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Aaron's Fall

Page 2

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  The night Marcus died was still so very clear in her head. It was an odd night, not yet nine o’clock, yet dark enough for the few street lights to come on. Usually the neighborhood block was full with activity. People usually sat on their stoops taking in the cool summer air, kids playing in the street, loud music coming from nearby houses, and down on the corners. Not even Marcus’s runners were at their usually spots under the streetlight. This particular night Marcus forced her go with him to one of his partner’s house, it was fruitless to refuse him, and refusal would only get her beaten.

  When they stepped out on the porch, a car pulled up in front of them without any warning they started shooting. Stunned she watched as bullets ripped into Marcus, his body jerking from the impact of the shots. Stunned and astound she stood watching until a stray bullet hitting her in the shoulder. If she had not been a few feet behind him she probably would have gotten killed that night. Marcus died that night on the porch, even as she lay there injured all she could think of was she was free. No more physical and mental abuse from a man she didn’t ask for, and no more strange people in and out of her house. That night had a huge impact on her life. An unshakable fear striped down her defenses making her vulnerable as well as cowardly, because of that tragic night, going out at night put fear in her she could not overcome. Because of that tragic night, she refused to go out during nightfall. Tragically, she started keeping every light in her house was on in the evenings, and she slept with them on. If she had to go out it was only during the daylight hours, and she made sure she didn’t let the sun go down with her outside. That was three years ago, and still she lived with this terror.

  “Hello Asia,” Tianna said coming into the studio. Startled Asia turned quickly.

  “Hello Mrs. Holland,” she greeted desperate to push her terrifying thoughts away…

  “Please Asia, call me Tia.” Tianna said smiling. “Come, let’s sit I want to talk to you about something.” Asia followed Tia into a small room with benches that lined the walls. A dressing room Asia surmised. After they sat, Tia took a deep breath before she spoke.

  “Asia I don’t know how to say this…,” Tia paused for a second trying to find the right words.

  “You don’t want me to sing for you again.” Asia jumped to the dreaded conclusion; it was as she had thought; disappointment apparent on her face.

  “No it’s not that,” Tia assured her quickly. “I‘m very pleased with your talent, it I have to say is hard because I don't want you to think I am judging you. Tia shrugged. “I just simply have to say it bluntly; I have a loft above the studio, and I thought maybe you could live there, I mean, after seeing where you living, a single unprotected and alone, and well Asia I’m sorry the place is awful.”

  Asia stared at Tia. “A loft?” she repeated confused.

  “Yes, right here, I’m not using it, and it will be perfect for you, come let me show you,” Tia replied rising.

  Asia followed her up the stairs. Tia opened the door wide so she could see inside.

  It was a large open area, with light wood floors, a kitchen on the north side of the room, and the other side was a large platform she assumed for a bed. The living area was spacious and windows all around. Asia followed Tia to another area where a large bathroom, with a large glass enclosed shower, vanity, and toilet.

  “So what do you think?” Tia asked smiling.

  “It’s beautiful, but I can’t afford this,” Asia said simply.

  “I don’t want your money Asia; I just want you to be safe.” Tianna said with concerned.

  “I have to pay something Tia, I don’t like hand outs,” she said prideful.

  Tia nodded. “Okay, Asia pay me one hundred dollars a month.

  Asia looked over the room again. She so badly wanted to get out of the neighborhood. She looked around the room longingly.

  “Are you sure?” Asia asked after a minute.

  Tianna smiled nodding.

  “Okay, thank you so much.” To never to go back to the neighborhood made Asia weak with relief. To never lock the four locks on her door and the many on the windows in her house was a dream come true. It was her mother home, and after her mother died, it never felt like home again. Then when Marcus forced his way in her house turning it into a haven for his thugs, drugs and guns it no longer was a place she wanted to be. How many times had she dreamed of walking out of that neighborhood to never return, but she could never afford to move out on hotel housekeepers wages.

  Tia exhaled. “Good, now all we have to do is pack and move you in, I’ll get Martin and Aaron to help us. There’s an outside entrance, so you won’t have to come through the studio all the time, when do you want to move?” Tia asked, smiling broadly.

