With Kol (Daniels Family Book 2)

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With Kol (Daniels Family Book 2) Page 8

by KL Donn

  “No. Never. I worked under the table and paid for everything with cash.” The thought had never even occurred to me.

  “Good. Now, I won’t lie to you, Thea, this is going to be every bit as hard as you think it is, times ten.” My lip quivers already. “Lauren Leigh is a social worker I partner with frequently when it comes to sexual assault victims.”

  Staring down at my hands, I feel so inadequate in her presence. She’s polished and put together. I’m a mess and constantly on the verge of tears. “What happens if I don’t pursue this?” I want justice, but not at the expense of my sanity. I’m still unsure if I’m mentally equipped to wade through the storm about to erupt around me.

  “That’s up to you. I will represent you no matter what you decide. But Thea,” she grips my balled hands in one of her own until I look up to her. “I’ve been doing this for a lot of years. Burying it will only lead to more torment later on. You will carry this burden for the rest of your life. Fighting now means you could save someone else later.”

  I need to look away. I need to be strong. I need to fight. I can’t do anything else but battle for the innocence he stole from me. “Okay,” I whisper, a lone tear sliding down my cheek.

  “I’m going to record the rest of our conversation and all future ones, if you don’t mind?” I nod. There’s a knock on the door as she’s about to say something else. “Come in!”

  As it opens, a woman around Cynthia’s age walks through with Kol behind her. “Thea?” My heart swells with his desire to rescue me. To keep me from experiencing any pain.

  “I’m good,” I croak out as I nod my head. He watches me for another minute before closing the door again. The curtains are drawn, so I don’t see where he goes, but I feel his presence.

  “Damn, girl, that man has got it bad for you.” The new woman laughs.

  “Thea, this is Lauren. She will be present for any and all conversations that we or the authorities engage in with you. Because you aren’t the bad guy here, you can freely speak to the police, but I always advise you to call me first. They’ve already been informed that if Lauren isn’t present for every interview, I’ll be suing. Just because I can.” Cynthia winks at Lauren.

  “It’s a pleasure, Thea, though I wish it were under better circumstances.” I shake Lauren’s offered hand as she drags a chair over to where Cynthia and I are sitting.

  “I told Kol, I only wanted to recite this once.” I stare between them, and I already realize that won’t be the case. It’ll be multiple times. “I’m not strong enough to go through it repeatedly.”

  Cynthia nods her head, and I can see her mind working a mile a minute. “How about this? You give us the basics, now, but I’m going to ask you the questions I feel are most important in helping me represent you the best I can. When it’s time to you make your full formal statement, we’ll be there, as well. Sound fair?”

  “Yes.” Cynthia brings out her digital recorder as Lauren takes out a notepad.

  After recounting the official information into the device, Cynthia lays it on the table in front of us before she asks her first question. “Can you tell me the name of your attacker?”

  I swallow roughly because saying his name always hurts. “Richard Dane.”

  “And who is he to you?”

  “My step-father.” The questions continue like that for over an hour. They ask about my age when he first started showing interest. When he touched me the first time? About the night he violated me. If my mother knew.

  The one thing they don’t question, however, probably holds the most important answer. “I had a rape kit done.” I blurt out when Lauren is about to ask another question.

  “You did? When? Where?” Cynthia’s excitement grows, and I can see why she’s an attorney now.

  “Both times. The first time I was fifteen and had refused to name him, but they did the kit at Joplin Urgent Care. He has no idea I was even there. The bleeding…it wouldn’t stop.” I shake just thinking about it. Remembering the excruciating pain again.

  “And when you reported him, was it the urgent care or the hospital?” Lauren’s gaze is glossed over as she asks.

  “I went to the hospital that time. I thought, maybe, I’d made a mistake at the time. But now, I don’t. Because doesn’t it show a pattern?” My mind and body are exhausted, and I want to sleep for days, but I’m beginning to see the hope Cynthia and Lauren have been trying to encourage in me.

