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Aaron's Fall

Page 14

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “I’m not scared Mom, I see the love you and Dad have for each other, I don’t have that with Asia,” Aaron said.

  “You can’t compare what your father and I have, everyone is different.” Brie told him.

  “Is it so wrong for me to want that kind of love for myself, Mom?” Aaron asked.

  “No, Son its not, but you better decide what it is you want, or just leave Asia alone, you just can’t keep her hanging on like you’ve been doing, so maybe you need to let it be for now.”

  “I miss her Mom.”

  Asia was over at Brie’s for lunch. She and Brie had become very close, they spent a lot of time together, and Asia could talk to her. Brie didn’t ask her about Aaron, they actually didn’t talk about him. But Brie knew Asia still loved him. It had been a few weeks since Asia had slammed her door in his face, she was determined to stay away from Aaron. She worked day and night on her music. Between photo shoots, and making videos, she didn’t have time or the energy to deal with her feeling about Aaron. Her phone rang. It was Benny, her manager.

  Asia listened as he talked. By the time she hung up, she was grinning broadly.

  “What Asia, what?” Brie said excitedly.

  “For You,” has gone platinum!” Asia cried excitedly. Brie and Asia were hugging and laughing with glee. Trevet came out to the patio, to see what all the excitement was.

  Brie saw her husband. “Trevet, Asia gone platinum!” she cried.

  “Well ladies get on the phone, this calls for a celebration,” he said laughing.

  Aaron arrived at his parent’s house to several cars parked in the driveway and along the street. It seems his parents was have a party. He found everyone in the backyard.

  He saw all his friends there, then he saw Asia, sitting with another man, they were facing each other, holding hands. This was the first time he had seen her in weeks. He watched them. Asia was smiling, and every so often, she would throw back her head and laugh happily.

  Martin saw Aaron, and went to him.

  “Hey man, isn’t this great, Asia song went platinum.” he informed.

  “Really,” Aaron said wryly-eyeing Asia.

  Martin looked in the direction of Aaron’s attention. Martin smiled. Aaron was jealous of Asia manager.

  “She looks happy right?” Martin said. Aaron didn’t respond, he just left Martin standing alone, and went in search of his parents.

  Brie and Trevet were sitting with Martin’s parents.

  “Hello,” Aaron said to cordially to everyone.

  “Son, did you hear, Asia gone platinum,” his mother stated happily.

  “Yeah, I heard.” he said looking at his mother.

  Brie frowned. “You don’t seem happy for her Honey,” his mother said.

  “Who’s that with Asia, holding her hands?” Aaron asked glaring at them.

  “Oh, that’s Benny,” his father replied.

  “Benny?” he repeated.

  “Asia manager,” his father stated.

  “He seems awfully friendly, can he be trusted.” Aaron asked, still looking at them.

  “I hand picked him myself, Son, he can be trusted.” Trevet told him. Aaron looked at his father, his face unyielding

  “Why didn’t you get a woman, Dad?”

  “Because Son, Benny is the best in the business, a man with integrity.”

  “Asia seems to like him a lot.” he stated harshly.

  “Yes, she does.” his mother stated. “Go say hello,” Brie told him.

  Asia saw Aaron coming towards her. Her heart picked up its pace in her chest. Its over, she told herself. But why did he still affect her so much.

  “Hello Asia,” Aaron said wryly his face stony.

  “Hi Aaron, this is Benny, my manager,” Asia introduced. Benny rose and extended his hand. Aaron ignored his outstretched hand.

  “Yeah, I heard, what else does he manage Asia?” Aaron asked sarcastically.

  Asia frowned. Aaron took her hand pulling her from the chair she sat.

  “We need to talk,” he said pulling her into the house.

  “What is it Aaron?” Asia asked when they got into the den.

  “Are you sleeping with him?” Aaron asked bluntly.

  “What? He’s my manager Aaron,” Asia stated firmly.

  “So are you?” he insisted.