  “Can I come today, I don’t have much, my furniture is old and ratty, I wouldn’t want to bring that here, just my personal stuff which isn’t much.”

  “Good let go now and start.” Tia offered excitedly.

  “Are you sure?” Asia asked warily.

  “Come on girl, you could be moved in before dark, let me call the guys.”

  Tia and Asia went to her house. She truly didn’t have much. They had the boxes packed and loaded into Tia’s SUV within two hours and on their way back to the studio. Asia didn’t look back.

  “Martin and Aaron will meet us at the studio, is that okay?” Tia replied as they drove back to the studio.

  “Tia, thank you,” she said softly, “You don’t know how grateful I am for this.”

  “It’s okay I’m just glad you decided to accept it, I was so afraid I would offend you by offering the loft.” Tia replied reaching over to pat her hand.

  “Offend me?” Asia repeated. Mrs.…Tia you don’t know how relieved I am. I don’t have to go back to that neighborhood.

  Tia smiled, I’m just glad your going to live here. I worried about you all night.

  Tia and Asia pulled into the driveway of the studio and started unloading the car. A few minutes later Martin pulled up and parked beside the car, Aaron behind him. Tianna waved, smiling.

  Asia turned to see Aaron and Martin getting out of his car. She hadn’t notice how big Aaron really was. She was acutely conscious of his tall, athletic physique, the powerful set of shoulders, his broad chest, and muscular arms in the causal shirt he wore.

  “Hi Tia,” Aaron said going around her to Asia taking the box from her hands.

  “Hello Asia.” he said smiling. Her eyes lowered. “Hello,” she said softly, stepping back.

  Aaron frowned. Why is she so frightened he wondered. She appeared very fragile and he felt the urge to pull her in his arms and hold her and make her feel safe.

  Aaron moved around her and went up the stairs with the box, Asia stood where she was, she couldn’t move if she wanted to. Tianna came to stand beside her.

  “Asia you okay?”

  “He makes me nervous,” she whispered.

  Tia frowned. “Nervous?”

  “Yes,” she said and went grabbed another box from the SUV. She turned and walked to the stairs with a box in her arms. Aaron was coming down; when she saw him, she dropped the box.

  “Oh no!” she cried when she heard the crash. Dropping to her knees, she opened the box in haste to examine the damage. She knew before she opened the box the few dishes she owned were broken. She looked up to see Aaron watching her.

  Aaron couldn’t seem to take his eyes from Asia. Wisp of hair came free of her loose ponytail, the warm spring breeze lifting them. A look of despair on her face as she looked into the dropped box. Aaron came down the stairs.

  “You okay?” he asked standing beside her.

  “I broke all my dishes,” Asia said fretfully looking up at him her green eyes shining prominently as the sun shone in them.

  “Don’t worry we’ll get more.” Aaron said smiling gently.

  Asia looked up at him, and then at the large hand he had extended to her. She placed her hand in his rising, hoping he didn’t feel the slight tremble in her hand.

>   “Thank you,” she said softly, pulling her small hand from his larger one. Aaron lifted the discarded box and took it to the curb.

  Martin and Aaron finished bringing in the boxes while Tia and Asia begin to unpack her meager belongings.

  Martin observed Aaron’s as his eyes strayed to Asia every time they brought up a box. With all the boxes delivered, Martin and Aaron leaned on the kitchen counter watching the girls unpack as Tia talked, Asia listening.

  “She’s beautiful, right Martin,” Aaron said low to Martin.

  “Yes Aaron she is, but you better let this one go, Tia not going to allow you to have anything to do with Asia, you know she of all people know your track record with women.”

  Aaron looked at Martin somberly. “I don’t know, for some reason Martin she different, I can’t figure it out; she makes me feel different, like I need to take care of her, protect her,” Aaron proclaimed looking at Asia.

  “I know that feeling,” Martin commented, “that’s how I felt when I saw Tianna for the first time,” Martin said smiling. Aaron looked at Martin frowning.

