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All In (The Den Boys Book 1)

Page 19

by A. T Brennan


  “What the hell are you trying to pull?” Devon demanded quietly as he stepped closer to me.

  “What do you mean?” I knew exactly what he was getting at, but I wasn’t about to let him off the hook that easily.

  “Bringing a man to my engagement party? Do you hate me that much you’d find some guy to play a part so you could humiliate me?”

  “I don’t hate you, Devon. And Blaze isn’t some guy. He’s my boyfriend.”


  “I’m gay, Dev. I’m dating a man. I sleep with him and we do all the things that couples do, and I’m happy.”

  “Really.” He looked at me condescendingly. “After all these years you ‘discover’ that you’re gay?”

  “I am. I’m sorry if you can’t accept that. But I love him and refuse to hide him away like some sort of secret just because you’re uncomfortable with the idea.”

  “Really, you love him.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Yes, I do.”

  I hadn’t even thought about the words before they’d come out, but it was true. I was in love with Blaze.

  “And you couldn’t find a better time to tell us? You had to use my party as your coming out?”

  “When was the last time anyone contacted me or invited me to something? What did you want me to do? Have a conference call?”

  “You should have handled it better. You’re making a scene.”

  “How old is Charisma?”


  “How old is your fiancée?

  “What does that have to do with you—”

  “How old, Dev.”


  “You’re about to marry a girl who’s almost half your age and no one blinks. Jessica and Lauren did the same thing and that’s okay, but I bring a man to a party and I’m the one who’s making a scene?”

  “I just don’t get it.”

  “What’s there to get? You like women, I like men. You’re marrying a woman and I’m dating a man. It’s pretty fucking simple if you ask me.”

  “You couldn’t find one that at least fits in, could you. You always needed to be different.”

  I bristled at his words and a surge of protectiveness went through me.

  “Say whatever you want about me, but don’t you dare talk shit about Blaze. I will not let you talk about him like he’s less just because you’re so high on yourself.”


  “I have to go say hello to Mom and Dad. Excuse me.”

  Leaving my brother standing there with his mouth hanging open I went over to where Blaze and Charisma were talking. Well, actually, it looked like Charisma was talking and Blaze was wishing he was anywhere else.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” I couldn’t miss the grateful look Blaze shot me and suppressed a smile.

  “Oh, maybe you can help. Do you know anything about floral arrangements or wedding trends?” Charisma asked with a bright smile as she turned from Blaze.

  “Sorry, not something I really follow.”

  “Well boo.” Charisma pouted a bit and glanced over at Devon.

  “If you’ll excuse us, we need to find my parents.” I took Blaze by the arm and quickly steered him away.

  “Thank fuck.” He shook his head. “I was drowning in a sea of wedding talk.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “Is everything okay with your brother? You were kind of angry talking.”

  “He thinks I brought you here as some sort of revenge and to make a scene.”

  “Oh, what did you say?”

  “I told him I was gay and you’re my boyfriend, so he could either deal with it or fuck off.”

  “You said that?”

  “Not in so many words, but the gist was the same.” I gave him a sidelong grin.

  “My knight in shining armor.”

  “Now it’s time to meet my parents.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe we should just go.”

  “No, it’ll be fine. Devon always thinks everything revolves around him. My parents will be different, my sisters too.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” I leaned over and planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

  “Okay, let’s do this.”

  It only took a few minutes of wandering to find my parents.

  They looked exactly the way they always did. Mom with her perfectly styled hair, her expertly applied makeup and her impeccable dress. And then there was my father towering over her in his perfect suit and commanding manner.

  Lauren and I had taken after our mother’s dark hair and blue eyes, while Jessica and Devon had inherited our father’s blond hair and brown eyes. We were like fucking bookends.

  As we approached, Mom was the first to see us, and her eyes moved from Blaze to me several times before we were in front of them.

  “Galen,” Dad said stiffly as he looked at me and then at Blaze.

  “Dad, it’s nice to see you.” I shook his hand and turned to Mom. “Mom.”

  Mom leaned forward to air kiss my cheeks. When she leaned back I looked at Blaze.

  “I’d like to introduce you to someone. This is Blaze, my boyfriend.”

  To my parents credit they didn’t even blink. Dad just held out his hand and offered a greeting while Mom leaned forward to give him a kiss on the cheek.

  “We didn’t know you were with anyone,” Mom said, glancing at Dad. “How long have you been together?”

  “A little over a month.” I wasn’t sure if that was correct or not, but it sounded about right. “We met a few months ago but didn’t start seeing each other for a few weeks.”

  “Where did you meet?” Mom asked and I glanced at Blaze.

  “We met at a bar.”

  I felt bad for lying, but figured it would be best to leave the true story about saving him from a bashing out of the conversation.

  “How fun. You never hear those kinds of stories anymore.” Mom smiled and I felt Blaze relax next to me.

  “You’ll have to come to dinner sometime,” Dad added, then nodded to someone over my shoulder. “If you’ll excuse us, I need to speak to Richard.”

