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Married By Christmas (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 3)

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by Lindsay Downs

  “Lord Nash, might I suggest you stop speaking before you get into deeper trouble with your tongue,” his mother scolded him.

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Amelia forced herself not to smile or say anything as he slowly skulked over to the fireplace where her father stood shaking his head and his shoulders still shaking in now, silent laughter.

  “Lady Amelia, with the men out of the way, I’ve a suggestion…which will have to wait until after dinner since the gong is ringing,” her mother said.

  Seeing Nash return, Amelia glanced up to him.

  “M’ lady, if I promise not to stare and to maintain a proper level of conversation, may I escort you to dinner?” Nash humbly asked.

  “Most certainly, m’ lord, as I, in my heart, know you’ve learned the error of your ways.”

  Offering her hand then settling it on Nash’s arm, she let him lead her to the dining room.

  Once dinner was finished, and Amelia was pleased he’d kept his word, the ladies retired to the duchess’ parlor while Nash and her father went to the ducal office.

  Later, Amelia watched as the men entered the parlor, smiles on both their faces. She waited while Nash took a chair next to her.

  “M’ lady, before we go any farther, I’m fully aware of the threat against you. Tomorrow I will set my men to work at finding out what they can. As I promised His Grace, I will make sure nothing untoward happens to you. He’s agreed to allow several of The Duke of Fenwick’s footmen help to keep watch over this palace.”

  At first she was stunned at the abruptness of his declaration, but then realized she should have told him everything from the beginning.

  “M’ lord, now it’s my turn to apologize. If Her Grace and I told you everything before leaving your estate we would still be there, basically in hiding. From Lord Anthony, I had learned you used to work for the Crown, and most of your contacts are, or were, here. By deceiving you into bringing me, we, or at least I, want to show him, Smedley, I’m not afraid,” she stated firmly.

  “My dear lady, even though your apology isn’t needed I will accept it. Now, as it should be a nice, mayhap chilly, day tomorrow would you care to take a carriage drive with me in the park?”

  Chapter Four

  With breakfast finished after one of the most disturbing night of sleep he’d ever had, dreaming of undressing Amelia from the gown she’d worn last night, Nash retired to the office. At least, until the duke arrived it would be his to use. Marching in, Nash groaned at the pile of invitations set in the center of the oak and maple inlayed desk.

  Taking care of the requests for his presence at a ball or something else was easy, where Amelia wished to go, so would he. To that end he stormed over, gathered them up and tossed them one at a time into the fire burning comfortably to warm the room.

  That done he started in on the more manageable stack. These, much to his pleasure dealt with the different estates. After opening and reading each he set them to the side so his father could deal with them.

  An hour later he glanced up to see Lucas holding a tray in his hands.

  “What?” Nash snapped out.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, m’ lord. Her Grace requests your presence in her parlor,” the butler stumbled out.

  “Please inform, Her Grace, I’ll be along in a moment, and I do hope there’s a pot of coffee on that tray.”

  “Yes, m’ lord, I will, and there is.”

  With a nod, Nash dismissed the man then returned his attention to the letter in his hand. After meeting with The Duke of Appleton, who preferred to be called Julius in private, and receiving permission to ask Lady Amelia for her hand, this missive couldn’t have come at a better time. It was from his man of business, informing him the untitled estate in Newton Abbot could easily be transferred to his bride upon their marriage. This would be one of the points he planned to bring to the marriage contract, once Amelia accepted him.

  Setting it aside, he stood and made his way to his mother’s parlor. With a knuckle, he gently rapped on the doorframe to announce his presence.

  “Please, son, come in and have a seat. As you know Lucas has included that awful black drink you gentlemen prefer. Help yourself to a cup, then I have something we need to discuss,” his mother directed.

  After pouring a cup and taking a sip, Nash looked over to her with, he knew, a furrowed brow of confusion.