  “For now, that little tidbit stays between us. I will not allow you to answer questions about the first rape. Only the second, since that was the one you reported.” Cynthia reaches down into her briefcase before pulling some papers out and handing them to me. “These are medical record requests. As soon as I’m done here, I’m going to get access to that first kit and keep it out of everyone’s hands. We have an evidence vault at my firm for instances such as this.”

  “Thea,” Lauren’s voice is soft as she draws my attention. “I know you’re tired, honey, but now it’s time to talk to the detectives. Now is when we make it official. Are you ready?”

  My throat tightens, and my mouth goes dry. I’m not even close to reliving my biggest nightmare.


  * * *

  “I pushed away. I begged for him to stop.” Thea’s tears are like the darkest rivers as she relays what happened to her. What that fucker did to her. How he forced himself on her unwilling body.

  “Take a breath, man. They’re handling her with care,” Noah encourages from beside me. I wasn’t allowed in the interview room, and Thea didn’t want me listening in. She knew I’d flip my shit, but I couldn’t skip out on hearing her story, so I hide behind the two-way mirror.

  “I’d like to fucking kill him,” I growl out. My grip on the table in front of me is so tight my hands ache.

  “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Captain Pearson mutters from behind us.

  “When you went to the hospital what happened?” Titan asks her.

  “I was bruised. He smacked me a couple of times when I fought back, and a nurse took pity on me. When I told her what happened, she immediately called another nurse and doctor to perform a rape kit. As far as I know, that’s when Joplin P.D. was called.”

  “Did they take you seriously?” Fucking hell. I know these are standard questions, but it kills me to have them make her doubt herself again.

  “I think so? I mean, I went through all of this. But once I said Richard’s name, it was like they were hesitant to continue with the interview. They appeared reluctant to call my home.” Her pale face contorts with the horror from that night.

  “Fuck.” I drop my head to my chest and count my breaths, trying to calm down. I fucking hate everything about how her original case was handled. Listening further only incites my rage.

  “Captain?” The desk sergeant comes through the door to our room.

  “What?” Pearson snaps, every bit as angered as me.

  “Alexandra and Richard Dane are here, and they’re demanding to see Miss Matthews.” My head pops up, and Noah has to hold me back from charging out.

  “Keep him here.” Pearson looks pointedly at Noah.

  As the door closes, I charge forward. I need to see this son of a bitch. Noah slams me into the wood from behind. “Let me go!” I try pushing him off, but he’s not as irrational as I’m being, so he has the leverage.

  “No!” he barks. “Thea needs you here, not in lockup for shooting this motherfucker. Get your shit together, Daniels, and think of her.” My chest heaves with exertion as he backs off, and I know he’s right. It doesn’t make it any easier, though.

  “I fucking hate this.” Slamming my fist into the door, I ignore the pain as I walk out and into the interview room.

  Barging in, Thea’s tears don’t help my rage. “Daniels!” Dawes yells. “What the hell?”

  “Cynthia, a word?” My jaw is clenched so tight, I’m surprised I don’t crack my molars.

  She glares at me but comes over. “Her mother and Dane
are here,” I inform her.

  “What!” I’m shocked at the heat behind the single word. “Detectives, with me, please. Noah!” she calls, looking at the glass. When he comes out, she requests, “Stay with Lauren and Thea, please. Kol, can you leash yourself?” I shrug. “Good enough for me.”

  I allow her to take the lead as I explain what’s going on to Lance and Tom. They’re good cops, some of the best in their division, so I trust them not to let this go.

  “If you don’t allow me to see my daughter right now, I’ll bring this whole precinct down!” Richard Dane bellows. He’s not what I was expecting.

  Pot belly, barely five foot nine, balding grey hair. Wrinkles line every inch of his face. I can see why he was intimidating to Thea, though. Why she was so scared of him.

  “Mr. Dane!” Cynthia shouts over his demands.

  “Who the hell are you?” My gaze strays to the woman standing beside him. She’s strung out on something as she sways back and forth.

  Waving a uniform officer over, I command, “Take Mrs. Dane to an interview room. Do not leave her side until the captain and Mrs. Knight come to speak to her.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Richard is so angered he doesn’t even see her leave.

