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A Most Stubborn Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Cara Adams

  By the time they’d loaded their luggage into the trunk and he was driving slowly down the airport access road he was ready to burst. “What the fuck were you doing taking a picture of the damn car?”

  “What’s its license plate?”


  “It’s a black SUV. You park it in a mall and we go grab a coffee. What is the license plate?”

  “I’m not going to forget where I park the damn car.”

  “And if you do you’ll just walk around beeping the car key until you find it again. I don’t have a key to beep, but now I have a picture of the plate so I can find it.”

  He took a deep breath. Okay, he hadn’t thought of that. And he was just a fraction grumpy after being squashed up in that stupid little cattle class seat all the way here. “I’m going to drive past the Supreme Alpha’s pack headquarters on the way to our hotel,” he said, changing the topic of conversation.

  “Good plan. That way if there are one-way streets and such like we’ll be aware of them,” said Steve.

  Zed didn’t bother to say the one-way streets were all marked on the map he’d downloaded from the Internet. It was more to refresh his memory on the roads and the traffic. It’d actually been a few years since the last time he was here and he couldn’t remember much about downtown Vienna at all.

  He’d spent some time on the airplane memorizing the map and found his way with only a few false starts, then drove to their hotel, although he did need to go around the block twice to find the entry. The hotel didn’t have a parking lot as such, but they had a valet service. He had no clue where they took the car to, but as long as it was back at nine tomorrow morning, he didn’t really care. The hotel had beds and a restaurant and that was all he’d want tonight.

  To his surprise they were all on different floors of the hotel. He hadn’t even thought about it but had assumed his room would be next to Josie’s. His room was on the fifth floor so he was the first one out of the elevator. When the door shut behind him, leaving Josie alone with Steve, a sharp pain ripped through his chest. He stood and watched the lights. The elevator stopped again on the eighth floor, and then on the tenth. But had Steve just pressed the extra button and had gotten out with Josie? Were they even now in her room together? Was Steve kissing her? Did she want him to kiss her? Would she like it if he did? Like it more than when he kissed her?

  He pulled out his cell phone and called her.

  “What’s up, Zed?”

  “I thought maybe we should meet up for a meal in the restaurant. Say in half an hour?”

  “Sure. That’ll just give me time to shower. Will you call Steve or do you want me to?”

  “I’ll call him.” Zed clicked his phone off. He didn’t want to invite Steve. He’d spent more than enough time with the human already today. But he refused to give Josie an excuse to talk to him privately either.

  Fucking hell! This job was going to kill him.

  * * * *

  “Josie and I will meet you in the restaurant in half an hour.”

  “Okay. See you then.” Steve rather thought Zed had ended the call before he finished speaking but it didn’t matter. Zedekiah might have planned to dine alone with Josie, but it sounded like Josie had insisted on inviting him, too. This was going to be a very tricky business. Very tricky indeed. He’d done his best to follow Zedekiah’s lead. He wasn’t stupid and the big man was clearly a far more capable team leader than he would ever be. But he had skills, skills useful to the team, and he intended to use them.

  Steve had grown up mostly in Europe, with just a few years in Asia and the Middle East. His military father had taught him to drive the summer he was eleven, and he’d driven all sorts of army vehicles on the bases as well as cars, long before he’d been old enough to get a license and drive on the road. Sooner or later Zedekiah would need a break from driving and Steve intended to help out.

  He also wasn’t giving up on his intention to share Josie. She was his as much as she was the wolf’s. Sure Josie was a wolf but she also had a mental bond with Steve he’d never experienced with any other person. They understood each other on a deep emotional level and Zedekiah would just have to learn to share. After all, it’d hurt him plenty to admit he couldn’t be her sole partner, but he’d accepted it. The other man had to do the same.

  These next few months weren’t going to be easy, but if they all cooperated they might not be so very painful either.

  Steve sighed, and headed for a shower. He had a date with Josie in twenty-five minutes and he didn’t plan to be late.

