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Alphas Prefer Curves

Page 149

by Unknown

  “What do you think?” Blake’s deep voice brought my attention back to the present moment. He swept a hand at the suite.

  “It’s gorgeous.” I kicked off my shoes and went to the windows, walking through the living area of the suite. The posh decor featured cream white furniture and ebony tables with an ornate oriental rug underneath. A door on the far wall led to what I assumed was a bedroom. Pulling back the curtains, I gasped at the view. The ocean unfurled below us like a magic carpet and the white sand of the beach glittered in the sun.

  Blake came to stand behind me, his hands wrapped around my waist. “It’s not as gorgeous as you.”

  I laughed and he tugged me away from the window, spinning me in his arms until we were face-to-face. We didn’t talk then, preferring to let our lips run wild in other ways. His kiss seized my mouth with a fierce intensity. I gripped his broad shoulders as my knees went weak.

  That first kiss unleashed a hungry passion that demanded to be fed, now. My hands went for his shirt, yanking it over his head. He did the same to me and soon we were both topless, skin on skin. Blake’s lean, hardness met my soft curves and our bodies melded together. We’d found our other halves.

  “Come on, let’s go to the bedroom,” Blake’s voice came out rough and raspy. He grabbed my hand and pulled me after him.

  I barely noticed the opulence of the bedroom, I couldn’t stop looking at Blake. The bed seemed nice enough, an opinion I formed after he tossed me onto it. I ran my hand over the duvet, feeling the goose down inside. It couldn’t compare to Blake’s heat or the velvet of his skin stretched over the sleek strength of his muscles.

  Blake kicked off the rest of his clothes and then pounced on me, removing his pants followed by mine, along with my underwear. Once we were both naked, he took a moment to kneel next to me on the bed, his gaze rapt as he took me in.

  “Beautiful as always.”

  I ran a hand lightly over his stomach. “Handsome as always.”

  “Worth all the trouble?” He asked.

  That gave me pause as it echoed my conversation with Lilli. Then I hadn’t been so sure, but now I knew. “Yeah.”

  “Good.” His hands cupped my breasts and he sucked a nipple into his mouth. The warm velvet of his mouth, and the scratch of his five o’clock shadow contrasted with the flicks of his tongue over my sensitive tip. His hand stroked down my stomach to nestle at my core. A lone finger speared my folds and suddenly I couldn’t think anymore.

  My body responded to every touch, every sensation with heightened pleasure. I moaned.

  “You need something baby?” He asked with feigned innocence as if his finger wasn’t plucking pleasure from my core, drop by wet drop.

  “Yes. You. Inside me, now,” I panted. The need for him to fill me up burned in my belly. When he didn’t move to immediately possess me, I added a soft plea. “Please. Don’t make me wait. Not this time.”

  “There’s no more waiting, baby. We’re just taking our time.” He slid off the bed, dropping to his knees between my legs. “Open for me. Show me what I want to see.”

  I obeyed without hesitation and he leaned forward. There was a long moment where he didn’t touch me. I raised my hips to him and that broke the spell. Blake thrust his fingers into my tight wet passage, crooking them as he went. I gasped as hot, electric pleasure bolted through me.

  He nuzzled my inner thighs, first kissing then nipping the tender skin there. Goose bumps rose all over my skin, twisting my nipples into stiff points. My core convulsed around his fingers and he responded with more pressure, pushing hard and deep inside me.

  I began to tremble.

  “Hold on, baby. We’re just getting started.” His tongue found my sweet spot then, flicking over the sensitive nub with masterful expertise.

  I started to squirm, hips grinding into the bed.

  Blake’s hands slid under my ass, cupping each cheek and attempting to hold me in place. I couldn’t stop undulating under him though. My legs closed around his head and my hands reached for his hair, fingers finding anchor in his dark locks.

  His tongue moved faster. Circling. Flicking. Teasing.

  I moaned.

  His lips closed over my core and sucked hard.

  I screamed and bucked against him as an orgasm exploded inside me. The throbbing pleasure beat its way through me, making me shudder. I convulsed, stomach clenching, thighs trembling and then collapsed.

  Blake climbed back up on the bed and covered my body with his. We shared a deep kiss, one full of my own salty sweetness. I arched into his lean curves, the heat between us threatening to melt us both.

  He kissed his way down my neck to my breasts and lavished my aching nipples with attention. His tongue worked me over, followed by his hands until I could barely breathe, let alone think. All I could do was moan and keen at his touch, letting my body speak for me with its pleading hip thrusts.

  Blake finally moved between my legs, which I quickly spread wide for him. With one hard thrust, he made me complete. I howled as I came a second later, shuddering around him, a woman undone. Blake kept moving, claiming me with powerful strokes. Lifting my legs over his head, he let me have as much of him as I could take.

  My hands reached for him, digging into his hips and urging him on. His muscles flexed under my palms as he moved. My body tightened and clamped down as the heat of pleasure burned through me again. That was the tipping point for Blake and he shouted as his climax overtook him. His hard shaft danced inside my core and we both held on to each other as if we’d found the life rafts that would save us.

