the world turned to black.

  Chapter 13


  Anne sat on the floor of the van holding Soren’s hand though he was pretty much out of it by that point. His wings had reabsorbed, if you could call it that. The blood streamed down his back as his skin ripped open again. His beautiful tattoos would be covered in scars. It didn’t matter as he was alive and now had help.

  Ridge and the others had simply closed their eyes and their wings had disappeared. From their expressions, she got the notion it didn’t hurt them at all. The tattoos she could see at the top of Ridge’s back were black as well instead of the red ones on Soren. Trust her guy to be different even amongst the aliens.

  Suzie touched her shoulder. She was holding what looked like a wad of gauze in her hand.

  “Take this and we can both apply some pressure to stop the bleeding. Does he heal quickly?”

  Suzie had an English ascent. Anne wasn’t expecting that.

  “Last time it took few hours and then he was just weak.” Anne pressed the cloth against his back, but he didn’t react to the pressure. It probably wasn’t a good sign.

  Ridge placed his hand on his brother’s head. “I can tell from your face it’s been hard, but we’re here now and I promise we’ll take care of you. If I’d known he was out here in pain, I’d have come long ago.”

  “You really are his brother, aren’t you?” Anne said. “Soren thought he was different from you all and that he was alone. He’s pretty sure he isn’t Angelic.”

  “Whatever he is or has been done to him, he’s one of us now and we protect our own. That means we protect you was well as his bonded woman.”

  It seemed these people knew everything already. Why was she not surprised. Ridge didn’t seem angry about what Soren had done but Anne felt the need to explain. “So you heard about that did you? It was the only way he could stop that creep in the lane getting to me. Personally, I would have just cut the guys dick off and shoved it down his throat. I just couldn’t get close enough.”

  Ridge chuckled. “I like your way of thinkin’. My partner Nicole is Australian and she would’ve said the same thing. She would’ve probably thrown in a few swear words as well though.”

  Anne liked the sound of Nicole. “He thinks you will reject him. I haven’t known him long, but sometimes he seems in so much pain I don’t know how he has moved on.”

  “You probably had somethin’ to do with it. When I bonded with Nicole I would do anythin’ to keep her safe. When we get back to Edric’s we’ll have our healer look at him. She should be able to tell us what’s goin’ on.”

  Anne hoped so. If these people were going to reject Soren once they discovered what he was, then she would take her chance and leave with him. The van pulled to a stop and the side door was thrown back. Anne got out and watched Ridge pick his brother up in his arms and carry him to the house.

  House was not really what Anne would have called it. Mansion was more the word. This area was known as the North Shore of Sydney and she was sure once they were inside that the house would have a view of the harbor. This was definitely how the other half lived.

  The place had an old feel to it with beautiful burgundy and gold drapes, and the furniture could have come from a French Chateau. Soren was laid down on one of the couches and she sat beside him and took his hand in hers. She hoped he would come around soon. Anne was tough, but being around all these people she didn’t know was making her so edgy she jumped at every little sound.

  A petite older woman came and sat next to her.

  “Hallo, my dear. I’m Genia, and I’m a healer. Can I look at him?”

  Anne nodded and hoped Genia wasn’t going to put her under the microscope as well. Anne didn’t have a clue what these people might find. What would she do if she was the one they didn’t want? Her heart tightened in her chest that Soren might not want her. The two of them had been together for such a short while and yet the bond was so strong. She didn’t want to go back, but the unknown future scared her more.

  Genia ran her hands up and down Soren’s body. She asked Anne to help her roll him on his side and paid special attention to his back. The bleeding seemed to have stopped so at least he wasn’t making a mess all over the cream leather couches. Genia hummed and the sound calmed Anne. The others were talking outside on the balcony and she was happy for the peace, knowing it wouldn’t last long. She helped move him onto his back again.

  Soren took a deep breath and opened his eyes as Genia placed her hands on either side of his head. Anne thought he might be in pain again but he grinned and gripped her hand tight. Genia let him go and stood before him.

  “I’m Genia, a healer. You should feel a little better now. Your external wounds will heal quickly, but I would like to try to help with what has been done to you internally later. I’ll tell the others you’re awake. You will need to talk before you decide things.”

  With that, Genia walked away and Anne leaned forward and hugged Soren. When she peered up into his eyes, he pulled her face toward him so he could kiss her. As always, she opened to him as his tongue searched her mouth. Would she ever get enough of this man? She doubted it. When he drew away, he stared around the room.

