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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

Page 8

by Amy Brent

  She planted her hands on the bed and began bucking back into me. Her hips slammed into mine as the sounds of wet skin echoed in her bedroom, and I could feel the sweat gathering at the nape of my neck. Her pussy was clamping down onto me, trying to coax my cum from my thick dick, but I wasn’t nearly done with her body.

  Not after all the bullshit we went through this week.

  “Yes, Tyler! Don’t stop. Please!”

  I slammed into her one last time before her body collapsed to the bed. I planted kiss after kiss onto the muscles of her twitching back as she moaned her orgasm into her pillow. Her pussy had me in a vice grip, pulling me closer and closer into her, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from cumming inside of her.

  I wanted her one last time before I gave her what she wanted. What her body had always wanted.

  I slowly pulled my cock from between her legs before I flipped her body back over. Her eyes were half-hooded in pleasure, and her chest was redder than I’d ever seen it before. The mark I’d made to match the one she had from the club was already beginning to turn black, and I sank between her legs as my dick settled between her pussy lips. The tip of my cock teased her sensitive clit, causing her to jump as I kissed her beautiful lips.

  I wanted to watch her as the pleasure wafted over her face this time.

  I drew my hips back and slowly slid into her depths, and I captured her moans with my mouth. My tongue raked across the roof of her mouth as I slowly started up my thrusting, her body trembling with every pump I took. Her arms slipped around my neck as fingernails slowly raked down my skin, and I faltered at the sensation before my face dipped into the crook of her neck.

  “You like that, huh?” she asked.

  She raked her fingernails against my skin again, and it pulled an involuntary whimper from my lips. I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed her in. I took in the way her thick thighs squeezed my waist. I took in the way her breath felt on the outside of my ear. I took in how her sweat tasted on my tongue as I licked up her pulse point.

  And I took in the way her fingernails made my entire body shake with electricity.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered into my ear.

  She dug her nails into my back, and I could no longer contain myself. I slammed my hips into her and held myself inside, slowing my pace while I ruined her body. Every time I slammed into her, her fingernails would rake down my back, and I shivered at her touch. Her pussy sucked me in, beckoning me down a rabbit hole I had no way of escaping.

  And I had no want to leave as I picked up my pace.

  Her tits jumped against my skin as her fingernails held me to her body. Our teeth clattered together while her pussy swallowed my dick whole, and for once my mind had finally stopped. There was only the two of us, sweating and writhing and moaning together, our tongues devouring one another while our bodies finally gave way. This woman had teased me for an entire week, boasting of this beautiful body she had underneath her treacherous clothes.

  And I was about to make it all mine.

  “Fuck, yes,” I whispered into her skin.

  “I’m so close. Please, don’t stop. I’m so close, Tyler.”

  “Say my name,” I said.


  “Say it again.”

  “Fuck me, Tyler. Fuck me like you’ve always wanted.”

  I stopped my movements and raised to meet her gaze, and she was so taken by her pleasure that she couldn’t even open her eyes.

  “Don’t give me that command,” I warned.

  And that’s when I saw her eyes flutter open.

  “Like you’ve always wanted,” she said.

  I reared back and tossed her legs over my shoulders before I folded her quickly in half. Her eyes bulged from her head as my thick cock dove back into her depths, and her moans turned to screams as I ruined her body for any man that would ever come after me.

  Her fingernails dug into my arms while her pussy sucked me down, and after a few deep pumps, I felt her body pop around me. Her walls clamped down onto my dick as her jaw unhinged in silent release, and I dipped down to draw one of her nipples between my teeth as I felt my balls curl up into my body.

  I shoved myself deep into her, her juices spraying onto my pelvis. My dick swelled with want just before it coated the inside of her body with my cum, and suddenly I was rendered speechless. The thick streams of cum kept coming, and stars burst behind my eyes. My entire body pulled taut against hers as her legs slipped from my shoulders, and I collapsed onto her, weak and speechless, as our juices dripped from between her legs.

  Never in my life had I cum with that type of intensity.

  The closest in comparison was the first time I had been with her in college.

  “Holy fuck,” she breathed.

  But, all I could do was heave for air.

  We quickly cleaned ourselves up, our minds in a haze as we walked out to Amber’s car. In the flurry of the entire ride over, I didn’t even get to take a look at the sweet ride she had, and I threw my eyes over to her just as she dipped down behind the wheel of the car.

  “Get a good deal on this thing?” I asked.

  “You wouldn’t even believe me if I told you,” she said.

  Surprisingly enough, we got to the parade just as Luke, Darlene, and Ron were getting set up. We parked beside their car and found them just as they were settling in with the crowd, and Amber fluffed her hair out one last time in an attempt to try and look normal.

  “Hey guys,” I said as we approached.

