
Home > LGBT > Delectable > Page 19
Delectable Page 19

by Ann Grech

  Damn sexy.

  Levi could get used to this, could even love it if he’d elicit the same reaction from Connor again and again.

  Taking a breath, he leaned down and tentatively licked around Connor’s piercing. The choked grunt from above had him smiling. His man—he liked the sound of that: his man—had been reduced to non-comprehensible garble from Levi’s touch. It was empowering, giving Levi the courage to close his lips around Connor’s shaft and suck gently. His hand wandering, Levi cupped Connor’s balls and massaged them, touching for the first time a barbell at the base of his nuts. He moaned, taking Connor’s cock a little deeper into his mouth all the while imagining how much extra sensation it would have added. Connor shuddered and fisted the sheets in a white-knuckled grip, making Levi’s dick jerk against his stomach.

  When he looked at Katy, she was slathering her fingers in lube, just as Connor tried to spread his legs wider. Levi pulled off, moving between his outstretched legs. He had an insane urge to take in every inch of the man before him. So strong, so resilient. Levi loved him, and Connor needed to know just how much. Running his hand over Connor’s shaft reverently, he watched as Katy circled her fingertips around Connor’s hole, massaging it until he could see it soften and she pressed the tip of her finger in.

  “Oh fuck. Fuuuck,” Connor groaned as she sunk in to her second knuckle.

  Levi needed to be the one doing it, the one preparing his man, even if it was just this once. “Katy,” he begged, not knowing how to explain it to her.

  She smiled, wordlessly pulling out. Levi reached over and pulled the plug out of the drawer, Katy slicking it with lube. He bent over once again, positioning Connor’s cock at his mouth and trailing the plug over Connor’s balls to his arse. Together, he sucked and plunged the tip of it inside, making Connor go rigid. He froze, not knowing whether Con was on edge or in pain. Katy did too, about to flick her tongue against his pebbled nipple. After a moment, the relentless squeeze of Connor’s clench relaxed, and the plug slid in further. He sucked him deep and plunged the plug in, fucking him with it. Connor’s whimpers escalated to loud moans when Levi brushed the plug over what must have been his prostate. He’d heard from his gay friends—and those straight friends who didn’t mind a little anal play of their own—that blokes had this magic button inside of them, and the way Connor’s body lit up the first time he skimmed over it, he had no doubt that it existed. But he wanted to feel it. He wanted—no needed—to be the one giving everything to Connor, not some piece of latex. Levi yanked it out and tossed it aside, trailing his fingertips down the same path he’d taken with the plug. Katy drizzled lube down Connor’s balls, Levi wetting his digits on it before circling his hole. Pressing two fingers into him for the first time was revelatory. The tight heat, the stretch, the silkiness of his channel had Levi shivering. The moan that escaped Connor was illicit and so damn hot. Watching his fingers stretch him, penetrate him had Levi’s dick pulsing. The desire to possess Connor was visceral, to have that unique piece of him no one else had ever claimed. But, God, he wanted to give that same piece of himself to Connor, to show the other man how much of Levi he already owned.

  “Stop, stop,” Connor demanded urgently, causing both Levi and Katy to pause. “I’m gonna blow. I wanna be in Katy when I do.”

  “On your back, sugar,” Levi directed. Katy stretched out immediately and spread her legs, inviting Connor to join her. Kneeling behind Connor, Levi took him in. The lean muscle of his back tapered into a narrow waist and a tight round arse that he couldn’t keep his hands off. Palming the globes, he pulled them apart, putting Connor’s hole on display while he sank into Katy. Levi watched as the other man rocked into her gently and kissed her deeply. He wanted to do the same. He needed to—every instinct screamed at him to join their bodies together.

  “Con, can I come inside you?” His voice was gravel, full of need and desire. He’d have been embarrassed if he didn’t know Katy and Connor were just as worked up as he was.

  “Do it,” he moaned, the order clear even at Connor’s most vulnerable.

