Her Secret Dom

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Her Secret Dom Page 10

by Samantha Cote

  Jared fisted her hair in both hands and turned her face upward. His eyes appeared molten in the diminishing light. “Open wider and breathe through your nose.”

  She followed his direction and was able to draw in a deep breath.

  “Good girl. Now I’m going to tilt your head at the correct angle. Relax your throat muscles. Eyes on me.”

  She did as instructed, and he inched in a little. She pulled away and, at his questioning look, lunged forward and took most of his hard length in.

  His sharp intake of breath was all she needed. Emboldened, she moved up and down, loving the feel of stiff, aroused man between her lips. With his assistance, she was soon deep throating at almost every pass. It was hard work but well worth the effort when his eyes rolled back in his head in pure bliss. He tugged on her hair. She responded by taking him deeper, capturing his swollen glans in her throat and squeezing with all her might.

  Jared choked out a growl and tightened his hold on her curls. The slight pain morphed into pleasure as she gloried in his dominance over her. A surge of feminine power together with an intense need to please him filled her senses. She ran a flattened tongue along the underside of his shaft and was rewarded with another deep moan. He then took control, holding her head steady while thrusting into her mouth, his gaze never leaving her face as he powered between her soft lips.

  Pam opened wider and groaned around him, wanting the vibrations to increase his pleasure. He became impossibly hard, and his thrusts sped up. When he tried pulling away, she whimpered in protest and struggled against the restraints. He must have understood the silent plea in her eyes and so continued pistoning in and out with complete abandon, his face filled with ecstasy as he fucked her mouth. Then, with a snarl of savage triumph, he threw his head back and spilled his seed in her warm depths.

  As the pulsing slowed, she continued sucking gently, swallowing every drop of his cum. Jared’s hands combed through her hair as she tenderly ministered to him. When his softening penis slid out of her mouth, she leaned over and gave it a light, appreciative kiss.

  With an easy laugh, Jared tucked himself in and zipped up. He released her wrists and after checking them, lifted her from the floor.

  Placing her head on his chest, he held her close. “You were amazing, sweetheart,” he murmured against her hair.

  Pam bit back a feisty remark, realizing one of her infamous wisecracks might be perceived as indecorous at that given moment. A brief internal struggle ensued. Well, maybe she’d issue a tiny one. “Not bad for a beginner, hmm?” she responded, feeling a trifle smug.

  “You’re a natural, kid,” he quipped, kissing the top of her head. He pulled back a bit, his tone turning serious. “Now, Pam, listen. Let there be no more recriminations regarding Shuttleworth or talk of my neglect. You have apologized; I have apologized. Let’s forget the whole thing and move on. Sound good?”

  At this, Pam beamed. “Absolutely! I’ve forgotten already. What’s for dinner?”

  Dinner was baked chicken with roasted vegetables, a simple dish Jared managed to elevate to haute cuisine. Pam tucked into the meal with the enthusiasm of a piglet at its first feeding. Although ready to explode by the meal’s end, she inhaled the strawberries and cream that made up dessert.

  Jared showed great generosity of spirit that evening—even allowing her to wear the see-through nightie. He also let her choose the movie, and she spent the first hour of the chick flick marveling at Jared’s silent fortitude with the elaborate plot.

  The tearjerker proved to be too gooey even for her tastes, so they spent much of the second half of the movie tossing popcorn into each other’s mouths from opposite ends of the sofa. As soon as the last kernel was gone, Jared dragged her onto his lap and they necked through the closing credits.

  When they finally came up for air, he patted her rump. “You’re just like a big kid, Pam.”

  Pam huffed. “Like you’re any better. Although closing in on thirty, you still act like a little boy. You’re so competitive, you were actually jealous of my popcorn-catching skills. You purposely overthrew the popcorn because I was winning and you just couldn’t stand it. You big baby. I bet you were quite the handful when you were little.”

  Jared gave her a thoughtful look, as if considering her worthiness for something. She must’ve passed muster, because he suddenly asked, “Want to see some pictures of me when I was a kid?” At Pam’s start of surprise, he offered her an embarrassed smile. “Yes…believe it or not, Mother compiled a small photo album for each of her children. She made me pack mine when I left for New York.”