  “Just in time,” Darlene said, smiling. “It hasn’t quite started yet. Get that little business thing of yours done?”

  “Yep. All said and done,” I said.

  “Where’s mom’s present?” Luke asked underneath his breath.

  “Dude. There were like, a billion things I could’ve gotten her. I need more time than 30 minutes to figure out what the hell she’s going to like best,” I said.

  “That’s why I sent Amber with you,” Luke said.

  “Sorry, but Amber doesn’t seem super close with your mom. She was just as lost as I was.”

  “Figures. We’ll go some other time, and I’ll come with you,” he said.

  “Fine by me.”

  The rest of the day was spent trying to sneak little touches and glances while no one was looking. A brush here, a smirk there. Someone would jostle us into one another, and I’d get a whiff of her hair or she would trip, and I’d have to help steady her on her feet. Thankfully, Luke was too entranced with the parade to catch most of what was happening, and I got to relish in how goosebumps ran up Amber’s arms every time our skin connected with one another’s.

  I knew this wouldn’t be the last time I’d have her body the way I wanted.

  And I looked forward to the next time I could taste her.

  Chapter 12


  “So, I took your advice,” I said.

  “What advice? I give good shit all the time,” Kelly said.

  “The advice you gave me about Tyler.”

  The straw of her coffee paused in mid-air, and I could tell a squeal was coming. She dropped her cup and clapped her hands as I winced at her sounds, then she wrapped her hands around me before scooting closer to the table.

  “Oh. Holy. Shit. Tell me everything. Was he the same way he was in college? Was it different? Was he huge? How many times did you cum?”

  “Kelly,” I said. “I want more of him.”

  Her eyes searched mine, and she quickly backed off her questions. Admitting that to myself was like admitting that my mother was right. I had myself so convinced that if I fucked him once and got him out of my system, then I’d be free. I’d be free of him and the hold he’d apparently had on me all these years, and I could get on with my life.

  With my family.

  With my business plans.

  “Oh, shit,” Kelly said.

  “You know this was going to happen, didn’t you?” I asked.


  “You knew if I fucked him I’d get attached. That I’d want more. You knew this was going to happen,” I said.

  “Amber, why is this such a bad thing? You got laid well it sounds like, and now you want more. What’s wrong with that?” she asked.

  “What’s wrong is everything. I can’t have that man, Kelly. He left me in college for New York City. And he didn’t tell me he was leaving until after he fucked me the night before!”

  “Oh, shit,” Kelly said.

  “Is that all you’ve got to say? ‘Oh, shit’?” I asked.

  “You loved him in college,” she said.

  “I didn’t love that sorry excuse for a man in college,” I said.

  “No woman has this reaction unless she finds out she’s still addicted to the ex she once loved. Amber, why the hell didn’t you tell me? I never would’ve told you to screw him if I knew you had been in love,” she said.

  “Oh, so that’s the fucking defining factor? My heart had to burn for him or some shit?”

  “Amber, look at how angry you are. You thought that by fucking him, you’d be able to write him off once and for all. You thought you’d finally be able to get over the guy you fell hard and fast for in college. But, all you found out was that you still wanted him. After everything he did. What did he do, by the way?” she asked.

  “You mean besides take my virginity, give me the best orgasms of my life, and then tell me he was leaving the night before he left?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Besides all that bullshit.”

  I studied her face before I drew in a deep breath. I was about to share with her something I had never told anyone. I knew Tyler would never tell anyone, if he even remembered, but what I was about to tell her was the defining moment of my college career.

  It’s what spawned the passion in me to one day open my own dance studio.

  “What did he do?” she asked.

  “There was a conversation we had one night,” I said. “It was after one of our fun nights out. He’d taken me to this stupid sub place up the road, and we’d split a sandwich before coming back and tearing up my dorm room.”

  “Alright,” she said.

  “And we got to talking. Ass naked and squeezed into that tiny little twin bed.”

  “Pillow talk got it,” she said.

  “He told me he’d caught me dancing outside of the dance building. I had been rehearsing a little number for some bullshit pop quiz I found out my ballet teacher was having, so I was putting together something quick before class. He’d apparently come around the corner to try and find me, and instead, he found me dancing.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” she asked.

  “Nothing. He told me he’d never seen something so beautiful move with such grace,” I said.

  “That’s very sweet of him. But, what does that have to do with the dance studio?” she asked.

  “He told me he’d be my first private student if I ever got around to opening my dream dance studio,” I said.

  Kelly searched my eyes before she pulled her hands back away from me. She sighed and leaned back into her chair as she slowly pieced together why I had been so adamant on the dance studio in college.

  I had to get myself out of the situation.

  “Anyway, it was a stupid little thing that grew into a bigger passion. Now, I want to teach and help the community. But, his comment got the fire roaring, I guess. Bullshit, right?” I asked.