  Levi lined himself up and blew out a breath. Nerves assailed him. What if it wasn’t good for Connor? What if he didn’t like it? What if…? No. He needed to follow his heart, not his head, not all the doubt and limitations he placed on himself to keep within that invisible set of very straight, rigid lines. Letting go of every self-imposed reservation, he wrapped his hands around Connor’s hips and marvelled at how soft his skin was, compared with the taut muscle underneath. Hot and smooth. Levi hummed.

  Pressing forward gently, he put enough pressure behind the thrust that Connor’s hole began to stretch around his girth. Drizzling a little more lube on his shaft, Levi rubbed it in and pushed in a bit more. Connor went rigid against him, tensing every muscle in his body. Desperate to relieve the pain, Levi massaged the small of his back, and when that didn’t work, he bent forward, plastering their bodies together and wrapping his man tight in his arms. Levi kissed along Connor’s shoulder inhaling his unique scent and loving the taste of his skin. Petting and caressing him, Levi begged him to relax. Katy did the same, reaching up to pull Connor’s face to hers and kiss him again. Levi withdrew minutely and then pushed forward again just a little, the head of his cock popping through the tight resistance. He cried out as Connor’s channel strangled his shaft with a silky vice-like grip. It sent him straight into orbit. But Con was experiencing something else. He reared back, gutting Levi—he was hurting him. Wild-eyed, he looked down at Katy and saw alarm in her eyes too. While Katy petted him, Levi swore, “Shit, Con,” and moved to pull out. But Connor threw his arm back, gripping Levi’s arse and he let loose a growl that was so damn dirty Levi had to grit his teeth together to stop from blowing right there and then.

  “More,” he gasped after a second, and using his grip on Levi’s arse, Connor pulled him forward. The combination of the warmed lube, the tight fit and the knowledge that he no longer had to hide what he’d dreamed of doing with Connor, had Levi barrelling towards an epic orgasm. But there was no way he was letting go without Connor and Katy being right there with him. He stopped moving, breathing hard as he forced his body back from the edge.

  “I’ve got you, Con. Lemme take care of you.” Levi was panting, barely able to string a sentence together. This was nothing like the previous times the three of them had come together. This, right now, was something so much more. And he never wanted it to end.

  It only took a moment for Connor to relax in his arms, handing the reins to Levi. Nuzzling him, Levi thrust slowly, edging forward an inch at a time. Deeper and deeper he sunk into Connor’s body and with every movement, Levi lost his heart to them more. Katy was beautiful, lavishing attention on Connor to calm him and stoke the fire all at the same time and Connor was masculine strength and grace. The scars marring his shoulder only made him more stunning in Levi’s book.

  Fully buried within him, Levi moaned. Damn. He’d never experienced anything like this. Being with the two of them was everything. Not a single thing on earth could compete with this experience. After a few awkward thrusts, they found a rhythm, and when they did, it was exquisite. Delirious ecstasy. Every time Connor drew away from Katy, Levi did the same, then he thrust forward again, sinking into Connor’s depths as he pushed him into Katy. Writhing in glorious sensation, Levi marvelled at the lights flashing before his eyes as his world lit up in high definition Technicolour.

  Levi’s thrusts became harder, more insistent as he neared the edge, but he could tell his partners were close too. Katy clawed jerkily at Connor’s back, her blunt nails leaving no marks, while Connor shuddered below him. Their moans and grunts, sighs and whispered encouragements formed a symphony that was imprinted in Levi’s memory forever. For life-changing moments, this one was pretty spectacular.

  Katy tumbled first into oblivion, crying out and sending Connor over too, his moan a deep rumble. Every contraction of Connor’s arse, every pulse of cum he pumped into Katy surrounded Levi. He experienced
Connor’s orgasm too—touching him in places no one else had as Connor flew. Levi thrust deep one last time and shouted out as he emptied his seed into Connor. Doing this without protection, having them joined completely for the first time was a dream come true. Levi was so damn grateful they’d been tested weeks earlier.

