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Page 3

by Tim Miller

  He got into his car and headed to the apartment of Jessica Johnson to see if she was there. If he couldn’t watch Candi Murphy in person, he could at least watch her. Part of him thought of knocking on her door again, but she’d barely bought the survey act. No doubt if he showed up again she’d know something was up. Instead, he sat in the parking lot of her apartment complex. Her car was still there, so he knew she was. He couldn’t help but think about her and what she might be doing right now. Could she be taking a bubble bath? The thought of warm water and soapy bubbles glistening off her soft, golden skin made him erect.

  His cock bulged through his pants as he imagined her lathering herself up, running a loofah over her firm breasts. Her nipples, pointing out with excitement as she massaged her body. He began rubbing his bulge through his pants. He closed his eyes as he felt himself throbbing through the material. Unable to take anymore he unzipped his pants and removed his cock. It felt so good as it sprung free. He stroked it gently imagining he was rubbing it along Jessica’s beautiful breasts.

  His cock twitched and throbbed with each stroke as he teased the tip with his fingertips. He felt himself getting close. He was already worked up from his earlier adventure with the woman. Unfortunately, he’d never got to finish. This time would be different. His cock grew harder and harder as he got closer and closer. Just as he was about to blow, someone knocked on his window.

  He opened his eyes to see Jessica Johnson standing there banging on his window screaming.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she yelled. “You’re that survey guy! Are you fucking jacking off?”

  His erection immediately shriveled and hid away like a turtle going back into its shell. Immediately he regretted parking right next to her car. He rolled down the window as he quickly tucked his penis away.

  “I…I’m so sorry,” he said.

  “You sick fuck!” She snapped a picture of him with her cell phone. “I’m calling the police, and I’m putting your picture on Facebook. Everyone will know what a sick fucking creep you are.”

  “No, no, please don’t do that.”

  “Watch me asshole! Hang on while I call the police!” She dialed on her phone and put it to her ear. Panic began to set in. She had his picture. If she called the cops and put his picture all over the internet, his whole mission would be done for good. He couldn’t let that happen. He got out of the car and stood next to her begging her to change her mind.

  “I’m sorry. Ok. Please look. I’m sorry. I’ll go away. You’ll never see me again.”

  “Shut up freak! Creepy ass.”

  He reached up and tried to grab her phone, but she backed away and kicked him in the dick. Fortunately, it was a glancing blow and didn’t totally disable him. He doubled over and grabbed his now extremely abused dick while trying to regain his composure. She took a few steps away. He lunged again at her phone and, this time, he got it. Before she could respond, he slammed it into the pavement, shattering the device as he stomped on it. She screamed and swung at him, connecting on the side of his face.

  The blow hurt but wasn’t devastating. He swung back and hit her just below the chin. He’d never been in a real fight before, but he connected with enough force to knock her back. She hit the ground landing on her ass. She wasn’t out, but she was stunned. He jumped up and punched her in the nose. This one nearly knocked her out. Blood gushed from her nose as she fell onto her back.

  He grabbed her under the arms and dragged her to his trunk and opened it. He had to hurry as it was broad daylight. Fortunately, there were no people around as far as he could tell. Lifting her up, he heaved her into the trunk and quickly duct-taped her hands, feet, and mouth and climbed into his car. This wasn’t how he had planned on grabbing her, and way too soon, but circumstances dictated the situation. He started the car and headed back to his house. As he drove home, not only did he wonder how he’d deal with her so soon, but also if he’d ever actually be able to get off before the day was over.

  Chapter 8

  Donny got back to his house and dragged Jessica inside. She was still dazed, so he kept her taped up until he could figure out what to do with the other woman. Going into his laboratory, and checked on the woman who was coming down from her heroin trip. She was looking around and blinking rapidly. Donny saw the sutures on each limb were red and puffy where it connected with her torso. He needed to set up a second table, but this woman had just been a test run anyway.