  “My name is Cynthia Knight, Mr. Dane—”

  “Judge Dane,” he interrupts.

  “Not here you’re not.” I like this woman’s attitude. “If you would quit the theatrics, perhaps we can have a word. If not, these two detectives will be happy to show you to a cell.” Hand on her cocked hip, Cynthia taps her shoe, making like she’s impatient and busy when I can tell she’s seething with rage.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? I want my daughter. She has some things she needs to answer for!”

  “As do you, Mr. Dane.” Pearson stands behind him with two officers.

  “Like what?”

  “The rape and assault of a minor.” I finally speak, barely able to control my anger any longer.

  “Is she spouting that shit again? I never touched her.” He laughs, but in his eyes, I can see he knows he’s caught. He not only touched her, but he stole her childhood from her.

  “That’s for a court to decide here, Mr. Dane. For now, though…” Cynthia waves Tom and Lance forward, making good on her threat, no longer caring if the man wants to cooperate.

  Pulling the cuffs from his pocket, Tom moves forward as Lance states, “Richard Dane, you are under arrest for the rape and assault of Thea Andrews in Joplin, Missouri.” Richard blusters his way through the reading of his Miranda Rights and tries to push everyone off of him. In the end, he’s a sad old man who deserves everything he’s about to get.

  “Detective Daniels, I think it’s time we rejoin Miss Matthews, don’t you?” Cynthia pushes me toward the interview rooms where Thea is waiting, likely more terrified and confused than when we came in this morning.

  “Thea.” I call her name before I’ve gotten the door open, and she’s in my arms within seconds. “I got you, blue eyes,” I mumble into her hair. She’s shaking like a leaf, and her tears are already soaking through my shirt.

  “He’s here, isn’t he?” she whimpers into my chest.

  “Yeah, baby, he is.” I couldn’t lie to her even if I wanted to. “So is your mom.”

  Sniffling, she pulls back as Noah and Lauren leave the room. Cynthia remains in the doorway. “She is?”

  “Would you like to see her?” Cynthia asks, and I need to bite back my reply. I don’t want Thea anywhere near her mother. As far as I’m concerned, she’s every bit as bad as Richard.

  “I’m not sure.” Thea frowns. “What’s going to happen to her?”

  Cynthia doesn’t hold back. “She’s going to be investigated for what happened to you. She knew about the second assault so she could be held liable. From what I saw of her, though, I think she needs a mental evaluation. Something is going on, deeper than we know, and I’d like to get to the bottom of it.”

  “She was a good mom before she met him.” Thea defends the woman, and I love her for it.

  “And that’s why I’d like to learn more about her relationship with Judge Dane.” Cynthia’s gaze softens. “Thea, you don’t have to make any decisions today, but tonight? Tonight, you can sleep knowing your tormentor is behind bars, and if I have any say, he won’t see the light of day for a long time to come.”

  Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Thea nods her head before leaning it back on my chest. “That will be nice.” All the tension, the fear, her anxiety, float out of her body like it was never there, and I can’t help but admire this amazing woman for her strength. Even when she doubted herself the most, she always tapped into that little bit of resilience and found a way to fight.

  Chapter 14


  Exhaustion drags at me as we pull in front of Kol’s house. The sun is still shining in the sky, slowly beginning its descent to close out another day. Even with the tiredness, I feel invigorated. I feel as though life isn’t about to knock me on my ass again.

  “Come on, blue eyes.” Kol helps me down from his truck, and as we step up on the sidewalk, I stop to take a good look at his neighborhood. The homey feel it displays. The closeness I crave in a community.

  “Hey, Kol!” I hear someone yell, and we both turn as Kol is sprayed with a hose from across the street.

  “Son of a bitch!” His big body turns, and as I’m about to laugh, he pulls me into him, so we’re both soaked.

  “Kol!” I screech as the water turns off.

  “I’m gonna fry that little shit,” he growls before taking off at a dead run to chase a boy of about ten down the street. Some other boys and a dog join in on the pursuit.