  Riding the wave of bliss, Levi tumbled to the side and pressed their bodies close, never wanting to be separated from them again. The sex was hot—inferno level—but the touches, the affection he could finally show to Connor as well as Katy, was by far the best part. With them together like that, nothing could intrude. Not even the real world.


  Connor lay between him and Katy. Of the trio, Levi was the only one awake and it was late… well, early. Around three if he guessed correctly. Another couple of hours and the sun would peek over the horizon, but at that moment, it was dark and almost eerily quiet.

  Connor’s gig from earlier in the night tumbled around in his mind. Connor had been on stage singing, Katy sitting on Levi’s lap at the table closest to him. His arms wrapped around Katy, holding her close, Levi breathed her in, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Connor. The attraction between them, the desire, it was heady. Then Connor had started singing “Slow Hands” by Niall Horan, and Levi’s dick had hardened. Katy was up, the warmth of her small body pressed against his gone, leaving him bereft, but only momentarily. As soon as he stood, she’d wound herself around him, swaying with him as he held her close, his gaze ping-ponging between the two of them for the entire song. Even though they were separate, the three of them were still connected—the memories of mapping Katy and Connor’s bodies with his fingertips, his lips and tongue and loving on them still fresh in Levi’s mind. The lyrics oozed sex, and listening to Connor’s smooth voice as he sang, had Levi desperately wanting to bend them both over the damn stage. He held himself back… barely. Katy was a little more open with her appreciation, blowing Connor a kiss, a smile lighting up her face as Connor touched his fingertips to his lips.

  Levi hadn’t thought anything of it. Why would he? But the blokes on the table next to them had had a field day with it. He didn’t care that they’d called him a pussy for letting his woman cheat on him, but it took everything in him to stop himself from beating the shit out of them for the insults they’d hurled at Katy. And it was obvious that Connor had heard them too. The whole damn bar had, the conversation becoming hushed as their taunts escalated. Connor shot them a death-glare, and Levi ground his teeth, itching to shut them up when Katy rested her hand on his. It was the first deep breath he could take, her touch unknotting his insides, calming him. Logically he knew they weren’t worth it, but his inner caveman wanted to rearrange their faces for saying that crap about his girl.

  And then it was over, and Levi was left reeling. A few of their friends—Nick and Emma, Mike, Sarah, Dylan and Ashton—had rocked up and pulled a few tables over, outnumbering the others two to one. Of course, the hovering bouncers might have helped too. A few pointed stares and well-placed comments, and it didn’t take long for the other group to quieten down and skulk away to a different part of the bar. But the whole episode left Levi antsy. They’d recognized him and used it against him, antagonizing the three of them until Levi was ready to snap.

  The whole “being recognized” thing wasn’t unheard of for him. It didn’t happen that often, though he did get asked for an autograph every now and then. But it was surreal listening to them trash-talk him like he was a Cockroach supporter on Origin night. The roller coaster he’d been on those last few days and the revelation that came with finally giving into his desire for Connor, combined with such a stark reminder of his B-list—at best—celebrity status on Aussie TV, had jarred him. The night could have easily turned into an all-in brawl, and it was his lily-white arse on the line. Did he want to deal with that conflict, the stress every day? Could he handle keeping a secret as massive as theirs?

  Levi rolled onto his back. What the hell am I doing? If anyone got wind that he was in a ménage relationship—one where the happy times went all three ways—he’d be out of a job before he could blink. But now that he’d had a taste of what it could be like, what happiness between the three of them meant, there was no way he’d give it up. Could I? Would I? Levi rolled to his side again and sighed as he watched Connor and Katy sleep peacefully in the dim moonlight filtering through the blinds. Unsettled and fidgety, he couldn’t lie there anymore. Levi’s mind was going a million miles an hour and he’d only wake them if he didn’t move.

  Slipping on a pair of sweats, he padded out to the kitchen and boiled the kettle. Dropping a teabag in his mug, Levi watched the steam curl into the air while the tea steeped. When it was strong enough, he sat at the table cradling the hot cup between his hands and staring out the window at the stars. Questions tumbled around in his head. Who am I now? What does the future hold? Can I do this? Is it right to love them both? Am I holding them back from being happy together? The darkness outside matched the whirlpool of emotions sucking him under inky black waters, and he spiralled downward. Were they doomed for heartbreak?