  “If it’s about the meeting last eve with the duke, he gave his blessings for me to ask for Amelia’s hand.”

  “Congratulations. I already suspected that would be what he’d say. It was just a matter of time. But that’s not the entire reason I wished to meet this morning with you. Between now and luncheon, I know you need to sneak out to meet with certain people. All I ask is for you to take a footman or two with you for your safety.”

  “Fear not, Mother, I’ve already spoken with Lucas, and he’s selected one, and I also recommended the groom, Justin. I have full faith in them to protect my back.”

  “Thank you, for setting a mother’s mind and heart at ease. Now, on to several other points. I’m not sure when you will be asking Amelia for her hand, but you’ll wish to present her with this when she says yes.”

  Leaning forward, Nash accepted a light-blue velvet case from his mother. He couldn’t understand why it was square and thicker than he’d thought, as it should hold only the duchess ring. Carefully, he opened it and could feel his eyes widen at what he was gazing upon.

  Set on deep-blue silk was a tiara with the ducal seal in gold as its centrepiece. In front rested the duchess’ ring of three large diamonds surrounded by smaller ones. Closing the lid he glanced over to his mother who was beaming a smile to him.

  “Why have I never seen you wear this tiara before?” he sputtered out, in awe of what he held on his lap.

  “I only wore it for very special occasions, and as we frequently never attended the same events, that is why. And before you ask, don’t fret. Years ago, the late duke had another made for his duchess when you’re father married me. This way the new duchess and dowager will always have matching ones. It, along with the ring, will need to be cleaned and stones reset if need be. I was hoping to have it done, but as we arrived earlier than planned there wasn’t time.”

  “Mother, might I suggest on the way to the Renfield palace to collect Amelia and her mother we stop at the jeweler’s. I’m sure with the proper incentives he can have everything ready in a few days.”

  “I was thinking along those same lines. Now, off you go as you’ve things to do and people to see whom I don’t wish to know about.”

  Handing over the box, he stood, gave his mother a kiss on her cheek, then made his way up to his suite where Ryan was waiting for him.

  “M’ lord, everything is ready. I made sure your shirt and trousers were muddied along with the hobnailed boots.”

  Nash looked over to where his valet had put the clothes, near the fireplace so they would have a faint odor of smoke on them. This would help him to blend in with the dock workers, or so he hoped. He’d given the same instructions to Lucas to make sure the footman and Justin had the same or similar smell.

  Changed into the clothes, Nash silently made his way down the servants’ stairs and snuck out to the mews where Justin and the footman waited for him.

  “Gentlemen, until we return you are to call me Nash, not m’ lord. Where we’re going, and how we’re dressed, if someone learns I’m a marquis it could be dangerous for all of us. Do I make myself clear?” he instructed them.

  “Yes.” They both answered.

  He could tell by the shuffling of their feet the men were a little uncomfortable at not addressing him properly but knew they’d overcome it. With a nod he started out and could hear them following at a distance as directed earlier by Lucas.

  As they made their way to the area around The Pool, he kept a look out for one of his former contacts only to find him stumbling out of a dockside tavern.

  “Stay here, unless there’s troubl
e,” he whispered to his guards.

  “Okay,” he heard Justin say, then Nash marched forward and caught Matt just before he fell.

  “Well Nash, it’s good to see you again. I see you’ve been staying out of trouble.”

  “Trying to. Now I need your help in ferreting out information about someone. It’s the Earl of Rosewood. Seems he might not be as poor as thought.”

  “Not a problem, as he has several ships ready to be either loaded or unloaded. Except, no one knows that. They are supposedly registered under his wife’s father’s name. I’ll send you what I’ve learned by the usual methods?” Matt said.

  “Good. Now, I must be off as I’ve a lady to escort around this afternoon.”

  Nash started to turn back when he was stopped by a hand on his arm.

  “What?” he demanded.

  “Make sure you invite me to the wedding or there will be hell to pay from pater,” Matthew, the eldest son to the Earl of Winsome demanded.

