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Page 18

by Sara Humphreys

  “I know you’re worried about the Punisher, and don’t get me wrong, I am too. But you can’t honestly be thinking that Arthur has anything to do with all of this,” she asked incredulously. “He doesn’t even know about the Amoveo.”

  Dante leaned his elbow on the window and ran a hand over his face. “You’re right,” he said, relenting. “The likelihood of Arthur knowing about any of this is slim to none. But I, never in a million years, thought my own father would be a traitor. So you’ll have to forgive me if I’m suspicious of… well, almost everyone.”

  Kerry’s hand slid gently down his arm, and she took his hand in hers with crushing tenderness. “Dante,” she began quietly. “When we’re done with the shoot, we’re going home.” She stopped abruptly and shook her head. “By the way, that’s a whole other discussion. I don’t even know where you live. Where is your home?”

  He captured her gaze with his. “I have an apartment in the city and a house in the Catskills, but we can live wherever you want. My home is with you.” Her energy pulsed faster and matched that lovely fluttering spot in her neck that he loved so much. He knew she was doing her best to be brave, to be the tough-as-nails bitch that everyone thought she was. However, he knew better.

  “Good,” she licked her lips nervously. “But don’t try and change the subject. The point is I refuse to live the rest of my life in fear. Don’t you get it? Until I met you that was all I had—fear and pain. I will not go back to that,” she said adamantly. “The Punisher, or whoever this crazy bastard is, can kiss my big white ass.”

  Dante laughed softly at her bravado. “Your ass is not big. It’s perfect.” He looked down at their fingers tangled together and stroked his thumb along hers. The velvety soft feel of her skin reminded him of butterfly wings. Delicate and beautiful. The resolve in her voice and the determined look on her face made it very clear that she meant every word she said.

  “If it will make you feel better, I’ll text Arthur right now and get an update. Okay?” Kerry pulled out her cell phone and texted a message with impressive speed. Within a few seconds the message was sent and the phone back in her bag. “It may not be telepathy, but it’s the next best thing,” she said, smiling as she placed a warm kiss on his cheek. “Come on, Tarzan.” She looked out the window. Layla was tapping her watch impatiently and waved them to hurry. “The natives are getting restless out there. The quicker I finish this job, the quicker we get out of New Orleans.”

  When they got out of the car, Dante didn’t feel any better. The unease he’d felt earlier only grew. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but the energy of the bayou definitely had an extra thread in it that wasn’t there yesterday. He watched the young assistant through narrowed eyes. Her energy signature was probably the change that he felt.

  He scanned her mind and found it full of the need to please. She most likely just wanted to do a good job, so Layla would hire her again. Why didn’t he feel any better? He scanned the area around them and caught sight of William perched in the exact same spot as yesterday. He sat perfectly still and had his sharp black eyes trained on the three women at the steps of the house. Thank you for coming again today, William. Steven is here as well?

  William’s curt voice shot back, but he didn’t take his eyes off of Layla, the kid, and Jacqueline. You’re late, and no, Steven is not here. I haven’t seen hide nor of hair of him since last evening. He’s probably still trying to get Pasha to go to bed with him. William puffed his white and brown speckled feathers and adjusted his position in the large tree.

  No need to ruffle your feathers. Kerry teased. I’m sure he’ll turn up.

  William’s head turned sharply at the sound of Kerry’s voice interrupting their telepathic conversation. His feathered head bobbed down, and his razor-sharp gaze landed on Kerry. He let out a short squawk, and Dante had to struggle to keep from laughing. William was rarely taken by surprise and very rarely let it show. Dante turned to find her standing next to him and staring up at William. Smiling, she winked at him and took Dante’s hand as she walked toward her trailer. He noticed she had used her telepathy with much more ease and exuded extra confidence. It made her sexier than ever.

  Dante threw a glance back at the others as they prepared for the shoot. “I don’t think I should come inside with you.” His thumb brushed a soft stroke along the top of her hand, and he lowered his voice seductively. “I doubt you’d get much done with me in there. It’s very unlikely I’d help you put clothes on.”