  Later, when we’d recovered somewhat, Blake lay next to me, pulling me close with one arm. “All my life I thought magic was just a bunch of tricks and then I met you.” He grabbed my hand. “You’re the real thing, Ruby. The magic in my life.”

  I snuggled up against him, relishing the way I could hear his heart beat. Was it too soon to say, ‘I love you?’ I didn’t know, but I followed where my heart led. “I love you, Blake.”

  He was silent for a moment and I began to fear I’d said the wrong thing. A slow smile spread across his lips and he said, “I love you too.”

  “We’re going to make it, aren’t we?” I grinned at him.

  He nodded. “Against all odds, we are.”

  I thought of the quetzal as I drifted off to sleep. Flying free in its resplendent glory. Maybe I didn’t have wings, but with Blake next to me, I felt light and happy enough to soar.

  -The End-

  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Heart’s Sahara. Reviews are always appreciated! If you’re looking for your next read, I have some suggestions for you below.

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  Some Notes on the Writing of Operation: Burlesque

  In the process of writing Operation: Burlesque, I researched magic, burlesque and survival basics and learned some amazingly cool things, most of which never made it into the story. For instance, do you know the history of dollar stores? Their origin has nothing to do with giving customer a good deal. During the California gold rush, dollar stores popped up all over, enticing customers inside to be fleeced by con men. Once customers walked in the door, they were hustled out of their cash (or gold nuggets) with a shell game or a card trick. The dollar stores we know and love today are very different from their predecessors!

  Shell games are still a popular con and require a crew of people to pull off. If you ever run into one, don’t play, but do take some time to people watch and see if you can spot the members of the team and how they work the crowd.

  I also sponsored a burlesque festival during the writing of this book. It was a ton of fun, and if I was just a few years younger, I would totally be shaking my bon-bon on stage! In addition to the festival, I spent hours reading about burlesque, watching video footage as well as documentaries to try and infuse the story with an authentic flavor.

  Last, but not le
ast, the desert survival techniques in the story are based on ones used during WWII. In theory, you could survive the Sahara just by reading this book, but I wouldn’t recommend testing it out yourself!

  I hope you enjoyed Ruby and Blake’s love story!

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  About the Author

  A USA Today & NY Times bestselling author, Michelle Fox lives in the Midwest with her husband, kids, the occasional exchange student and two, sweetly disobedient dogs. She loves fantasy and romance, which makes writing paranormal romance a natural fit. In her spare time, she's been known to shake her bon-bon at Zumba, make spectacular cheesecakes, hoard vintage costume jewelry and eat way too much ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra for the win!).


  Southern Shifter Series

  Copyright © Eliza Gayle, 2010

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  "With many hot, sweet and sexy scenes as well as an entertaining and gripping plot it was impossible to put down until the very end."

  "Kane is a fast-paced, scintillating, story that had my heart racing with the turn of every page."

  Kane, Southern Shifter Series

  Kane Gunn is beyond frustrated. He has a kill order to fulfill and after weeks of chasing his quarry he's boiling over with tension. Then he catches the woman who's become his obsession and Kane becomes consumed by a desire that overwhelms everything...including his quest for justice.

  Lara is determined to seek revenge against the were-cougar guardians. Consequences don't matter and distraction isn't an option. Until she finds herself face to face with the pair of green eyes that have been haunting her day and night. Time is of the essence as the tables are turned and a tenuous truce is formed.

  In the face of passion enemies become lovers, tempting fate, testing trust, and satisfying an undeniable need. Lies and secrets. Corruption and Revenge. Choices that change lives. Don't miss the revelation...of Kane.


  This book is dedicated to my family and those readers who have been extremely supportive of this series. I thank you

  Chapter One

  Kane opened the door to a wave of thick white smoke, the stench of stale grease, and Ted Nugent wailing from an ancient jukebox in the corner. He stood just inside the door and let his eyes adjust to the scene.

  Even with his enhanced vision, it still took a second to get used to the haze and dim interior of the bar—although, he used the term bar loosely.

  It technically qualified because of the long serving bar along the back wall with the various tequilas, vodkas, and Scotches filling the shelves behind it. The layer of grime and stench in this place would only draw drunks and skanks—which were plentiful in this town, from what he’d seen so far.

  He crossed the room and took the only available stool at the bar. He lifted his hand to the bartender, who eventually ambled over.

  “What can I get ya?”

  “Scotch, neat.” He figured it would be the safest thing to order in a place like this.

  Hell, when did I become such a snob?

  While he waited for his drink, he looked in the mirror on the wall behind the liquor to observe the men lined up at the bar on either side of him. Men of various ages in different degrees of grubby wear, but no one really stood out. He tried to catch the gaze of each and every one of them, looking for someone who might be willing to talk to him.

  The bartender returned and slid a drink in front of him. “Anything else I can get ya? You want a menu?”

  “No thanks, I’m just here waiting on someone.” That nugget of information seemed to perk up the man’s attention. His eyes glinted in the dim light and his head tilted toward Kane in apparent curiosity.

