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All In (The Den Boys Book 1)

Page 12

by A. T Brennan

  One awesome thing about Evan was that he paid our scheduled hours no matter what. If we called in sick or switched a shift, he would adjust our pay, but if he let us go home early he still paid us for the whole shift. He also didn’t take a cut of our tips like a lot of bars. He was the reason I could survive on a bartender’s wage, even if I wasn’t rolling in cash.

  It’s a good thing I lived so centrally and I liked to walk, because a new car was way down on my list of things to buy. I still had some debts I needed to clear up before I could even think about looking for new wheels.

  By the time I made it home I was feeling restless. It was only four in the afternoon and I had no idea when Galen would be calling. I didn’t feel like fucking around with my guitar, so I did something I hadn’t done for a long time.

  I went for a run.

  I’d never been an athletic guy. When I was younger I’d been small and thin, but after a few growth spurts I’d hit six-feet and had naturally filled out into a slightly muscular shape. There’d been a time right after I’d gotten sober where I’d worked out like a fiend to try and deal with the cravings, and I’d bulked up quite a bit. Now I relied on walking and working to keep me in shape, although I did hit the gym with Tristan and Rhys every once and awhile to do weights.

  I used to love running. It was a way to escape and I enjoyed the burning in my lungs, the aching in my legs that told me I’d pushed myself. And there was nothing better than a runners’ high. It wasn’t the same as getting stoned or drunk, but it was a pretty good second.

  Then everything had changed and I’d stopped going for runs.

  I was starting to ease back into it, but by the time I hit mile two I was seriously winded and getting a stitch in my side. Thankfully I’d turned back after the first mile so I was almost home.

  It was pretty sad. There’d been a time when five miles hadn’t even phased me, now I ran out of steam and started sucking in air like a dying man after two.

  I made it home and stumbled up to my apartment. As soon as the door was locked I peeled off my clothes, dropping them on the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. The warm shower felt good on my tired body, and the blast of cold water at the end helped shock me back into reality. I didn’t know if it was true, but someone had told me that if you blast your body, especially your leg muscles, with cold water at the end of your shower after a run, it helped stop cramps. Maybe it was horse shit and I was freezing my ass off for no reason, but I had yet to get a leg cramp since I’d started doing it so I figured it couldn’t hurt.

  When I came out of the bathroom I saw my phone light up. I had a text.

  I’m bored. Entertain me.

  I laughed at Galen’s text and sat down on the edge of my bed in nothing but a towel, with my hair still dripping wet.

  What do you want me to do? Kinda hard to entertain someone through text.

  Tell me a joke.

  You’re ridiculous.


  Fine. What did the ocean say to the shore?


  Nothing, it just waved.

  Ugh. You fail at jokes.

  What are you supposed to be doing right now?

  Going over a deposition for a case I’m arguing next week.

  Wow, you actually sound like a lawyer.

  Ha ha. You at work?

  Off early. Just got out of the shower.

  Pics or it didn’t happen!

  I laughed and switched to the camera on my phone. I was terrible at sending sexy face pics, but I had to admit, the towel and my wet body was looking pretty damn good. I snapped a photo and sent it to him.

  That’s what I’m talking about. Now one without the towel.

  What do I get in return?

  I didn’t get a text as a response, I got a picture. I opened it and almost dropped my phone. He’d sent me a nude, and it was fucking hot. He’d taken it in the mirror in his closet while he was completely naked, hard as a rock and gripping his shaft right by the base so it looked flushed and full. The dick was hot, but the fact that it was a full body image made it sexy. I quickly saved it to my phone for later viewing and switched out of my messages.

  I didn’t have a full length mirror, so I would have to do it a little differently.

  I pulled off my towel and climbed into bed. I was already rock hard from seeing Galen’s picture, so I lay against my pillows so I was semi-prone, and held the camera up and a bit behind my head to get a downward angle. I took five shots just to be sure and then sent him the one where my dick and abs looked the best before deleting the extras.

  Fair trade?

  Thank god I’m sitting behind a desk and alone right now.

  Too bad I’m all alone in my apartment...

  Get your sexy ass dressed and meet me in front of your apartment in forty minutes.

  What about your depositions?

  Fuck them. I have more important things to do tonight.

  Like let me fuck you into your mattress?

  Yes, after I take you out on a date.

  My brain almost short circuited when I read that last line. Galen wanted to take me on a date?

  Forty minutes?

  Forty minutes.

  I confirmed the time, then bit my lip. I hadn’t been out on a real date in...well, ever. I’d met up with guys to hook up, and I went out with friends all the time, but the whole going out with a guy I was going to hook up with first ritual was foreign to me.

  Dress casually.

  Galen’s text made me feel a little bit better about things. I didn’t have much beyond casual clothes, and at least it sounded like we were going to do something a bit more low-key and my speed.

  When he didn’t text again I tossed my phone on my bed and grabbed my towel. It wouldn’t take me long to get ready, but I didn’t want to risk being late.

