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Dominic: A Triple Threat Novel

Page 8

by Josephine Jade

  Cassandra hadn’t realized it, but Lukas, Roman, and Sarah had all heard their entire conversation. Sarah, soft-heart that she was, had looked positively giddy at Dominic’s demands on Cassandra, recognizing them as what they were: the steps Cassandra had needed to feel safe that Dominic had been willing to provide. Lukas and Roman’s expressions had been more guarded. They’d seen what had happened when Cassandra had been in his life before. The wreckage when she’d left.

  They may be civil and polite to her, maybe even friendly, but that didn’t mean they trusted her.

  The gala was going to be a huge success, that much was evident just minutes after their arrival. It would raise money for Head Start, one of their mother’s favorite charities. Plus, it was positive press for the Rinaldi family — something that never hurt when so many of their dealings had to be under the table.

  Cassandra tried to duck behind him as the cameras flashed when they’d entered the building, but he hadn’t let her. His arm had been steel around her trim waist. He’d been to many of these events with many different women, but this was the first time Dominic had actually stopped to make sure their picture was taken as a couple.

  He wanted to make sure everyone knew Cassandra was his. Most especially, Cassandra. He slipped her hand into his and kept it there.

  There may have been more beautiful women in the room, but there was something about Cassandra that drew men’s eyes. Her lovely face and smooth skin was undoubtedly part of it. Her athletic body that filled out that dress in all the right places. But it was something further, an almost ethereal appearance that drew men in. It wasn’t long before Dominic was glad he’d made the rule about her staying right next to him. Any number of men would’ve gone out of their way to talk to her if she’d left his side for any reason. As they mingled their fingers remained still locked together.

  The meal wasn’t a sit down dinner but rather exactly what the title had suggested, a taste of Sicily. Dominic led Cassandra to the different food stations, laughing at how she studied them knowing she was going to try to replicate it at home. They also traveled arm in arm or hand in hand around the room to look at the different items on display.

  It was during the set up for the highly anticipated dessert demonstrations that Dominic realized Cassandra wasn’t really paying attention. Her eyes were darting around the room.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, his fingers splaying out at her hip in case it was her panic coming back.

  But it wasn’t. If anything, she was becoming more calm. Keeping herself, as per the rules, right by his side, she turned so she was facing his torso rather than the direction he was facing, putting her arms up on his shoulders. To anybody else it would’ve just looked like a shift of one lover towards another.

  Dominic knew otherwise.

  “I’m pretty sure you’re about to get robbed,” she said casually, with a smile. “But be careful, they’re watching us.”

  He pulled her closer, still smiling, bringing his lips to her forehead. “Who is it? Lukas just checked in with the security team and they were feeling very confident.”

  “I’ve made out two members of the waitstaff I think are involved. I’m sure there’s a third and maybe even a fourth member of their team somewhere.”

  “Should I get the head of security over here?”

  “You can, but it will tip them off. Right now they’re trying to decide whether to go for it or not. Changes in anyone’s behavior will spook them.”

  He pulled her closer in what anyone else would assume was a loving embrace. “Okay, little thief, how do we catch them?”

  “Kiss me.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You sure that’s the best way to catch some thieves?”

  Her smile was breathtaking. “Well, I need you to kiss me and shift me over to your other side so I can see the opposite end of the room.”

  For the first time tonight she was completely relaxed. Talking to people and being his date might terrify her, but the act of spying and potentially putting herself in danger lit up her eyes.

  He kissed her.

  He kissed her not just to get her on his other side, but because being away from her lips right at that moment was physically impossible for him. They were both breathing hard when he pulled back, having moved her where she needed to be.

  “I’m going to fuck you later,” he said with a growl against her lips.

  “Ahem, and exactly how is this any different from the last two months where you’ve done that two or three times a day?”

  God, he loved to see her smile, loved to see how lit up her eyes were. It made him realize how withdrawn she’d been. Not necessarily unhappy, just hidden.

  “Let’s just say you’re going to have every hole plugged tonight; two synthetic and one with my cock. If you help catch the thieves, I’ll let you decide what goes where.”

  The way heat tinged her cheeks and her little tongue darted out to lick her lips made him want to find the nearest private room and take her right then, criminals be damned.

  “Deal. Otherwise I don’t trust you not to use that giant butt plug.”

  He grinned. She didn’t even know about the cock gag he’d bought. She would soon.

  Her fingers played with the hair at the back of his head as she looked over his shoulder trying to find the rest of the team. Dominic motioned to Lukas to come over, keeping a smile on his face for anyone who might be watching.

  “You guys need some help with your PDA?” Lukas asked with a grin.

  “Fuck you.” He clasped his free hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Keep smiling, just be aware that Cassandra thinks we’ve got a team casing us.”

  Lukas his smile dropped for a split second before returning to his face. “What can I do?”

  “They’re watching us, so we don’t want to spook them. Just let Roman know what’s going on.”

  “Who is it?” Lukas asked.