  “Who you waitin’ for? I know just ’bout everyone who comes in here.”

  “I’m waiting for a woman.”

  The bartender snorted before his face split into a big grin, revealing broken and yellowed teeth. Kane imagined the fights that broke out in this kind of place would eventually lead to a man’s teeth being damaged and more. “Not a lot of women come in here.”

  “Oh yeah, why’s that?” The guy’s smirk aggravated him. Either that or this hunt was beginning to wear thin.

  “Not a lot of women come in here on account of Twin Peaks next door. They either go over there to pick up the men getting horny watching the girls dance, or they don’t come within five miles of the place because they don’t want to be caught dead near a titty bar.”

  Kane laughed at the statement he understood all too well. He’d spent his fair share of time in those bars, and more. He’d even let his brother Malcolm drag him to a few fetish clubs when they were younger. Some of those clubs would be considered high class compared to this one; so yes, he could well imagine not a lot of women wanting to come near the place.

  “I get your point.” He took a swallow of his drink and allowed the slow burn in his throat and belly to comfort him. The liquor wasn’t quite as smooth as he liked it, but he couldn’t complain. It would get the job done.

  “So this girl of yours, she got a name?”

  “Yeah, she does. It’s Lara. I haven’t seen her in a few weeks, and I’m looking forward to catching up.”

  The bartender winked knowingly at him. He had no idea. Kane wanted to find her so he could kill her and go back home, and maybe then he could get her out of his head. Plus, it was never good for an Enforcer to stay gone so long. If word got out that the clan wasn’t as protected, it could leave them open to attack or, at the very least, harassment from neighboring clans.

  Before he could continue his conversation with the idiot behind the bar, a man stumbled through the door, yanking Kane’s attention in that direction. He was obviously drunk off his ass, but it wasn’t his state of inebriation that had Kane on edge—it was his scent. The man reeked all the way across the room, and the smell had Kane seeing red as he gripped the wooden edge of the bar to keep himself from ripping out the stranger’s throat.

  He was covered in the woman’s scent. Lara. A low growl rumbled in his throat and the bartender shot him a questioning glance. Kane turned away from the door and ground his teeth to hold in the anger. Fur rippled along his skin and his fingers underneath the lip of the bar edge partially shifted to paws and claws as he scraped into the wood.

  Kane caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and willed his body to calm. Shifting out in the open was strictly forbidden and could heap a helluva lot of trouble on him and his kind that they couldn’t afford to deal with right now. Not with both of the other Enforcers shunned from the clan. He sighed. He missed his brothers and it frustrated the fuck out of him that they were both gone. Especially Lucas. Being shunned for mating with a non-shifter just didn’t seem right. She carried his mark, for Christ’s sake. Sometimes who you ended up with couldn’t always be controlled. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

  Another glance in the mirror showed a man not as close to the edge as a few minutes ago. He breathed in deep, letting his lungs fill before slowly releasing the air. He no longer scratched at the bar with claws, and he raised his hand to wipe the sweat that had broken out on his forehead.

  He should be happy that someone in the bar carried her scent, for it meant he was getting closer. About fucking time. The rage, though, where the hell was that coming from?

  The man seated next to him threw some bills on the bar and walked out, leaving an open st
ool that the new drunk guy immediately occupied. Kane’s groin tightened with the onslaught of Lara’s scent, and for once he wished he didn’t have heightened senses. His cock swelled against his thigh, thoughts of her even more vivid than they had been in his dreams over the past nights. He had come to dread the time he had to sleep because he always dreamt of her.

  Not as the vicious bitch he knew her to be. Oh, no. In his dreams Lara was a lush, naked temptress whom he ached to get his hands on. He thought about licking each and every sweet inch of her, night after night.

  “Bartender, bring me a drink. Something strrrrong.” The man slurred his words as he ordered, and it brought Kane back to the present. It was the man sitting next to him, a stranger, not the woman.

  He had a job to do, and it appeared his luck had finally turned. He had a lead on finding her in the form of a young and stupid drunk.

  Kane took another swallow of his drink and grimaced this time over the burn. He would sit here and finish his shitty Scotch and wait. Either this man would start talking or Kane would make him talk when he left the building. He struggled not to groan when some Creedence Clearwater Revival blared from the dusty old juke in the corner.

  Could this place be more stereotypical if it tried? He didn’t think so.

  When the bartender set down a shot of tequila in front of the man, he picked it up and turned to Kane. “Here’s to good alcohol and hot women.”

  At the man’s words, Kane felt an honest to God tick in his eye and an overwhelming urge to smash his glass into the man’s face and wrestle him down to the ground. Somehow he resisted.

  “Here, here.” He raised his glass in a mock toast. After they had both taken several more drinks he opted to move in. “Have a good night with a good woman, then?”

  “Hell yeah, I did. Fine piece of ass if I do say so myself.”

  Kane had to bite his tongue as hatred for this man burned through his veins. He had asked for it, so the least he could do was play along.


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