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More Than She Bargained For (The Widow Wagon Book 2)

Page 13

by Megan Michaels

  Mary looked at Noah through her eyelashes. “If it’s okay with Noah, I’d like to go with you women. We’ll be good friends, and we’ll show you around and help you become friends with the nice women in town.”

  Noah narrowed his eyes as he looked at them. “I don’t want this to become an opportunity for you women to gossip about other women. Am I clear?” All three women nodded quickly. “I want you all to behave when you’re together.”

  Daisy turned to her husband. “We will, Noah. I promise. I just want to make friends here. Again, I’m sorry.”

  They all hugged and when Daisy pulled away from the women she caught Noah rolling his eyes and shaking his head, muttering as he walked over to his chair. “Women.”

  Once seated, he motioned to Daisy. “While Millie and Mary do their cleaning, you’re going to sit on my lap, quietly watching. C’mere, my dear.”

  Her feet felt like they were made of stone, suddenly rooted to the floor. It would be almost impossible to sit today between her sore bottom and the rectal dilator, but to sit on his lap seemed just uncalled for and inappropriate. What would these women think? His hard legs would press on her plug, pushing it into her dark hole as a reminder — and this most likely was the exact reason he wanted her to do it.

  “Girl, you better come here by the count of three, or it’s going to get a little messy in here.” Daisy turned to see both Mary and Millie averting their gazes in embarrassment. Moving swiftly seemed prudent at this point.

  Once she’d crossed the room, he smiled in approval. And she thought again how he had the most welcoming smile — his whole face lit up when he beamed at her. She couldn’t resist smiling back at him.

  Once the women left the room to begin their chores, Daisy leaned over to whisper into his ear. “Noah, it’s not appropriate to sit on your lap. What will they think?”

  He laughed, throwing his head back. “Millie and Mary won’t think a thing. They have husbands — husbands who spank too. They know all about being obedient and doing as they’re told. Don’t you worry about them.”

  He reached over and pressed on the flange through her skirts. “I think you’ll learn to behave with good bare bottom spankings every day. Your little butt plug seated in your puckered hole will help you behave even better. Don’t you agree, sweetie?”

  Daisy pursed her lips into a pout, and she crossed her arms over her chest, turning her head away. She would not indulge him in this ridiculous punishment.

  Noah raised his eyebrows. “It’d be very easy to tip you over my left leg and paddle your bare bottom. Of course, that’d mean the lovely ladies would hear, and they’d get to see the lovely tail you’re adding to your fashionable dress today.”

  “Noah! You wouldn’t dare!” She grabbed his arm, looking over her shoulder to be sure no one was around.

  “Oh, min kær, you’ll learn not to ever dare me.”

  Promptly, she found herself staring at the floor, receiving five loud and painful cracks of his hand to her dress-covered bottom. She had no doubt they could be heard throughout the house. She threw her hands over her face, mortified.

  Before she could say or do anything more than cringe, he pulled her back up, sitting her rewarmed bottom upon his very hard leg.

  He cleared his throat. “Do you think you’ll dare me again anytime soon?”

  “No, Sir. Thank you for not baring me.”

  “Good girl. You noticed that I protected your sensibilities — this time. Don’t push me again — I might not be as gracious the next time.” He patted her reignited flesh suggestively.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He pulled her forward so she rested sideways against his chest, her head on his shoulder, allowing her to look up at him. “Let’s talk about all of this, Daisy. What have you learned in the past two days? I like to hear that a lesson was learned — so I can determine if additional punishment is required.”

  He couldn’t be serious. Could he? More? How in the name of hell could she tolerate more? Not wanting to push him any further with a declaration like that, she started talking quickly. “I learned to think or pause before I speak. I learned that if I can’t say something kind and uplifting, then I’m to keep my mouth shut until I can think of something nice.”

  Noah smirked at her. “So you were listening while I paddled your bottom? Your screaming was so loud, I thought most of my words had fallen on deaf ears.”

  “I heard you. You were shouting and spanking me with almost every word you said. Your point came through… loud and clear.”

