“Your father abandoned you and your mother and you’re still angry. Correct? That calls for a yes or no.”
Pam didn’t want to answer at all, but she knew if she resisted, he’d badger her until she caved. “Yes,” she replied.
His expression didn’t change. “Thank you.” He leaned toward her, his face intent. “Understand this. I am not your father. I would never abandon anyone who depended on me. I’ve made my share of mistakes, but I own up to them and try to do better the next time. I don’t form strong ties, then carelessly break them. That’s why I backed off from you.”
“I don’t understand.”
He gripped her shoulders. “I knew I was starting to bond with you, and a permanent break would gut me. Also, once I created a bond, well…” His voice trailed off. “That’s not easy for anyone to realize, especially a guy who likes control.”
“Oh.” She’d never thought of it that way.
He regarded her for a moment. “Forgive?” he asked.
Pamela crawled onto his lap. “Yes. Forgive me too?”
Jared smiled. “Of course.” He pulled back. “From now on, we must make every attempt to communicate like this. Promise?”
“Promise.” She placed her head on Jared’s chest and melted into him. It wasn’t long before a raging hard-on poked her in the hip. She wiggled a bit and smiled inwardly when his erection twitched in response.
“Take off your clothes.” His voice was deep, commanding.
This time, she didn’t hesitate. She stood in front of him, running her hands up and down her arms, feeling utterly exposed.
“Stop fidgeting. Hands at your sides.”
She obeyed, eyes on her scarlet toenails.
“Look at me, Pam.”
She looked into his dark, fathomless depths. When he reached out and lifted her chin, her heart fluttered at his touch. “Don’t break eye contact with me while we play tonight. I want to see your every emotion, be it good, bad, or indifferent. No hiding your thoughts or your responses. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now move to the middle of the room and kneel.”
Despite her unsteady legs, Pam managed the task albeit with little grace. She looked up expectantly, striving to remain composed and focused on him.
His heated gaze slid over her body and a warm glow coursed through her. “Spread your legs wider. I want to see my pretty pussy.”
Eager to please, she spread her thighs farther apart.
Jared walked around and crouched to adjust her position. “Good posture is essential,” he instructed, the tips of his fingers stroking her back and neck.
Pam kept her spine straight and her gaze lowered until he stepped in front of her. “Sir…” she began.
“Hush,” he admonished. “Don’t speak until I give you permission or ask a question. Place your hands on your thighs, palms up.”
She hastened to comply and his features softened a fraction.
“Excellent. This is the position that I prefer when you kneel. Will you remember this for me?”
“I’ll remember,” she promised.
“Now hurry to my bedroom. Find a pillow or two. Place them at the foot of the bed and kneel on them. Face the windows, with your back to the doorway.”
Pamela rose and rushed toward the bedroom. Before turning the corner to his room, she looked behind her. His burning gaze was fixed on her retreating ass, and she couldn’t resist a mischievous smile at catching him.
He raised a questioning brow and scowled, but she could detect the tiniest hint of amusement in his eyes.
She was in position when he entered several minutes later. When his shoes materialized in front of her, she lifted her head and immediately noticed the enormous bulge at the front of his pants. Her first impulse was to reach out and touch that hard flesh, but she kept her hands in her lap, waiting for direction.
Jared looked thoughtful when he spoke. “You said you’ve never performed oral sex before. Correct?”
Well, that was to the point. Pam shook her head. “No.” She hesitated, then bit her lip.
Apparently, he caught her reluctance and was on her in an instant. “Out with it, Pamela.”
She sighed, hating to dredge up old memories. “I almost did in my freshman year of college. I was dating a junior named Jason.”
He nodded. “Go on.”
She continued. “We dated for a few months and got along just fine. He seemed to really like me until one night, when he asked for a blowjob.”
Jared shrugged. “Normal enough scenario. College boy, looking to get laid. What happened?”
The ugly memory lanced through her. “I thought about it but wasn’t ready and refused. Among other things, he called me a cock-tease so I told him he could go blow himself. It was quite a scene.”