  Cassandra glanced at him for just a second over her shoulder before returning her gaze to the other side of the room. “Two of the waitstaff. The man standing over near the door of the kitchen is the lookout. The woman with the single champagne glass by the jewelry case will be doing some of the snatch and grab.”

  Lukas nodded. “Looks like you were right. They’re going for the less expensive items.”

  Cassandra gave a delicate shrug. “That’s because they’re in the display case that has no electronic alarms. They can just pick the locks, make the trade and get out. No need for any grandiose plan. They just need everyone’s attention to be directed somewhere else for a few seconds.”

  “Which they will be when the cooking demonstrations start in just a few minutes,” Dominic said.

  “Exactly.” Cassandra nodded against him.

  Lukas left to get the information to Roman with as little fanfare as possible. Cassandra continued to study over Dominic’s shoulder, keeping her fingers threaded in his hair so it looked like they were just holding each other in an embrace. His hand dipped low on her back.

  “The cooks are setting up. If they’re going to make their move, it’s going to be soon.”

  She nodded. “Catching them in the act enough that they can be arrested is going to be tough. That’s what we petty thieves do, never quite commit enough for the big pay off, but also rarely look like we’re doing anything wrong if we get caught without the loot in hand.”

  He rubbed a circle at the small of her back. “Honey, remember who you’re talking to. I don’t need them to be arrested in order to make sure they never attempt to steal from us again.”

  She swallowed hard. “Will you… I mean, will they…”

  “Depends on a lot of factors. Have they had run-ins with us before? Were they deliberately targeting us? They may not know that what they are attempting to steal belongs to the Rinaldi family. Believe it or not, people have targeted us as marks before not knowing exactly what they were getting into.”

  Her cheeks burned. She knew he was talking about her. “Yeah,
some people are idiots.”

  He chuckled, pulling her closer. Less than a minute later she stiffened. “I think I’ve got them. Two women here as guests. Smart. Four man crew - three women and one guy. Women usually come across as less of a threat.”

  Didn’t he know it.

  “How do we catch them without letting them know we’re on to them?”

  “Easiest way would be to use me. Use their own ‘women are less of a threat’ thinking against them. How much do you trust me?”

  “About as far as I can throw you.”

  She just chuckled. “Do you think you could throw me to that display case over there? I’ll distract them, you get the security team. Just go up and give Sarah a giant hug and kiss first.”

  His hand slid to her waist and tightened. He pulled her back so he could look in her eyes. “Don’t do anything to make me regret this. If you run, I’m going to find you, no matter what. There’s nowhere you can hide from me.”

  She smiled. “I’m not going to run. I want to have the choice.”

  “What choice?”

  “Of what’s going in what hole of mine later tonight.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  In the limo going home, Cassandra was the hero. And even if she didn’t quite know how to handle it, it made for a refreshing change from being the villain.

  “Just got a message from Mitch, head of security for the building,” Lukas said. “Seems like this group of particular thieves have been pretty naughty. Also stupid. Left their fingerprints at some crime scenes. Police have never had anyone to match them to until now.”

  “So they’re going to go to jail?” The only problem Cassandra had with helping catch them was that they might face a harsh penalty because they had stolen from families connected with the mafia. Jail she didn’t mind, them being killed she had a harder time swallowing.

  “If the law is going to punish them, we are going to let them,” Dominic said. “Besides, we have men inside the department who will make sure the criminals know who they were caught almost robbing. And that they will be facing much worse if it happens again in this area.”

  Dominic’s hand rested on Cassandra’s thigh so high up that his pinky brushed against her sex. She was too elated to care that his brothers or Sarah had to be aware of it. Even when his pinky began rubbing against her.

  “I have to admit, Cassandra, you were perfect. Those two women had no idea you were onto them.” Roman smiled at her, his arm around Sarah.

  “All I had to do was pretend like I was a little drunk and mad at Dominic for flirting with another woman,” she responded. “Thanks, Sarah, by the way, for letting Dominic molest you.”

  Sarah laughed. “My pleasure although I thought Roman might deck his brother.”

  Cassandra had poured out her big sob story to the women, moving close under the guise of being drunk, and then proceeded to pickpocket their own tools they would need to pick the lock.

  Once Cassandra had the proof she needed, she nodded to Dominic who then had the security team arrest them. The waiter dressed up closest to the door had tried to run, but Lukas had caught him.

  Nobody in the entire gala had been any wiser about what was going on around them, and the rest of the evening went off without a hitch.

  Cassandra sat back smiling, enjoying the rub of Dominic’s pinky too much to stop him.

  “I guess having your own personal thief on the payroll can pay off,” Lukas said. He reached over and tweaked her nose. “You did good, kid.”

  The limo dropped Lukas off first then headed to Roman and Sarah’s house. Roman invited them in, but Dominic declined.

  “Not tonight. Cassandra has some important choices to make at home.” His pinky had slid under the hem of her panties as he said it.

  If Roman noticed, which, God, he couldn’t help but notice from where he stood at the door of the limo, he didn’t say anything. “Perhaps another time then, brother. You two have fun.”