  He needed to make room for Jessica. It was time to get rid of his test subject. In order to keep from making a mess, he dug through the trash and came up with a plastic bag. He walked behind her and placed it over her head and squeezed it tight around her neck. She thrashed and bucked while trying to scream through the bag but, at least, the sound was muffled. He expected her arms to flail at him, but they are severed, and the stitching didn't seem to hold. Her torso just flopped around for a few minutes. Finally, she went still. He left the bag over her head for another minute in case she was only passed out but finally saw that her chest wasn’t moving.

  He rolled his large trash barrel over to the table, moved each limb up across her torso and folded her up and rolled the body into the trash barrel. He figured he’d dispose of her later. Once she was removed, he dragged Jessica inside. She was beginning come out of the stupor from the possible concussion she’d sustained. She struggled against the tape. Donny knew if he cut her loose, she’d punch him immediately. Before putting her on the table, he grabbed one of the syringes and gave her an injection of heroin. In minutes, she was drifting off into another place and time.

  Donny hoisted her onto the table and cut the tape free and her clothes off her. For the first time, he had the chance to look Jessica over really well. Her face looked almost exactly like Candi Murphy’s. Her body on the other hand, not so much. Candi was curvy and fit, with large, firm breasts and a nice round bottom. Jessica was bony and skinny. Her ribs protruded, and her tits were little more than a pair of nipples. Donny didn’t find this attractive at all.

  He sat and thought about his failed experiment. This had all happened much sooner than he’d planned but since he had her, he might as well run with it. He went into another room and grabbed one of his folding tables and brought it into the lab. Once it was set up, he used the duct tape to restrain her to the table, gave her another dose of drugs for good measure, and headed out.

  He needed to find a Candi Murphy body to match the face. Where would he find this? It was too early to head to a bar. The Chesty Chola would be open. That place opened at noon to take advantage of the business crowd.

  He got into his car and headed there, hoping no one would recognize him from his incident the other night. It had been dark, and he was gagging on chloroform, so hopefully he’d slip in unnoticed. When he arrived, he paid the cover and sat down in the club area. The place was fairly busy for the middle of the day. On the inside, it looked just the same as it did at night. Low light, loud music with a girl dancing on a pole.

  He looked around, scoping the place out. The club smelled of beer, sweat, and perfume. Many of the girls were shorter and had on way too much makeup. A few came up and asked if he wanted to buy a dance, but he turned them down. One short Asian girl was wearing a cowboy hat and boots. She was cute but definitely not his type. There were a few bouncers standing around who looked bigger than Donny’s car. He did not want to draw any of their attention. Finally, he saw her. This was a tall blonde wearing a bikini with a thong. She had a tattoo of a dragon on her upper thigh, but that was the only ink on her body. Donny looked her up and down as she approached him.

  “Hey honey,” she said. “Would you like a dance?”

  “Sure!” he replied.

  She straddled his lap and began dancing and grinding. Immediately his cock stiffened in his pants. It pressed against the inside of his jeans feeling as if it were about to bust itself out. She faced away from him, rubbing her ass up against his cock, teasing and pressing her ass against it, causing it to get
harder than he’d thought possible. She leaned in and stuck her breasts in his face. They were enormous and firm. They looked fake which he was ok with. He’d read Candi Murphy had gotten a boob job a few years ago, and he thought she looked fine.

  With her boobs pushed into his face, she straddled his lap, grinding away. His boner throbbed and stiffened to the point he couldn’t hold it anymore. After two failed attempts earlier in the day, he finally blew his load but inside his pants this time. The stripper’s eyes went wide as she felt his cock jump and twitch. She stood and smiled as he grunted with his eyes closed until he was done. Once he finished she sat down next to him.

  “I take it you liked that?” she asked.

  “Umm, yeah you could say that.”

  “Awesome. Would you like another one?”

  “Maybe in a little while. I need to catch my breath.”

  “Haha! Nice! My name is Mindy. What’s yours?”