Jared huffed out a laugh. “I bet. I’m just surprised the asshole waited so long to make a move.”
“Well, it’s not like I’m frigid. We did some heavy petting and such. I guess that held him off for a while. He knew I was a virgin and seemed to accept that I wasn’t an easy lay.”
Jared was persistent. “And the ending of the story is…?”
“He dumped me after that night. No text, no phone call. Nothing.”
She nodded. “Yup. I was crushed because he seemed like such a nice guy. But he proved to be the kind of bastard my mother always warned me about.” She hesitated. “Well, he did call a couple of months later. I think he wanted to apologize, but I was still too angry and ignored him.”
“You refused to talk to him because he abandoned you.” Jared gave her an appraising look. “He acted like an asshole, make no mistake. But when he called, you missed the perfect opportunity to tell him off. And if he called to ask your forgiveness, he never got a chance to redeem himself. No closure. Looks like everyone lost there. Sometimes you’re hard as a hickory nut, little one.”
Pam lifted her nose in the air. “I’m not some doormat gushing forgiveness to someone who does me wrong.”
“Can’t refute that,” he acknowledged with a touch of his easy humor.
She barely managed to bite back a saucy rejoinder.
Jared waited with an expectant air, arms folded across his chest. Even so, she kept her expression neutral.
Looking satisfied at her hard-won control, Jared reached for his belt. Pamela tensed as he unbuckled it and slid it off. When he tossed it aside, she audibly exhaled.
A slight smile curved his lips. “Don’t fret. It’s much too soon to stripe your backside again.” Her relief must have been evident, because he added, “That doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun with my bare hand.”
Fun? Not discipline? Intrigued, she waited for his next move.
Jared helped her to her feet, then bent down to scoop up the pillows. After crossing the room, he tossed the pillows aside and settled into a cushioned, armless chair. His unwavering gaze held hers. “Tell me your safe word.”
“Sugar,” she murmured.
He patted his thigh. Pam stretched across his lap, touched the floor with her fingertips, and squeezed her eyes shut. He administered twenty swats. Jared took his time, rubbing her ass with his hardened palms between strokes. To her surprise, her pussy clenched in response to each scorching clout, while her arousal ramped up with each burning caress. This time, it was as if he were stroking her needy clit, not just raining punishment on her ass.
As soon as it was over, Jared gave Pam’s tush a fond pat and set her on his lap. For some reason, a sense of peace had drifted over her like a cozy blanket.
He caressed her thigh with one hand while the other held her by the waist. “I need to clarify something. Like today’s scene, yesterday’s included spanking. You were naughty as usual last night, and I had a great time ‘punishing’ you.” With this, he used air quotes. “But both spankings were really about fun and weren’t discipline in the true sense. They certainly can’t be compared
to domestic discipline, which is a lifestyle choice with its own strict set of rules. Do you see the difference?”
Pam nodded. “I think I get it. Both spankings, even yesterday’s supposed punishment, were BDSM scenes. They are in essence a bit like playacting, whereas domestic discipline is the real thing.”
“Well, it’s certainly real enough to those who believe in a head of household and his right to administer discipline anytime he deems fit.” His fixed a curious gaze on her. “I have a question. If not for discipline, what might be my real reason for spanking you?”
She pondered this for a moment. “My best guess would be you wanted to establish your dominance in the bedroom but in a fun, sexy way.”
“Perceptive as always,” he replied in an approving tone. “Remember, though…that kind of dominance will not encroach on our relationship outside the bedroom.” He paused. “How do you feel now?”
“Okay.” Realizing the noncommittal answer would never pass muster, she elaborated. “I feel centered but a bit edgy at the same time.”
Jared looked thoroughly confused. “Edgy? In what way? Explain.”
Knowing she couldn’t squirm out of this vague response either, Pam sighed and admitted, “This spanking was different from yesterday’s. I didn’t feel overwhelmed at all this time. Don’t get me wrong,” she rushed to add, “I liked it both times.” She chewed her lip.