  The limo had barely begun moving again when Dominic pulled her over so she was straddling him, yanking her dress up to her waist.

  He ran his hands up and down her thighs, pulling her down to grind against him. His mouth captured hers in a forceful kiss.

  Between her earlier anxiety, the stress of the evening itself, and her desire for Dominic, Cassandra felt like her entire body was buzzing. She could barely kiss him, could barely tolerate the feel of his hands on her skin. She felt like she needed to get outside and run ten miles to release some of her excess energy, her excess emotions.

  Dominic grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back so he could look in her eyes. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  She gritted her teeth. “I’m just wound up. I get this way sometimes and it’s hard to get the energy out.”

  “How about if I fuck you senseless; would that get the energy out?”

  “It would…” But it wouldn’t be enough. At least not at first.

  He raised an eyebrow. “It would... but?”

  “It would also make the problem worse.” She rubbed her fingers across her eyes. She didn’t know how to explain. Had never tried to explain what was happening to her when she got like this. Had never had anyone close enough to see her when this happened.

  “What do you need right now, Cassandra?”

  “I don’t know.” She knew she wasn’t making much sense. “I just… argh. I don’t know.”

  “Has this happened to you before? This… energy?”

  She nodded. It usually happened when she was upset, but now she was just over-stimulated.

  Dominic’s eyes narrowed. “If I wasn’t here right now, what would you do to get yourself back under control?”

  Her skin felt like it was itching. “I would probably go for a run.” The words came out fast, harsh.

  “How long?”

  She shrugged. “Until I couldn’t go any further.” She would push her body until it stopped, exhausted.

  “And have you ever been in a situation like this where you couldn’t run? Couldn’t exercise yourself into exhaustion?”

  “A few.” She didn’t want to talk about this. “Look, your first suggestion was the best one, I’m sure. Please, just fuck me senseless.”

  She began grinding herself against him. This would work. It would be hard at first to ignore the overload of sensation on her body, especially when he was adding to it, but it would at least get her the release. The exhaustion she needed.

  But he stopped her, grabbing her hips and holding her still.

  “Is that what you’ve done in the past when this feeling came on? Masturbated?”

  She shook her head, even as she tried to grind against him. “No.” The word came out as a whine.

  “Why? Tell me.”

  “Because it made it too much worse before it made it better.” The words ripped out of her. The buzzing sensation was getting worse. Soon she would be scratching and wouldn’t be able to stop.

  “So what do you do when you get like this and you can’t run or work yourself out to exhaustion?” His hands now gripped her wrists, stopping them from moving towards her arms.

  “I would scratch myself, okay? I would scratch myself on my arms and my legs and my stomach until the feeling passed.”

  God, she was such a freak. The one time Gordon had caught her doing that, after a robbery that had gone wrong and left Cassandra filled with such angst, the buzzing had overwhelmed her. He’d caught her scratching her arms and leg until they were raw. He’d looked at her with disgust before knocking her around a few times.

  But scratching herself when she felt this way was the only way she knew how to get herself back into her own skin. How to get the buzzing out.

  “You hurt yourself,” Dominic said softly. “Either way, that’s what it is, whether you run until your body collapses, or you scratch yourself.”

  “No. I just — okay, yes, I guess. God, just let me go.”

  Dominic took both his wrists and one of his hands, then with th
e other hit the intercom switch near his seat. “Titus, I need you to just drive around until I tell you.”

  Dominic took her hands and pulled her forward until their faces were just an inch apart.

  “We’ll work on helping you not get to this level. I’m sure there are things we can do earlier to prevent it. But when you do get to this point, the point where you can’t control it, you will not hurt yourself anymore. Never again.”

  She wanted to say yes, wanted to agree. But his words, as powerful as they were, were not going to be enough. Not enough to hold off the buzzing when it came.

  The thought of disappointing him just made the buzzing worse. It was inside her head now. “I—”

  He cut her off. “When you feel this way you will come to me, and I will give you what you need. All it will take is one request.”

  She heard his words but they weren’t making sense to her. Nothing was making sense to her. She felt his hand grip her chin hard.

  “Say, ‘Master, I need you to spank me.’ Say it, Cass. When this happens, you come to me and you say that rather than hurt yourself. You need pain to re-center yourself. That’s why you’ve always ran and scratched. I can give that to you.”

  She stared at him, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Yes. Please…” It was all she could get out, all she was capable of.

  She immediately found herself over his lap, her dress pushed up to her waist. His hand came down against her ass, blow after blow after blow.

  At first she could hardly feel it through the buzzing, but then the pain began to radiate. He concentrated on her ass, then the backs of her thighs.

  It took a while, but eventually she was sobbing, so thankful to be able to feel the pain, have it chase away the buzzing. Her hands unclenched on the leather seat in front of her, her face turned to the side and just rested there as he continued to apply his hand to blow after blow. She could even feel her ass rise up to meet it.

  This was so much better, so much more what she needed than scratching or running could’ve given her. She dropped limply across him, and he stopped for a moment.


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