  Zed marched into the restaurant and chose the table they were to sit at placing himself beside Josie. Steve instantly took the seat on the other side of her. But he didn’t really mind which seat he had. If he’d sat opposite her it would have meant he could spend the meal looking into her beautiful face. But this way he was closer to her. Although being closer to her was torture as well as delight. After all, he’d sat beside her all the way from Ohio to Vienna without being able to touch her.

  He turned his body a little so he could see her better and let Zed control the conversation with the server. He’d taken a quick look at the menu and it was all the type of food he’d eaten many times before. No surprises there. The entire meal followed the same pattern with Zed using every opportunity to demonstrate he was in charge. Steve didn’t argue. If something was about to happen—like with driving the car—that he really cared about, he’d say something. Otherwise he was happy for Zed to take the lead. He knew, though, that sooner or later there’d be trouble. Zed was very controlling and Josie was certain to object at some point.

  After the meal they got into the elevator to return to their own rooms. “I’ll see you to your door,” Zed said to Josie.

  “You will both come into my room with me. It’s time we had a little talk,” replied Josie. Steve’s jaw dropped a fraction before he carefully closed his mouth again. Uh-huh. It appeared Josie’d had enough of Zed’s attitude already. Oh fuck! He really didn’t want to be in the same room as them if they started fighting. Zed might think he was the ultimate authority, but Steve had seen Josie emasculate big strong wolves with a single look.

  At the eighth floor he let Zed shepherd Josie from the elevator, walking behind them to her room. He’d memorized all their room numbers, but saw no reason to let Zed think he’d visited Josie, because he hadn’t. Zed went to take her keycard from Josie to open the door, and she turned her back to him, doing it herself. She shoved the keycard in the slot on the wall and the lights came on in the room.

  “Both of you sit on the bed, side by side.”

  Steve stared at Josie but did as she said. What the fuck was she going to say next?

  Zed’s mouth opened and closed again. His brows drew together and he didn’t look at all happy but he sat beside Steve. Steve looked up to see what Josie planned to say or do, but she’d disappeared into the bathroom. He sat still and quiet, waiting for her to explain everything to him.

  She reappeared wearing a sheer sarong over her underwear. And very pretty underwear it was, too, a pink lacy bra and matching pink panties. Very, very nice indeed. Her body was better than he could ever have imagined as well, her legs long and straight, her breasts filling the pink lace cups perfectly, and her belly just the tiniest bit rounded.

  Zed jumped to his feet. “Josie! What the hell—”


  Zed sat and Steve had to work hard not to grin at the stunned look on the big man’s face. Of course, he’d really like to know what the hell she was thinking, too.

  Josie stood right in front of them both, her legs almost touching their knees, her hands behind her back. “Hold your hands out, both of you.”

  Did she have some kind of gift for them? But what for? Obediently Steve extended his hands, careful to hold them bent up so he didn’t touch her. For a moment Steve thought Zed was going to touch her but he didn’t, holding his hands palm up as if he assumed she was going to give them something, too.

>   There was a blur of motion, followed by a loud click, and Steve was staring down at a pair of handcuffs. One cuff was around his wrist and the other around Zed’s.

  “Josie?” roared Zed.

  “Shut up and listen. Both of you listen very carefully. We have been sent here as a team. Notice that word. Team. Zedekiah Vukic, you are not our manager, or our superior, or our guardian angel. You are the leader of the team but you do not hold any power over our personal lives or ourselves except only as it relates to the actual task we’ve been set. I am the administrator. I make the day-to-day arrangements and the travel bookings. I organize the data and the reports. Steve is the translator. When he offers advice about the people or the customs, or the places we’re visiting, you have to listen to him and weigh it carefully. You might have traveled here, but he’s lived among these people and he has the ability to understand far more than you or I could ever absorb.”

  Steve was concentrating on her words. He knew if he took his gaze off her face for as much as a nanosecond he’d be lost in wonder at her body. She was totally serious about her lecture to them and he needed to pay attention to it.