  “That goes without saying. Will we be seeing you at any balls? If so, let me know, and I’ll introduce you to her.”

  Receiving a nod, Nash retreated back to where his guards waited and marched back to the ducal palace. Entering the same way he’d slipped out, Nash made his way back up to his suite.

  “Welcome back m’ lord. Your bath water is ready. Were you able to find out what you needed,” Ryan declared.

  “Thank you, and yes. Matt will be contacting me in the usual way so don’t be surprised when a note mysteriously appears.”

  “Of course, m’ lord.”

  Quickly stripping out of the clothes, Nash stepped into his private room to wash the smells from him. Satisfied, he returned to the suite and dressed for the rest of the day.

  Over luncheon with his mother in the family dining room, he told her what he’d learned from his friend. One valuable piece of information he withheld was the name of his contact. He knew if she learned of it she’d dash off a letter to the man’s mother, and life wouldn’t be pleasant for Matt. When he started to tell her who the owner of the ship was, Nash was surprised when he was stopped.

  “Might I ask why?”

  “Simply put, it will be easier to explain it to all of us at once.”

  Nash knew this made sense. As they’d be having tea at Amelia’s parents palace which would be the perfect time.

  “Will His Grace be joining us this afternoon?”

  “On that I’m not sure as he doesn’t usually venture into the park unless absolutely necessary. Having Her Grace and I in the landau will give enough strength so the others in the ton will know this is an approved marriage.”

  Hearing the hall clock strike twice, Nash knew it was time to depart to collect the ladies. Normally, he would have waited a little longer, but with the planned stop at Burton Street for the jeweler’s they had to leave earlier than normal.

  With the meal finished, he escorted his mother to the first floor. While she continued up to get her bonnet and parasol, he stepped into his office. There he dashed off a short letter to his man of business now that he knew who the owner of several ships were, which had come as a surprise on learning about them from Matt.

  Placing it on the small round table outside the office door, Nash descended to the ground floor to await his mother. To make sure the landau was ready, he stepped out the front door as it drove up with Coachman in the box. Beside him, for some unknown reason, sat Justin. Marching down the marble stairs, Nash walked over to them.

  “Interesting that you’d be coming along, Justin.”

  “Yes, m’ lord, but it wasn’t my idea. Ricky insisted I accompany you. For what reason, I don’t know.”

  “Coachman, on the way to the Appleton palace we need to go by way of Burton Street and the ducal jeweler.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Hearing his mother approaching, from the sound of her cane tapping on the cobblestones, Nash turned and bowed.

  “Your Grace, I’ve given directions as to the change so I may drop off the jewelry before continuing on to collect Her Grace and Lady Amelia.”

  Suddenly he remembered he didn’t have the case with him and started to excuse himself when his mother handed it to him.

  M’ lord, it would be helpful if you had this with you.”

  Accepting the box, he assisted her in, all the while holding his tongue at being so forgetful. He only hoped when he asked Amelia to be his wife he’d remember to have them, otherwise he would be the fool.

  Climbing in beside her, he nodded. “Thank you.”

  As they made their way through the streets, Nash glanced at those out strolling about. Most of the ladies were likely shopping. Maybe someday Amelia would explain the desire to constantly buy a gown, bonnet, or some other knickknack or bauble.

  With the tiara and ring left with the jeweler, after receiving a promise to have it returned in two days, Nash thanked the man then climbed back into the landau.

  At the Appleton palace he was happy to see that Amelia and Helena were descending the house stairs as his carriage came to a stop. He found it interesting to see the duke was following, wearing a smile.

  “Your Graces, and m’ lady, it would seem we are fortunate with the weather for a lovely drive around the park,” Nash announced, after giving them a deep bow.

  “Yes,” the duke said.

  After assisting the ladies in, he waited until the duke was seated then looked in and found the only available spot was beside Amelia. With a hidden grin he joined her on the squabs.