  I was going on my first real date, and it was with a guy I’d already slept with multiple times. It should be no big deal, so why the fuck was I so nervous?

  Chapter Twelve


  When I pulled up in front of Blaze’s steps he looked incredible, and nervous. He’d put on a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up enough that the bottom part of his tattoo was visible, a pair of painted on light wash jeans and a leather arm cuff I hadn’t seen him wear before.

  As he came around the car he ran his hand through his hair, and for some reason that move made my dick twitch in appreciation.

  I’d never been a ‘hair’ guy before. When it came to women I really didn’t have a preference for length or color, as long as it suited them then I’d found it attractive. I’d never really noticed guys’ hair before, and never really thought about long hair on a man being sexy, but on Blaze it was hot as fuck.

  With his slightly rugged good looks and very masculine body, it didn’t add any femininity to his appearance. If anything, it made him stand out and let his personality shine.

  “Hey.” He slid into the car and glanced at me.

  “Hey.” I leaned over the center console and was happy when Blaze leaned into my kiss. “You okay?”

  “It’s stupid.” He shook his head as I started the car.

  “I’m sure it isn’t. Try me.”

  “I’ve never been on a date before.”

  “Really?” I glanced over at him as I left the lot and pulled onto the street. “Never?”

  “Nope. Back when I was at home I had a girlfriend, but we weren’t allowed to date. Basically we hung around with a bunch of other church kids holding hands, and we were never allowed to be alone together or go anywhere we could be exposed to ungodly behavior.”

  “You’re shitting me.”

  “I wish. It made it easy to fake being interested in her, but it didn’t exactly teach me what dating was really like.”

  “What about in the last few years?” I asked, remembering to specify so he wouldn’t think I was asking about his time on the street. He’d already told me he hadn’t been interested in dating or sex th

  “No. I mean, I met guys while I was out, or met up with them, but there was never a date.”

  “You basically met up to sleep together?”

  “Yeah, as slutty as that makes me sound.”

  “You’re talking to the guy who used to order his dates online and pay for sex. Trust me, slutty is way better than that.”

  Blaze chuckled and glanced over at me.

  “So you don’t think I’m ridiculous.”

  “Not at all. Although I kinda wish I’d known.”

  “So you wouldn’t have to bother taking me out?”

  “So I could have planned something better.” I looked over at him and saw he was chewing his lower lip. “Careful. I intend to have those lips all over my body after our date,” I said softly as I reached over and gently freed his lip from his teeth.

  “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m freaking out, and you don’t need to do anything special for me.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. But I want to.” I dropped my hand onto his knee and was glad when he immediately covered it with his. “I want you to feel special. You’re worth the effort, and I told you this isn’t just fucking.”

  “Is it just me, or has this moved out of casual dating?” he asked softly as he squeezed my hand.

  “It has, but I don’t know what to call it.” I sighed and flipped my signal on so I could take a right turn, not moving my hand off his knee.

  “Why label it? Why not just call it dating and leave it at that. You don’t have to think of me as your boyfriend or anything.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I wanted to think of him as my boyfriend, but I bit it back. I was still conflicted about what I was feeling.

  I liked Blaze, a lot, and it wasn’t just the sex. He might have opened my eyes to pleasure I’d never known existed, but there was so much more to him than that. I enjoyed talking with him, spending time with him, and I thought about him constantly.

  When I was at home or at work, at the gym or in my car. It didn’t matter where I was, my thoughts would drift to him more often than not.

  I had more affection for Blaze than all the other people in my life to this point combined, and that scared the shit out of me.

  “I guess that’s probably the easiest way to do it.” I nodded and squeezed his knee before removing my hand so I could take a left turn. “We’re dating.”

  “Exactly. As long as we’re happy with what we have, fuck labels.”

  I chuckled and nodded in agreement.

  “So, can I ask where you’re taking me for my first real date?” he asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Fine.” He gave me an exaggerated pout before looking out the window.

  It didn’t take long to get to our destination, and when we’d parked and gotten out of the car, Blaze looked at the building and then at me.

  “An escape room?” He grinned. “I’ve heard of these.”

  “We’re a bit early, but I managed to get us a spot since it’s in their off time. You like it?”

  “I do. But, I have to warn you, I don’t think my GED is going to go far when it comes to figuring this puzzle shit out.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short.” I nodded for him to follow me in. “You don’t have to be educated to be smart.”

  “Says the guy with a law degree.” He rolled his eyes playfully and followed me in.

  When we were inside we found ourselves in a reception area of sorts, only it looked like an old library — it even had floor-to-ceiling bookshelves crammed with leather volumes and sconces on the wall.

  “Hi, reservation under Wells,” I said to the young man sitting behind a huge mahogany desk. The only modern thing in the whole room was the tablet and laptop in front of him.

  “Welcome to Escapers’ Haven.” He smiled and picked up the tablet. After pushing a few icons and entering in some information, he handed it to me. “You can use this to look at our rooms, and when you see the one you want, click on it and bring the tablet back.”