  A wave of pleasure washed over her at the offer. “That is so sweet.” Jared rarely talked of his past. More often than not, she had to drag information out of him.

  He planted a loud peck on the crown of her head and rose with her still cradled in his arms. Then he tossed Pam onto the sofa cushions like baggage, acknowledging her outraged scowl with a teasing grin.

  “Cave dweller,” she accused.

  “Yep,” he agreed, scratching his chest with a contented air. He gave a mighty stretch before continuing. “About that album. I’ll have you know…not one digital image made it into her precious collection. Only the real ones. Mother’s kinda old-school that way. So you’re interested in looking at it?”

  Pam nodded. “Yes, Jared. I can’t wait to see it.”

  After he disappeared into his office, Pam mulled over on possible reasons for the unexpected turnabout. Was Jared actually opening up about his personal life—just a little? Was this his way of bonding with her? Probably. It wasn’t exactly a sit-down, heart-to-heart talk, but it was a start.

  “Baby steps,” she whispered to herself.

  She had to stifle a laugh when Jared materialized with a light-blue decoupage horror, edged in frilly white lace.

  He wasn’t fooled by her composed features. “Not a word,” he warned.

  Pam tsked. “It’s absolutely precious, Jared,” she deadpanned. She held out both arms. “Gimme.”

  Although its cover was fugly and overwrought, the album’s contents were well chosen and beautifully mounted. She flipped through it quickly, eager for glimpses of Jared’s life. There were numerous images of family and friends throughout, but there was no mistaking the collection’s primary focus was the man sitting beside her.

  The album showed Jared in all his glory, from chubby, bouncing newborn, to gap-toothed urchin with scabby knees, all the way to self-possessed high school valedictorian.

  “Jared,” Pam exclaimed. “You never mentioned that to me! You must have been an absolute dream. Not only good-looking, but also valedictorian?”

  He nodded. “Yes, but I barely beat out the competition, Beatrice Finkelmeyer.”

  Pam face palmed. “Please tell me you made up her name.”

  “Nope,” Jared said with a sigh. “It’s real, all right.” He flipped over a few pages and pointed. “That’s her right there.”

  Pam leaned in and studied the image. Skinny. Lanky hair. Plain features. But a warm, engaging smile. Jared stood next to her, tall and impossibly handsome, an arm tucked around her waist.

  She glanced up and couldn’t help but notice the fond look in his eyes. “She was your date to the senior prom?”

  “Yes,” Jared responded. “Bea’s a wonderful girl. We had a great time that night.”

  Pam pondered on this, then looked down at the young couple. “Uh, Jared? Just curious…how did you end up with the girl-next-door type when you probably had your pick of the hot mamas?”

  He shrugged. “It made sense to go with her. She was the salutatorian. We knew and liked each other and shared a lot of interests.” His demeanor turned serious. “She should’ve been valedictorian, you know.”


  “Yes. Bea was way smarter than everyone, including me, but her home life wasn’t very stable. It affected her enough so she lost the edge.” He rubbed the stubble on his jaw. “Life’s not fair,” he announced, looking a bit grim.
  “No,” she agreed. “It isn’t.” A thought struck her. “Wasn’t she jealous of you, then?”

  Jared shook his head. “Believe it or not, no. The girl has class, I tell you. When the decisions were announced, I sought Bea out and told her she deserved the title, not me.”

  “What did she say?” Pam asked, curious.

  “She wholeheartedly agreed,” Jared admitted, then laughed with genuine amusement. “I think I fell a tiny bit in love with her then. The girl’s got more cojones than most guys. Very direct and fearless. That’s when I asked her to the prom.”

  “She must’ve been thrilled,” Pam exclaimed.

  “She was all right with it,” he said with a shrug. “She hadn’t planned on attending—I don’t think she had a date—but I finally convinced her to go.” He paused, smiling at the memory.

  “Huh,” Pam snorted. “The girl didn’t know how to appreciate a good thing. All those popular, pretty girls must’ve had a collective shit fit.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “A lot of people were surprised with my choice, but I was proud to have her as my date. Even at such a young age, she was very accomplished and really good company.”