  “You both want me, and you know I want you both. Not one of you and then the other one. Both. At the mating party plenty of women decided to take two men. A few of them took three men. I heard how good sex could be with two men and one woman. Actually, I’d already heard about it before from Jasper’s pack, but I had it confirmed over and over. So, since this is to be a team situation, you can begin by both fucking me together. Not one after the other, but together. Double penetration is what I want and I’m making the rules right now. Since neither of you has ever fucked me, I get to choose. Steve will have my pussy and Zed my ass. If you both learn to work together and cooperate properly, we will fuck again. On that occasion the roles will be reversed. Steve will have my ass and Zed my cunt. But you will both have been first, the only men ever to have ménage sex with me.”

  Steve wiped his free hand over his face, pretty sure his mouth was wide open and his eyes were popping from his head. “Condoms?” he gasped.

  “In the nightstand. Also lube. Now get undressed. That will be a nice little test for you on cooperation.”

  Josie dropped her sarong and lingerie on the floor, and, completely naked, walked to the top of the bed. She climbed up and sat cross-legged, her back resting against the headboard. Steve toed his shoes and socks off, then looked at Zed.

  “You can take the cuffs off. We’ll cooperate,” said Zed.

  “You have to fuck me with them on. You need to learn what cooperation means in action, Zed.”

  Fuck her wearing handcuffs? It was going to take a whole lot more than cooperation to do that. At least he had his right hand free. That’d help. Zed would have to get by using his left hand.

  * * * *

  Josie sat back and watched. She’d decided she wouldn’t help them at all from here on. It was up to the two of them to work together. They each had one hand free and they were both plenty smart enough to figure out what to do if they wanted to. Her naked body should provide them with enough motivation to solve the little challenge she’d set before them.

  Josie had been a bit concerned she wouldn’t get the handcuffs on them. Both of them were stronger than her and could easily have prevented her from handcuffing them. That was why she’d decided to get mostly undressed. She’d figured that should distract them enough. Well, it’d worked just fine. Of course, she’d never get away with a similar trick again, but with a bit of luck she wouldn’t need to. Hopefully within the next few hours they’d learn they could work together, then they’d fuck her, and she’d finally have them both.

  She wasn’t naïve. Undoubtedly, they’d still argue and bicker and Zed would try to push her and Steve around. But hopefully he would also learn a few of the basic facts of life along the way. He wasn’t the king of the world and it was more than time he understood that fact. Besides, just because she wanted to mate with them both didn’t mean she was suddenly going to turn into the kind of domesticated pet who sat at home waiting for her men to return. Oh no. Her place was out in the world where the action was and nothing would change that.

  There would be some adjusting to do, but her hope was that after tonight they’d have learned a lesson in working together and they’d be able to cooperate to find this missing wolf pack, if not in peace and harmony, at least without leaving a trail of blood behind them everywhere they went.

  Zed had insisted on undressing himself, and Steve was stepping around him so he could use both his hands. Josie sat back and watched and waited to see if he’d be as generous when it was Steve’s turn as Steve had been to him.

  Zed tugged on his and Steve’s joined arm. Josie winced but Steve said quite mildly, “You do realize that if you dislocate my shoulder you’ll have to sit with me in the emergency room while they fix it? At least I’ll be able to understand the television shows and what the nurses are saying. You’ll just have to guess.”

  Zed looked up at Josie. “You wouldn’t?”

  “Oh, yes, she would,” said Steve.

  Josie nodded. “They’re not coming off until you’ve learned your lesson and it seems to me you have a way to go yet.”

  Without saying another word Zed moved so Steve could get undressed, and together they climbed up onto the bed.

  Josie hid her smile. She was certain Zed hadn’t changed his opinions, but he was smart enough to shut up about them for a while. She wanted a lot more from him than that. She stayed exactly where she was and Zed said quite politely, “Josie, would you please lie on your front so I—Steve and I—can begin preparing your ass. Is there a butt plug in your nightstand drawer as well as the condoms and lube?”

