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Jordanna [Eminence Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 17

by Ashley Malkin

  Caine saw Finn raise an eyebrow at that statement. Caine didn’t know if it was the vampire’s ruthlessness that surprised the Alpha, or the fact that Aiden thought Finn would let the wolf Alpha live to leave his territory.

  “Finn, I need Jordanna’s mates to accompany me to the clinic,” Jason said, stepping out of the van to stand beside Caine. “She has a hemothorax and a badly shattered right leg. You understand what is required?”

  Caine knew what was required too. They needed to mark Jordanna again to speed up her healing. While her injuries were not immediately life threatening they were serious. The quicker she healed, the less pain she would suffer. Caine was anxious for her to be out of pain before she regained consciousness.

  “Even though I believe you, Aiden,” Patrick said, looking toward Jordanna. “I feel I must still speak to the sole witness before I return home.” Caine’s growl drew the wolf’s attention to him. “Mates, as in more than one?” When no one answered him, he continued. “When she is well enough and only if her mates agree, of course.”

  “I will discuss it with her mates at a time when they are not consumed with rage over your Alpha torturing her.” Finn nodded to Jason, and Caine was free to shift.

  He met Drake as he carried Jordanna to their truck. She was wrapped in a foil blanket but her lips were still blue with either cold or poor oxygenation from the lung injury. He wanted to turn back and rip out Richard’s West’s lungs. Fill them with blood as his mate’s were. He noticed the splint on her right leg. First he’d break both his legs. He snarled at being denied his plans for revenge, for Finn had not yet lifted his edict.

  He looked back at the man still suspended in Aiden’s grip and snarled again. Aiden smiled at Caine and gave a slight nod. Caine was certain that Aiden had just heard his macabre thoughts. So, it seemed they didn’t need to be shifted for the vampire to hear them.

  Rowan handed his, now placid, captive to Samson, who lowered him to the ground, but kept his hand firmly around the man’s throat.

  Caine was glad to leave shifter politics behind and get Jordanna treated. Once at his clinic, Jason aspirated the blood from Jordanna’s pleura before he x-rayed, set, and splinted Jordanna’s leg.

  He then instructed them to take her home and mark her again. Caine was now carrying his precious mate into their bedroom, only an hour having elapsed since liberating her from the wolf.

  “Doc was sure she didn’t need a chest tube, but she’s still so pale,” Caine said, sitting on the end of their bed with Jordanna in his arms. He kissed her blood-speckled cheek. Her head was the only part of her he could see; the rest of her was cocooned in a warm blanket.

  Gabriel squatted in front of him. “Her breathing is regular and even. Our original mating marks have already accelerated her healing.” He rose and cuffed Caine’s head. “Do you want to call Doc and tell him he’s wrong?”

  “I think we should shower her before we put her to bed,” Rowan said, joining them in the bedroom. “Drake is doing a sweep of the property before we all settle down with Jordanna for the night.”

  “I don’t think the wolves pose a threat any longer. But…” Gabriel said. He stripped off his sweat pants and went to run the shower.

  “I don’t fucking trust them,” Caine said, his cat adding a growl. Caine still felt ready to kill whenever he thought about what the wolves had done. Not just to Jordanna, but to the whole pride. They’d come here ready to kill on one man’s command.

  “I can’t comprehend how the entire pack believed his bullshit,” Rowan said. Caine saw Rowan’s eyes blaze amber and he knew he wasn’t alone in his continued rage at the Sheridan wolf pack. Rowan unwrapped the blanket from around Jordanna and tenderly removed what was left of her clothing. Doc had cut away much of it already to treat her wounds.

  “I know I’d have to be fucking certain of my facts before I slaughtered an entire town,” Caine said. He looked at Jordanna’s naked body. She was covered in deep bruises from the car accident they’d been in. Her clavicle looked to be broken from the seatbelt, but she’d have been killed had she not been wearing it.

  There was a large lump on her head, too. “I hope she hasn’t lost what little eyesight she regained,” Caine said softly. He stroked gently over her tangled hair. “She was so excited about that.”