  “Bye darling.” Mom patted my hand and smiled at Blaze.

  “I told you it wouldn’t be bad.” I grinned as I turned to Blaze.

  “That went a hell of a lot better than I thought it would,” he admitted.

  “Now can you relax? We just need to say hi to my sisters and then we can eat some ridiculously expensive hors d’oeuvres before we go home and put these ties to use.”

  He gave me a dark grin, his eyes sweeping up my body, and I shivered in response.

  “Come on before I drag you into the back office and bend you over the desk.” I leaned close so no one else would hear my words, and punctuated my threat with a nipping kiss to the shell of his ear.

  “You’re killing me.” He licked his lips and I had to actively fight my arousal as my dick twitched.

  “Good.” I grabbed his hand and almost dragged him over to where Lauren and her husband were still standing.

  I didn’t want to stay a minute longer than we had to.

  * * * * *

  The meetings with my sisters went the same as with our parents. They were polite, and Lauren seemed genuinely happy for me. Jessica was a little colder, but that was just her personality.

  When the exchanges were done we ate some food to kill time. We’d have to stay until Devon made his speech, then we could leave.

  “Darling, can you help me with something?”

  I turned to find my mother standing behind me.

  “Of course. Will you be okay?” I glanced at Blaze.


  “I’ll be right back.” I quickly kissed his cheek and turned to follow my mom.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I watched Galen walk off with his mom and suddenly felt very exposed. No one was looking at me, but I felt like I was on display.


  I tu
rned around and saw Galen’s dad standing behind me.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Come have a chat with me before the speeches.”

  I nodded and followed him. I had no idea what the fuck was going on, but it probably wasn’t a good idea to piss his dad off the first time I met him.

  He brought me into a sort of office, and I couldn’t help wondering if it was the same one Galen had threatened to drag me to and fuck me over the desk.

  “Blaze, that’s an interesting name.”

  “Um, yes Sir. It’s kind of a nickname.” I had no idea why I told him that, but I was nervous, and when I was nervous I tended to babble.

  “A nickname?”

  “Assumed name, I guess.”

  “What’s your family name?”

  “Templeton, Sir.”

  “Any relation to Henrik Templeton?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “So, you and my son.” He looked at me and I suddenly felt naked under his gaze.


  “You’re gay, I assume.”

  “I am.” I bit back my real retort because I figured I’m fucking your son so it’s pretty obvious I like dick would be too far.

  “How much?”


  “How much will it cost me to make you disappear from Galen’s life?”

  “Excuse me?” I stared at him, dread washing over me.

  “I don’t care who you latch onto after my son, but I’ll be damned if I let him ruin his future for a cheap lay.”


  “He’s a Wells. He has a future and he’s going to eventually realize that it’s time to settle down and take his place in the family. And that will be with a wife and children.”

  I couldn’t say a word as I stared at Galen’s dad.

  “You might have convinced him to have a little fun, and maybe he’s doing this as some sort of late rebellion, but you know you don’t belong in his world. So I repeat, how much to make you walk away?”

  I felt like time was slowing down and everything was moving in slow motion. It might have been Galen’s dad talking, but it was my father I was seeing.

  “Twenty thousand? Thirty?”


  “Thirty thousand dollars, made to cash, and you walk away from Galen tonight.”

  “I don’t want your money.” I shook my head.

  “Forty, right now. That’s my last offer.”

  “Fuck you and fuck your money,” I burst out.

  His dad sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket. I watched as he called someone, but my pulse was pounding in my ears so I didn’t hear his words.

  “You should have taken the money. At least then you’d have a consolation prize.” He shook his head ruefully and a moment later the door to the office opened. “Gentlemen, please escort Mr. Templeton out through the back entrance. Put him in a cab and make sure he leaves.”

  I turned and saw two rather large men in dark suits standing in the doorway, and I didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what the bulges under their jackets were.

  I wasn’t in any shape to argue with his dad, or fight armed men, so I let them take me by the arm and pull me out of the office as my brain desperately tried to keep up with what was happening.

  I was in a daze as the men brought me through the house and out the door in the kitchen. I didn’t fight as they put me in a cab and managed to tell the driver my address.

  As the cab drove away from the house I pulled out my phone and typed a quick message to Tristan.

  Need extra hours?

  His reply came in less than a minute.

  Always. You okay?

  Fine. Coming down with something.



  I’ll take it.


  Sure. Call if you need to talk.

  I’m fine. Thanks again.

  I put my phone in my pocket and stared out the window as I was hit with wave after wave of memories.

  My father hitting me, calling me a fag and telling me I wasn’t his son.

  My mom, on her knees screaming and crying, asking God why he’d cursed her with a perverted child.

  My father shoving a bag and a wad of cash in my hand as I begged him to send me back to camp. Promising I could change if he gave me another chance.

  My mom shouting at Dad to get me out of the house because she couldn’t stand to look at me for a second longer.