  “I’m not answering that Aaron!” she said turning to leave him. Aaron didn’t follow her right away; he had to get a rein on his anger. Asia had just stepped out of the patio door, when he stopped her. He grabbed her arm turning her.

  “Tell me Asia!” he demanded.

  “Why Aaron, aren’t you sleeping with Shanna?” Asia countered.

  “I want to know Asia, now!”

  “You know Aaron, I’m tired of this back and forth with you, you don’t want me; if I were it shouldn’t concern you!” she stated. They voices were getting loud.

  “So now that you’ve got it all, you don’t need me.”

  Asia mouth dropped opened astounded. “Need you Aaron, you said I was too needy, you can’t be with me, make up your mind Aaron.”

  “Are you sleeping with him!?”

  “I’m not answering that Aaron!” she replied turning away.

  Everyone was trying not to listen to them but they were becoming very loud.

  Aaron pulled her to him. “I miss you Asia,” he whispered.

  “I don’t miss you Aaron,” she lied pulling away from him.

  “Why Asia, are you sleeping with him?” Aaron yelled at her.

  “Are you sleeping with Shanna?” she yelled back.

  “I don’t want her, I want you.”

  “I don’t want you anymore Aaron!” she lied, as her heart felt like it was bursting into a million pieces.

  “Damn it Asia, are you sleeping with him?”

  “Go see Shanna, Aaron,” Asia said dismissing him, turning to walk away. Aaron grabbed her arm, her eyes widened with fear.

  She pulled away. “Your no better than Marcus and Bass, you think you own me don’t you? You think you can come and just piss in this tree anytime you want, and the bad thing about it is I allow you to, because for some crazed reason, I thought I loved you!” she shouted at him.

  “I helped you Asia, I was there for you, and you needed me!”

  “Make up your mind Aaron!” she yelled back at him.

  Asia sighed defeated. “I loved you, not because of the things you did, but for the man I thought you were, not for the way you treated me, or because I needed you, I loved you because you were my light, but your just like them, you want to own me, well Aaron I don’t need you nor want you!”

  “Don’t forget Asia, I remember where you come from!” Aaron said cruelly. Asia felt like she had been slapped in the face.

  Everyone at the celebration was listening to them now, they couldn’t help it, they were screaming at each other.

  “I know you’ll lay beneath any man anytime he wants you, hell you did it for me!” Aaron said sardonically

  Trevet rose from his seat. “Aaron!” he called, “That’s enough!”

  “Is that what you think of me?” she asked in a choked tone. Asia stood there staring at him, searching his face, not wanting to believe what she was hearing.

  Of course, he didn’t think that, yet seeing her with Benny, and not seeing her for weeks, has clouded his good sense.

  “Answer me!!” she screamed.

  “Are you sleeping with him? Aaron repeated venomously.

  Martin was holding Tia back. Wayne and Eddie wanted to punch Aaron in the mouth.

  The tears that filled Asia’s eyes spilled over.

  “Why didn’t you leave me in Macon?” she asked defeated.

  “Tell me Asia, is this your new life now from one man to the other, will they make you smile like I do Asia?”

  She looked up at him; tears flowing down her redden cheeks.

  “I’m sorry I ever met you,” she said lowly.

  “Like you had a better option!”
he stated harshly.

  “I’m sorry I ever met you!” she screamed at him.

  “Not as sorry as I am!” he yelled back to her.

  Asia walked away. Trevet stopped her hugging her. Benny went to her putting his arm around her shoulders.

  Aaron gritted his teeth. His father stood in front of him, and Trevet wasn’t happy with his son.

  “She sleeping with him!” Aaron stated glaring at Asia’s back. He looked at his father face.

  “I’m leaving Dad!”

  “You’ve crossed the line, this time Son,” his father said testily, “Benny is a happily married, with children, but let me tell you this, don’t ever let me hear you blatantly hurt her again, she been through enough in her life, she deserves to happy, do you understand me!” he said through clenched teeth.


  “Say you understand!” his father yelled.

  “Yes sir.