  “This is Edric’s place,” Anne said, trying to sound brave for him. “I think they’re having a chat outside to work out what to do with us.”

  Before the two of them could say any more, the others started to walk back in and sat around on the couches. Anne took a deep breath and tried not to be intimidated. Soren took her hand in his and clasped it. The two of them had each other and that was what was important. Ridge stood before them and beamed. Anne managed a weak grin back. The healer, Genia, brought in some hot drinks for her and Soren. She took a sip and let the warmth flow through her.

  Anne knew Ridge, Genia, Sara, and Suzie. The others she was not sure about. There was a tall dark-haired man who had been in the alleyway with Ridge. He had a small black woman sitting beside him, as well as a ta
ll woman and man. Another black guy was huge like Virgil.

  Two other people walked in. A woman with long white hair reaching to her waist. She looked about thirty and was stunning. The sort of person who made people stop in the street. The man with her was almost the opposite with his bald head and stocky body. He reminded her of Vin Diesel.

  “I’ll do the introductions,” Ridge said. “Sara, is my second-in-command from San Francisco. Heath, Suzie, Tiny, and Evie are from the U.K. Shala and Teal are from Adelaide. Genia you’ve met and Sophia and Edric have allowed us to come to their Enclave.”

  “I’m Anne and this is Soren.”

  Ridge sat across form them.

  “So what do the two of you know ’bout what has been happenin’?” Ridge asked. “I think we all need to get as much information as possible before Cameron attacks, which he will.”

  Soren sat forward. “I only remember the past seven years of my life when I have lived in the Enclave. Whatever happened before then has been wiped. I was regularly taken to Pergor to have treatments with an Elevated, called Liliath. I was told it was for my benefit but doubted it.”

  The way Ridge and some of the others shook their heads convinced Anne these people knew of Liliath.

  “Liliath is tryin’ to use any method she can to get to Earth.” The fury in Ridge’s voice was palpable. “She tried to use, my partner, Nicole’s, body to come down. She tried the same with Evie here. Luckily we stopped her but knew that wouldn’t be the end of it. Liliath is determined.”

  “Is the world she lives on so bad?” Anne asked.

  Ridge chortled. “The Elevated spend their time lookin’ into space to find new worlds the two races can live separately on. It hasn’t happened in a thousand years and she’s not the only one who is gettin’ restless. There are rumors of assignations back on Homeworld. She wants to leave and come down here but her body can’t survive.”

  “So she wanted to take over Soren’s or my body?”

  Ridge shook his head.

  “There’s no way an Elevated could take over an Angelic Midworlder.”

  “You may say I’m your brother, but I’m not Angelic,” Soren offered. “To be honest I don’t have a fucking clue what I am. Up until I met and bonded with Anne, I had no special abilities, apart from being Liliath’s pet and having dark turns where I would have to be locked up in case I killed someone.”

  Heath spoke. “You have wings like us. Have you been able to access any of your power?”

  “Like I said. I don’t know. The tattoos appeared after the bonding. The wings appeared when I tried to kill myself. I was going dark and didn’t want to hurt Anne.”

  Anne tried to keep the tears back at what he had been prepared to do to keep her safe. She adored this man.

  Soren sighed. “I can’t control when they come and go and I guess from their color I’m not like the rest of you.”

  Anne wanted to ask a question. She put down her drink and raised her hand.

  “Why do you think you are brothers?”

  Ridge grinned. “When we were on Pergor, we were told by a reliable source. It took a while to find you, though. Our father was known to spread himself around. I’m sorry I didn’t get to you before.”

  Soren fidgeted in his seat next to her. “So do we know who my mother is?”

  Ridge shook his head. “No, Genia’s examined you internally and can explain some things, but the likelihood is that what Liliath has done will have masked a lot of information.”

  Anne liked Genia already. The woman was small but gave the impression of being austere and tough with a warm touch. A bit like a mother cat who would protect her kittens.

  “As Ridge said, I have helped Soren heal from when he tried to retract his wings. I agree, you’re not Angelic, but you’re not Demonic either.”

  Suzie stood and folded her arms. “So what the hell are we dealing with here? If I’m going into a fight for him, I want to know what he is.”

  Anne noticed Edric look across and grin at the outburst from the feisty little English woman in her bike leathers.

  Genia spoke again. “I believe a Demonic may have used DNA to alter your mother so she could carry you. You’re a hybrid that contains both strains. I think Liliath wants to use you as a vessel to come down. I believe she was having difficulties because your DNA wasn’t stable.”