  His deep chuckle was felt more than heard. “Continue.”

  “I learned that if I want to make friends, I have to be friendly. I learned that ginger hurts — especially if I’m wearing a tail. And if you’re paddled in the position I was in…” Her face flushed hot and she buried her head against his neck.

  “In the diaper position,” he said softly.

  “Yes, Sir. In th-that position, it’s so embarrassing that I’ll do anything to avoid that again. I also learned that I’ll do just about anything to hear you say ‘good girl.’ I feel loved and cherished when you say that — I can’t help but smile.” She paused and stroked her hand down the side of his face. “I want you to see me as your good girl, and I’ll work on being your good girl. I promise.”

  “You’ll always be my good girl. You just have naughty moments. But it’s okay, ‘cause I know how to fix the naughty girl.”

  She didn’t even answer. There was no need. He did know how. She’d never have to worry about being out of control again. She’d met her match — and she’d finally found someone who would rein her in—she hadn’t bargained for that.

  Chapter 17

  Millie and Mary had indeed become good friends to Daisy. Noah had let them go to the local quilting group once a week and they brought their jams and jellies to the church bazaars and fairs. Overall, Noah felt like they’d settled into a pattern. She’d made some good friends and with her daily spankings — and sometimes harsher punishments — she’d become quite the lady. She’d almost overcome her sharp tongue, and her defiance seemed to be at a more manageable level.

  He looked out across the pasture at Daisy picking vegetables from her garden for use during lunch and dinner. Millie had taught her how to cook, and he couldn’t be more pleased at the results. She learned quickly and responded to the praise given for her successes and her failures. It was all part of the learning process.

  The horses were all out grazing and enjoying the warm summer morning. The long grass quickly becoming dry as the evening dew evaporated. The air was thick, humid and warm, sweet with the scent of clover. He loved mornings like this and they were sweeter now that he shared them with his wife.

  Now, it all made sense when he thought back to his parents. His father always said that memories were better when shared with someone you loved — someone who was more than just a spouse — but a friend and confidant, someone you shared your hopes, dreams, and secrets with. Someone you could laugh and cry with over life’s ups and downs. His father had always said those were the things that money can’t buy, that Noah would see someday how the best things in life weren’t bought with money.

  He stared at his beautiful wife in her pale blue dress, her basket brimming with tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and carrots. Her hips sashayed as she walked toward him slowly, her smirk telling him she knew the effect she had on him.

  “Hey, dårlig pige, are you looking for trouble?” He grinned at her, knowing his response would rile her up a little.

  “Don’t call me a ‘bad girl.’ I’m not being a bad girl. Bad girls don’t make their husbands their favorite dinner.”

  He drew her into his embrace, kissing her forehead and her warm, sun-kissed hair. He whispered into her ear. “I get my favorite dinner tonight? Tell me. Whisper to me which one.”

  He then nibbled on her earlobe which sent her into hitting his arm. “Noah, stop! People will see!” She looked toward the barn and pasture where the farmhands w
ere at work.

  “What? They’ll see a husband and wife in love. How are people trained up North? Out here we show our kin how we feel.” He tucked her into his chest just to prove his point.

  Daisy smiled, rolling her eyes. “I came over here to ask if I may ride one of the horses today. I’ll bring Mary or Millie with me.”

  Noah furrowed his eyebrows, pulling away and looking down at her. “Ride the horses where?”

  “Nowhere, really. Just around here. It’s a nice day and I want to ride. If it’s okay with you.”

  Her teeth worried her red lips — which was never a good sign. It meant she was nervous, or that she was contemplating some mischief. He tipped her chin up. “I want you to stay around here. No trails and no going into town. It’s not safe. And I’ll tell Willie to saddle up Star for you to ride.”

  “Oh. But I don’t want to ride her. She’s old and slow, Noah. Please let me ride one of the others. Please.” Her lips pursed into a full on pout.

  “No whining. You know I hate that.” He waited until she turned the pout into a smile and stood quietly. “I’ll have him saddle up one of the others — not all of them are ready to ride. But I want you to be careful. No broken bones around here. You’ll be sorry if you don’t behave.”

