Daring Attraction

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Daring Attraction Page 10

by Melanie Shawn

  “You look pretty good yourself.” Julianna wanted to cringe at her flirting skills. They were so out of practice they weren’t just rusty, they were nonexistent. “These are amazing. Thank you.”

  After taking the flowers from Cole, she placed them on the table along the wall, where her key basket and Anthony’s homework folder lived. When she turned back around, she found herself wrapped in Cole’s strong arms, being pulled against his hard body. Her mind was still trying to catch up to what was going on, but her body had already begun melting against his.

  “I missed you today.” His low voice vibrated through her.

  She didn’t say anything as she adjusted to the feeling of being hugged. Really hugged. Her body was both acutely aroused and comfortingly soothed from the long embrace. It was strange how one act could inspire both emotions so equally.

  “Did you have a good day?” he asked, as he rubbed his hands up and down her back.

  “Mmm, hmm.” She nodded her head against the muscular plane of his chest.

  Leaning back, he moved his hands to her bare shoulders and peered down at her, concern filling his emerald eyes. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” She tried her best not to reveal the fact that nerves were zipping and zapping around her body like a squirrel on speed. Attempting to reroute the conversation from her and her current state of unrest, she moved out of Cole’s arms and over to the couch. “How was your day?”

  He followed and sat beside her, resting his hand on her knee. Damn. How was she going to concentrate on anything while he was touching her? Even on an innocent area like her knee.

  “It was okay. There was a legal issue that I got called in to deal with, but other than that, it was pretty uneventful.”

  “A legal issue?”

  As his thumb began rubbing back and forth in the dip of her inner thigh, all she could think about was how good it had felt last night when he’d rubbed his thumb on her…

  “Yeah. And it involved you.”

  “Me?” That got her attention. Her focus was no longer on his magic touch.

  He nodded. “You know that security guard, Chad?”

  “Uh huh.” He’d given her a hard time when she’d first started taking Anthony to the clinics, but after he’d shown up at her house and Robbie had had a talk with him, he wouldn’t even look at her when she drove through the guard station.

  “He was threatening to press charges against me and sell his story to TMZ. But it’s all taken care of now,” Cole explained as if, one, she knew what the heck he was talking about and, two, as if someone pressing charges against him were no big deal.

  “Why? What story?”

  “That I threatened his life.”

  “Did you?” Julianna could not imagine Cole getting angry at all, much less to the point that he would tell someone that he was going to kill them.

  “Yes,” he said, with an edge to his tone that made goose bumps break out on her arms.

  “Why?” Her heart pounded and her panties grew damp as she waited for the answer.

  She should not have been turned on by the fact that Cole had threatened someone’s life. Her mind knew that, but unfortunately, her lady parts had not received the memo. It was the way he held himself, with such self-contained control and power, which was so hot. Scorching, panty-melting h-o-t.

  “Anthony told me that he’d been harassing you and he showed up at your house.”

  This was about her? Cole had gotten in trouble because of her?

  “What?!” Julianna started to stand.

  However, she didn’t get too far with her mission to no longer be seated. Cole’s hand tightened around her leg, holding her firmly in place.

  “You didn’t have to… He wasn’t… Anthony shouldn’t have…” Julianna had so many emotions flooding her that she wasn’t sure which issue to address first.

  As calm as could be, he answered, “Yes, I did have to. Chad was out of line. And Anthony only told me because I’d asked how often you dated and if you were seeing anyone right now.”

  “What exactly did he tell you?”

  “He said that guys ask you out all the time, but you always turn them down. He said that, whenever he asks why you don’t have a boyfriend, you tell him it’s because you don’t need one and that they are more trouble than they’re worth. He said that he couldn’t remember you ever going out on a date.”

  “He said all that, huh?” Thanks, Anth. Way to air my dirty laundry. “How did Chad come up in all of that?”

  “When he was saying how often you get asked out, Chad was the example he used. Also, I think he really doesn’t like the douchebag and wanted me to know.”

  She was going to have to have a long talk with her son when he got back. Anthony had been calling her every night, but this was definitely and in-person kind of talk.

  “Well, I’m sorry if you got in any trouble. It really wasn’t that big of a deal. It happens.”

  Cole’s jaw clenched. “A guy follows you home and that’s not a big deal? It happens? How often does it happen?”

  Julianna had taken care of herself all of her life, and she really didn’t appreciate being treated like she hadn’t. Crossing her arms, she scooted away from his touch as she said, “Well, if I remember correctly, you showed up at my house. Uninvited. Just a few weeks ago.”

  “That’s different.”


  Cole raked his fingers through his thick, brown hair in frustration. Her own fingers tingled at the memory of how that hair had felt fisted in her hands.

  “Chad had been asking you out, harassing you for weeks.”

  “I remember you asking me to go for pizza and me declining,” she pointed out.

  “Yeah, but you wanted to go out with me. You were just scared.”

  True. He’d hit the nail on the head, but she was not about to inflate his ego any larger than it already was. She’d made her point.

  “When’s the last time you dated someone?”

  The question had come out of the blue.

  “Last night.” Julianna knew that that wasn’t what he was asking, but it was the truth.