  “No, no Martin,” Aaron replied shaking his head, “you married Tia, marriage is the furthest thing from my mind, I could never stay with one woman long, you know that.”

  Martin grinned at his friend, “I wasn’t thinking about marriage either when I met Tia, but I fell in love with her anyway.” Aaron looked at Martin as if lost his mind.

  Then Martin laughed. “All I’m saying, if you’re feeling what I think your feeling, say hello to your wife.”

  “Shut up Martin!” Aaron said with annoyance, and moved away from him.

  Wife and marriage. No, Aaron thought. Those things were not for him. Martin Holland was his best friend since grade school and no one knew him better. They both attended the same college and as fate would have it both got drafted for the Atlanta Buteo’s pro football team. But Martin was wrong about the statement he made. He stood by Martin when he and Tia went through troubled times, for he knew Martin loved Tia more than his own life. Martin was there when those dark times came to him about his biological father, whom he despised when he witnessed him as abusing his mother. However he did have a stepfather. A man he loved and who loved him and his mother deeply. Trevet Harrison was the only father he wanted to know. He was young when his biological father abduct him and his mother. He had to watch as he beat his mother, something he would never forget. Every so often something would trigger the nightmare, causing a rage to build in him. He could not trust himself with a wife. What if he were like his father? Therefore, marriage was out of the question. It was true he loved the ladies making it clear that they understood his position before venturing in to an affair. If he did decide to settle down, it would only be with the stipulation that he would have a love like his stepfather and mother. In his heart of hearts, he knew he would never find that type of love, it didn’t exist for him.

  Martin laughed loudly. Asia and Tia looked over at them, then at each other.

  “I forgot I have to get a bed.” Asia told Tianna alarmed.

  “Come on lets go now, it’s still early.” Tia said excited.

  “I don’t have much money, Tia; I could get a bed from the goodwill or secondhand shop.” Asia said quietly.

  “Let’s go look anyway.”

  Agreeing Asia and the three of them went to Tia’s favorite furniture store. Asia looked at Tia strangely, when they pulled in front of a fine furniture store. Aaron followed in his car. As he pulled up beside them, he wondered what in the hell was he doing. He didn’t want to leave Asia. Why? True she was the most beautiful woman he had met, and he has had many, yet none affected him as she did. This was not good. He decided. He should just pull back out and be on his way.

  “Come Aaron, if you’re coming,” Martin called out.

  Aaron exhaled a breath. “You are in control,” he muttered getting out of the car.

  “I can’t afford anything in here Tia,” Asia whispered, slightly embarrassed.

  “Just look.” Tianna insisted smiling.

  Inside the store, Asia roamed, admiring many pieces of furniture. She stopped to looking at a contemporary styled crème colored overstuffed loveseat with lots of pillow. She really liked it. How she wish she could afford to buy furniture from this elegant store. She lifted the sales ticket, her eyes widened. Three thousand dollars. She gasped, dropping the tag as if it burnt her. She could never afford that, even if she worked a months worth of overtime she still afford the loveseat.

  Aaron watched as Asia moved from one piece of furnishing to another. He couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes off her. He could not remember ever being so absorbed in one woman. He continued to watch as she moved from piece of furniture to the other and grimacing each time she looked at a price tag.

  Aaron shook his head. Here he was walking around a furniture store with his friends, just so he could be near Asia. He thought of her all night, trying to figure out why this woman intrigued him so much. Hell, she wasn’t even his type. Still he watched Asia with acute fascination, wondering why she affected him. Tia was right. She wasn’t his type. He preferred the tall slender and glamorous model type, didn’t he? Asia was of medium height, curvy in all the right places, naturally pretty, not made up or mannequin like. Even in the baggie t-shirt that covered her jeans, she still had that feminine allure about her. Aaron silently moved behind her.

  Exhaling a breath, Aaron glanced at Tia had Martin as they moved leisurely through the store. He moved to join Asia.

  “You like that?” Aaron asked coming to stand beside her.