  “Great to meet you, Donny. I’m going to make some rounds, and I’ll be back to check on you. Ok?”

  “That’d be great.”

  He sat for a while watching her move around the club. Her body was perfect. It was really perfect as proven by the fresh wet spot in his pants. He got up and went outside. He wasn’t sure how he’d do it, but he had to have her. She would become part of his version of Candi Murphy, a masterpiece. All he needed to do was sit in his car and wait.

  Chapter 9

  Donny waited until he saw Mindy walking to her car. It was early evening, and more and more people were coming in. He hadn’t planned this out very well. He hoped this would go more smoothly than his other attempts. She strolled to her car carrying her purse. She was wearing sweats and a tank top. Much different than her work attire. She stood by a Toyota Camry and dug through her purse as he looked on.

  He put the car in gear and drove up behind her. Before he got out, he popped the trunk. He pulled up behind her and before she had a chance to turn all the way around, he grabbed her by the hair and shoved her into the trunk. She kicked and struggled, but he had caught her enough off guard. He closed the trunk, got back in and drove off. He could hear her kicking and banging around inside, but he’d got her.

  When he got home and pulled into the garage, he had to look for something he could use. He didn’t want to bust her up too badly, but if he let her fight when he opened the trunk he’d just get his ass kicked again. He found a broom stick in the back of the garage. He held it up as he opened the trunk. As it popped open, she screamed and flailed, but he swung the stick at her repeatedly. Unfortunately, he didn’t use enough force, and she grabbed the other end of it.

  Pulling herself out of the car, a tug of war commenced over the broomstick, and they rocked back and forth. She was twisting and pulling on it trying to loosen his grip. Instead of pulling, he decided to push instead. Using her momentum against her, he shoved her backward as hard as he could until she tripped over a trash bag, and fell backward, hitting her head on a table. She bounced off the floor and was out instantly.

  Donny sat down and caught his breath. This girl kidnapping business was far more exhausting than he’d imagined. The guys on “Criminal Brains” never broke a sweat. He walked over and grabbed her by the arms and dragged her into the house and onto the laboratory. Jessica was still there and on her trip. He finished setting up his second table before lifting Mindy onto it and removing her clothes. Once she was naked, he taped her up and looked her over.

  She definitely had the body of Candi Murphy. Her face looked nothing like hers. The only problem was the tattoo on her leg and upper arm. He didn’t see it in the club, but she had a tattoo of a rose on her upper right arm. Well, that wasn’t going to work. Candi Murphy was classy. She didn’t have these kinds of tattoos or any tattoos for that matter.

  Mindy began to wake up as Donny pulled on his lab coat, apron and face shield as he picked up the bone saw. Her eyes went wide, and she let out a scream as he fired up the saw and pressed it against the base of her neck. A geyser of blood shot into the air as she thrashed and twitched before going totally still. Within minutes, her head fell off and into the trash can sitting just behind the table.

  Blood continued to squirt from the stump as he moved over to Jessica’s table. Mindy’s screams snapped Jessica out of her euphoria as she looked over and saw the newly headless woman lying next to her. Instantly Jessica began to scream as Donny prepared the saw a second time.

  “Sorry I have to do this,” he said. “But don’t worry. You’ll be part of something much bigger now. You’ll live forever as the most perfect woman ever made. You should be excited!”

  She screamed again as he lowered the saw, cutting into her neck, severing her jugular as more blood sprayed onto Donny’s apron and face shield. Her body lie still once he was done. He held a handful of her hair with his free hand as he finished cutting the head free. Once he was done, he carried Jessica’s head to the new body and placed it on the stump. Retrieving the sewing kit he began stitching away and hoped, this time, his stitches would stick. It was difficult to see with all the blood, but he wound the sutures tightly together. He had to reload the thread a couple of times to cover the whole neck.

  Once he was finished, he removed his gloves, apron, and shield and got a wash cloth. Soaking it in the sink, he washed the blood off her neck and new body. He went back and finished with the sutures and tied them off. Once that was finished, he commenced to bathing her until most of the blood was gone and lifted her slightly by the shoulders. Her head flopped around but remained attached.