  “She was,” Rowan said. “If that’s what’s happened then we’ll just have to love her so much it won’t matter to her.” He handed Jordanna to Rowan while he stripped.

  When Caine took Jordanna back into his arms, she turned her face into his chest and took a deep breath in. She sighed and then smiled as she burrowed her head tighter against him. His heart skipped a beat and his cock instantly filled. She knew she was with her mates. His cat’s purr vibrated in his chest.

  They gently washed her hair and body before drying her and settling her in the center of their bed. They had just finished their own showers when Drake returned.

  “That is one fucked-up wolf pack,” he said before walking into the bathroom. He was out in less than a minute and dried himself while gazing down at Jordanna. “Finn has asked to come by tomorrow with the wolf Beta. I said yes, because I want the fuckers off our land.”

  Caine snuggled up on one side of Jordanna and licked over his mark. She sighed and mumbled his name. His cock hardened again and he sucked on the skin of her neck before letting his canines extend and sink into her tender flesh. He swallowed the small drops of blood that splashed onto his tongue and growled at the sweet heady flavor.

  “If you were awake, Jordanna, I’d be sinking my cock into your tight pussy as I marked you again as my mate.” He gently pulled her on top of him and caressed down her back to cup her ass. Her skin erupted in goose bumps and she softly moaned his name again.

  “You’re killing me, honey.” He wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her pelvis firmly against his throbbing cock.

  “My turn, sweetheart,” Rowan said. He moved her long hair aside and licked up her spine to his mark. “When next we do this, you’ll scream my name as you come with my cock buried deep in your sweet ass.” Caine heard him moan as he marked Jordanna again.

  “Rowan, now,” she said in a soft whisper. Caine moaned as his cock leaked against her stomach.

  “Jesus.” Rowan moaned, licking the last of Jordanna’s blood from her neck and sealing her wound. “I just came all over your back, sweetheart.”

  Caine smiled as a wet cloth landed with a squelching sound on Rowan’s head. When Rowan had cleaned Jordanna’s back, he kissed her on the ass and moved off the bed for Gabriel to lie beside Jordanna.

  “That’s how sexy you are, angel,” Gabriel whispered to Jordanna. He moved aside her hair and cuddled close to her side. “I’m going to mark you now, angel. I want you healed before you wake and come back to us.”

  Caine nibbled and kissed the other side of Jordanna’s neck. She moaned and dug her nails into Caine’s back when Gabriel marked her. “Then I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.”

  “Gabriel,” she said, barely above a whisper. Gabriel told her he loved her and slid to the bottom of the bed.

  “She needs to rest,” Drake said, sliding into bed beside Jordanna.

  “Drake,” Jordanna said. Her arms reached for her mate.

  “I have you, my darling,” Drake said.

  Caine slipped out from under Jordanna and helped Drake to position her between them.

  As they held her tightly between them, Caine felt a shudder run through Jordanna’s body. She whispered Drake’s name as he marked her, the musky scent of her arousal flavoring the air. His cock throbbed painfully, but he closed his eyes and reveled in the feel of holding his mate safe in his arms.

  “Sleep, my love. We’ll never let you go.”

  Chapter 19

  Jordanna woke in the darkness. Only darkness now. It was becoming less and less of a shock as each morning passed. It’s my new life now. But on the plus side, I have four sexy mates who more than make up for anything I may have

  “I’m glad you think so, angel,” Gabriel said. She felt kisses rain down on her foot, making her squeal and pull up her legs. Only one leg moved.

  “Oh, what’s on my leg?” She reached down and felt some sort of restraint attached to her right leg. She was warm and safe with all her men around her. She could feel them. Not just where they were all touching her, but in her heart.

  “How much about yesterday do you remember, sweetness?” Rowan asked. She felt the bed move and then he was kissing her. His tongue drove deep into her mouth, driving all thought from her mind as her core clenched in need.

  She moaned as he broke their kiss. She reached for him, but he slipped away. A bright light filled the darkness and her eyes started to water.

  She quickly pulled her arm across her eyes. “I feel like I’m staring at the sun.”

