Daring Attraction

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Daring Attraction Page 11

by Melanie Shawn

  Her wet sex rubbed against his stomach as he moved from one breast to the other, showing equal attention to both. The longer he felt her arousal spreading on his abdomen, the more he needed to taste her again. His mouth watered with the memory of her sweet juices.

  His hand ran down her body, skimming her ribs as he pressed hot kisses down her torso. Soft sighs filled the air as he moved between her legs and spread her thighs wide apart. Last night, he hadn’t been able to take the time he’d wanted to. Tonight, though, he had all the time in the world.

  “Mmmm,” Cole groaned as he rubbed his thumbs up and down the outer lips of Julianna’s sex. Her skin felt as soft as silk beneath his rough pads. “So fucking pretty.”

  Her hips bucked at his compliment and she grew wetter under his touch.

  “And so fucking wet,” he rasped before spreading her lips apart, flattening his tongue, and licking from the base of her pussy up to her clit.

  “Oh, yes!” she cried out.

  Cole knew he could take her over the edge just with his tongue, but he needed to make sure she would be ready for him. So, curling his tongue around her pleasure nub, he caressed the taut skin at the bottom of her entrance before pressing his middle finger into her tight passage.

  Julianna’s inner walls clamped so tight around his finger that he hissed as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Working his finger in and out of her body, he flicked his tongue over her swollen nub. When his finger was coated with her dripping arousal, he slipped another finger into her, stretching her body.

  At the intrusion, her back arched, pushing her sex harder against his tongue. He waited for her to adjust to his two thick fingers inside her before he slid in and out, slowly at first and then faster and harder.

  “That feels so good. Don’t stop,” she pleaded as her body milked his fingers and he continued showering her with suckling kisses.

  When Cole felt her body beginning to convulse in release, he kept up the rhythmic strokes of his fingers and the illicit strokes of his tongue. She moaned in pleasure as a rush of liquid heat covered his fingers.

  Making her come like this made him want to pound his chest and roar. It awakened every primal, possessive instinct he hadn’t even known he had. Before Julianna, he’d enjoyed bringing women pleasure, but it’d never made him feel like a caveman.

  As her body relaxed, he slowly pulled his fingers from her tight, wet heat. While she watched through heavy-lidded eyes, he spread her arousal over her nipples and licked her juices off them.

  “You taste so good,” he growled as he sucked her breasts.

  “Oh my God.” Her head fell to the side and she gripped his shoulders.

  After making sure he’d licked her clean, he quickly grabbed the condom he’d thrown on the bed and rolled it on. She watched as he did this, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

  He rubbed the tip of his dick up and down the seam of her sex, making sure she was wet and ready for him. When she rocked her hips up, seeking more contact, a small smile lifted on his lips. He loved that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. But, knowing how long it had been, he knew he needed to take things slow to make sure he didn’t hurt her.

  Wrapping his fingers around her slender wrist he pulled it over her head and then did the same with the other. When they were both in place he tightened his grip. Then, as he looked into her amber eyes, he slowly sank into her. As her hands pulled against his, he held them firmly in place. Inch by inch, he pressed into her moist, snug tunnel. Finally, when he filled her completely, he stilled. She felt so tight, so perfect. Their bodies aligned like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that were custom made for each other.

  “I am going to make you feel so good,” he promised through gritted teeth as he rested his forehead against hers.

  “You already have,” she whispered, rolling her hips against his.

  Cole wanted to stay like this forever, buried deep inside Julianna’s body. But he knew that, if he only had three nights, he needed to show her just how good he could make her feel. She may believe that he’d made her feel good, but she hadn’t seen anything yet.

  * * *

  Tears pricked behind Julianna’s eyelids. Whether it was from the sting of Cole’s fullness or the overwhelming emotions of feeling truly connected to someone, she wasn’t sure. Or maybe the reason she was on the verge of crying was because her mind was swimming with doubt.