  “I promise. I promise to behave as long as I don’t have to ride Star.” She threw her arms around him kissing his neck.

  “That reminds me. I haven’t given you your daily spanking. I should probably do that before you go riding to remind you how to behave.” He grabbed her elbow, turning her sideways in his arms.

  “Oh for Chrissake, Noah! Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not some silly child. I know how to behave!”

  Before she could even finish the sentence he’d swatted both buttocks with his hand, and judging by her reaction, it was felt even through the heavy fabric of her skirts.

  “I don’t have time to give you what you require this morning, but that reminder should help. Don’t give Willie a hard time either. You’ll ride the horse I pick for you — and that goes for Mary too.”

  Daisy brushed her hands angrily on the back of her skirt, as if his touch had left dirt on it.


  “It’s ridiculous some days how you treat me. I know how to behave. You’ll see.” She stomped off, scowling back at him.

  “See that you do! Don’t push me, dårlig pige. I’ll tan your hide right here and now.” She smartly kept her mouth shut, nibbling on that damn lip again. Never a good sign. Noah just didn’t have time to deal with her as he probably should this morning. His gut told him that she needed a good licking, but he and the men had too many things to do.

  He went looking for his new ranch hand Willie Gibson. He’d been a great addition to his ranch — hardworking, diligent, good with horses and above all, he seemed trustworthy. In the short amount of time that he’d been under Noah’s employ, he’d begun to rely on Willie for many things, including tacking up the horses for the women whenever they wanted to go out riding or running errands for him in town. Willie had a gift with horses — his understanding of how to handle them, and his ability to talk to them, calming them, was something that couldn’t be taught. Horses sense danger, evil, or fear — if a horse doesn’t trust a person, or if that person is downright evil, a horse can sense it. Just like dogs. His horses loved Willie and because of that, he’d given Willie more responsibility with training. Noah had given him responsibility for Candy, wanting the horse prepared for his wife soon. She enjoyed that spirited little filly, but he wanted Daisy to be safe on the horse —first and foremost.

  “Willie, the women are going to ride in the pastures this morning. They’re not to leave the pastures — if you see them going toward the trails or town, can you please try to intervene?”

  “Absolutely, boss. Not sure how effective I’ll be if that happens though.” Willie chuckled, shaking his head. Willie knew Daisy’s penchant for defiance — all the men did.

  “Just try. If she doesn’t stop, then come find me and I’ll bring her home to give her a red tail.”

  Willie laughed outright. “All right. What horses you want me to saddle up?”

  “I’m thinking I’ll have you saddle up Honey for Mary, and Gypsy for Daisy. They’ll probably be out soon.” He stopped and pointed to the distant tree line. “I’m going to go up on the ridge and start on the fences. You and Joe can come up and meet me there when you’re done with the women.”

  “All right, boss. See you soon.”

  * * *

  Clad in their riding pants, both Mary and Daisy walked out to the barn for their ride. Willie greeted them with Honey and Gypsy, both saddled and ready to go.

  “Willie. Why is Gypsy saddled?” Daisy asked. “I talked to Noah and he said that I would be riding Candy.”

  Willie stared at her, blinking. Daisy kept her face straight though. She’d become sick to death of waiting for Noah to let her ride “her” horse. She’d take the opportunity today — and she’d succeed if she kept her face straight.

  “Ma’am, I just spoke to him. These are the horses he instructed me to ready for you women. Besides, I don’t think Candy is ready for you to ride her.”

  “Are you accusing me of lying, Willie? Because I’m sure my husband wouldn’t be happy to hear that you’re questioning my character.” She put her hands on her hips in a show of disgust.

  “No. No, Ma’am.” Willie stared at her seriously for a minute and then, with a loud sigh, turned and started to saddle up Candy instead.

  Daisy turned to look at a pale faced Mary, who shook her head. “It’s fine, Mary. I know that horse is ready. I’ve been watching. It’ll be fine and Noah will see when he gets back that he’s just too cautious.”

