With Kol (Daniels Family Book 2)

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With Kol (Daniels Family Book 2) Page 9

by KL Donn

  Standing with her in my arms, I barely make it to the couch before our desires eat us alive, and I lie down on top of her. With our lips merged together, my cock goes straight for what we both crave.

  Her tight heat.

  With no thought to protection, Thea lifts up into my penetration and the feel of her naked warmth, and I luxuriate in her for a minute before our passion-fueled bodies take over.

  With unrelenting thrusts, I work in and out of her flesh, panting with each stroke as she claws at my hips. Her throaty sighs and moans fuel me closer to the edge. I’m not sure how long we’ve been rocking together, but I know I don’t want it to stop.

  “Kol.” She exhales, and her body tightens, and I can feel the signs of her orgasm slowly roll through her body.

  “Come for me, blue eyes.” My words are hot in her ear as her back arches, and she lets go of her pleasure in a silent cry for more.

  Her peak fires my own, and as I thrust one last time inside of her body, I dig deep, trying to get as far within her as I can before I let loose.

  “Jesus, Thea. I love you,” I groan, out of breath and exhausted as we lay panting for air.

  Hours could have passed before I finally sit up and place Thea’s legs across my lap. Her body is filled with fingerprints and beard scratches, but damn does she look good enough to eat.

  “It shouldn’t be this easy, should it?” Thea speaks, and I have no idea what she’s talking about.


  “Being with you. Sex. This.” She waves her hand between us, and I understand what she’s saying.

  Grasping her hand, I pull her up, so we’re eye level. “I have no idea, Thea. But I don’t think anything about how we got here was easy.”

  She nods slowly. “I know. It’s just that I was raped.” Her entire body hiccups at the word, and I tense. “Shouldn’t I have been scared? Hesitant? Something? What if there’s something wrong with me that I can just fall into bed with you so easily?”

  “Jesus, Thea.” Pulling her across my lap, I grab the blanket off the back of the couch and wrap it around us. “There’s nothing wrong with you, blue eyes. Us, we’re solid. We’re meant to be together. Your trust in me was rapid and born out of a blossoming love that can’t be compared.”

  “I don’t want this to bite me on the ass later, you know? What if I’m doing more harm than good to myself by being intimate?” Her fear is palpable.

  “Do you want to talk to someone, Thea?” I hate that I can’t reassure her the way she needs, but I’ll do whatever I can to get her the help she needs and should have had years ago.

  Chapter 15


  One month. Thirty days. More hours than I care to count have passed since the day Thea was finally able to press charges against Richard Dane for multiple counts of rape and endangerment of a minor.

  One long ass month of interviews, testimonies, and tears. Nightmares from the memories being regurgitated through her mind on a consistent basis.

  One month since Thea sought treatment to help her cope with what happened in the past, what’s happening now and her feelings towards me, as well as moving ahead.

  My girl has been terrified that there is something unequivocally wrong with her because she finds pleasure in my arms. My touch brings her a satisfaction nothing else has. I should feel arrogant about it, but I’m half afraid she’s going to be too scared of her reactions to allow herself the life she deserves.

  With me.

  There isn’t an inch of my being that isn’t obsessed and completely in love with this girl. I don’t know that I can picture a life without her.

  “Kol?” Speak of the angel. I’ve been standing in the doorway to our bedroom watching her for nearly an hour.

  “Morning, blue eyes.” She smiles as I walk closer, handing her my now cold coffee.

  “Why were you watching me?” The smile in her gaze teases me.

  “Because you’re so peaceful when you’re sleeping.” Plus, I have news to share, and I want her as rested as possible.

  “You’re too kind, detective.”

  Sitting next to her, I brush my hand through her hair lightly, loving that fresh burst of peaches that disperses with every stroke.

  “What is it, Kol?”

  I’m not surprised she knows I have something to tell her. “Hunter Adams has found Richard’s brother. He disappeared after a confrontation the two had, and he holds the evidence to avoid a messy trial.” I was so fucking relieved to hear that.

  “I won’t have to testify?” Relief sags her shoulders.

  “I don’t think so, no. If the D.A. can get Richard to accept the deal they’re working on, we can be done with this by the end of the week.” I can only hope I’m not lying to her.

  “He’s really going to turn on Richard? Why would he do that?” I know from stories Thea’s told, that she never felt close to Colin and was wary of him. But she never felt she had an actual reason.

  “If you get ready, we can go find out. Adams brought him in last night.” Scrambling from the bed, Thea rushes to the dresser I brought in here for her from the spare room, grabs her clothes, and darts to the bathroom.

  Since she’s a super showerer and rushes through everything, I’ve got mere minutes to put something on a plate for her, or she’ll be the one rushing me out the door. Experiencing the resurgence of her unfettered personality over the last few weeks has been an enlightening experience.

  Thea is one of the cheeriest morning people I’ve ever met in my life. She’s also a night owl, only needing a few hours of sleep. If she could have a love affair with fruit topped with sugar, I’m certain she would.

