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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

Page 4

by Amy Brent

  “So, you guys didn’t do Christmas at all?” she asked.

  “Mrs. Duffield, my parents weren’t even concerned about feeding me, much less buying me Christmas gifts,” I said, snickering. “I don’t even think they realized the holiday would come and go while they were in their drugged stupor in the basement.”

  “Well,” she said as she wrapped her arm around my waist, “then we will consider this your first Christmas. We’re going to decorate the house, inside and out, and then we’ll go out and have a nice dinner. We always do it after a long day of decorating because no one in this house feels like cooking afterward.”

  “That’s very kind of you, thanks,” I said.

  “I, for one, am really glad you’re here with us this Christmas,” she said, smiling.

  “I’m excited. It’ll be nice to see it come and go with people who enjoy it,” I said.

  “I’m here, Mom. Don’t tell me you’ve started without me.”

  My dick lurched at the sound of her voice, and I pulled away from Darlene. My body whipped around and caught her walking down the hallway toward the kitchen, and I could feel myself throbbing against my jeans. She had on this tight sweater that showed off her tits that bounced with every movement she made, and skinny jeans hugged those toned legs that went on for days.

  I instantly saw her wrapping them around my waist as I plowed between those thick thighs of hers.

  “Better late than never,” Darlene said. “Would you like to help me with the outside or the inside?”

  “Outside,” she said.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to help with the inside? You might fall and hurt yourself,” Darlene said.

  “If you wanted me inside, you should’ve just said so, Mom,” Amber said.

  I want to be inside you.

  Her body was going to be a distraction for the rest of the day, I could feel it. I pulled up my pants to try and rearrange my dick without shoving my hand down there, but the only thing it did was make it worse. I slowly took a step away from Darlene as Amber’s eyes connected with mine, and for a split second I could’ve sworn she flickered her gaze down to my dick.

  “You can help me with the upstairs. I haven’t even started to exchange the towels in the bathrooms yet,” Darlene said.

  “Oh, goody. Where are the boxes I get to haul?” Amber asked.

  “Your father’s already done that part, smarty pants,” Darlene said, smiling.

  “I hate to break up the family bonding,” I said, “but I’m going to find the bathroom.”

  “Knock yourself out,” Amber said.

  However, the steely burn behind her eyes told me there was a bit more legitimacy to her statement than even she was willing to admit.

  I walked down the hallway and turned into the bathroom before I sighed with relief. Part of me wanted to beat off right here in the bathroom before I returned to decorating, but I knew if I thought about Amber’s body I wouldn’t be able to keep quiet. I splashed some cold water on my face before I soaked my hands in it, then I reached down into my pants and resituated myself. The cold water helped the throbbing of my dick to subside, but I knew I’d walk around with it for the rest of the day.

  Fucking Amber and those tight clothes of hers. She was going to drive me nuts.

  I flushed the toilet to make it seem as if I’d used the bathroom, and then I ventured back into the kitchen. Amber and Darlene were still going back and forth, and I smirked as I listened to them banter.

  “If you let me stay down here and do the tree, then we can get this done faster,” Amber said.

  “The point of decorating isn’t to make it go faster, Amber. It’s to enjoy the family’s company,” Darlene said.

  “And we can enjoy each other’s company after we are done decorating. Mom, every single year we spend the entire day decorating, and by the time we are all done, we’re too tired to enjoy dinner. Why don’t we split up the work, have one person tackle one thing, and then we can all enjoy a nice dinner and have some good conversation for once,” Amber said.

  “We’ve always done it this way, Amber. It’s not going to change just because you come in stomping your foot.”

  “I’m not stomping my foot, Mom. I’m just providing a different point of view that you obviously don’t want to even listen to,” Amber said.

  “I’ve listened, and all I hear is the sound of an ungrateful daughter who doesn’t want to spend time with her family. Luke, sweetheart, would you like to help me upstairs?” Darlene asked.

  “Sure, Mom,” he said.

  I watched the fire in Amber’s eyes dwindle as Luke walked off with Darlene, and I could understand why she was upset. It wasn’t that she wanted to change things or wanted to be a spoiled brat. She only wanted to know her voice was heard.

  And, with the familial interaction she kept getting herself into, I had a feeling that her voice wasn’t heard very often.

  She turned and looked at me, her eyes raking up and down my form, and I saw a small blush creep up her cheeks. She cleared her throat and turned towards the tree, and I smirked as I watched her walk away. Her beautifully rounded ass swayed from side to side, pulling at a dick that wanted to be plunged into the depths of that asshole. I bet she still hadn’t breached that little hole, and the idea of taking another part of her virginity vibrated my balls against my body.

  “So,” I said, “Where’s Ron?”

  “Dad’s probably about to pull in with workers to help him string up lights. Mom likes to think he does it on his own, so she ignores the fact that he hires people to do it,” she said.

  “Probably a smart move on both their parts. Your dad is at that hip-breaking age,” I said.