  Once on the road to Hyde Park he knew from the glares he, and no one else, was getting from many young ladies, this was going to be an experience which would need to be entered into his personal diary.

  Chapter Five

  As his landau rolled into Hyde Park, Nash wondered what kind of reception he, with Amelia at his side, would get. He wasn’t worried so much about the gentlemen, but the ladies had him concerned. From the looks they’d shot him as they’d rolled through the streets, he could tell several weren’t pleased with his choice of lady to be seen with. They’d tried many ways on different occasions to snare him, and he was pleased they hadn’t.

  After taking a spot on the side of the carriage path, he waited until the coach stopped and the footman opened the door. Climbing down then turning back, he was happy to see Amelia smiling back at him.

  “M’ lady,” he said offering his hand to assist her down.

  “Thank you, m’ lord,” she easily replied, setting her delicately gloved hand in his.

  Once she stood beside him, he waited while she reorganized her parasol, but his focus on her beautiful face was interrupted by a discrete cough, from his mother he supposed. Glancing up to the mothers and father, he studied each one wondering who had tried to capture his attention. It was a faint smile from Amelia’s mother who caught his notice.

  “Yes, Your Grace?”

  “Stay within eyesight, as neither of us ladies have a desire to stroll about, and I’m sure His Grace doesn’t wish to either,” she stated.

  “Certainly, Your Grace. I will make sure we do,” Nash said, bowed, and then turned back to Amelia.

  Accepting her head bob, he settled her hand on his arm and guided her away from the pathway only to hear footsteps from behind. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Justin following at a discrete distance but still close enough if something untoward happened.

  Now he understood why Ricky had sent the young man along—he was fearless. Which, when it came to riding Apollo, was necessary. Giving him a nod, Nash turned his attention back to Amelia’s tipped up face.

  “M’ lady, is there any area you wish to see or people to visit with?”

  “Not in particular, but I do see Lord Matthew with a young lady. He and I have been introduced, but I’m not acquainted with her.”

  Following the direction of her pert nose to where she was looking, he did see his friend and agent for the Crown. From the way Matt was gazing longingly at Lady Jessica, those days might be quickl
y coming to an end. Nash did wonder how his Amelia…wait where did that come from? She wasn’t his until she accepted him. Not sure if he wanted to know how she and Matt were known to each other, he held his tongue…for the moment. It was the lady that had him deeply concerned. She’d been in her second season when he’d approached her, only to be firmly rebuffed.

  “That’s Lady Jessica. Her father is the Earl of Banworth. My question is, how do you know Lord Matthew, considering his reputation as a rakehell?”

  “We were introduced last season. And how do you know Lady Jessica?” Amelia insisted.

  “I met her last year at a house party. Having already learned of my character, she turned her nose up at me, so I must say these introductions will be interesting to say the least.”

  Easily, Nash guided Amelia over to them.

  “Howe, this is an interesting surprise. You, out in the middle of the day with a young lady on your arm,” Nash teased, considering they’d met earlier in the morning.

  “I should say the same of you, but considering the rumors, if they’re to be believed as true, you have an excellent reason,” Matt joked back.

  “Yes, they are. I believe you and Lady Amelia are already acquainted?” Nash said.

  It didn’t surprise Nash to see his friend bow, considering she was the daughter of a duke.

  “Yes, it would seem she nor her parents are worried about your reputation. Now, may I present Lady Jessica Roper, daughter of the Earl of Banworth,” Matthew replied.

  “M’ lady, a pleasure to meet you again,” Nash uttered giving her a bow.

  “I wish I could say the same.”

  Nash watched as Jessica turned to face Amelia. “M’ lady, even though we will only be in town for a few more weeks, we should get together for tea,” Jessica stated.

  “Yes, I most definitely agree. It will be interesting to learn from you what you know of Lord Nash.”

  “And I about Lord Matthew,” Jessica added.


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