  A slow smile crept up Cole’s face. “Before me.”

  She swallowed over the lump that had formed in her throat. This conversation had taken a sharp turn into her love life, which was not a road that she normally wanted to travel…although it did give her the perfect opening to bring up her proposal.

  Sitting up straighter, she took a deep breath, hoping she could go through with this. “I haven’t dated anyone since Anthony was born.”

  Cole’s eyes widened. “He’s ten.”

  “Yes. I know that.”

  Furrowing his eyebrows, he asked, “So, what, you just hooked up with people?”

  “No. I didn’t want the complications.”

  He looked like she’d just told him that she was an alien from outer space.

  “And I still don’t. Life is messy enough. Between Anthony and work, my life is full. But…” She knew that this was like getting into a pool of cold water. She couldn’t dip her toe in first—she needed to dive right into the deep end. “I would like to spend the three nights I have until Anthony gets home with you.”

  “Spend them with me?” he asked slowly as his eyes darkened.

  Julianna nodded. And gulped.

  “Having sex.” he clarified, bluntly.

  “Yes. But, after Saturday, it ends.” She could hear the shakiness in her voice. Her pulse raced as she feared she might throw up. “Three nights. No strings. No promises. No future. That’s the only way I can do this.”

  Chapter Ten

  Is she joking?

  Cole could not believe what Julianna was telling him. She wanted to have three nights of no-strings-attached sex and then pretend it had never happened. It was every single guy’s dream scenario.” Yes!” should have automatically popped out of his mouth. But it hadn’t.

  “What if three nights isn’t enough?” he heard himself asking.
  “It has to be,” Julianna said stubbornly. As if it were that simple. As if her time frame were written in stone.

  Cole weighed his options. He could push the fact that he wanted more now or he could go along with what she was suggesting and show her how good they could be together. It was really a no-brainer.


  “Okay?” She sounded unsure, and she immediately began twisting her hair and biting the inside of her lip.

  She was a nervous wreck. Not only was her body language screaming that fact, her eyes were also filled with uncertainty and anxiety. Not exactly the mood he wanted to set before they made love.

  If he kissed her now, he knew he could ease her into forgetting all about her jitters, but he had a better idea. Standing up, he walked over to the iPod dock that was sitting on the television console.

  “What are you doing?” Julianna questioned from the couch.

  “I think, to celebrate our agreement, we need”—Cole scrolled through his phone, found the playlist he’d made when he’d found out that Julianna loved ’90s music, set it in the dock, and pushed play—“a dance party.”

  As the beginning beats of Bell Biv DeVoe’s “Poison” filled the air, he turned around and stuck out his hand.

  Julianna laughed and shook her head, staying where she was. “How did you know about…?”

  “Anthony,” they said in unison.

  “He’s grounded,” she teased as she let him pull her to her feet.

  By the time the chorus came on, they were both singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs as they danced around her small living room.

  Pulling out moves he hadn’t used since middle school, Cole kept up with Julianna as the dance party continued through Sir Mix-ALot’s “Baby Got Back,” Wreckx-N-Effect’s “Rumpshaker,” Salt-N-Pepa’s “Shoop,” Montell Jordan’s “This Is How We Do It,” 69 Boyz’s “Tootsee Roll,” and DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince’s “Summertime.” When the slow melody of Keith Sweat’s “I’ll Give All My Love to You” began playing, he pulled her into his arms.

  She went willingly, and this time, unlike the hug he’d given her at the front door, when her hands had stayed by her side, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her soft curves molded perfectly against his body as they swayed back and forth, and with each step, Cole grew harder and harder.

  Between the heated foreplay of the last two days, her announcement that she wanted to have sex with him the next three nights, and watching her body move seductively for the last half an hour as she’d danced against him, he was harder than a rock and his balls were bluer than a Smurf.

  As arousal pulsed in every fiber of his being, he spread his hand over her soft hair, holding her to his chest. She felt so small, so vulnerable in his arms, when she tightened her hold around his neck. The gravity of this situation hit him while he ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed her back.

  Julianna hadn’t been with anyone since she’d had her son. Even though she’d insisted that this was just a limited time arrangement, he still felt honored that she’d chosen him. It wasn’t a big secret that she could be with any man she wanted. Hell, men followed her home to try to be close to her. Even he’d found out where she lived and come up with a lame excuse to show up because he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. This was a big deal, and he wanted, needed to show her how seriously he took it.

  With the heels of her sandals, she was several inches taller than she normally was, so he took advantage of that and pulled her hair to one side, exposing the graceful slope of her neck. When he pressed his lips to the tender skin below her jaw, her breath caught and she tilted her chin, giving him better access. Opening his mouth, he licked the sensitive area and then nipped it with his teeth. Then he kissed her again and felt her pulse racing beneath his lips.

  Need crashed over him. He’d tried to keep the overwhelming desire he felt for her at bay, but it hit him like a Mack truck. Not being able to wait a second longer, he continued kissing, licking, and sucking on her neck as he picked her up and carried her down the hall to her bedroom. Her legs locked around his waist as his hands gripped her ass.