  “You do realize you may have ruined any chance with her.,” his father stated calmly.

  “Good!” Aaron said and stormed off.

  Chapter 10

  Asia lay across her bed going over the itinerary, Benny had for her. She told him she wanted to do any thing that kept her from Atlanta for a while. Benny understood. Asia rolled to her back, replaying all the hateful things Aaron said to her. The ironic thing about it is she still loved him. She tried focus on her schedule. She and the Coz would be flying out to the BET studio, to go on BET Live; she had to rehearse for her second video that was to be filmed in Florida. Chez, Wilson and Rhonda were now traveling with her. She didn’t worry about packing Rhonda took care of that. They just wanted her to get some rest; they would be out of town for over a month. Clive was planning a concert in Atlanta for his new recording artists, with Asia headlining. She needed this time away from Atlanta and away from Aaron.

  There was a knock at her door, it was probably Rhonda. With the schedule in hand, she opened the door. It wasn’t Rhonda, it was Aaron, he walked passed her, without saying a word. Asia closed the door and turned to him. Why was it every time she’d see him her heartbeat escalated, still even after he hurt her with his words? Aaron stood looking at her in the oversized t-shirt she always relaxed in.

  “What are you doing here, Aaron, come to insult me some more,” she said rudely. Aaron pulled her into his arms.

  “Stop it Aaron!” she said pulling away from him moving to the other side of the room. “Why are you here?”

  “I need you Asia, damn it, I need you, what have you done to me, I don’t want this, I don’t want to need you, but I do.”

  “Then go see Shanna!” Asia said callously.

  Aaron flinched from her remark, and knew he deserved that. He dropped his head dejectedly.

  Asia looked at him, he was miserable, she believed he really meant what he was saying; he didn’t want this. Asia heart was breaking now that she realized the truth.

  Aaron would never love her. This relationship was truly torturing him, and she could do nothing to help him, but deny him her body; but her body betrayed her every time he got to close to her, Aaron was like a drug to her. She looked at him from across the room, a pained expression on her face.

  “Then go away Aaron, I feel just as tortured as you do, I don’t want to need and desire you, but I do, so the solution is we stay away from each other, you do agree?” Asia stated as calmly as she could, although her heart was pounding, and her body was again betraying her words, as his eyes trailed her body.

  Aaron shook his head, coming towards her.

  “I can’t Asia, not yet, not yet; damn it, I need you, I need to bury myself deep inside you, to feel your arms around me, holding me, making me lose all sense of reality.”

  Asia backed away. “No Aaron, this has to stop, I can’t take this anymore, my heart can’t take it, I want to get over you, move on, just as you have,” she said with desperation.

  Aaron stilled absorbing her words, his heart falling from the words she spoke to him, did he really want her move on, could he accept that, he thought.

  “Asia,” Aaron said, “I haven’t move on, your inside me, no other women fulfills me, only you and as badly as I want to let you go, I can’t my body won’t allow me to.”

  His head dropped. His eyes met her with such sincerity that it broke her heart.

  Asia went to him and placed her hand on his chest. She could feel the pounding of his heart against her hand. Asia took his hand and led him to her bed. She stood between his legs looking down at him. The love for him shining brightly in her eyes. Neither spoke.

  She undressed him slowly. He looked up at her helpless, when he was completely nude, she lowered to her knees. He wanted her, is harden member displayed before her proved that. She lowered to her knees and kissed his thighs, then took him in her mouth, her tongue licked from the base of him to the tip, letting her mouth move up and down him. He moaned and lay back on the bed. The small hands resting on his muscular thighs lightly caressing him. Aaron was lost to everything except for how her mouth was wrecking havoc to his body. His breath coming in short pants, as he grasped and held on the pleasure she bestowed upon him. Asia rose, removing her t-shirt. She straddled him her knees beside his hips, his hardness sinking inside her. She rose and lowered on him in slow motion. He reached his hands up to caress her. She caught his hands.

  Please no, don’t touch me,” she whispered.