  Looking her over, he still wasn’t happy about her tattoos. It just wasn’t looking right. He’d seen Candi Murphy in a bikini on “Criminal Brains.” No tattoos at all. He went to the other table and rolled the trash bin over and dumped Jessica’s discarded body inside with the other woman’s body. He was doing to have to do something with these soon. Couldn’t just let bodies pile up in his lab. He wheeled the bin out of the lab and into the garage. He took a sheet of plastic, lined his trunk with it, placed the bodies on top, and closed it up. He got in the car and pulled out of the garage, heading to Brackenridge Park. It was getting dark so he could move around in the somewhat darkness.

  The park was near downtown, but once you’re in the park, parts of it feel like the wilderness. Parts of it that is. He drove around the road past several joggers until he reached one of the thicker wooded areas. The woods weren’t huge. This wasn’t an ideal body dump site, but he was in a hurry and figured it would be a day or two before anyone found them. He wore gloves while handling them. Well, he did most of the time anyway. So hopefully, police wouldn’t find any evidence of his prints.

  Once he found the spot, he made sure it was clear and opened the trunk. Leaning in, he folded the plastic over the bodies and pulled them out of the car. They both hit the ground with a thud as he dragged them into the woods. He walked until he couldn’t see the car anymore and pulled the plastic out from under them. They flopped out onto the ground, their pale skin almost glowing in the dark.

  Donny threw some dirt and sticks on top of them, trying to cover them up and balled up the plastic. He walked by one of the trash cans near a barbecue pit and stuffed the plastic inside and headed back to his car. Once in the car, he headed back to his house. Time to call it a night. Tomorrow, he’d figure out what to do with his new Candi’s tattoos.

  Chapter 10

  Veteran Detective Rich Colburn stood in Brackenridge Park, looking at the bodies dumped in the woods. Whoever had dumped them was in a big hurry. That, or they were an idiot. A jogger had seen a man stuffing something into a trash barrel nearby. Digging through the barrel, his crime scene technicians had found a large piece of plastic with blood caked on it. He knelt down and examined one of the bodies more closely.

  They were both women. One of them had her limbs stitched back on but was missing a head. His partner, Claudia Gomez walked up and knelt down next to him.

  “Any luck finding the hea
d?” he asked.

  “Nope. No head anywhere around. We checked all the trash cans, barbecue pits even the bathrooms. No head.”

  “So we have one girl missing her head entirely. The other has her head, but has had her limbs cut off and sewn back on.”

  “Are we sure they’re her limbs?” she asked.

  “Looks like it. I mean, see she has a tattoo on her upper arm that matches along the bicep.”

  “Why would a killer cut her shit off then sew it back on? That’s fucking weird.”

  “Well yeah, and then dump them in a public park. Fuck! I want to find that head. Did he keep it? Is it a souvenir?”

  “If so, then why does the other girl still have hers?”

  “I don’t know. This is some fucked up shit,” Rich said. This isn’t like our usual gang or domestic shootings. This is just too fucking weird.” Rich shook his head as he looked the bodies over. They’d been found when an accountant was walking his dog early in the morning. The dog went nuts and ran into the woods, finding the bodies. At first, they looked like they’d been more mutilated around the face for the one who had a face and the neck stump for the others. But that was from animals nibbling at them. In almost twenty years on the force, this was one of the more bizarre cases he’d seen.

  The weirdest one was about ten years ago. Some guy got in a fight with his girlfriend. She threatened to kill herself with a shotgun. The guy tried to grab the gun away from her, and as he did so, it went off, blowing his whole face clean off. Seriously, the guy had no face. He had a gaping bloody hole where his face was. Except he didn’t die right away. He must have been in shock, so he took off down the street screaming and terrorizing the neighborhood. Rich had been shift supervisor at the time. He’d arrived as one of the first on the scene.


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