  “Thank you.”

  Blaze and I headed over to the seating area filled with overstuffed leather furniture and sank down on the sofa.

  As I scrolled through the rooms I was impressed by how different they were.

  “What do you think? Any of these sound interesting?” I asked after we’d scrolled through all of them.

  “I kind of like the apocalypse one, and the haunted house one seems cool too.”

  “You like horror movies, I take it?”

  “I don’t mind them. I just like the adrenaline rush from getting scared.”

  “As long as you don’t judge me for squealing if a fake ghost pops out at me, then I’m good with the haunted house one. Zombies are a little too bloody for me.”

  “This is definitely a judgment free zone.” He grinned.

  “Alright, haunted house it is.” I clicked on the icon and waited as the request was processed. When the tablet told me to bring it back up to the counter, I did.

  “Okay, that room is currently free so you can go in right away if you’d like,” the man at the desk said when he took the tablet back. “First rule is all phones or other devices must be locked up in one of our secure lockers. You’ll take the key with you and it will never be out of my sight until you get out.”

  Blaze and I pulled our phones out of our pockets and handed them over. The man locked them up in a rack of small lockers behind him and handed me the key.

  “Now, when you’re in there, there will be no help at all from any actors you might see. They’re there to give you clues, so don’t bother trying to get answers out of them. You can use anything in the room, but be mindful of the props. Nothing useful will be difficult to acquire, so if something is stuck, please don’t break it.

  “You’ll have exactly sixty minutes from the time the door closes to finish all the clues and get out of the room. If you need help for any sort of medical emergency or you’re feeling overwhelmed or unwell, call out ‘no chill’ and we’ll get the doors open and help to you as soon as we can. Any questions?”

  “What’s the success rate?” I had to ask. My competitive side was starting to come out and we hadn’t even started.

  “For this room? It’s about fifteen percent.”

  I glanced at Blaze and saw he was grinning. “Think we can be one of those fifteen percent?”

  “Sure, why not.”

  “So enthusiastic.” I laughed and turned back to the man behind the desk. “I think we’re good.”

  “Okay. It’s room 13. Go up the stairs and it’s down the hall on the left.”

  I looked around. We were in a single room. There were no stairs.

  I saw the man push a button on his desk out of the corner of my eye and suddenly one of the bookshelves swung away from the wall, revealing a circular staircase.

  “Ready?” I glanced over at Blaze and he nodded, his grin still on his face.

  We made our way up the stairs, and I almost jumped when the false door swung shut behind us. The hallway was dark, but there were four doors, and the second one on the left had a 13 on it. Just as we reached it there was an audible clicking, like a lock being disengaged, and then the door swung open.

  “Ready?” I asked Blaze as we looked into the dark room.

  “Oh yeah.” He gripped my hand for a second, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and then we headed into the room.

  * * * * *

  “Holy shit. That was something else.” Blaze pushed his hair back off his face, his grin as big as mine felt. “Damn, you plan good dates.”

  We hadn’t managed to escape the room, but we’d gotten close.

  The clues had been a mix of puzzles, brain teasers and physical obstacles, and while they’d been hard, they’d played off both of our strengths. Blaze was really good at brain teasers, and I was pretty decent with puzzles. We were both fit so the physical aspect had been easy.

  The best part had been working together
on the clues, and Blaze hadn’t laughed once when I’d jumped or squealed when something seemed to come out of nowhere at me.

  At one point in the room we’d been searching around a mirror for some sort of switch to open a hidden compartment. I’d been so intent on the switch that I hadn’t noticed the mirror had effects in it until I’d looked up to see what looked like a translucent woman in a long white dress standing right behind me. I’d shrieked and jumped into Blaze’s arms like a startled kitten, and he’d just given me a tight hug and turned me away from the mirror. I’d let him go pretty quick, more than a little embarrassed by my reaction, but he’d just winked and pointed to a spot under the mirror before reaching down to flick the switch.

  “Yeah, that was something.” I absentmindedly reached for his hand as we left the building. I’d paid in advance so we didn’t have to bother with the bill.

  “Ever done one before?” he asked, gripping my hand a little tighter as I steered him down the street.

  “I pitched it to the firm as a team building thing so we wouldn’t have to go on another tedious cabin day.”

  “Cabin day?”

  “Where the entire staff gets together and goes to a cabin for the day. They arrange games and stuff for us, like camp. It’s supposed to build teamwork.”

  “That sounds awful.”

  “It is. I hated camp when I was a kid, going as an adult is hell.”

  “And they didn’t want to branch out and try something different?”

  “Nope. I’ve suggested paintball, the escape rooms, even laser tag, but most of the firm is over forty so they don’t have the same sense of adventure apparently.”

  “You know, I never asked your age.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Are you going to tell me?”

  “If you guess.”

  “Okay, I’ll play that game.” He looked me up and down. “Thirty-three?”


  “Higher or lower?”

  “Not telling.”


  “Not bad.” I glanced at him. “And by my math, you’re twenty-three?”


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