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Burned Rebel (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3)

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by Sophia Hampton

  Mathew blinked his eyes, looking confused. “What the hell was that? I told you to tell them…”

  “I am not listening to your commands anymore. I quit this club and your servitude.”

  “You bloody can’t quit. No one walks away from us without our permission. This is a one way street, buster, and if you don’t toe the line, we will make sure you are unable to take a step forward.”

  “Before you issue such threats, you really need to judge if you’re in a position to do so.” Chance whirled on his feet and kicked the man who was trying to grab him from behind. Another charged him, but the rest of them were too distracted by the hard knocks and the loud pounding noises that were coming from outside the gate. The gate burst open and in poured a plethora of police.

  “Hands in the air,” yelled one.

  “Hands in the air,” yelled another.

  Chance pushed away the guy who attempted to punch him, and then put his hands in the air. Seeing him, others did the same. Seeing that they were surrounded by an army of police, Mathew did the same. He ground his teeth. “You bastard!”

  “You left me with no choice. It wasn’t very smart of you to kidnap Riley and then keep her here. All I did was inform the police about the kidnapping, and they got an urgent arrest warrant to check this place, and all our problems were solved.”

  “You will not get away with this. I will make sure you don’t,” said Mathew as a police man turned him around and handcuffed him. “You will rue this day.”

  Chance wasn’t listening anymore. He was already moving away from the commotion and the chaos. He’d come to this place a few times, but still he didn’t know the exact layout. He burst into a room and was nearly punched in his face. The blow glanced off his shoulders, as he pivoted on the spot. The man attacked him again but was held by the policemen who followed Chance. Again and again, he checked the rooms. Had he underestimated Mathew? Did the man hide Riley somewhere else? Or had he already handed her over to Wesley so that the man could carve holes in her body?

  His mouth was dry with fear, and he couldn’t breathe, but he persevered. When he checked the last room, he was rewarded for his effort. With the help of the policeman who remained with him every step of the way, he untied Riley and pulled her into his arms.

  “Oh my God! Are you ok? Are you alright?” He hugged her, still unable to believe that she appeared unharmed. “Riley, talk to me.”

  “I am fine.” She pushed away from him and looked at the policeman. “You got the police?”

  “It was the only option I had. If I’d decided to walk in here without any back up plan, they would have killed us both. I knew that the only way to keep you safe was to cooperate with the police.” He enveloped her in another hug. Chance inhaled deeply. She was alright. She was alright. It was all he could think. For now, nothing else mattered. “I am sorry it took so long, but the moment I couldn’t get hold of you, I was scared and I told the police. We were just trying to figure out what happened when Mathew’s call came, and from that moment on, they moved at breakneck speed.”

  “We aim to please,” said the policeman who had accompanied Chance. “Now, we would like to move her out and then get her examined by the medical professionals.”

  “I am fine. They didn’t hurt me.” She glanced into his eyes. “Wesley? He was here.”

  Chance put an arm around her shoulders, as he led her out. He wanted to pick her up and carry her, but he was quite aware that she wouldn’t appreciate any hint that she wasn’t quite up to the task. “You met him?”

  “Yes, I did.” She recounted the tale, as they made their way out. Chance noticed the activity. He saw a lot of the men who were rounded up, but he didn’t see anyone who looked like Riley’s brother. Of course, it was possible that the police had already put him in a car. After all, he was a murderer. Catching Wesley was an added bonus. Now, he wouldn’t be able to bother Riley any more. He took her to the medics, and they checked her.

  “She is ok,” they said. “We recommend that you take some rest, ma’am, but other than that, there is nothing wrong.”

  “What about this?” she held up her arms and showed them the bruises.

  “You can put any soothing cream on those, and they will disappear in a few days.”

  “We will need to take your official statement, ma’am,” said an officer as he strode forward. Chance turned around to face him. “We have not found anyone named Wesley.”

  “What?” asked Riley.

  “Where the hell did that bastard go?”

  “We’re still trying to figure it out. Are you sure he was there?”

  “I met him,” Riley insisted. “He talked to me. There is no way he would have left without getting a chance to get his hands on me.”

  “We will sweep the whole building again—just to make sure he isn’t hiding in some corner, but so far none of the men have claimed to be Wesley. Can you go through the lineup and see if he is there?”

  “Sure.” She strode forward with a purpose. Chance was a step behind her. Turn by turn, she looked at all the men. “He is not here.”

  Mathew glared at Chance, his eyes full of malevolence. He spat on the ground. “Do you really think this is over? No way. I am going to make sure that you pay the price for this betrayal.”

  “You’re the one who betrayed us. I never did anything wrong to you, and neither did Simon. You shouldn’t have taken the law in your hand,” said Chance. He was most disappointed about Wesley’s escape. It was such a good opportunity to contain that guy and keep Riley out of harm’s way.

  “You won’t get away with this.”

  “Keep making threats in front of the police,” he said in a flippant manner. “It will make it all the easier for me to testify against you in court.”