  When he reached her bed, he set her down slowly. Her arms remained around his neck as he unzipped the back of her dress. The palms of his hands tingled with anticipation and his mind was cloudy with lust. There was only a small amount of light drifting in from the front room and it surrounded Julianna’s body like a halo, making the entire scene even more surreal. Cole was having a hard time convincing himself that this was actually happening. It seemed more like a dream he was destined to wake up from.

  He was gathering the material of her cotton dress in his hands to pull it over her head when she moved back a step, just out of his reach. The straps of her dress slipped off her shoulders as she lowered her arms, and she lifted one foot and then the other to step out of the dress. He watched, mesmerized, as she stood in front of him wearing nothing but a red lace bra-and-panty set.

  Last night, after seeing her in her white bikini, Cole would have sworn that, other than being naked, she could never look sexier than she had in it. That was before he’d seen her in the lingerie she was wearing now. She looked heart-stopping, devastatingly sexy.

  As his gaze raked over her body, he noticed that her hands were shaking as they hung beside her hips. When he looked up at her beautiful face, he saw that she was biting the inside of her lip. The dancing had taken away some of her anxiety, but now, it was back. He knew he needed to alleviate it.

  “Well, it’s official,” he said, looking straight into her golden eyes.

  “What is?” she asked hesitantly.

  “You are the sexiest woman on the planet. I’ll have my publicist release a statement tomorrow.”

  “Shut up,” she laughed, and he watched her shoulders drop as some of the tension drained from her.

  “Well, at least from the front you are, but I’m going to need you to turn around before I can fully endorse you.” Closing the distance between them, he lifted her hand up over her head and spun her so that her back was facing him. “Okay. Now that I’ve seen this,” he said as he ran his hands down the smooth skin of her back and over her full hips, “I can wholeheartedly endorse you.”

  Julianna laughed and looked over her shoulder at him, the dark caramel pools of her eyes sparkling with flirtation. A possessive wave washed over him as he pulled her back against his chest and slipped his hands around her tiny waist, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky. As he spread out his fingers on her flat stomach, which trembled beneath his touch, she leaned back and ran her fingers up his forearm. He watched as her red nails raked along his arm. His dick was throbbing painfully, pressed against her ample backside.

  “Why are you still dressed?” she asked breathlessly as she rocked her ass against his erection.

  Good question.

  When she turned around they both started taking off his clothes. While he unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped his zipper, she pulled his shirt up. When it got stuck, he lifted his arms and tugged it the rest of the way. He pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down before stepping out of them. Then grabbed a condom out of his pocket and tossed it on the bedspread.

  “Wow.” Julianna was looking at his body like she’d never seen a naked man before. Which, Cole realized, she might not have. She’d said that she’d only been with Anthony’s dad, and he was a teenager when they had been together.

  As she grazed her fingers along the lines of his abs, he hissed at how good her tentative touch felt. She continued her exploration up to his chest, and Cole was sure that she could feel his heart pounding ruthlessly against his ribs. Closing his eyes, he tried his best to relax as he let her take her time, her touch growing bolder and bolder with each pass of her fingers. Over his shoulders, across his chest, down his abs, and then back up the way she had come. Then she repeated this pattern several times, stopping each time at his hips. When she didn’t move her hands up his abdomen on her final pass, he opened
his eyes and found her staring at his steel-hard cock, which was proudly jutting out from his body.

  Shifting her gaze up to him, Julianna asked, “Is it okay if… I mean, can I… Do you care if I touch you?”

  Damn, her innocence was so fucking endearing. If Cole hadn’t already known he loved this girl, he would have fallen in love in that moment. His voice was strained as he gave her permission to do whatever the hell she wanted.

  “You can touch me anywhere you want.”

  Her pupils dilated as she nodded and looked back down, her breath coming in shorter pants. They both watched as she wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft and began to move them up and down. Having her touch him like this was probably the single most erotic moment in his life. Pleasure whipped through him at the sensual torment of her teasing caress. Breathing in through his nose, he tried to control his body’s response to her touch. His dick was throbbing heavily, and he saw a drop of arousal appear at the tip of his head.

  “Stop.” He grabbed her wrists.

  “Why?” she questioned as she looked up at him.

  “Because, if you don’t, I’m going to come all over your stomach. And when I come, I want to be inside you,” he explained as he reached behind her back, unclasped her bra, and then slid it down her arms.

  “Oh,” she nodded in understanding.

  With a soft swoosh, it fell to the ground. His hands shook as he hooked his thumbs in the string of her panties and pulled them down her toned legs. Her hands rested on his shoulders as he helped her step out of her sandals.

  Once he had her totally naked, he picked her up and lowered her down to the mattress before moving above her. Her legs opened to him, and he settled between them. Resting his forearms on either side of her beautiful face, he ran his fingers through her silky hair as he kissed her forehead, cheeks, and chin. Then, moving down, he peppered kisses on her neck and collarbone before moving lower to her full breasts. Her body writhed beneath him as he cupped her fleshy mounds and traced her nipple with his tongue, then sucked it into his mouth.

  “Oh my God. That feels so good,” Julianna moaned as her fingers gripped Cole’s hair.


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