  “Yeah. And Mom is still not out of her heart-breaking one,” she said.

  I looked over at her as she picked up an ornament, and I could see the fight raging behind her eyes. I felt for her, I really did. I got what it was like to not be heard, or seen, or even cared about. Granted, her family gave a serious shit about her. They just had different plans for her life, I guess that was it.

  I’d kill to have a family that gave a shit like hers.

  “So,” Amber said, “won’t your family miss you for Christmas?”

  “I don’t think my family’s even thought about me since I left for New York,” I said.

  “That’s pretty fucked up, I’m sorry,” she said.

  “No biggie. Less drama to worry about.”

  “Lucky you,” she said.

  “Not really, but I get why you’d think that,” I said.

  “Oh, so now you’re an expert on my life and dynamic with my family?” she asked.

  “Hold that tongue of fire, Miss Amber, I was just letting you know I got it from your point of view.”

  “Well, I don’t need you to get anything about me,” she said.

  “Fine. Fuck,” I said.

  The more and more defensive she got, the more I wondered if it was a personal defense mechanism. As I studied her putting ornaments on the Christmas tree, I could tell she was agitated. But, she wasn’t slamming ornaments on the tree like she was agitated at the idea of decorating.

  Maybe she was just pissed that she didn’t feel she could live life the way she wanted. Or maybe she thought Luke got treated better than she did. Maybe she thought her parents were belittling her dreams or whatever the fuck had sparked the outrage at dinner that had entertained me so thoroughly.

  But, the moment her tits caught my eye, and I saw her nipples poking through her bra, my mouth began to salivate.

  Her eyes turned to me and, for the first time since I’d been there, she held my gaze. I could feel something in me giving way to her, and I reached out to push a strand of hair back behind her ear. Her face was as beautiful as I remembered from college, only it was covered by this angry mask. It made me wonder if she’d peel it back for me so I could see the woman I dreamed about pleasuring while I was in the middle of my classes.

  She parted her thin little lips, and
I suddenly saw myself shoving my cock between them. I saw her get down on her knees for me while the rest of her family was decorating upstairs. I saw her pulling my cum from my balls with her mouth as I bit back my groans and grunts, and I swear to heaven on high I could feel the fistful of her hair in my hand.

  But, her voice ripped me from my trance.

  “What the fuck are you staring at?” she asked.

  “Your tits. You a bit cold?” I asked.

  She looked down and her face flushed in embarrassment. She turned her back to me, and I saw her reach up underneath her shirt, and I caught the smallest glimpse of her milky skin that ricocheted up her waist. I wanted to reach out and touch it as my dick swelled to twice its size. It was right there. The skin I wanted to press my fucking body against was right there.

  “Nice to see some things never change,” she said as she turned back toward me.

  “Apparently, some things do,” I said as I caught her stare again.

  We both went to reach into the ornament box. I figured I could at least help her with this tree, though I’d never decorated one in my life. I’m sure I’d fuck it up somehow, and she’d probably come back behind me and correct it, but at least she would know that someone didn’t think she was worth abandoning.

  I knew what it felt like to be abandoned, and she didn’t deserve to feel that way.

  I felt a slight brush against my fingertips and looked down to see Amber’s hand against mine. Her finger was resting on top of mine as we reached for the same ornament, and my cock officially leaked into my boxers. Her skin was warm and delicate. It held the softness I’d buried my body into time and time again in the two months we were together, and now I had it against me again.

  I looked up at Amber and saw her chest panting lightly, and the telltale flush that always gave her away had crept up behind her ears and stained them the most beautiful red I’d ever seen.

  “Amber! Is there another box down there?”

  The sound of Luke’s footsteps coming down the stairs obliterated the moment as the two of us jumped back from one another. Amber took one last look down at her tits while I turned my back and shoved my hand down my pants. I rearranged myself and pulled my shirt down over the wet spot just as Luke turned the corner, and I saw Amber shaking her head as her eyes scanned the room.

  “Not down here, no. Once Tyler and I are done with the tree, I’ll take a better look around, though,” she said.

  “You know Mom means well, right?” Luke asked.

  “You would think that, since you get to follow your dreams and all,” she said.

  “And I told you I would help you with those dreams. Remember that promise I made you in high school?”

  “The promise about protecting me from bullies?” Amber asked, confused.

  “While Mom and Dad mean well, they’re bullying you into things you don’t want to do. I’m not going to let them do that,” Luke said.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “Sorry I ditched you, Tyler. My sister’s not trying to swallow you whole, is she?”

  She could fucking do that any day of the week, Luke.

  “Nah. She’s harmless,” I said.

  “Harmless?” she asked.

  “Those are fightin’ words with her,” Luke said, grinning. “Use them sparingly. She’ll kick your ass.”

  “I’d like to see her try,” I said.

  “Keep calling me bullshit things like that and you will,” she said.