  Mary’s voice trembled as she spoke. “Or he’ll decide that we both need a whippin’ and he’ll contact Mark. I don’t wanna whippin’, Daisy. Please, just ride Gypsy and then we can have a nice ride.”

  “Stop being a baby.” Daisy waved her hand at Mary dismissing her concerns. “Nothing’s going to happen — except my husband learning a lesson.”

  “I guess you’re right. It might be fun to have a race — and with Candy and Honey we’ll have a pretty good one too. What the men don’t know, won’t hurt them. But if they find out, we’re going to be the ones learning a lesson.”

  “Shhh!” Daisy shushed her. “It’s gonna be fine! They won’t know. I think someone’s coming.”

  Mary gasped. “Yes, he is!”

  “I knew you were up to no good, so I didn’t leave,” Noah whispered into Daisy’s ear. He grabbed her around the waist when she screamed and started to run. “Oh no, you don’t, bad girl.”

  “Noah! You scared me half to death!” Daisy tried pushing his hands away from her waist, but to no avail.

  “You would’ve scared me half to death too if you’d gotten on that horse. I’ve told you and told you — he’s not ready. Today, you’re going to learn to listen.” He stood her next to Mary, wagging his finger at both of them. He yelled over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off of either of them. “Willie, come over here!”

  Willie emerged from the barn looking confused at the sight of his boss standing in front of the two obviously frightened women.

  Noah waved Willie over to them. “Tell me what my wife said to you just now.”

  “Hey, Boss. Is everything okay?” Willie looked at the scowling women, apparently trying to size up the situation.

  “Not really,” Noah said. “But I want to hear what my wife said to you first.” Daisy never liked seeing that muscle twitch in Noah’s jaw. It never boded well for her backside. Just watching it made tingles race across her bottom in anticipation.

  “She came out asking why I was saddlin’ up Gypsy. She said she’d talked to you before you left, and that I was to have her ridin’ Candy.” He stopped talking, leveling a glare at her, eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching now too. “I told her that you’d told me to give her Gypsy, and that I didn’t think Candy was ready. Then she a
sked if I was callin’ her a liar and said you’d be mad if you heard I was questionin’ her character and all. I tried to see if she was lying to me, and she looked like she was tellin’ the truth. So I saddled up the horse. I’m sorry, boss.”

  “No apology needed, Willie. She lied. My wife told you a bold-faced lie, and then had the audacity to make you feel guilty for questioning her. She’s been coddled and spoiled as you can see, but that’s ended. Hasn’t it — my pet?”

  Daisy swore there were sparks shooting from his eyes. He looked lethal. He stepped forward, reaching around her and swatting her bottom so hard she staggered forward.

  “Oh, no... no, please, Noah!” She turned to see if Mary was still watching.

  “Oh, don’t you worry about her,” Noah said, stepping away from her and drawing close to Mary, tilting her chin up. “You thought it might be fun to have a race too, yes?”

  “Uhm. No. I mean. Yes, I said it. But I didn’t mean it.” Mary’s eyes filled with tears and she shuffled from one foot to the other.

  “No? Funny, because I heard you with my own ears. But I also heard you say something correctly. What was that again? Do you think you know what I’m going to say?”

  “Uhm. I’m not sure, Sir.”

  “Oh, now it’s ‘Sir.’ Interesting. Oh yes, now I remember. You said, ‘Or he’ll decide that we both need a whippin’ and he’ll contact Mark.’ Remember saying that?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her lip quivered, and a tear slid down her face.

  “I think that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.” He wiped the tear off her face, kissing her cheek gently. “It’ll be okay, Miss Mary. Mark loves you and I’m sure he’ll paddle your tail good. But you’ll be okay.”

  He then turned to Willie. “Will you ride out to Mark’s ranch, please? Tell him that his wife’s been a very bad girl and needs to be paddled. And tell him that the guest room is available, and to bring whatever he needs so that they may spend the night.” Noah went silent a moment, stroking his chin. “Oh, and be sure to tell him to bring his brown box too. He’ll know what that means.”


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