  That shut him up. Chance took away Riley to the corner. “Shit! I can’t believe he got away,” lamented Chance. “This was the perfect opportunity to nail the guy.”

  “He killed Simon. The police will be after him. I don’t think he will have the time to try and grab me now,” she said.

  The policeman who informed them that Wesley was missing came back to them. “It seems that he was there until about half an hour ago, and then he said he was going outside for a smoke. They never saw him again.”

  Chance ran a hand through his hair. “He bolted?”

  “It looks like that. Some of these men have a sixth sense. Either that or he got a tip off.”

  “I don’t think he would be working with anyone who could tip him off about something like that,” said Riley. “Of course, he was nervous about the police after Simon’s murder. He told Mathew that he wanted to kill me and leave quickly.”

  The policeman glanced at her. Chance could read his thoughts. The man was thinking about Riley’s fucked up family. “Can we go home now?” Chance asked. He didn’t want to subject her to any more pain.

  “You will need to give your statements, and it would be better if you quickly filed a complaint against Mathew since he abducted you,” he said.

  Once all the men were rounded and taken away, they also followed them to the police station. Riley gave her statement and included the conversation she overheard between Mathew and Wesley. She was an eyewitness to Mathew’s confession that he hired Wesley. There was no way both men would now get away from the hands of justice. And yet, Wesley had eluded the police.

  Once all the formalities were over, Chance got a cab and brought Riley home. She looked exhausted, tired. He took her in his arms just to reassure himself that she was ok. “I got a scare when I couldn’t find you.”

  She glanced into his eyes. “I should have listened to you. Never saw that coming, but if I had taken it all seriously, as you had told me right from the start…”

  “It’s ok. You are back home. Nothing bad happened, and we got the bad guys, so it’s all good.”

  She put a hand on his cheek. There was a strange look in her eyes. He never saw it before. Generally, when he couldn’t read her, Cha
nce felt insecure, unsettled, but just now he felt warm. It was almost as if he got a softer Riley back. There was definitely something different, or perhaps the experience of this all shook her way more than he realized. “It’s not all good. Wesley is still free. But I am glad that you came and got me.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have left you in their hands. The moment I couldn’t get hold of you on the phone, I told the police that there was something wrong. They sent me with someone to check at home. You weren’t here. I went to your apartment, and then by the time I got there, Mathew called me, and I just knew that all my worst fears had come to life. I needed the police, and they needed this to end so that they could solve Simon’s murder quickly.”

  “The murderer is still loose in the city.”

  “There is going to be a lot of pressure on him. He won’t escape forever.”

  She nodded. “You are right. I can’t believe he actually killed Simon just so he could get his hands on me.”

  The thought of Riley’s brother putting his hands on her filled Chance’s heart with dread. He couldn’t believe that she wasn’t hurt. It was a good thing that the police took his complaint seriously and helped him out. Now, he never intended to let her get out of his sight. He deposited another kiss on her forehead, as he enveloped her in his arms.

  She was his life, and he didn’t want her to be out of his sight for even a moment. He wanted to make sure that she was safe—and for that, he would do anything.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, she woke up feeling as if all was right with the world. It took her a few moments to figure out why she felt that way. Chance’s arms were around her, and her body was spooned next to him. Being with Chance was like having her personal security blanket. She opened her eyes and gazed at his gorgeous face. The man was simply too good-looking for his own good. She took in the soft lips, the aquiline nose, and the long eyelashes that curled over his eyes. In his sleep, he looked younger, softer—but inside, he was a man of steel.

  He had proven that yesterday with his quick thinking and smart decision making. She’d assumed he would walk into the warehouse and get into a lot of trouble. She’d expected to die yesterday, but instead he turned the game around even before Mathew and his gang members knew what was happening. Now, they were all in jail and Riley and Chance were fine.

  They were better than fine.

  She ran her fingers over his arm, but he didn’t budge. A grin split over her lips. She would enjoy waking him. Riley got off the bed on silent feet and padded into the bathroom. She washed her face and removed the last cobwebs of sleep. Desire was already a hot fire in her belly.

  When she came back out, he was still sleeping. She nestled back into the bed, but he didn’t as much as stir. With fingers that were light and quick, she brushed her hand over his hard abs. His breath was hot on her face, but he didn’t move a muscle. He was buck naked. Good. That was just the way she liked him. As she skimmed her hand over his thigh, he muttered and turned on his back.

  His cock, hard and ready, was already straining against the sheet. She pulled off the sheet and allowed her eyes to feast on his naked glory. His legs were hard and muscled and his belly taut. She straddled him, careful not to touch his limbs. She didn’t want to wake him up just yet. She bent her head and touched the tip of her tongue to his cock. He moaned but didn’t move. She licked his penis, enjoying the musky scent that hit her nostrils. Passion and need exploded in her stomach and drenched her. She wanted to take his cock in her hands and pump it. Her pussy ached to take it in, but she waited. Instead, with her tongue, she sucked and caressed the organ until it throbbed with a vicious intensity. When she took it inside her throat, his eyes popped open.