  Asia glanced shyly over at him. “Yes, very much, but it’s too much money for me.”

  “What would you put with this sofa?” Aaron asked.

  “It doesn’t matter, I can’t afford it,” she replied softly.

  “So humor me,” Aaron said smiling charmingly.

  Asia shrugged, “I don’t know, I think these two chairs, and that coffee table, and those lamps,” she replied quickly, then moved away going to the bedroom furniture.

  Aaron called the salesperson over.

  “Yes sir,” the salesperson said eagerly recognizing Aaron and Martin, the moment they step into the store.

  “I want these pieces,” Aaron said pointing to the furniture and accessories Asia had picked, and handed him his credit card. Martin and Tia watched Aaron, and then glanced at each other, astonishment on their faces.

  “Are you getting furniture Aaron?” Tia asked suspiciously joining him.

  “Yep, for Asia.”

  “She doesn’t like handouts Aaron,” Tia warned him.

  “Its not, it’s a housewarming gift,” he said seriously, walking away. He didn’t want to explain to them why he was buying the furniture for Asia, because he didn’t know why he was doing it himself.

  Tia and Martin looked at each other and smiled.

  “He’s been very quiet since last night.” Martin told Tia. “I think Asia has affected him more then he cares to admit.” Have you noticed how his eyes stays trained on Asia?

  “I had noticed that also,” Tia replied. Regardless, Martin I don’t want Aaron to pursue her. Aaron is too frivolous with woman’s hearts. He needs to stick with the gold-digger he is accustomed to, Asia is not his type of woman, I’m afraid he will hurt her.”

  Martin shrugged, “Aaron is not a bad person, he just loves woman, but I agree with you, Aaron needs to let this one go.” Martin stated, watching Aaron as his eyes followed Asia strolling around the store.

  “All I know Martin, he better not try and her to get in his bed because he’s buying her furniture,” Tia stated firmly.

  Martin knew Aaron, as well as he knew himself. Aaron didn’t have to buy women; women were drawn to Aaron. Even growing up together through high school and college, the girls melted whenever he was around.

  Asia was looking at a four-poster queen-sized bed, with the matching armoire and bedside tables.

  “How much?” Asia asked the sales rep
resentative, a grinning man who looked as if he would sell his Mama for a commission.

  “Forty-five hundred, for the whole set,” the sales representative answered.

  Asia sighed. “Thanks anyway.”

  Asia stood for a moment gazing at the furniture. Lightly her fingers moved across the cherry wood dresser.

  Asia turned suddenly bumping into Aaron. He grabbed her arms steadying her. Instantly she pulled away, stepping backed up.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you,” she said apologizing.

  “You like that bedroom set?” he asked her.

  Asia frowned briefly, taking another step away from him. Why did he want to know it she like anything? She wondered. It didn’t matter whether she liked it or not, she couldn’t afford to buy a knob from the dresser. She shrugged before moving away from him.

  Aaron purchased the bedroom set too.

  Still roaming leisurely around the store, Asia glanced out the storefront window. It was starting to get dark. And with the dark came the fear.

  “We better go,” she said looking out the window, trying not to sound panicked as she felt.

  Tia and Martin turned to see what she was looking at. It was starting to get dark out.

  “Okay Asia,” Tia said smiling, “did you see anything you like?”

  She nodded. “I saw a lot of stuff I liked, but there’s this nice secondhand place downtown, I’ll find something there.”

  Aaron soon joined them, he looked at Asia; she kept looking out the window distressfully.

  “Asia,” he called her name softly, searching her face, “You okay?”

  She looked at him, alarm rising in her. “Can we go now?” she said softly.

  “I’ll take her to the loft,” Aaron offered, looking at Asia,” Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” Asia didn’t care who took her to the loft, all she wanted was to be inside a building.

  They all left the store, Martin and Tia behind them. When they step out the door, Asia reached out, took Aaron’s hand, and held onto it tightly. Aaron looked over at her puzzled. Why was she so afraid of the dark? Aaron wondered leading her to his car opening the door, setting her in the car closing the door. He waved to Martin and Tia.


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