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Dominic: A Triple Threat Novel

Page 6

by Josephine Jade

  Not that his clothes didn’t adequately cover her petite frame. One of his shirts covered more than most dresses. And right now he was sure she was very glad for that coverage given the chastity belt he’d put on her this morning. She was completely plugged in both the ass and the pussy with two dildos attached to a leather belt that ran through her legs then around her waist.

  She’d broken out into a sweat as he’d worked the dildos in her. Walking at first had caused her eyes to glaze with pleasure. When he’d made her bend over and hold the foot of the bed while he’d cracked her ass five times with his belt — pushing those dildos deeper into her — she’d sobbed his name as she came.

  It had been such a lovely sound. He expected to hear similar lovely sounds later when he made her go through a series of stretching yoga poses that would cause the dildos to hit exceptionally sensitive places inside her body.

  Maybe he’d get one soon that also had a clit stimulator attached to it. He could turn it on and off — turn her on and off — at will.

  “You can expect that I’ll be showing that chastity belt to my brothers.”

  Cassandra looked up from her book, her cheeks turning red.

  He raised and eyebrow. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “I — I don’t like to be displayed.”

  Dominic knew that. Cassandra may be very into pain, but she wanted everything to be done in private. She didn’t like to be shown off. Unlike his brother Roman’s fiancee. God knew every time Dominic went over Roman’s house he found Sarah bent over Roman’s desk or standing naked in the corner for everyone to see.

  Because Sarah loved it.

  But then again, if Roman whipped Sarah the way Dominic whipped Cassandra, Sarah would run screaming from the house. Sarah may liked to be watched, but she didn’t like pain. Everyone was different.

  But Dominic was going to make Cassandra a little uncomfortable today.

  “Come here.” He crooked a finger at her, grinning when she stood quickly, obviously forgetting about the chastity belt. She grabbed the arm of the couch to steady herself as she adjusted, then walked over to him.

  Dominic unbuttoned his shirt on her. “If I want to display you, then I will. You gave up the right to deny me that when you ran away from me.”

  He left the bottom two buttons hooked, causing the shirt to provide a frame for her lovely breasts. He reached up and began to play with her nipples, pinching and twisting them until they were hard nubs and she was panting.

  “Clamps for these. Then we’ll leave the shirt open so Lukas and Roman can look their fill,” he said, ignoring her distressed moan. He reached into his desk and pulled out a set of clamps, really more decorative than painful since she was going to be wearing them for awhile. Little red beads hung down from them. He clamped the first nipple then the second.

  Dominic gave a tug on them both, then arranged her shirt to make sure her breasts were fully visible. “Perfect. What do you say?”

  “Thank you, Master,” she muttered, obviously not pleased.

  “I can have you bent over my desk getting your ass whipped with those dildos in you until you come screaming, as my brothers watch, if that would make you more agreeable. I’m certainly willing to trade that for the clamps if you don’t want them.”

  “No, Sir,” she was very quick to reply. “I like the clamps very much.”

  Dom chuckled and reached behind her, grabbing her ass cheeks and pulling them apart, knowing it shifted the dildo in her ass, making her more aware of it.

  “So we finally get to meet the missus. I have to admit this wasn’t the pose I was expecting.” Roman’s voice called out from the doorway.

  Cassandra jerked away from Dominic’s hands, face flaming. He lifted a brow, but let it go. “Go sit on the couch,” he murmured to her.

  She scurried over, keeping her head down as Dominic stood to hug his brothers.

  “We all know you’ve got more of a missus than Lukas or I ever have,” Dominic said to Roman.

  Roman grinned. “Yep, and I finally gave an official proposal and got an official yes and put a ring on her finger this past weekend. Planning the wedding for this June.”

  Dominic got out his Lagavulin 16 whiskey and poured three glasses. He handed two to his brothers, with faces so exactly like his. “To finding a woman worth the title of wife.”

  Lukas raised his glass. “Here, here. Especially since it looks like I’m the only one not hitched or almost-hitched.”

  They drank their whiskey and sat. Both Lukas and Roman looked over at Cassandra where she sat primly on the couch, ornaments hanging from her pretty nipples, pretending to read a book.

  “Speaking of almost hitched…” Lukas tilted his head towards Cassandra. “Good to see you again, Cassandra.”

  “Hello.” She gave both his brothers a shy smile. She’d gotten to know them in the eight months they were together. Both men had liked her. Hell, everyone had liked her.

  “Telling Ian Tambour and the Russians that Cassandra was my wife seemed like the best way to get her out of his clutches without starting a war.”

  Roman turned back to Dominic. “So you just made it up. Fair enough, I guess.”

  Dominic leaned back in his chair. “Technically, I have a marriage certificate with Cassandra and my name on it from seven years ago. But since she signed another name, a fake one, not ‘Clemens,’ I’m pretty sure the marriage is not valid. Although Tambour didn’t need to know that.”

  “Is that why you guys broke up?” Lukas asked. “Because she lied about her name?”

  All three men turned to stare at Cassandra who looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Ends up Cassandra is part of the Clemens family, well known for their theft and group cons all over the country. She was sent in to get close to me, I’m sure to steal whatever she could. I’ll admit, she used that sweet little pussy to reel me in tight. I never even saw it.”