  “What the hell?”

  She laughed deep in her throat, but her mouth was full of his delicious cock. Her tongue wrapped around it as she clenched his hands so that he couldn’t stop her. As he moaned under her, his sleep completely broken, she fondled his penis much to her heart’s content. Her blood boiled, as she attended to his needs. He spread his legs to give her greater access. She licked and caressed, rubbed and nibbled, until he was vibrating within her depths. Finally, she felt his muscles tremble, and he exploded inside her mouth. She drank the sweet nectar and sat.

  He closed his eyes. Her fingers lightly brushed over his legs that were still shaking from the aftermath of the climax. “That was fucking unbelievable.”

  She laughed, got off the bed, and walked into the bathroom to wash her mouth. A while later, he walked in. She saw him as he brushed his teeth and washed his face. “What are the plans for today?” she asked.

  “I’ve got something on my mind,” he said.

  That look in his eyes told her exactly what he had in mind. Riley grinned, as she walked out of the bathroom. Happiness was hers. She’d never felt quite like this before. For too long she had held herself in thick coils of control, and now for the first time, she felt liberated, free. Nothing and no one could spoil the joy she took in her everyday existence. From now on, the world was her oyster.

  When he came out, she was sitting on the bed, naked and willing. He raised an eyebrow. “Why are you smiling?”

  “I just remembered something I wanted to tell you, and then in the heat of the moment and all that happened, I forgot. Well, not exactly forgot, but I was waiting for the right moment.”

  “Whatever it is, it will have to wait. I need something else first.” He jumped on the bed and took her in his arms. “It’s my turn.”

  Riley reached down to touch his cock. “Are you sure? I don’t think you’re quite ready.” Even as she held it, his cock got hard in her hand. She was surprised and amazed. “Hmmm…guess I was wrong.”

  “Oh, yes, you were, love.” He turned her around and kissed her. His lips were demanding, and his tongue even more so, as he dove inside her mouth to taste her. The kiss was hot and wild. She could feel his feverish need, and it matched that which skipped inside her heart. His fingers rubbed over her shoulder and the soft, slow moment made her crazy with need. Shivers of pleasure careened through her spine, as she lay under him. Her breasts rubbed against his wide chest and sensations, myriad and strong, ran through her veins. More than anything, she wanted him to pound deep inside her. She desired to feel his cock throb within her soft muscles. Her pussy ached to possess him, but he was intent to take his time.

  The scent of him, spicy and strong, filled her, completed her. Her fingers rubbed over his back, and she felt the muscles ripple under her hand. Passion burned within her veins at a slow, steady pace. When his lips began to nibble down her throat, she felt warm, alive. Moisture leaked down her pussy and coated her thighs. As if sensing her need, his fingers skimmed over her stomach and parted her legs. When his finger delved deep inside her, she closed her eyes and bucked under him. Heat pooled within her muscles, and she felt the slow burn of it. He bent his head and touched her nipple with his mouth—even as his finger fucked her, hard and good. She was a mass of vibrating nerves and muscles, and he could do whatever the hell he wanted.

  She moaned and whipped her head from side to side as the sensations got too hot. All sane thoughts left her mind, and all she desired was a release from the passion that gripped her. His tongue swept over her sensitive mound, and he played with her nipple. He turned his attention to the other nipple and just as he bit her underneath her breast, she climaxed. The orgasm ripped through her veins and turned her into a bundle of frayed nerves.

  As he slipped his finger out, she opened her eyes and took a few deep breaths. “We’re even now.”

  He took position between her legs. “Far more it.”

  His cock brushed against her wet pussy, and she felt the juices skim over it. He pushed in the tip inside her sheath, and she felt her muscles expand in anticipation. She didn’t think she could be ready so quickly, but the moment his cock thrust all the way inside, she felt the hot flood of passion that undulated within her veins.

  He rose over her. His hand
s settled on her ankles and slipped all the way up to the back of her thighs. His cock speared her and connected them in the most intimate way possible. He lifted her legs back and pushed them against her stomach so that her pussy lay open. Sliding out his penis, he waited for a second. Her gaze fixed on his cock, slick with her juices. She grabbed the sheets and pulled, as desire exploded within her like a hot volcano. In and out, in and out, he moved at a breakneck speed. The ride was wild and fast.

  The ocean of need that undulated within her depths threatened to drown her. She was carried along the current of desire and had no say in the matter. There was no way she could stop the responses of her body. Riley was a willing victim of the sweet torture that he inflicted on her. She rocked her hips to find the release. It was all she could think about. Her pussy contracted around his cock and gripped it, but it was impossible to contain him. He pulled out and then thrust inside her again. His pelvic bone slammed into hers, and her hips rocked in motion, mimicking his movements. A low growl escaped her lips, as she clutched the sheets tighter. He spiraled her higher and higher on the rollercoaster. She swayed on the cusp of the steep cliff that waited for her.


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