  “Chicken,” she teased. Kerry opened the door and climbed the two steps into the doorway of the trailer. He kept her fingers tangled with his. “I’m going to need that hand.” She laughed and pulled it from his grasp. “I trust you’ll keep an eye on things out here and keep me safe.” Kerry glanced at William. Both of you.

  The moment the door closed, the smile faded from Dante’s face. He stood at the bottom of the stairs and scanned the area around them once again. That same odd energy ripple he’d felt earlier still lingered. Dread nagged at him. Steven hadn’t shown up. That wasn’t like him. He was a joker and a free spirit, but he was also a warrior and a friend. He closed his eyes and reached out for Steven, but met only a void. He made several attempts, but each time he found nothing.

  Dante cursed under his breath. Something was very wrong.

  The sound of the door clicking open pulled him from his thoughts. He stepped aside to let Kerry pass by and his mouth went dry at the sight of her. A red satin negligee clung to every delicious curve of her body, and delicate lace was woven in an intricate pattern all over. The design snaked seductively around the curve of her hips. On anyone else it would be garish, but on her it screamed sex. His woman was the most beautiful woman on the planet, and he doubted anyone would disagree. Truthfully, he wouldn’t care.

  Dante let out a low whistle as she sashayed down the steps.

  “You’re going to help that woman sell a ton of lingerie,” he murmured. When she whisked past him, he got a whiff of her distinctively spicy, feminine scent. Dante did his best to keep his desire in check, but being around her made that a near impossibility.

  Kerry threw a wink over her shoulder as she walked toward the porch of the house. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks, baby.”

  Dante’s lips tilted as he watched her walk away. The mesmerizing sway of her hips silently called him to her, inviting him to follow. Boom-chica-boom-chica-boom. Damn. That confident strut told Dante that she knew exactly what kind of effect she had on him, and she loved it. Her comfort level with him made him happier than anything else. He found it remarkable that she could be at ease with him so quickly and with everything that had transpired over the past couple of days. He was amazed at her ability to just roll with it.

  She may be half human, but her heart was all Amoveo.

  “Great,” Layla barked with a quick glance to Kerry. “You’re ready. Let’s get going while we still have some good light.” She pushed her curly red hair off her face and waved the girl over. “Kerry, this is my new assistant Melissa. I fired that kid who didn’t show up yesterday.” She shook her head and adjusted the lighting umbrellas. “Freakin’ guy begs and begs to work with me, like his ’effin life depends on it. He scouted the location with me and did all the prep work. But then, the day of the actual shoot, he doesn’t show,” she fumed. “What a dick.”

  The young girl waved sheepishly and gave Kerry a shy smile. “Hi. It’s really nice to meet you, Ms. Smithson.”

  Dante felt sorry for the poor kid. Layla was definitely not a woman to mess with, and it was pretty clear that if this girl screwed up even a little, she’d be on the unemployment line. She didn’t seem to be a threat. She was incredibly thin and timid. He was more curious about the guy that had been fired.

  “Oh, cher,” Jacqueline piped in sweetly. “You should give the boy another chance. Things can arise beyond our control.” She sat in the director’s chair and cradled Jester as usual.

  “No second chances in this business,” sh
e said bluntly. “That kid cost all of us time and money.” She glanced at her watch.

  “I’m sure Melissa will be very reliable and helpful,” she said in her typical singsong voice. “Won’t you?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said quickly. She flicked a shy smile to Dante and Peter. “I’ll do my best to make everyone happy.”

  Layla rolled her eyes at the girl’s pathetic attempt at flirtation. “That big guy there is Kerry’s bodyguard Dante, and the guy at the car is their driver, Pete.” Both men nodded politely at Melissa. She gave them a shy smile and looked away quickly. “Okay.” Layla grabbed the camera from Melissa and handed her the light meter. “Enough with the introductions. Let’s get to work.”

  Layla switched on her iPod station, and the gritty sound of The Strike Nineteens filled the bayou. As if they’d been working together for years, the two women instantly stepped into action. Dante stood off to the side and watched intently as Kerry worked her magic in front of the camera. Both she and Layla had an admirable focus and intensity. For over an hour, Dante stood perfectly still with his arms crossed and didn’t take his eyes off of Kerry. Jacqueline sat nearby in a director’s chair with Jester cradled in her lap and watched the dance between the model and photographer.