  With everything going on, she’s scheduled fewer hours at work, and I know she’s looking forward to finding something she’s a little happier with in the future. Although she’s been talking a lot with Ember about possibly going back to school, she hasn’t been as open with me about it. I get the feeling it’s because she doesn’t want to feel like a burden.

  I’ve never given her the impression she is or would be, but she’s been taking care of herself for far longer than I have, so I know it’ll take time.

  “Ready!” she calls out just as I put the top on a container filled with her favorite berries and sugar.

  “Eat this on the way.” I hand it to her, and her grin says it all. Bending down, I can’t help but kiss her. I love touching Thea any chance I get, and she’s beginning to act the same with me.

  “Mmm.” She licks her lips as I pull away and smiles softly. “Better than any fruit.” Winking, she’s out the front door before I can respond. I follow behind and nod at the neighbors as we pass.

  In the past week, Thea has made it her mission to meet everyone on the block. Between her and Donna across the street, I’m sure they’ve fed them all, as well.

  Without Thea in my life, I know I’d be satisfied, but I’d have never been happy. Not like I am now. As much as I hate what’s happened to her, I can’t help but be grateful in some ways because it brought us together.


  * * *

  It’s almost over. Eight years of my life has been filled with torment thanks to Richard, and now that we’re coming to a close, I feel nothing but relief settle deep into my bones.

  I hate him. I hate everything about my life while he was in it. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel now, and right there waiting for me is Kol.

  My fierce, caring man. He’s traversed through every emotion I’ve had and more because he hates that he couldn’t protect me when I needed a savior the most. We both have come so far in the last six weeks, since life brought us together again, and I don’t regret a minute of it.

  As I sit quietly with Lauren and Cynthia, two of the strongest women I’ve met in my whole life, waiting for Kol and Noah to bring in Colin, I can’t help but think of my mother. She’s been asking for me for weeks. After finding out that Richard has been drugging her with antidepressants since I confessed to her what he’d done t
o me, I grapple with some guilt over deceiving her for so many years.

  I can’t find it in myself to go and see her yet, unfortunately. I’m not sure I’m ready for that. She’s in a rehabilitation facility to help her cope with everything we’ve gone through. I know she must feel something about that night, but the fact is, she let me down when she was still of sound mind and body. Forgiving her isn’t nearly as simple as I would like it to be; however, I’m leaving it open to the possibility of reconciliation when we’re both ready.

  “You’re sure you want to do this?” Cynthia is against me seeing Colin. I was leery, at first, but I need to find out why he betrayed his brother when they appeared so close. Especially after trashing my apartment.


  “I could find out for you,” she offers.

  “I’m fine, Cynthia. I’m stronger now.” When we first met, I was such a wreck. It was a miracle I was able to focus on anything.

  “We know you are.” Lauren pats my hand.

  The two of them are like the aunts I never had. Our relationships have gone past that of victim, lawyer, and social worker. I would count them as friends now. Something I haven’t had in far too many years.

  The door opens, and I stand, unprepared for the meeting now that it’s here. Kol leads the way in, followed by Colin and Noah.

  Colin looks…older in the short time since I last saw him at work. He looks tired. “Thea,” he says. I’m confused because he sounds relieved.

  “Hello, Colin.” I feel awkward now that we’re here.

  Kol walks over to me, whispering for my ears only. “The D.A. is ready to offer Richard the deal. I told them only once you approve it.” Lord, I love this man.

  “You want to know why I turned on Richard?” Colin interrupts.

  “It’s not like you cared for me as a child. Why would you help me now? Especially after tracking me down and breaking into my home.”

  He scoffs. “Home? That wasn’t a home. You haven’t had a home since the day Richard crossed paths with your mother.” It’s true. I’ve always been an outsider. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t care about you. I never wanted to bring attention to you is all. I wanted Richard to back off. To leave you alone. It appears that I obviously failed on that front.” He sounds sad.

  “I don’t understand.” I get the feeling I’m not going to like where this is going.

  “You weren’t the first girl he showed interest in. You were, however, the first one he couldn’t manipulate into falling in love with him. You became a challenge. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late. He’d hurt you more than once, and then you disappeared. We all thought you were dead.”

  My heart squeezes being reminded of that day. It wasn’t that I hadn’t thought about ending it then, I just couldn’t. I hated who I was becoming, and for a long time, I regretted that choice.

  “I wanted to jump that day. I wanted the river to carry me away as swiftly as it did my backpack. I wanted my mother to feel every ounce of pain I was.” Thinking about it now only angers me. There’s no more sadness. The pain has moved on.

  “I’m glad you didn’t, Thea. You deserve a good, long life.” His smile is genuine.

  Gazing at Kol and Noah, I ask them, “Is Colin in trouble?”

  “That depends on you,” Noah tells me.


  “Do you want to press charges for him breaking into your apartment?” The thought never even occurred to me.

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then he’s free to go.” Kol shrugs.

  “You have an incredible life, Thea.” Colin smiles again and walks out of the room. Quiet settles around us, and I breathe in my first full breath of a new life.