  “If you say so,” Kelly said.

  I had to divert the subject before we followed this train of thought any longer.

  “So, I told you if you got my brother drunk he’d suck your face off,” I said, smirking.

  “Oh, that was nothing,” she said, blushing. “Just some kissing or whatever. I’m sorry, by the way, for ditching you.”

  “Don’t be. Tyler and I made our way to the bathrooms,” I said.

  “No, you didn’t!” she said. “What did you guys do?”

  At that moment, Kelly’s phone rang. She dug it out from her purse and opened it up, and a goofy smile appeared across her face. Her fingers flew over the screen of the phone as her smile grew wider, and by the time she sent it she was practically giggling to herself.

  “Let me venture a guess as to who that was,” I said.

  “I’m serious, it’s not who you think it is. And that thing in the club? Just a one-time deal. Alright?”

  I held my hands up in mock surrender, but I knew my best friend better than that. I knew she was texting my brother, and I was happy for her. I hadn’t seen her smile like that over someone in a very long time, and I figured when the time was right she would tell me.

  But then, just as Kelly’s phone rang out again, mine vibrated in my pocket.

  What are you up to?

  It was Tyler, and I couldn’t help but smirk.

  Hanging out with Kelly while she lies to me about texting my brother. You?

  I rose my gaze to Kelly’s eyes, and I could see the hint of a smile on her cheeks.

  “Anyone interesting?” she asked.

  “Nope,” I said.

  Boring shit with your brother. So, that’s who he’s texting. Got it. Want to get together later?

  It was becoming harder and harder to bury the smirk threatening to peel across my cheeks. But, I looked up at Kelly and saw her face-deep in her phone, so I figured I was safe for now.

  And how do you propose we do that?

  It was an honest question. The parade thing had been nothing but luck and incredible timing. However, intentionally sneaking around was going to be a bit more difficult.

  Even if I did have my own place.

  I have an appointment to tour some office spaces Tuesday morning while Luke does some other things around the city for the business. Figured I could squeeze you in.

  An involuntary giggle rose from my throat, and Kelly snapped her head up to look at me. I bit down on my lip, trying to stifle it further, but the only thing it did was confirm for Kelly what she was thinking.

  “Have fun,” she said, winking.

  “Oh, shut up. You’re stuck with me all day. Girl’s afternoon, remember?” I asked.

  “Just sayin’. You want to scoot off, go right on ahead,” she said.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I asked.

  “Just means I get more sordid details later,” she said, winking.

  Sure. I think I’d enjoy you squeezing me in. Keep in touch.

  “You guys just make plans?” Kelly asked.

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “What are you guys going to do?” she asked.

  “He’s got some office buildings he’s touring Tuesday morning. Says he wants to squeeze me in.”

  “Fuck, I’m sure he does,” she said. “Sounds like he’s just as hooked as you are.”

  “Don’t say shit like that,” I said. “This is a fling. Nothing more. A nice little holiday relaxation while I deal with the bullshit that is my parents.”

  “They still riding you on their own dreams versus yours?” she asked.

  “My mother actually asked me when I’d get over my dance studio phase,” I said.

  “Phase? She called it a phase?” she asked.

  “Yep. And then, in the same breath, she encouraged Luke and Tyler to open another side business or some bullshit.”

  “Your mom’s a piece of work,” she said.

  “You’re telling me.”

  Kelly’s phone rang again, and I lost her to the conversation she was having with my brother. The smile on her face told me she was happy, and I figured the only thing I could do was support her. She was an incredible woman who deserved a good man, and that’s exactly what my brother was. I knew he would treat her right and support Kelly in whatever the hell it was they were trying to do. For now, it was probably just innocent conversation. But, it was innocent conversation that made my best friend smile.

  And I was all for it.

  Now, if only he would be alright w
ith me fucking his best friend.

  Chapter 13


  Luke brought me to buy gifts for his parents since, you know, I decided to fuck his sister instead. I’d never done this type of thing before, so I honestly wasn’t sure what the hell I was looking at. We went from store to store while Luke picked apart every gift he thought might be right for them, and I suddenly realized why Amber hated this with her family so much.

  “Dude, are you ever going to settle on something?” I asked.

  “Presents are a big deal in my family at Christmas time. They have to be perfect,” he said.

  “But, they’re just gifts. Things people will throw away eventually,” I said.

  “Not if they mean something. Not if they’re important,” he said.

  “Whatever. All I know is you aren’t dragging me around for much longer,” I said.

  “I know, I know. We’ve been out here awhile. Sorry. I just have no idea what to get Mom and Dad. That’s the issue with not coming home as much because of the business. I’m not there to listen when they start talking about shit like this. Amber, though, will be easy to buy for.”


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