  My father shoving me out the front door, telling me I was dead to him before he slammed it.

  Walking to the bus stop, taking the first bus I saw and getting off at a random stop as I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened.

  Ending up at the bus terminal downtown, alone and scared as night fell.

  Lying under a bridge, using my bag as a pillow as I shivered and tried to curl up as small as possible to try and get warm.

  Being so hungry I couldn’t stand without passing out.

  Sucking off a motel manager in exchange for a room.

  Getting fucked against a brick wall in an alley for fifty bucks, then waking up with a pounding headache and my pants around my ankles with no money in my hand.

  Sucking dick, over and over again to try and get enough money to sleep in a bed and get off the street.

  A bottle in my hand, warm liquid running down my throat, leaving a trail of fire in its wake to numb the pain of having my ass fucked over and over again by random men.

  Blissful warmth spreading through my body from the needles I’d manage to get hold of. Pure euphoria that never lasted long enough.

  Galen looking down at me as I lay on the ground.

  I didn’t even realize when we’d made it to my building. I managed to stumble out of the cab, but just stood there as it drove off.

  My body didn’t feel like my own, and instead of going up to my apartment I turned and headed out of the lot and down the street.

  I was barely aware of what was happening, but I was too numb to fight or even think. I was heading to the corner store, and I was getting a drink.

  Chapter Twenty


  I glanced at the clock on the mantle of the study and sighed. I’d been gone for well over an hour, and I could only imagine how Blaze was faring being at the party alone.

  “I don’t understand why you didn’t get Arthur to look over this.” I turned my gaze to my mother as she sat on the chair opposite my seat at the desk.

  We were in my father’s office and I was going over the pre-nup Devon’s lawyer had drawn up. Charisma’s family lawyer had made a few amendments and Mom had asked me to look over it. Normally my parent’s attorney handled all their personal affairs, but Mom had insisted I look at it now.

  “Arthur is away for the rest of the month. He and Jeanette have gone to Spain and your brother really wants to put this behind him so they can firm up the dates and details of the wedding.”

  “And we needed to do this during the party?”

  “We never see you.”

  I didn’t point out that wasn’t my fault and instead looked back down at the agreement. It was pretty standard, the only thing I could see that had been drastically changed was a clause regarding infidelity. If Charisma was caught cheating she would forfeit all entitlements beyond what the basic laws gave her. If Devon was found guilty he would now have to divide the shared assets seventy-five, twenty-five in Charisma’s favor, whereas before there had been no penalty for him.

  “Everything looks good.”

  “Even the change about the division of assets?”

  “Considering the penalty on her, it’s only fair there’s a penalty put on him too.” I pointed out.

  “It seems a bit harsh.”

  “It’s legally sound. It won’t be a problem if Dev keeps it in his marriage bed and doesn’t cheat.”

  Or get caught cheating, I wanted to add but kept my mouth shut. I had no doubt my father had had multiple affairs over the years, and I knew
for a fact that Christopher had cheated on Lauren. It looked like young Charisma was more than just a pretty face, or at least her family lawyers were.

  “Can you check one more time, just to be thorough?”

  I looked at the clock and sighed. It was almost quarter to seven. Even if I cut out now, found Blaze and booted it home, we wouldn’t have enough time to put our ties to use.

  “Don’t worry about your friend. Your father said he’d keep him company.”

  I didn’t correct Mom’s use of the word ‘friend’ since she and Dad had handled everything pretty well so far. It would take her some time to get used to the fact that I was gay.

  “So, this friend—”

  “Boyfriend,” I corrected this time as I looked back down at the pages in front of me.

  “Of course, boyfriend. Is he the first man you’ve...dated?”

  “He’s the first person I’ve dated.”

  “But you always had women with you before—”

  “One time dates. No relationships.” I neglected to tell her most of them had been bought and paid for through PayPal.

  “So this means you’re interested in both?”

  “I’m not bi.” I shook my head and looked up at her. “I’m gay, mom.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” I nodded, smiling as I pictured Blaze lying on my bed, sleeping soundly with me tucked up against his strong body. I was definitely gay.

  “What are your plans?”

  “What do you mean?” I looked back down at the pages.

  “Family, the future.”

  “Well, I’m not picking out a ring just yet, but I can see myself settling down with him.” I wanted to be honest with her, and let her know how serious I hoped things were.

  “What about children?”

  “Science is a pretty cool thing. There are lots of options, plus adoption, so being gay doesn’t mean I can’t have a family.” I gave her a wry smile. “But we’re not there yet, so it’ll be awhile before we look at options, if ever.”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted children. I liked the idea of being a dad, but I was terrified of ending up like my own father and playing favorites because it’s all I’d ever known. I had no idea what Blaze wanted, but I could see him being an amazing father. He was just so caring and fun, he’d be a natural.

  Shaking my head I concentrated on the words in front of me. I needed to get this done so I could get back to my man.


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