  Was she doing the right thing? She barely knew Cole, yet instinctively, she trusted him with her body. Somehow, she’d convinced herself that she would be able to walk away from this, from him, in a few days. That she could share the most intimate part of herself with someone and then walk away unaffected. Was that even possible?

  When Cole began moving slowly, the sharp sting she’d initially felt transformed into pleasure, building like a snowball rolling down a hill, vaporizing every doubt floating in her mind. She automatically moved her arms as her back arched. When she did, Cole’s fingers gripped her wrists tighter, and his firm hold caused a sweet shock of bliss to explode deep in her core.

  The warmth of Cole’s breath fanned across Julianna’s face as he lay above her. His hand held her arms above her as his large body covered her, his thick manhood filling her completely, making her feel cocooned by him. Protected. Taken care of. He was in total control, and she loved it.

  For so long, she’d carried so much on her shoulders. She’d been the captain, first mate, and crew of her ship, and the seas of life had been rough. Closing her eyes, she let go. Let herself feel. She totally gave herself over to this experience.

  Megan was right. Julianna knew that she was probably never going to get another opportunity like this. Her body was alive like it had never been before. She wasn’t going to overthink this and rob herself of even one iota of enjoyment.

  “You feel so good,” Cole whispered roughly against her ear.

  The deep vibration of his voice spread through her like a cool breeze. Goose bumps rose on her flesh as he drove in and out of her willing, pliant body.

  Wanting to feel more of him, all of him, she wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles at his lower back. When she did, her pelvis tilted and his rock hard length hit her internal pleasure center.

  “Oh, yes!” she cried out in ecstasy. “Right there.”

  Cole moved his body in the perfect rhythm, sliding in and out of her with just enough force and the exact speed to send her barreling towards her release. The hand he didn’t have keeping her wrists in place moved down her body and gripped her hip. When his long fingers spread to her backside and began kneading her flesh, Julianna moaned with pleasure.

  “That feels so good!”

  “You feel so good,” he growled against her ear. “So fucking tight and wet.”

  Her body exploded with tingles at Cole’s bold words. She’d only ever been with Jared, and they’d been teenagers. Most of their experiences had been over within minutes, and the most he’d done was grunt.

  “I love being inside you,” Cole continued, “I love making you come.”

  “Oh!” Julianna gripped the headboard hard as her body shuddered and her inner walls began clenching in spasms.

  “Do you want to come?” he asked, as he licked the sensitive skin beneath her ear.

  “Yes,” she breathed as he plunged into her with slightly more force. Her body squeezed tightly as he pulled out and drove into her again.

  “Tell me,” he commanded as he nipped her earlobe then pressed kisses down her neck as he erotically massaged her backside. “Tell me you want to come.”

  She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Her body was flooding with too many fiery, exquisite sensations. And although she did not consider herself a shy person, his request had pushed her outside of her comfort zone. Which she knew was ridiculous. They were just words, and it wasn’t like it was a lie. She did want to come.

  “Tell me. Tell me you want to come.” Cole repeated as his fingers dipped between her ass cheek
s and began teasing her intimately with his fingertips.

  A carnal ache pulsed deep inside her at his touch. Julianna sucked in a shocked breath at the deliciously sensual and taboo graze of his finger.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “I want to…to… to come.”

  “Good girl.”

  Julianna could feel Cole’s smile against her neck.

  Moving his hand back to her hips, he lifted her slightly off the bed and began thrusting with a power that overtook her in a matter of seconds. She exploded into a cloud of erotic oblivion. Ripples of ecstasy flowed through her as she was seized by a rush of sensation so intense that she shuddered uncontrollably.

  As wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, he continued moving in and out of her, drawing her climax out. Just as her body began floating back from the stratosphere Cole had taken her to, she felt him tense above her and he drove into her one last time. Opening her eyes, she watched as his climax took him. His jaw clenched, a vein popped out in his neck, and every muscle in his shoulders and arms flexed. She’d always heard that guys looked funny or ridiculous when they came, but Cole was sexier than ever.