  “Hey,” Katy murmured in a sleepy tone when she stepped up to the table. Dressed only in one of his baggy T-shirts, she looked adorably sexy. With Katy in front of him, his light on a dark day, a picture began to form—the answer to all the questions he’d been muddling through taking shape. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just thinking.” Levi took a sip of his now cold tea and grimaced.

  “About what?”

  “Those guys at the pub.”

  Katy slipped into the chair next to him and reached for his hand. “Wanna talk about it?”

  He shrugged, unsure of where to even start explaining the mish-mash of thoughts in his head. “I’ve just jumped head first into this, and I got a helluva wake-up call tonight. People actually thought you were cheating on me. Can you imagine what they woulda thought if I’d gone and kissed him? I dunno, Katy….” He trailed off, not even knowing what he wanted to say. Those thoughts swirled around again. Am I worried about what people think? What if they find out? What about my career? Will it always be a constant battle with people’s attitudes?

  “I guess I’m not worth it,” Connor interjected from the doorway. The sadness in his tone was unmistakeable. Head hung low, Connor turned and went to walk away. No. Every protective instinct in Levi flared. That tangled mess of emotions—the muddy waters—suddenly became crystalline. There was no way Levi could let Connor think he wasn’t worth it. There was no way he’d let him go, not without a hell of a fight. He was on his feet, vaulting over the couch and sprinting over to his lover before he could think twice. Reacting on instinct, Levi grasped his arms from behind and held tight as Connor made a half-arsed effort to struggle. Levi stepped in front of him and cupped his face with both hands.

  “Don’t ever think that.” Pulling Connor’s face down to his own, Levi brushed a soft kiss against his lips. “I love you, Con, but this—us—is an adjustment for me. Gimme time to work through it in my head. We’re solid, man. You, me, and Katy—we’re good. It’s the other dickheads that were the problem.”

  “You’re risking too much,” he murmured. “When you realize that, you’ll walk. Maybe it’s better we stop now.”

  “We aren’t gonna walk. You’ve lost a lot in your life—your mum and dad, Rob. But me and Katy, we’ve never left you. We never will. Please don’t ever doubt that you’re worth it.”

  Connor looked into his eyes, studied him, and after long moments gave him a single nod. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Levi asked, unsure about the apparent sudden turnaround.

  “Yeah, okay.” Connor nodded. “I’ve been alone for so long that I don’t really know how to be in a relationship. I know I keep fucking up, I know I run and push people away, but I trust you. Both of you.” Connor turned to look at Katy who was still sitting at the table, her arms wrapped tightly around her middle, worry etched across her features. When Connor held out his hand to her, Katy’
s smile lit up the room. “God, she’s beautiful,” Connor breathed. They pulled apart, bringing her into their embrace when she joined them and Connor rested his head against Levi’s temple. “Ever since we were kids, I think I’ve always been waiting for the other shoe to drop, for you to wake up and say you don’t want me around anymore. But you’ve proved to me so many times that you don’t do that—it’s always me who runs. I need to stop doing that, so I’ll work on it, I promise. I’ll talk to my therapist about it, figure it out.”

  All the stress, all the angst flowed out of Levi. Standing there in that hallway, wrapped around Connor and Katy, his life was perfect. He pulled them both closer, hugging them harder. With these two people in his arms—the two people who were his world—he was home. “Let’s go back to bed. I’ve done enough thinking. Now I need to hold the two of you,” Levi murmured, nuzzling Katy’s hair and leaning into the taller man’s shoulder.

  With arms still wrapped around each other, they slowly made their way back into bed, laughing when their legs got tangled, and they stumbled. When they finally made it under the covers, Levi fell between them, being cocooned between his lovers. It was exactly what he needed—to be surrounded by them, to be protected and held close, but at the same time, sheltering Connor and Katy too. A perfect symbiosis.


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