“Go on,” he urged.
“Today’s was even more intense because I wasn’t in subspace. I knew what was going on and was aware of my desires.”
At this, Jared’s head tilted questioningly. Pam gathered her courage. “More than anything, I wanted you to dominate me. And I just felt…incredibly aroused when you did. I still do, and it’s uncomfortable.”
His dark brows shot up.
She had surprised him. But that glint in his eyes…was it smug satisfaction? Yes, it was. Cocky bastard. She rubbed her naked ass on his impressive bulge—a reminder that the horniness went both ways.
Holding her stationary, he slipped questioning fingers between her thighs. She leaned back, parting her legs to better accommodate him. The slick glide of his digits confirmed her words. Heat crept up her neck and face, but she refused to tear her gaze away from his, even when his pupils dilated and his eyes darkened to midnight.
Chapter Six
Finally, Jared spoke. “Well, then,” he drawled, rising out of the chair and setting Pam on her feet.
She shivered as his warm hands cupped her breasts, then plucked her nipples to harder points. He brought her closer, and she placed her hands on his chest, enjoying the play of muscles under her fingers.
Pam let her hands drift south, but Jared caught them between his before she found her mark. After raising them to his lips, he kissed each finger, flicking his tongue out once or twice like a silent promise. She drew in a shuddery breath, amazed at her body’s powerful reaction to his slightest attention.
Without warning, Jared clasped Pam by the hips and spun her so she faced away from him. Confused, she looked down and examined the oversize chair in which she’d been spanked. It was armless, but she knew firsthand it was quite sturdy and comfortable.
Jared pressed against her back, and she could feel the heat of his body radiating through his clothes.
“Climb on the chair and kneel close to the edge,” he instructed. “Then bend over and present yourself to me.”
She felt herself getting wetter at the firm directive. When he growled low and smacked her ass, Pam realized she hadn’t moved. Scrambling onto the plush cushion, she leaned over and spread her legs.
Jared adjusted her position with gentle hands. When he was satisfied with her posture, he secured her fingers over the top edge of the chair’s back. “Hold on tight, little one. I’m going to ride you hard.”
Pam heard him unzip and forced herself to remain still when he placed his erection at the entrance to her core. She shuddered as he traced a lazy finger down her spine, then trailed a path over her right buttock. Curious, she peeked over her shoulder.
“Eyes forward,” Jared barked.
Pam jumped—then stifled a gasp as his palm met its plump target with a sharp crack. “And don’t move.” She obeyed, although the skin of her rump tingled and a frisky recklessness gripped her.
Cupping her hip in a large hand and clasping her thigh with the other, Jared tugged Pam closer. His fingertips explored the tender skin of her ass, and she surmised he was busy admiring his handiwork. When something brushed over her tight hole, though, she couldn’t help but twitch again.
Jared swatted her several times on each buttock, and Pam moaned as her ass heated up. She pressed her forehead into the chair’s cushioned back, but this only served to elevate her hips. She was completely open to him now, and his deep rumble of appreciation informed her this hadn’t escaped his notice.
Pam instinctively braced herself when Jared tightened his hold on her hips.
He entered her in one hot, brutal stroke, filling her to the verge of pain. He stilled, and she could feel the coarse fabric of his pants on the backs of her thighs. Soon her feminine muscles stretched to accommodate him. She closed her eyes as a pleasurable sensation of fullness edged out the pain.
True to his dark promise, Jared fucked her without mercy. Pam’s breasts swayed with the force and pace of his thrusts. She shifted a little and earned another stinging swat. It felt delicious, and fire spread over her skin and licked over her pulsing clit.
She pushed back against him, trying to relieve the ache between her thighs. With a low snarl at her disobedience, Jared pulled Pam into an upright position in the chair. Still firmly seated inside her, he settled his groin flush against her throbbing ass. He then wrapped a powerful arm around her upper torso and shoulders and held her tightly against his chest.