  He let out an audible breath, and his body relaxed. Releasing her hands, he stood and went to the bathroom. Julianna immediately missed the weight of his body—not just physically, but the emotional feelings his body covering hers inspired.

  The bed dipped beside her when he returned. With one arm, he pulled her on top of him, her head resting on his chest as it rose and fell with his labored breaths. Her body was still buzzing from her orgasm as she listened to the sound of his heart beating.

  “That was…” Cole didn’t finish as he brought his hand up and ran it through her hair.

  She loved the way it felt when he did that, his fingers raking against her scalp. The sensation reminded her that she still wasn’t ready to come back to reality. Wanting just a few more minutes in the bubble of passion and affection he had created, she closed her eyes and remained silent.

  “That was…” he started again, but he still did not finish.

  Even though she knew it would probably pop her bubble, she lifted her head and placed her chin on his chest, looking up into his vivid, green eyes. “Good,” she smiled, using the same adjective she had supplied at the pool.

  “Smartass.” A wicked grin pulled at Cole’s lips as he playfully smacked her bare backside and laid his head back on the pillow.

  The sting from Cole’s hand caused a tremor of orgasmic aftershock to erupt between her legs. Julianna had never understood the whole spanking-during-sex thing, but now, all she could think about was what it would feel like if he’d done that while he’d been inside her. She was glad that his perceptive gaze was not on hers as a blush rose on her face.

  “Can you take tomorrow off of work?” he asked, sounding serious.

  “No,” Julianna automatically answered. “Why?”

  “Because…” He lifted his head and stared down while his thumb made small circles on her lower back. Against her thigh, which was draped over his thigh, she felt his erection coming back to life. “I don’t plan on letting you get much sleep tonight.”

  “As luck would have it, I function just fine on little to no sleep.”

  A renewed surge of lust shot through her at the thought of just how good her sleepless night was going to be.

  Chapter Eleven

  Julianna had gotten exactly one hour of sleep the night before, but she wasn’t the least bit tired. Nervous energy raced through her as she scrolled down the list she’d created today to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. She felt like Santa, making a list and checking it twice. There was no question whether she was naughty or nice though. She was firmly in the naughty category.

  Last night, Cole had opened up a side of her she hadn’t known existed, and before this arrangement was over, she wanted to explore it fully. Before yesterday, she’d had no idea how much she loved having her hands pinned above her head, dirty talk, a light swat on her backside, doggy style, or even her being on top. But now, she did, which made her think about all the other things she’d been missing out on.

  If she was going to cash in her freak pass, then she planned on getting the most mileage out of it. So, all day, she’d been adding things to her BTD (bedroom to-do) list. She was using acronyms, because although she would be deleting it Saturday morning, she didn’t want to take the chance of it somehow remaining on her phone for Anthony to find. Her trust issues obviously extended to technology.

  Closing the notepad on her phone, she noticed the time and panic rose in her chest. She was supposed to be at Cole’s for dinner in ten minutes. Traffic tonight after work had been bumper to bumper. Today, had been one of those days where she’d been perpetually fifteen minutes behind schedule. Since her alarm had gone off at six a.m. and Cole had distracted her with a little morning delight, she’d been running late.

  Counting this morning, they’d had sex a total of four times. Her dry spell was officially over, and it had been worth the wait. Now, she just had to figure out what she was going to do after Saturday, because she was as certain of the fact that her body would go into serious Cole-withdrawals as she was that the sun would rise and set.

  A melancholy feeling settled over her like a dark cloud invading a sunny day, but she shook it off. Having amazing sex, even for a short period of time, was nothing to be sad about. Plus, she’d have the memories of this week forever. If anything, she should be concentrating on making as many memories as possible, not dwelling on the impending Cole-less future. Here and now—that’s what Julianna was determined to put all her energy into.