  I’m finally free.

  Free to live.

  To love.

  To be me.

  I never thought I’d get to have this beautiful existence handed to me. But, with Kol, I can believe in love again, and never will I take it for granted.

  Epilogue One


  Three months later.

  “Don’t fucking tease me, Thea.” I growl the words while trying to tamper down my desire to come down the back of her throat. The little vixen has grown into one hell of a woman over the past few months, and now that she’s decided to no longer allow her past to hold her back, she goes for broke.

  “But I like it.” She smiles up at me, licking the tip of my dick from under my desk.

  Did I mention she enjoys pushing the limits, and that involves random blow jobs in the middle of the day in the middle of my fucking precinct?

  A month ago, I was promoted to sergeant of my squad after passing my exams with flying colors, and now, I have my own office. As soon as Thea shows up, half the guys know exactly what she’s about to do after Noah walked in on her once. She didn’t stop, though. Noah didn’t tell anyone specifically, but we’re comprised mostly of men, and their minds went straight to the fucking gutter.

  “Jesus,” I groan, biting the inside of my cheek as my spine tingles, and I let loose on her. Thea doesn’t miss a beat as she swallows every drop of cum I give her. “You trying to kill me, woman?” I groan as she climbs up into my lap.

  “I just miss you is all.” Laying her head on my shoulder, she settles in for a few minutes of cuddling.

  “Where’s Ember?” They are going shopping for interview clothes for Thea now that she’s gotten her GED and has decided that until she begins applying for college, she’d like to be a receptionist. Something low-key and reliable.

  “Talking to Noah.” Something is going on between those two, but neither will admit it to me and if my sister has told Thea, she hasn’t spilled the secret.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” I hear bellowed from the squad room. I know that voice.

  “Fuck.” Thea jumps up as I button my pants and open the door in time to see Noah’s estranged wife slap my sister clear across the face. “Hey!” I scream at her as Noah puts himself between the two women. Ember runs out, Thea chases after her.

  “That hussy was touching my husband,” the woman screeches.

  “Ex-husband,” Noah grits out.

  “I haven’t signed the papers.” Her vindictive grin makes me sick.

  “Married or not, you don’t randomly get to assault people.” I wave a rookie over. “Arrest her for assault.” Whether Ember presses charges or not is up to her, but this bitch isn’t getting away with shit in my precinct.

  “You can’t do that! Noah!” She looks to him as the cuffs are slapped around her wrists. Screaming as she’s dragged away, I pull Noah into my office.

  He was my partner for a lot of years, and when Katrina walked out on him, sleeping with other men along the way, he wasn’t so much devastated as he was relieved. That was nearly two years ago.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask him as the door closes.

  “Trina’s off her rocker. I had new divorce papers sent to her last month. She refused to sign them, so I set up a court date for next week. I need her out of my life, man.” He looks sad and mad at the same time.

  “Because of Ember?” Our eyes meet, and he doesn’t need to say anything. I understand more than he knows. “Don’t break her heart, man.”

  “I’ve been trying not to. Been pushing her off for months so I could get this shit dealt with.” Rubbing a hand across his jaw, Noah looks back to the door. “I think this might have been the last straw, though.”

  I don’t reply because what can I say? They must find their own way, and even if Ember’s hurt now, I know she’ll come around. That girl loves with everything she has.

  Thea walks back in as Noah leaves, shooting him a glare as he passes. Walking right into my arms, I murmur in her hair. “I’m so fucking lucky I found you.”

  “I’m the lucky one, Kol. I couldn’t have survived these past few months without you. Not by a long shot.” Without seeing her face, I can tell she has tears in her eyes.


  “Yeah, blue eyes?”

  “I have to tell you something.”


  “I’m pregnant.” Just like that, two words change my entire life.

  Lifting her chin up with a finger, a smile bigger than any I’ve seen before graces her face. “Are you serious?” She nods. “I fucking love you.” I devour her mouth with more hunger and passion than we’ve ever been lost in. Our life just keeps getting better and better.

  Epilogue Two


  Three years later.

  Sitting on the back porch of our house, belly growing to the size of a balloon, I can’t help but be grateful for all the things I never thought I’d have.

  A family.



  The brightest future of anyone I know.

  “How are you doing, Momma?” Marina, my sister-in-law, comes out of the kitchen through the patio doors with a large glass of lemonade in her hand.

  “I’m good, Ari. Better now that my mom is back in my life.” Marina and Arsen brought their kids, Jake and Janelle, up for the long weekend for some family bonding.

  Seeing Jake lead mine and Kol’s son, Leighton, around as they look for Easter eggs is one of the most heartwarming moments of my life. “He’s so good with them,” Ari comments as she watches them with me.

  Arsen and Kol come out with a platter of food and place it on the table next to me. The smell of waffles and bacon draws me in. “Mmmm,” I hum around a slice of pork.

  Kol leans down to whisper in my ear. “Keep moaning like that, and I might get jealous.” He winks when I gasp.


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