  Edric came forward.

  “I find it inconceivable that people back on Homeworld wouldn’t have known what Liliath was planning.”

  Anne was starting to find the whole thing more than her brain could cope with as she rubbed her temple to ease the ache. Genia reached across and took her hand and rubbed small circles over the palm. Within a second the pain was gone. Soren interrupted.

  “If I’m that important, Cameron is going to come back. So what are we going to do?”

  Genia put up her hand. “I’ll try to heal you, and I would like to take a look at you as well, Anne. If you don’t mind.”

  All eyes in the room were on her and Anne felt like a bug under the microscope. Soren knew he wasn’t normal. Whatever normal was? All Anne knew was that she had been drawn into this because she didn’t have one of their Guardian angels.

  “I guess so. I’d like to find out more about this bonding thing. Soren said he had to do it to stop the others from taking me. He also says I’ll die if I don’t denounce him and get an angel.”

  The young black woman from across the room came across.

  “I was bonded to Heath for the same reason. Demonics would have taken me. I’ve been converted and didn’t die.”

  Soren laughed. “Yes, but you’re forgetting something. Heath, is an Angelic Midworlder and not some genetic mutant. Would he have risked trying to change you if he had been?”

  Heath put his arm around Evie.

  “I would risk everything and did the same as you when I was possessed by a corrupted Demonic. I tried to kill myself as well so I wouldn’t hurt her. You’ll discover our women can be quite determined to keep us alive.”

  Anne’s stomach gurgled and Genia laughed. Edric walked forward.

  “I think we’ve had enough talk for now. I’ve ordered food, which has arrived,” Sophia said.

  Anne tucked into the pizza along with everyone else as people talked about what they had learned. She drank wine and relaxed for the first time in days. Could she believe things were going to turn out well? She just kept expecting something to go wrong.

  Anne yawned and Edric walked over.

  “Let me show you to your room. The members of my Enclave live in the house next door but are protecting the grounds. I want you to feel safe here.”

  He opened the door and then left them to settle in. The bedroom was beautiful with cream marble walls and deep-red drapes. The large windows opened onto a balcony. Anne stood outside and stared at the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Opera House. She had never imagined she would be staying in a place like this in her life.

  Soren came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. Her body keened to be near him all the time.

  “Are we really safe now?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, but I sense these Midworlders are decent. I thought we would get answers here but feel we’ve given ourselves more questions.”

  Anne turned around in his arms so their bodies connected. He was hard for her and she ached for him.

  “Your brother, Ridge, will find a way. He comes across almost as stubborn as you, so I think you’re definitely related.

  “I’m not stubborn. I just think sometimes what I’ve decided is the right thing to do.”

  “Stubborn. Take Heath’s advice and listen to your woman.”

  “You are my woman, aren’t you?


  Soren picked her up in his
arms, carried her through the sumptuous bedroom, and stood at the end of the bed. He let her feet down, placed his hands around her waist, and tugged her T- shirt out of her jeans. A moment later it was over her head and thrown on the floor. The passion he peered at her with made her hot between the legs.

  “I don’t want to go slow, Soren. I want you in me and holding nothing back. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, and if this is all we have, then I want it to be complete.”

  Soren’s lips descended on hers as their tongues fought to get closer. They both flicked off their shoes and their jeans were undone and gone along with the rest of their clothing.

  Soren scooped her up and placed her on the bed. He lay on top of her as she opened to him. As his mouth claimed hers again, he pushed into her core. A groan left her mouth at the glorious feeling of him stretching and filling her.

  Anne encircled his hips with her legs as he started to repeatedly push into her. The exquisite sensations rolled through her body as he moved inside her. Soren stopped, looked her in the eyes, and his wings appeared. It seemed so right that when they were closest, he was in his real form.

  He started moving again as his wings spread out across the bed. His lips found hers as his hand moved between them so he could touch her clit, sending little vibrations through her body.

  “Scream for me, Anne,” Soren whispered in her ear.

  Soren pounded her core as he flicked her clit and the sensations built and exploded. Her whole body shuddered around him as she yelled her release. When her breathing slowed, she could feel her body pulsing around the firmness of his cock still inside her.

  He placed small kisses across her lips as he started to move again. Anne placed her hands on his buttocks, wanting to feel him as close as she could. His movements got faster as he reached his hand down to feel himself moving in and out of her. He groaned and shuddered his release as his wings stretched out and shimmered around them. When his breathing had slowed, he pushed her fringe back and gazed into her eyes.


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