  She checked her reflection in the mirror above her dresser as she slipped on her shoes. Unfortunately, she’d only had time to put her hair up in a ponytail and throw a maxi dress on. Oh, well. At least her bra and panties were lacy and pretty. Not that she planned on wearing them for very long.

  After grabbing her purse, Julianna shut off her bedroom light and practically jogged to her car. Once inside, she turned on her favorite radio station, which primarily played ’90s music, and Cole’s impromptu dance party popped into her mind.

  She started laughing as she thought about watching him do the Running Man and Kid N’ Play Kick. He had some moves, and he definitely had no reservations about busting them out. But she had been most impressed by the fact that he’d known exactly what she’d needed. Granted, her experience with men was limited. But she was fairly certain that most, if not all, other men would not have led with a dance party after having been propositioned for three nights of no-strings sexy time.

  When her phone buzzed, she looked down to see Anthony’s face on the screen. Once she’d put it on speaker, she answered, “Hey, bud. I miss you!”

  “Hi, Mom. I miss you, too. What are you doing?”

  “Driving,” she said generically. No need to tell him who she was driving to see. “How’s camp?”

  “It’s good. We TPed the counselor’s bunk last night, and today my team won the soda race.”

  “The soda race?” TPing Julianna knew, but a soda race was a new one for her.

  “Yeah. You fill ten cups with soda and then you split up into two teams, five members each, and you drink as fast as you can. The team that drinks all the cups the fastest wins.”

  “Oh, like boat race?” Julianna knew that that was a drinking game played with beer, so she guessed that this was the version of it for ten-year-olds.

  “No, we weren’t racing boats,” her son explained as if she had completely missed the point.

  “No, that’s the name of a game where…Never mind.” She knew that, one day, Anthony would know all about drinking games that involved something stronger than soda, but she did not want to be the one to introduce him to it. “I’m so glad you’re having fun, bud.”

  “Yeah. And Cole called me today, too.”

  She knew that Anthony and Cole got along, but she was surprised to hear that Cole had actually called her son at camp. “He did?”<
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  “Uh huh.” Apparently, it was Anthony’s turn to answer generically.

  “What did he want?”

  “Just to check and see how camp was going.”

  “That was nice of him.” Julianna knew her son, and she felt like there was something he wasn’t telling her. Normally, she would push, but honestly, she wasn’t sure if this was a can of worms she wanted to open.

  “Mom?” Anthony questioned.

  “Yeah?” Julianna braced herself for what she was sure was the pop of the can’s lid.

  “Remember how you said that that guard thought he liked you but didn’t know you?”

  “Yeah.” Had Cole told Anthony about how he’d confronted Chad? No. He wouldn’t have done that. Would he?

  “Well”—Anthony paused—“I think that Cole likes you and really wants to know you.”

  Hello, worms.

  “Cole and I are just friends.”

  Well, technically they were friends with benefits, but that was not a distinction she planned on pointing out to her son.

  “I know. But he asks a lot of questions about you, and I think it’s because he likes you, likes you.”

  “He asked you questions about me today?” What in the world could he have possibly wanted to know but felt he couldn’t ask her?

  “No, not today. But a lot before. He really wants to get to know you. He’s not like the other guys.”

  That’s the understatement of the century.

  “I think he really likes you,” her son repeated.

  She could hear the hope in his voice, and she knew she needed to nip this in the bud. Of course Anthony would hope that she and Cole could be more than friends. What ten-year-old wouldn’t want their mom to date their hero? But the last thing she wanted was for Anthony to walk away from this disappointed. It was bad enough that she would be.

  “We’re friends, Anth. That’s all.”

  “Okay,” Anthony answered with a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

  Hearing that disappointment, even if it had been barely noticeable, cemented all the reasons Julianna knew this had to end when Anthony got back. It was obvious that he was getting attached to Cole, which was fine as long as the lines between her and Cole did not get blurred in her son’s eyes. If they did, then she knew it would crush her son when things inevitably did not work out.


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