  “No butt plug. I didn’t bring my toy box with me as I knew there’d be two perfectly adequate cocks coming on the journey.” She very deliberately used the word “adequate.” There was no way she was telling them yet how impressed she was with both the cocks on her bed. Zed’s, like his skin, was a darker brown, and very long and thick. Steve’s was a lighter color which just meant that the fact his head was red with need was even more obvious. Without lining them up and measuring them, she thought Steve’s cock might be a fraction longer, but Zed’s was definitely wider. It appeared she would soon be able to answer the age-old question, “Which is better, length or width?”

  Josie lay down as instructed and turned her head to the right. She wouldn’t be able to see what happened behind her, but her peripheral vision was very good indeed, after all she was a werewolf shape-shifter, so she hoped to get a bit of an idea how the men were dealing with their problem.

  To her surprise, Steve lay on his back beside her and rested his right hand very gently on her shoulder. His left arm was extended backward, to give Zed reasonable use of his right hand. Josie felt Zed’s big hand softly stroked her ass, and then Steve turned her chin more directly to him and kissed her nose. Helpfully, she leaned toward Steve somewhat, and settled in to enjoy herself. Behind her, Zed was now kissing her ass cheeks and petting her spine, smoothing his palm over her skin. Steve started to kiss her jawline, and her chin, before finally touching her lips so delicately she almost wondered if she’d imagined his touch.

  But no. Both of them became more purposeful quite quickly, and soon she was pushing back onto Zed’s fingers as he stroked all around her back door, gradually loosening and softening her tight ring of muscles, and sensitizing all the tissues on the inside. Steve had progressed to kissing her mouth and the breast he could reach. She noted he stayed away from her back, leaving that area for Zed, but she’d expected him to be the reasonable one. She knew he wouldn’t let Zed push him too far, but she also knew he was far more easygoing and less likely to take offence and react.

  It was just as well one of them was even-tempered. She’d been ready to push Zed off the airplane without a parachute herself at one stage, and it was only the thought that she’d packed her handcuffs which prevented her from hitting him over the
head with a blunt instrument in the hire car office.

  Right now the two of them were doing an excellent job of building a sense of desperate need deep in her belly. Her honey was dripping steadily from her pussy, and she was driving herself back onto Zed’s demanding fingers. Steve lifted his face from her breast and kissed her deeply, sliding his tongue into her mouth, teasing her inner cheeks, before he let her catch his tongue and suck on it.

  By the time they finally drew apart, her lungs were starved of oxygen and she was more than ready to move on to the next step. “I’m ready now,” she gasped.

  She expected Steve to pull her over his body but instead Zed said, “Steve, if you stand with your back to the wall, and Josie puts her legs around your waist, we should easily be able to support her weight between us and we’ll have more arm movement available to us than if we were lying down.”

  “I’m not that heavy,” she complained.

  “Either of us could easily hold you if we had two arms, but we don’t, thanks to you handcuffing us together. I agree with your plan, Zed,” said Steve, wiggling down to the foot of the bed and climbing off with Zed.

  She hadn’t planned on being fucked against a wall for her first time with these men, but if they got this right there’d be plenty of other times, so she joined them on the floor. Pointing to the wall to the bathroom she said, “This wall? So we don’t entertain the neighbors?”

  Steve laughed but Zed just nodded. The two men bent together and pushed the bed farther away from that wall, then they shuffled around until Steve was backed against it. She noticed both men were wearing condoms and she was sorry she’d missed seeing them put them on. She’d love to know if they’d done it one-handed.

  Josie pressed her breasts against Steve’s chest and kissed his lips again, then Zed boosted her up and Steve drove his cock deep into her cunt in one long stroke. Hell, yes, that felt good. She’d wanted him for so long, but she’d never understood how wonderful it would feel to have him so deep inside her, filling her, stretching her, completing her. She gave a little wiggle then hitched her legs around his waist and locked her ankles just above his ass. His shoulders rested against the wall, but her feet weren’t crushed into it. There was enough space for her to lean them there securely.


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