  An hour and several songs later, Jacqueline called for a change. “That’s enough with that one.” Jacqueline’s Cajun lilt rose above the music. “Let’s switch it up. Change into the white bridal negligee, would you please?”

  “No problem,” Kerry said. She started to walk down the steps, but stopped midway as a blank, glazed expression came over her face. Without a word and in a trance, she turned and went to the front door of the old house. The energy in the air thickened and rippled.

  Something was terribly wrong. Dante launched into action and bounded up the steps with lightning speed. He pushed past a startled and more than annoyed Layla, practically knocking over her, Melissa, and all of the equipment.

  Layla grabbed a large light just before it went toppling over. “Excuse you.”

  Dante ignored the less than flattering comments she muttered about him. Silently, he took his place at Kerry’s side and tried to calm the suddenly undulating nervous energy that flowed from his mate. He placed one hand on her lower back and sent her subtle waves of reassurance.

  “I have to go inside,” she whispered and licked her lips nervously. Her eyes still held that odd faraway look. “I have to see it.”

  Dante, we’ve got a problem. William’s unamused voice rang sharply in Dante’s head as Kerry placed her hands on the massive brass handle.

  Tell me something I don’t know. Dante shot back without taking his eyes off of Kerry.

  Fine, he replied in a matter of fact tone. Joseph Vasullus is standing behind you with a gun.

  Dante’s eyes shifted harshly, and a low growl erupted from his throat as he shielded Kerry’s body with his.

  “No!” The deep baritone voice of Joseph Vasullus rumbled through the bayou.

  The sudden shout startled Kerry and brought her out of her trance. She pulled her hand away from the doorknob as though she’d been burned. She looked up at Dante through confused eyes. He spun around and pushed her behind him protectively as his deadly amber gaze landed on the old man. Joseph stood in the driveway with a large shotgun in his hands. Directly behind him stood Pete, who had his gun drawn and aimed right at Joseph.

  “What the hell is going on? Where the hell did all these guys with guns come from?” Layla shouted to an equally startled Jacqueline. Melissa sat cowering on the ground, hiding behind one of the lighting umbrellas. “I thought we had permission to shoot here.”

  Jacqueline shot her a look of panic and nodded toward the gun.

  “I meant shoot pictures,” Layla rolled her eyes. “Jesus. Do something, Jacqueline. You’re the one who knows this crazy old man.”

  “I’m not crazy,” he barked. He didn’t take his serious gray eyes off of Dante and Kerry, the gun still clutched in his wrinkled hands. “No one goes in that house. No one!”

  “I know that, cher,” Jacqueline murmured in soft soothing tones. “Come on now. It’s going to be alright. Please put the gun down.” Jacqueline moved cautiously toward him. Jester meowed loudly in her arms. She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “No one is going inside, Joseph, not without your permission.” Her eyes darted nervously at Kerry and Dante, then back to Joseph. Her voice stayed soft and soothing. “Please put the gun away. You’re scaring our visitors, cher.”

  “They’re not my visitors, goddamn it,” he growled.

  Dante noticed that he kept the gun low, and although he held it tightly in his hands, he wasn’t pointing it at them anymore. His dark gray eyes glared back at Dante with a mixture of fear and anger. Kerry squeezed Dante’s shoulders and gently tried to push him aside, but he held his ground.

  Kerry cleared her throat softly and peered over Dante’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Joseph. I didn’t realize that you didn’t want us in the house. I just wanted to see what it was like on the inside.” The lilt of her voice floated around them in the steamy air, soft and hypnotic. “I would imagine it’s quite beautiful. It must have some incredible moldings and detailing.”

  Gentle waves of reassurance flowed in the air, and bit by bit, Dante saw the tension ease from Joseph’s timeworn face. He slowly lowered the gun to his side; even Pete lowered his weapon. Kerry had successfully defused a very tense situation with her own calming energy. Dante’s eyes had even shifted back to their human state, and he only hoped that had gone unnoticed amid the momentary chaos. Although right now, that would be the least of their problems.