  A sneaking suspicion crossed her mind. “You’re still in contact with her, aren’t you?”

  Jared nodded. “Yes. Every now and then. I visited her just before I relocated to New York.”

  No, she was not jealous. Well, maybe a little. “Did you date her after the prom?”

  “For a short time. But it didn’t last. We weren’t compatible.” His voice had taken on a teasing tone.

  “Hmmm” was all she said.

  His widening grin told her she was probably giving him the “creepy fish eye,” a term he used whenever she looked particularly suspicious or pissed.

  Pam’s curiosity was killing her. “Did you sleep with her?” she blurted out.

  Jared gave her a pointed look. “Now, you know I’m not the kiss-and-tell type,” he admonished.

  “Ha! I’ll take that as a yes. Otherwise, you would’ve flat-out denied it.”

  He played with one of her curls, his smile gone, but his dark eyes still danced. “I think someone’s got the jellies.”

  “So you had sex with her,” Pam insisted. “It’s no big deal.” She tossed her head, trying to appear nonchalant. “I can handle it.”

  Jared sighed. “You’re a terrible liar.” He hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Yes. We did have sex. Once.”

  Now he had her undivided attention. “Why only once?” she asked.

  “Bea wasn’t impressed and told me so.”

  Pam was aghast. “What the hell? What an ego-deflator that must have been.”

  “I was absolutely devastated,” Jared affirmed.

  “My, oh, my,” she murmured, intrigued with the possibility that Jared—a skilled lover in her estimation—was a fumbling clodhopper at one time. “Wait. Didn’t you claim yesterday there were never any complaints about your sexual prowess?”

  “Now, now…be nice,” Jared chided, looking more amused than insulted. “Bea told me it had nothing to do with me or my technique. It just wasn’t for her.”

  “And what exactly does that mean? Is she frigid?”

  “No. Not that I know of…” He picked up his drink and took a sip.

  “I know young guys sometimes have control problems,” Pam said. She leaned in closer. “Is that it? Did your trigger go off too soon?”

  Caught off guard, Jared nearly choked on his scotch. It took a few moments for him to catch his breath. “Premature ejaculation? Me? Never in my life.”

  “What was it, then?” she demanded.

  Jared now looked resigned. “Bea’s a lesbian. She wasn’t absolutely sure then, but she is now. Which means her opinions don’t count in this particular matter. You can’t keep score of a person’s bedroom skills if you bat for the other team. She’s automatically disqualified. So there. My perfect record of sexiness still stands.”

  They argued the point further, but Jared finally got Pam to admit his studly reputation did indeed remain untarnished.

  They looked through the album again and Pam was struck at the absolute normalcy of Jared’s young upbringing. And all that perfection was recorded in the photo collection. Birthday parties. School events. Family vacations. All preserved with a loving touch.

  The entire Marlowe clan was blessed with the beautiful gene. Pam was particularly interested in Jared’s father. Prior to this, she’d seen photos of every family member but him scattered around Jared’s apartment. The most recent album photographs were those taken at Jared’s high school graduation nearly a dozen years before. At that time, his father was about fifty and, to her, he looked like a man still in his prime.

  Not even bad camera angles could diminish the man’s presence. He oozed charisma and power. It was like looking at Jared in twenty years.

  “You strongly resemble your dad, Jared,” she noted—and felt him stiffen at her side. Interesting. “Are you alike in personality too?”

  “I guess we have a few things in common,” Jared said noncommittally. “Although I was never thrilled to be seen as the proverbial chip off the old block. We do have some important differences.” Now his voice held a slight edge.

  Touchy, she thought, tucking away the observation for future analysis.

  “Well, it’s time for bed,” Jared announced. “Why don’t you go get ready? I’ll finish the cleanup.”

  “But you cooked dinner. I can help…” Pam protested.

  His eyes narrowed in warning, and she leaped up, dodging the swat aimed at her butt. “Missed me,” she boasted. He stood up, and she scampered from the room.

  * * * *

  Pamela had finished turning down the covers when Jared entered the bedroom on silent feet. She glanced over her shoulder and gave a little smile of greeting. He tried smiling back but somehow failed to as he drank in the sight before him.