  “Asia, I have to, I need to; I need to feel your softness, your loveliness in my hands.”

  Asia gazed at him intently, the way his eyes closed when she stroked him the right way, the way his mouth opened as he exhale a breath, and the sipping sounds he made through his teeth and then moan, she released his hands.

  She was pulling his soul from him with the slow way she rode him. He grasped her hips taking control of the motion of her hips, increasing the tempo. He moved beneath her pushing into her opening. He moved her body any way he wanted, drilling into her, her cool façade fading. His movements became rapid. He groaned and she knew he was finding his peak.

  “Let it happen,” she whispered, before taking his mouth accepting the passion he needed so badly to release. He flipped her to her back, planting his feet firmly on the floor; he pulled her by her legs to him, and entered her, her legs crossed around his waist.

  “No not yet,” he grounded out. Aaron moved in her like a starved man his eyes tightly shut, anguish on his face, his breathing heavy and deep.

  “Asia,” he moaned, “My God Asia, why can’t I get enough of you.”

  Asia pulled away from him. His eyes opened his breathing rapid and shallow.

  “Come to me Aaron,” she said softly, opening her arms to him. Aaron joined her lay between her welcoming thighs. Her green eyes brimming with tears. He moved inside her, she moved beneath him, her arms around him holding him close to her. Asia knew he needed this more than she did. He lifted his head to look at her, she was weeping.

  “Please baby don’t …I’m sorry…”

  “Kiss me Aaron,” she interrupted.

  His head lowered, she grasped his face between her hands, and kissed him the way she knew he loved. Asia climaxed, and Aaron leaned up his hands pressed on the bed as he braced himself, sinking deeper in her and there it was; the euphoria he searched for and found.

  Aaron rolled from her. She rolled away from him. He pulled her body close to his, he felt her tense. He rolled her to her back.

  “Asia,” he said softly.

  She looked up at him. “You have used me for the last time Aaron,” she stated miserably, ashamed of her weakness for Aaron.

  Aaron was silent. Was he using her? he asked himself.

  “Please go Aaron.”


  “No please, do this one last thing for me,” she implored to him.

  Aaron looked into her eyes, and saw desperation there. He rose, dressed and left her.

  Aaron remained mostly to himself most times. He played football hard and practiced even harder. He didn�
��t hang out with the guys like he used to. He would visit his parents, but most times just stayed home. He hadn’t seen Asia for at least three month, not since the last time they were together. He heard her name a lot, either on the radio, or people just talking about her. He brought her CD and listened to it. He took comfort in hearing her voice. He never really listened to the song she had written for him, he heard it but he never really listened to it until now. Hearing the words and the expression in her voice, he realized Asia did loved him. She had been away for a while and he didn’t know if she were back in Atlanta, until one day he was driving, and saw her with Benny, her manager. She looked tired and drawn. He missed her so much. Her smile, her giggles, just the sound of her voice when they talked.

  At the studio, Tia was showing Asia the new choreography for a new song. She’d only been home for about three weeks, and she worked until she was exhausted every day, only to rise in the morning and start her routine all over again. She had to prepare for the Royal Records concert in a few weeks. They were going over the choreography for her hit record “For You.” Asia stopped and lowered her head, and exhale.

  Tia looked at Asia with concern. Asia had been so preoccupied since they had started rehearsals for the concert.

  “Asia, you alright?” Tia asked concerned Asia looked at Tia with sadness she had never seen before.

  “How’s Aaron?” she asked.


  “Quiet?” Asia repeated.

  Tia nodded. “It seems, according to my husband, he has become very unsociable, just practice and games, which is a not like Aaron.”

  “I miss him, Tia,” Asia admitted.

  “I know you do,” Tia said sympathetically.

  “Do you think he misses me?” Asia asked hopeful, “I want to see him, would that be crazy, after…well you know.” she admitted.

  “No its not, you love him Asia, just go see him.” Tia advised.

  Asia looked thoughtful, “How do I, I mean just say, I miss you.”


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