  Your mate is getting the hang of her abilities with surprising speed, Dante. William’s tone seemed irritatingly calm. However, if that old man takes one step closer to Layla and the two of you, I will kill him where he stands.

  Dante glanced up and saw William crouched stone still on the branch in the huge oak tree. He knew that within seconds William could be down on the ground in his human form and snap Joseph’s neck like a twig. The last thing they needed was to reveal themselves to Layla, Melissa, Pete, and Jacqueline. That would be another mess he didn’t need to deal with. I don’t think it will come to that.

  “You see, cher? She was just curious,” Jacqueline murmured through a shaky voice as she linked her arm with Joseph’s.

  Joseph grunted and spat on the ground next to him. He didn’t take his eyes off of Dante. “You all need to get off my property now. No more photo shoot. The deal is off, Jacqueline! You’ve all got fifteen minutes to clear out before I lose my patience.” He yanked his arm away from Jacqueline abruptly and stalked back to his cottage.

  “Fine with me,” Layla said with her hands still raised in the air. “We’ve got enough shots. The worst case scenario is we can finish in the studio. No job is worth getting shot over,” Layla muttered as she began to pack up her things. “God, I can’t wait to get out of this crazy city.”

  “You and me both,” Pete said as he shoved his gun back into his holster. He extended a hand and helped a horrified looking Melissa to her feet. Dante noticed Melissa looking at him with eyes as big as saucers. She must’ve seen his eyes shift. Crap.

  “Everything’s going to be alright,” Peter said as he hoisted her to her feet.

  She nodded and flicked a glance to Dante. “Do you see stuff like this all the time?” Her voice dipped to a scared whisper.

  He shrugged. “I was in the NYPD. I’ve seen it all.”

  “I don’t give a shit if you were president of the United States. You get your asses out of here now,” Joseph shouted. He was halfway to his cottage with the shotgun still clenched tightly in his fist. He may be old, but he still had some pretty good hearing.

  Jacqueline stood weeping softly and clutching Jester. “She was just curious,” she pleaded after him.

  Joseph reached his cottage and threw open the door. He turned slowly, and his stormy gray eyes landed on Kerry. Dante bristled as the cold finger
of dread tripped up his spine. He didn’t want Joseph Vasullus so much as looking at his mate. Instinctively, he wrapped his arm tightly around Kerry’s waist and pulled her to him, needing to feel her warm, soft body safely tucked up against his.

  Before Joseph slammed the door, he shouted one last word of warning. “You know what they say, Ms. Smithson. Curiosity killed the cat!”


  Layla and Melissa packed up their camera equipment in record time and took off in her van like bats out of hell. William had left as well, citing his own pressing business. Only Jacqueline and Peter remained. Peter, of course, kept an eye on Joseph’s cottage just in case he decided to make another appearance. Jacqueline stood next to him, weeping quietly.

  A cold shiver ran through Kerry’s body as Joseph’s last words rang through her head over and over. Curiosity killed the cat. As she packed up her things in the trailer, she suspected that Joseph knew exactly how much his comment hit the mark. Kerry scooped up her bag and took one last look around the dressing trailer to be sure she hadn’t missed anything. Dante stood looking out the window. He’d refused to let her go into the trailer alone. At the moment, she welcomed his protective instincts.

  “He knows,” she said quietly. “He knows who my parents are. I’m sure of it.”

  Dante turned and gathered her into his arms, whispering soft words of reassurance. He placed gentle kisses on the top of her head. Kerry dropped her bag and allowed herself to be swallowed up into his embrace. Yet even the warmth of his body couldn’t chase away the chill that clung to her.

  “He won’t hurt you.” Dante leaned back and took her head in his hands, forcing her to look into his glowing amber eyes. She smiled and placed her hands over his, relishing his honeyed touch and his protective bravado.

  “That’s just it. I don’t think he wants to hurt me, Dante.”

  Dante dropped his hands and looked at her as though she were completely nuts. “Of course! Guns are often used as a form of affection. What was I thinking?” The sarcasm dripped harshly from every word.


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