  Inky black curls tumbled down her back, nearly reaching the narrow indentation of her waist, while the gauzy negligee revealed tantalizing glimpses of the dusky cleft of her ass and the outline of a pink-tipped breast. She turned to face him, and Jared took in every luscious curve. His quiet scrutiny appeared to unsettle her, and she rested against the bedpost as if for support. Intrigued by the play of emotions on her face, he wondered at her thoughts.

  Looking hesitant, she came to some sort of a decision and lifted the nightgown over her head. She sank to her knees and took position, her pearly skin glowing in the diffused light of the lamps. Gorgeous.

  And naked. Without any prompting. Progress.

  He strode toward her with an outward calm that belied his growing desire—and a burning need to bury himself inside her receptive body. Murmuring his approval, he helped her to her feet.

  Jared reached out and cupped her shoulders, letting his fingers span them in a gentle caress. He moved his hands to the back of her neck, then threaded his fingers through her hair. Lightly tugging her head back, he bent to taste the skin of her throat. Pam smoothed her hands over the muscles of his arms and chest as he placed kisses along her jawline, the corners of her lips, then back to the column of her neck. Jared traced the delicate lines of her collarbone with a soft mouth, her light shivers urging him on. When he latched on to a rosy nipple, Pam’s fingernails dug into the flesh of his arms. He gently bit on a pointed tip, and she stood on tiptoe with a gasp.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” he said, crossing over to tease the other nipple. After sliding his hands up her torso, he palmed her breasts, relishing their satin texture. He pressed them together, nuzzling and licking until his erection strained against his jeans in protest.

  Jared bent over, his lips now hard and demanding. He allowed an inquisitive tongue to trace the seam of her lips while he moved the pads of his fingers whisper-soft along her damp slit of her mound. When he breached her lips to explore the recesses of her mouth, he inserted a thick digit into her drenched channel.

  He slid his tongue and
fingers in and out of her body, penetrating with sensual, unhurried movements meant to stoke the fires of arousal in slow degrees. But Pam was having none of it. She tried to engage his tongue in a game of chase with hers while she snapped her hips against his hand, seeking relief. He detected her mounting tension yet continued his slow, maddening pace.

  Jared lifted his head, noting Pam’s flushed face and half-closed eyes. His pulse quickened with the realization that, along with her labia, her lips had swelled from his attentions. Emotions, both dark and light, wild and noble, swept through him as he perceived the depths of her need.

  He spoke against her lips, his voice low and a little harsh. “Right now, your body belongs to me. I’ll give you what you need tonight, Pam, but I will decide when and how. Submit, and I will reward you with pleasure.”

  Pam’s frustrated groan not only heightened his arousal—it hardened his resolve. After scooping her up in his arms, he then placed her in the middle of the bed. Her lush body looked full of promise as she reclined against the pillows. He stripped with great haste, watching his eager dick strain in her direction. Pam’s eyes glittered with triumph, and her lips curved in a slight smile as her fingers moved toward her tender folds.

  “Hands off my pussy,” he barked.

  She flinched at his command, her hand frozen over her crotch. When Pam’s lips set into a stubborn line, Jared climbed on the bed and yanked her off the pillows, the unexpected move bringing about a startled squeak.

  He flipped her onto her stomach, then seized the cheeks of her ass and spread them wide. Her nether lips shone with her arousal, and he gathered her juices, then spread them over his throbbing penis. Pam wiggled her hips invitingly and he gave her bottom a cautionary tap. This only served to provoke her, and she lifted her rump high in the air, presenting like a female in heat. Cursing under his breath, Jared trapped her thighs between his own, settled on top of her, and pinned her to the bed.

  “Nice try, little one,” Jared said while she squirmed beneath him enticingly. He captured both wrists in one hand; then, lifting them over her head, he grasped his erection with the other hand and eased himself between the fleshy tops of her tightly closed legs. His rigid cock slid between her slickened inner thighs, parting her swollen labia effortlessly. He plunged in and out, his shaft stroking her pussy lips and clit while avoiding penetration.


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