  “Rowan, dim the lights,” Gabriel said. “You know what Doc said about bright light.”

  “Sorry, honey,” Caine said tenderly. He moved her arm from her eyes and kissed her closed eyelids. “We wanted to check on all your bruising.”

  She opened her mouth to ask what they meant when her memory seemed to return in a flood of images. It replayed the horrific events in super-fast-forward. The car crash, the horrible man…

  “I heard you,” she said, finding the one piece of the day that she wanted to dwell on. “Was it real or did I just want you all to be there with me?”

  “We were there, angel,” Gabriel said. “We heard you through the mating bond. You were so brave.”

  “Hardly, I screamed like a baby. It was so good to hear you all. I wasn’t alone this time.”

  Last time she’d sustained a beating, she’d thought her husband was going to kill her. She’d become so isolated and alone in the years of abuse that it had been hard to find the will to live. This time she had felt her men’s love for her as a living thing inside her. It had given her the courage and strength to hang on, and they hadn’t let her down.

  “You’ll never be alone again, darling,” Drake said. He dragged her on top of him and wrapped his arms around her. She kissed up his neck until their mouths met. It was a slow heated kiss, his hands lightly stroking down her body until he was caressing her ass. She wanted them. Her pussy throbbed and ached. Pulling back from his lips, she searched for the spot where his face was almost in focus. “I’m so glad you weren’t dead.”

  His smile made it hard for her to think past her burgeoning lust. She had more questions. Lots more. She had no idea what time it was. What day. Had any of her men been hurt?

  “Before I make you fulfill all those sexy promises you made, what happened after that man hurt my leg? Were any of you injured?” She slid her hands down Drake’s chest, but felt nothing but smooth, hard, delicious muscle. Her clitoris began to pound in time with her heartbeat. Their bodies really were so sexy.

  “You heard what we said last night when we marked you?” Rowan’s voice in her ear was so soft and rough it sounded almost like a purr. His breath tickled her neck and she longed to have him bite her again. His cock was a heavy weight between the cheeks of her ass.

  “Oh, God. Stop distracting me, Rowan. I need to know what happened before you come all over my back again.” She pushed her ass against his erection, and it slid through her wet folds to bump against her throbbing clitoris.

  “That’s how sexy you are, sweetness. You made me come while you were unconscious.”

  “You are incredibly sexy, Jordanna,” Drake said. “But the rest of us managed to control ourselves.” He thrust his pelvis against her and his hard shaft rubbed against her stomach.

  Grasping Rowan’s face between her hands, she moved her head until she could see his smiling, beautiful face. It may have been blurred, but it was him. He looked perfect. He looked edible.

  “I’m not going to be able to concentrate on sex until I know you’re all fine. Please, I need to know if it’s finally over.”

  “The scent of your arousal speaks otherwise, angel,” Gabriel said. “But you deserve to know that you’re now safe.”

  Gabriel gasped her waist and pulled her onto his lap. She felt the cool air on her naked front until Gabriel wrapped his big arms around her and pulled her tight to his chest. They were all so warm. He was careful with her injured leg.

  “What is this thing on my leg?” It felt heavy like a plaster cast, but when she touched it she found it was made of some sort of metal.

  “It’s a brace. The break will be fully healed in days, not weeks, so Doc uses braces instead of plaster,” Drake said.

  “Do you remember the trip to Finn’s house?” Caine said. She nodded and he continued. “The wolf Alpha, Richard West, had parked a tanker across the road a few miles from Finn’s. We collided with it and the truck rolled.”

  “Were you hurt, Caine?” She reached out her hand toward him and he took it between both of his.

  “Only when I woke up to find you were gone, my lovely mate.”

  “You were hurt if you were unconscious.” She wanted to look him over and catalogue his wounds, but her eyesight was just too poor. “Argh…this is so frustrating. I can’t see if you’re hurt. You need to be honest with me. Imagine if it was me and I wouldn’t tell you exactly where I was hurting.”

  “We’re sorry, Jordanna,” Rowan said. “I’d go crazy if you did the same to me.”