  Cassandra’s face was flaming. She wasn’t even pretending to read the book any more.

  Roman frowned. “How’d you find out?”

  Dominic shook his head. “That’s just it. I didn’t even know I was a mark. I just thought she ran off without saying anything to me, only stealing some jewelry. Petty theft, really.” Although the loss of their mother’s engagement and wedding ring hadn’t been theft to just him. “I actually just found out what family she was a part of about a year ago.”

  Lukas stretched his long legs out in front of him. “Interesting. I never would’ve guessed she was playing you as a con. I thought you two were—” he shrugged “—the real deal.”

  Dominic didn’t look at Cassandra. “So did I.”

  “That’s why I wasn’t completely surprised when rumor hit me that you were married. Once I heard it was Cassandra. I thought you’d just never told us,” Roman said.

  “Actually, that’s what I thought was happening too. I spent the better part of six years looking for Cassandra Barker, my wife. Then I discovered she was actually part of the Clemens family a year ago.” Now he stared at her. “I would’ve been coming for her either way. She had a lot to answer for. Ian Tambour just sped up my timetable. Got her into my clutches, and me back into her pussy, quicker. Before you leave remind me to show you the dual penetration chastity belt I have her locked in right now.”

  Both his brothers chuckled and Cassandra squirmed on the couch. Good. A little embarrassment was the least she deserved.

  “Seems like her own family threw her to the wolves since she had the gall to set free some human trafficking victims of the Russians,” Dominic continued. “Which is how she ended up in Tambour’s clutches, then mine.”

  Roman nodded. “But you’re not married. Because she put a false name down on the certificate rather than the name Clemens.”

  “Yep. No legal name means no legal wife for me.”

  Cassandra hadn’t said a word the entire conversation, not that Dominic had expected her to participate since she was barely clothed with her breasts out
for everyone to see. But she spoke now.

  Words he never dreamed he hear.

  “Actually, Cassandra Barker is my legal name. Gordon Clemens is my stepfather. He married my mother when I was eight. She took his last name, but he never adopted me so mine remained Barker. Because I’ve always been part of his family everyone assumes my name is Clemens. But it’s not. Cassandra Barker.”

  She stared him in the eye. “Or technically, Cassandra Barker Rinaldi.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cassandra had no idea why she told him the truth. It wasn’t in her best interests. Knowing they were married would just give him more freedom. She couldn’t be forced to ever testify against him in court for anything.

  She watched as the color drained from Dominic’s handsome face, his brown eyes blinking repeatedly as if she wasn’t speaking a language he understood.

  That was right, they were married. Had been for the last seven years.

  “Okay.” Roman stood up, Lukas mirroring the action. “We’re going to leave. Looks like you two have some… stuff to talk about.”

  Lukas grinned. “Looks like I really am the only one of the three of us left without an old lady.”

  Lukas turned to the door, but Roman stepped towards Dominic. Cassandra had to strain to be able to hear him.

  “Six months ago in a fit of rage I almost did something that would’ve cost me the woman I love forever. Would’ve broken her. You stopped me.” Roman clasped Dominic on the shoulder. “I know this is not the same thing. But do you need us to stay? Do you need to get away from her for a little while so you don’t do something you regret?”

  Dominic was still staring at her, eyes flat. “No. I won’t hurt her. But, by God, she will explain herself to me.”

  Roman looked over at her. She knew he would never take her side over his brother’s — if Dominic decided to kill her right now, Roman and Lukas would be the two people who would help hide her body — but she wasn’t worried about Dominic hurting her.

  “You can go. He won’t hurt me. At least not permanently.”

  Dominic’s eyes narrowed. “Are you so sure about that?”

  She stared at him without flinching. “If you wanted to hurt me, you could’ve done it long before now and no one would’ve been any wiser. Or you could’ve just left me with Tambour. I’d be dead now.”

  Dominic turned back to his brothers. “I won’t hurt her.”

  They left and for a long time he just stared at her from his office chair. She stared back, not sure where to start or what he wanted her to say.

  “So we are legally married,” he finally said.

  “Yes. I used my real name on the marriage certificate.”

  “But I started as a mark for you. A con.”

  She closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes. My home situation was never very great. Gordon — my stepfather — loved my mother but didn’t really have much use for me. I was a lookout at best, punching bag at worst. I learned how to be fast, to blend in, to lie.”

  He didn’t say anything so she continued. “I saw you a week before we officially met at the club. I researched you, found out your family was rich and connected and that you were single and decided to pull my own job.”

  “That’s all you found out about my family? That we were rich and connected?”

  She flushed. “Yes. I was young and stupid. I didn’t know what questions to ask. I didn’t know you were… connected…”

  “La Cosa Nostra. Mob. Mafia. You can say it.”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t know you were mob. I just knew you were sexy and probably had a few things I could take and fence. Maybe get some bank account info or travel patterns or something. Buy my way into a better position with Gordon and the family.”

  A half smile lit his face as he shook his head. “No offense, but you were an idiot. You picked the wrong family.”