  “I am so sorry.” A woman around Kol’s age comes out of the house the boy came from.

  “It’s fine,” I tell her, pushing my soaked hair back from my face.

  “I swear, those two, they’ve been at each other’s throats since Kol moved in.” She laughs as the boys all come running back towards us.

  “It’s good for him.” I observe the interactions. Kol radiates happiness, even if he is pretending to be annoyed.

  “Good for Jonah, too. Without his father, he’s been a bit of a terror.” She reminisces, and from her tone, I get that he might have passed away.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  She waves me off. “He’s better off now. Pain doesn’t consume him anymore.” We’re quiet after that, watching Kol chase Jonah while the other boys chase Kol. I don’t know how, but today went from amazing to hellish, to the most amusing of my life. “I’m Donna Lewis, by the way.”

  I turn and smile, my first real and genuine grin in far too long. “Thea Matt–, Andrews.” I breathe a sigh of relief. Speaking my given name is a small victory but wonderful.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I assume we’ll see more of you now?” There’s nothing but neighborly curiosity in her tone.

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Good. I better get this boy cleaned up for school tomorrow. I’ll see you soon. Jonah!” Donna is off and grabbing her son as I wave, and Kol jogs back to me.

  “Come here.” Before I can run from his soaked body, Kol has picked me up and is kissing me soundly as he walks us up to his door. “God, it’s good to see you smiling, woman.”

  “It feels wonderful,” I whisper into his neck.

  Dropping me to my feet, Kol begins to strip off his clothes. As much as I enjoyed our lovemaking last night, I didn’t get the time to truly appreciate his body. Now, as every inch is revealed, I’m breathless and craving more.

  “Kol?” I question when my body begins to throb in an unfamiliar fashion as his boxers drop to the ground. Naked as the day he was born, Kol grabs the hem of my shirt and drags it up and over my head.

  “Thea, tell me no, and I’ll stop.” I don’t want to tell him no.

  “Okay,” I agree as he unbuckles my jeans. The denim slides to the ground with a loud thud, soaked and heavy.

  He smirks
as he unwraps me like a present on Christmas morning, again. “I’m gonna love you so good.” Dropping to his knees, Kol helps me slide my feet out my shoes and pants. Not bothering to stand, he lays light kisses along the tops of my thighs until his mouth is plastered over my panties.

  His hot breath makes me squirm as I anticipate his next move. “Don’t tease me,” I whine.

  “Not in a million years.” But he does it anyways. His featherlight kisses are beginning to grate on my nerves, and I soon find myself taking control of what I want.

  Pushing Kol to his ass, he leans against the door, and I sit in his lap, pressing myself as close to him as I can without being fused as one. His hands move to my back to undo my bra as my fingers grip his soft locks to pull his head back.

  Dropping a kiss on his neck, then his jaw, I finally reach his mouth and take exactly what I want. Pushing away my ambitions, I go for broke. Delving into his mouth, I suck on Kol’s tongue until he pulls me back by the hips.

  “Fuck, girl, are you trying to destroy me?” Anguish invades his stare, but not from pain. He wants me. This. Us.

  “Never.” I grin. He chuckles before tearing my panties off my body and pulling me down over his hardness.

  “I mean it, Thea. You say stop, and it’s done.”

  “I love you.” I only meant to agree. To say yes. Instead, I’m confessing my love. Surprised, he doesn’t say anything, but I can’t bring myself to regret it or take it back.

  I love Kol, and I should have told him sooner.


  * * *

  Sweet Jesus.

  She’s fire and ice.

  Thunder and lightning.

  Night and day.

  And I can’t get e-fucking-nough of her. I knew she hid behind all of her agony that first time we met and then when I found her again. But never did I imagine I’d be gifted with this sexy little vixen who says what’s on her mind now.

  “Sweet Thea,” I murmur, running my hands through her hair and pulling her head down. “I love you, too.” The words are barely above a whisper but when she purrs out her satisfaction, I know she hears me as I devour her mouth and take her on a wild fucking ride to bliss.


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