Having rendered her upper body immobile, he cupped her dripping mound with his other hand and whispered in her ear, “Naughty girls need to be restrained. They should also get spanked. Doesn’t matter how. Or where.”
With that, Jared held four fingers over her swollen pussy and gave it a tap. Pam jolted in his arms, whimpering as an electric sizzle fired from her blood-filled clit to her womb. Jared nearly withdrew from her channel, then thrust back in. After filling her with his hot steel a few more times, he stilled his gyrating hips and spanked her cunt again.
Pam wiggled her lower body, trying to gain a measure of autonomy. Jared overpowered her with ease, holding her in place as he pounded his muscled pelvis against her backside. Dominated and completely helpless, Pam could only lean back against his hard body and take it as he alternated fucking and spanking her pussy.
The pressure mounted and her breathing quickened.
“Don’t come without permission,” he ground out, now strumming her clit.
“Sir, please.” Her voice was a broken sob. She was so close.
“Not yet,” he insisted. His fingers quickened. Then he lifted his hand and landed another slap.
Her plaintive wail had no effect on him, and he kept up the fast pace of his rough, searing thrusts and gentle spanks. Pam’s head lolled back on his shoulder, and a sheen of sweat formed on her hairline. She moaned in distress, only seconds away from inevitable climax.
“Come,” Jared ordered and pinched her clit.
Pam convulsed in his arms as she found release. Tiny gasps were the only sounds to escape her as shocking pleasure racked her body.
“That’s right, little one,” Jared murmured in her ear, his hips swiveling with slow, sensual movements. “Come around your Master’s cock.”
When the climax faded, Pam sagged in his arms like a rag doll. “Wow,” she said. “Just. Wow.”
Jared gave a light laugh and with several deft movements, zipped up and settled her on his lap. He reached over, snagged some tissues from a small table, and helped her clean up.
After resting for a few minutes, Pam closed her hand over the bulge between his thighs. He hadn’t come. She looked up at him an
d, feeling a bit unnerved by his heated stare, licked her dry lips. His gaze dropped to her mouth and she watched his nostrils flare with interest.
Jared stood and she slid out of his arms. As soon as Pam’s feet touched the carpet, he kissed her, his tongue exploring the recesses of her mouth. She responded in kind, her body melting at his gentle touch. When he lifted his head, the predatory look in his eyes caused gooseflesh to form on her arms.
His deep voice broke the silence. “Kneel.” He pointed to a spot and she hurried over.
After Pam settled on the pillows, Jared moved away. He returned, holding the leather belt in a tight grip. A bit wary despite his promise not to use it that night, she waited for his next move. He stepped behind her, then seized both wrists and looped the belt around them. When he finished, she tested the restraint and found it to be secure but not overly tight. With her breasts thrust out and her cunt displayed for his pleasure, a feeling of helplessness—coupled with expectation—gripped her.
Jared towered over her, looking almost savage. “You’re going to suck me off, little one. No hands. I want to feel just that lovely mouth on my cock.” With that, he unzipped and the hard flesh sprang free from its constraint.
He clasped the base of his erection. Pressing it against her lips, he sought entrance.
“Open for me,” he urged.
Pam obediently parted her lips and took a tentative lick of the bulbous tip. The salty tang of precum and her own juices coated her tongue and she took a curious swallow. It tasted good and musky. Swirling her tongue over the head, she moved down and traced its pointed tip over the bulging veins running along the blood-filled shaft. She then took soft licks on the ridged underside, and he shuddered in response.
“Christ, Pam,” Jared murmured.
Unbeknownst to him, she’d read up on the art of fellatio. And by applying this knowledge as well as trusting her instincts, she was going to make it memorable. With a soft mouth, she sucked the glans like a huge lollipop. A low groan from above encouraged further exploration, and she worked her way down the shaft, taking more into her mouth until the tip hit the back of her throat. Gagging, she pulled back a bit.
Her Secret Dom Page 9