  “I know.” She shook her head also. “Believe me, I know.”

  She picked the wrong family, mob for God’s sake, but she’d picked the wrong man too. He’d been her mark, and she’d fallen in love with him. That pretty much made her the worst con artist in the world.

  “I was in way over my head from the beginning. And then you and I…”

  “We had a spark,” he finished for her.

  Their eyes met, both of them thinking the same thing, but neither of them saying it. A spark? They’d had a damn forest fire from the very beginning.

  “Was marrying me part of your family’s plan?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Nothing about you was part of my family’s plan. It was all my brilliant twenty-year-old brain’s idea. Like you said, I was an idiot.”

  She wanted to reach out, go to him, touch him. Smooth her hands over his hair, his chiseled jaw line, his strong lips. That was all she ever wanted to do from the very beginning.

  “No, marrying you was not part of my brilliant plan. I… I got caught up.”

  She’d fallen in love, gotten pregnant, and foolishly thought she could just tell Gordon and he would let her go, let her out of the family to stay with Dominic.

  “Okay,” he said. “Let’s say for a second that I believe this. Why did you leave? Why have I not heard from you in seven years?”

  She couldn’t tell him the truth. If he thought he hated her now, how much more would he hate her when he found out she’d lost his baby?

  She pulled her legs up to her chest, breath hissing out as it moved her chastity belt, sending the dildos deeper inside her. But in a way it was good; it focused her, reminded her why she was here. Because Dominic wanted revenge. She’d been stupid at twenty years old, but she had seven years on herself now. She needed to protect herself.

  No one else was going to.

  She shrugged, looking away. “I met with Gordon, and was going to try to tell him that I wanted to stay with you, but he… convinced me I should stay with the family.”

  Had convinced her by beating her so severely she’d ended up in a coma for four days and when she finally woken up she realized she’d miscarried.

  Even then she might’ve tried to go back to Dominic, if Gordon hadn’t pointed out that the Rinaldi family was mafia and that Dominic would kill her. And then Gordon had watched her like a hawk, never letting her out of his sight. By the time he eased up it had been way too late to go back to Dominic.

  “I had real feelings for you.” His words now were stiff as if they were difficult to get out. Her heart broke hearing them, because the same have been so true for her. “I married you, gave you the ring my father had given my mother, because I thought our relationship was real. That it would be a tribute to the love they had.”

  She couldn’t bear to look at him. “I’m sorry.” She barely got the words out around the lump in her throat.

  “My mother cried when she found out that ring was gone. It broke her heart. I know you don’t have it anymore. I suspect you used it for as much leverage as you could to get back good with your family.”

  She couldn’t tell him the truth, not without telling him all of the truth. “I’m sorry,” she said again. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. She would never be enough.

  “I could probably forgive you for playing me for a fool. God knows I’m cocky enough to take it. But my mother died knowing I’d lost the ring, the heirloom, she had wanted passed down from generation to generation. That I can’t forgive.”

  Dominic stood and walked out of the room. Cassandra could do nothing but cry and wish she could change the past. A wish she’d made a thousand times before.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Over the next six weeks they fell into a pattern. The pattern involved a lot of sex — Dominic had fucked Cassandra on almost every surface and in every position in the house — but a pattern nonetheless.

  Whatever honeymoon they hadn’t had as newlyweds since she had run off a week after their wedding in Vegas, Dominic was making up for now.

  The honeymoon also involved caning, begging, and him chaining her
in a custom-made stockade to do with as he pleased.

  Neither of them had been able to walk normally the next day.

  The day she’d told him the truth about their marriage, about how and why she’d chosen him, he’d been furious. Furious that she really had stolen his mother’s ring and sold it for nothing. Furious that they’d been married all this time and he hadn’t known it.

  But mostly he’d been furious that she’d chosen her family — the very ones that ended up giving her to a sadistic thug a few years later to pay a debt — over him. Chosen them over what he and Cassandra could have had together. Over what their marriage really could’ve been.

  He’d chosen her and she’d chosen them.

  He’d left the house after their talk in the office and half expected when he returned to find her gone. He’d left her unguarded with a number of expensive items she could’ve taken and sold.

  But instead when he’d come back, he’d found her naked except for the chastity belt and clamps, her chest leaning over the foot of the bed, with her naked ass facing out, his belt neatly folded by her side.

  She’d turned to him over her shoulder. “Please, Sir. Please whip me the way I deserve for what I did.”

  He had.

  He had because he needed it and she needed it too. He’d whipped her with the chastity belt still on, until he realized that wasn’t giving her what she needed mentally and emotionally. That every blow she received with those dildos inside her just turned her on. A mixture of sexual and pain that she normally loved.

  But right then she had just wanted the pain.

  He’d removed the chastity belt and the clamps then had whipped her until she was sobbing, begging for his forgiveness.

  He’d stopped then. But then she begged him to continue. That she deserved it. He’d whipped her more, her body twitching as she wailed with each blow. He kept hoping she’d find that place that she did so often when he was rough with her. Subspace. Where her mind was free, her emotions clear. But no matter how many times he struck her she never seemed to get there.


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