  “Luke? Did you find the box?”

  Darlene pattered around the corner as her eyes scanned the room before she huffed in frustration.

  “I swear, I have no idea what your father did with that box,” Darlene said.

  “Is it possible it’s still up in the attic?” Luke said.

  “I don’t know, I can’t get up in that area of the house,” Darlene said.

  “I could give it a go, if you’d like,” I said.

  “Really, Tyler? Oh, that would be fantastic,” Darlene said.

  I saw Amber roll her eyes, and I couldn’t help but stifle a smirk. Something told me that Darlene had hoped I would offer the moment she started into the room, and who was I to deprive a damsel in distress of her hero?

  “Just show me where to climb, Mrs. D,” I said.

  “Oh! I have a nickname now,” she said. “I’ve never had a nickname before.”

  And I shook my head as the three of us started for the stairs, leaving Amber behind to finish off the Christmas tree.

  Chapter 6


  Like I knew we would be, the family was exhausted from decorating by the time we all went out to dinner. We sat in relative silence while we ate our food together like the obedient family we were supposed to be, and of course, I was sitting right across from Tyler. I knew he intentionally sat down in front of me since he had been blatantly staring at my tits this afternoon, but what I couldn’t help but notice was the way the shadows of the restaurant contoured his face.

  “So, Tyler,” my mom said, “what did you think of decorating for Christmas?”

  “I’m exhausted,” he said.

  “Did you have fun?” Mom asked.

  “A lot of fun. Thanks for letting me be a part of it,” he said.

  “Well, I’m glad you had fun,” she said.

  The table fell silent again as everyone just relaxed into their seats. Rolls were brought to the table and set in front of us, and my stomach began to growl as their beautiful smell wafted up to my nose. I reached out for a roll and grabbed it just as Tyler’s hand landed on it, and a spark of electricity ricocheted up my arm.

  I relinquished the bun to him while I praised myself for wearing a long-sleeved shirt to dinner. The last thing he needed to see was the way my hair stood on end for him.


  “Sweetheart, how do the lights look on the front of the house?” Mom asked.

  “They look good. I had to track down five busted bulbs, though. Took me hours,” Dad said.

  “Were you able to find them?” Mom asked.

  “Oh, yes. I made sure they were all working by the time we left,” Dad said.

  “I’d love to see how they look when we get home,” Luke said.

  “I’m sure they look fine,” I said.

  “Amber, we should take the time to appreciate your father’s hard work,” Mom said.

  I looked over at Dad and giggled before I shook my head. We all knew Dad had absolutely nothing to do with stringing those lights up today, but it was just another way Mom enjoyed playing us off as the perfect family. I sat back in my seat as I picked at my roll, and all of a sudden, I felt something brush against my leg.

  I whipped my gaze up to Tyler who was smirking at me, and then I felt something begin to slowly inch up the back of my leg.

  I ripped my leg back from him as heat began to bloom across my cheeks, and I hit my knee on the underside of the table.

  “Shit,” I said.

  “Language, honey,” Mom said.

  “You alright?” Luke asked.

  “Get a little shiver there?” Dad asked.

  “Yeah. Think I’m just a bit cold,” I said.

  “Want my jacket?” Tyler asked.

  “No, thanks,” I said.

  My mother was looking at me with wide eyes like she had just seen a ghost. I was about to ask her why the hell she had that goofy look on her face, but the words that flew from her mouth told me exactly what she was thinking.

  “Aren’t you going to thank him?” she asked.

  “Thank who?”

  “Tyler,” she said.

  “For what?” I asked.

  “For offering you his coat. You weren’t raised in a barn, Amber,” she said.

  “Why would I thank him for offering me a piece of clothing I didn’t take?” I asked.

  “Because it’s the polite thing to do,” she said.

  “Dad, did you thank all those workers for stringing up those lights for you?” I asked.

  “Amber!” my mother gasped.

  “Holy crap. Thank you, Tyler. For offering me a coat I didn’t need. That was sweet of you,” I said.

  “You’re very welcome for the coat you didn’t need. You can have it anytime,” he said, smirking.

  “My gosh, Amber. Would it kill you to have some decorum? Tyler’s parents are drug addicts, and he has more manners than you,” she said.

  “Mom,” Luke said.

  My eyes panned back over to Tyler whose gaze was now on the rolls in front of him. He grabbed one before his eyes flickered up to meet mine, and the playful smirk quickly fell from his face. Drug addicts? His parents were drug addicts? Is that what he meant by the fact that they hadn’t thought about him since college?

  “You had no business telling that part of Tyler’s life without his permission,” I said.

  “It’s really alright,” Tyler said.

  “I was just trying to make a comparison.”

  “Just drop it,” Tyler bit.

  The entire table fell silent as we waited for our food. Everyone was looking in all different directions while Luke was murmuring something in Mom’s ear, but the only thing I was focused on was how uncomfortable Tyler looked.


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