  “You have to remember that we heal very quickly,” Drake said. He ran a hand over her thigh, and stopped at the restraint on her leg. “Quicker than you.” She felt him kiss her leg through the straps on the brace.

  “I cut my head when the truck rolled. But when I shifted to find you it healed,” Caine said.

  “Thank you, Caine.”

  Gabriel then told her of the ambush at the ranger station, and of his injuries. Drake told her about the attack on the Alpha’s house and Rowan continued with the attack on the town.

  She insisted on looking at all their wounds. Gabriel’s was the only one she could really see. The wound to his side was large and scabbed over. It looked weeks old, not hours.

  “So we still don’t know what it was all for?” Jordanna said. They’d told her everything now. She even knew it was only five in the morning.

  “We only know that Richard West killed his brother and blamed us,” Drake said. He snarled and it made the hairs at the back of her neck rise and tingle. “Finn is coming over this morning with their Beta. He still wants to interview you.”

  “Does he know his witness is blind? I’m not going to be able to identify anyone.”

  The silence stretched for a few heartbeats before Gabriel finally answered. “We didn’t think to mention it. So, no, he doesn’t know.”

  She couldn’t have loved them more. The fear that she’d still held deep inside that she couldn’t be a proper mate because she was blind just melted away. They didn’t think of her as their blind mate. She was just their mate. They loved her. They loved her exactly as she was.

  * * * *

  Drake watched the tears spill from Jordanna’s eyes and looked at his brothers and Rowan for the reason, because he was at a loss. They each shrugged at him.

  “Did we do the wrong thing? We just didn’t think to mention it.” Drake caught Jordanna as she threw herself into his arms. Her mouth latched onto his neck and she kissed her way to his mouth.

  “I don’t know what we did,” Rowan said with a laugh, “but it seems it was the right thing.” Rowan reached across the bed and took a tube of lube from the top drawer of the bedside cabinet. “Time to make good on all those promises we made.”

  “Drake only promised to never let me go,” Jordanna said. She kissed back down his neck and groaned. His cock pulsed and he ached to be inside her.

  “When you groan like that it makes my cat wild for you,” Drake said. A groan of his own erupted as she found his nipple and sucked it into the warmth of her mouth. “We are going to claim you again with our bites, my darling. You’re ours forever now.”

ou’re mine forever too, Drake.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and drew her tight against him. He could feel her breath hitch as he pushed his straining cock against her.

  Stroking his hand down her back he felt her melt against him. He loved the way she felt against his skin, the way it made him feel aroused just by the feel of her body touching his.

  He inhaled the fragrance of her arousal in the air. “You smell like heaven when you’re turned-on. I want you so badly.”

  Need rolled through him. He wanted to be buried inside his mate so badly. The need to claim her again pure and animalistic. “If you’re in pain we can wait.”

  His gorgeous mate growled and kissed him hungrily. His control snapped and he held her to him as he lowered himself back onto the bed.

  She broke their kiss and lowered herself onto his erection.

  He groaned as her wet heat enveloped him. “Fuck, I could come right now, Jordanna.”

  “Just a little cold, sweetness,” Rowan said. Drake held himself still as Jordanna moaned the whole time Rowan prepared her ass.

  “Drake, please,” Jordanna said, moaning as she writhed on top of him. He grasped her buttocks firmly in his hands and rocked slowly and gently into her.

  “It will feel even better when I’m buried in your ass,” Rowan said, kneeling between Drake’s legs.

  “You promised,” Jordanna said. She gripped his neck with her teeth she moaned in time with his thrusts.

  Caine and Gabriel knelt on either side of them. They caressed Jordanna’s back and arms as they all made love to their mate.

  “So fucking good,” Drake whispered to Jordanna. Once Rowan’s cock had filled her ass he was free to thrust deeper and harder into her.

  “We won’t ever let you go, Jordanna,” Gabriel said, “you belong with us.”

  Jordanna’s pussy grew tight as her orgasm rolled through her. She released his neck and panted their names as her pussy clenched his cock. His balls drew up tight as his orgasm rolled through him. He sank his canines into his mating mark.


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